Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro River Basin: From Theory to Facts
:1. Introduction
2. Background for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro Basin
3. Three Categories of Challenges for an Effective Application of IWRM in the Ebro Basin
3.1. Ecosystemic Approach: Water Supply, Demand and Climate Change
3.2. Management Instruments: From Partial to Total Cost Recovery
3.3. Institutional Roles: Participation and Institutional Coordination
4. An Example of an Approach to IWRM: The Matarraña Sub-Catchment
4.1. Hydrological, Socioeconomic and Institutional Background
4.2. The Matarraña Agreement: The Facts
Means | Construction of Two Lateral Pools Fed with Water Diverted from the Matarraña and Ebro Rivers |
Condition 1: | Environmental preservation of the whole Matarraña river bed |
Condition 2: | All parts reject the wells in the higher basin (and anywhere else if there is no social agreement ) |
Condition 3: | Possibility of a definite solution for water regulation within the basin (Torre del Compte dam) remains open. |
4.3. A Final Comparison of the Theory and Facts of IWRM in the Ebro and Matarraña River Basins
(a) Ecosystemic Approach and Scientific Knowledge Consideration | (b) Management Instruments: Economic (Supply-Demand) Allocation and Pricing | (c) Institutional Roles: Interaction among All Actors and Negotiation | ||
Theory/ law/ plans | IWRM * | Integration of various scientific, disciplines, including natural and social scientific knowledge | Demand oriented. It stresses the economic instruments and negotiation | Pro-active citizen participation. Institutions collaborating (allowing bottom-up experiences), identifying conditions for collective action for the management of common pool resources. |
WFD | Ecosystemic and participative. Introducing River basin districts | Economic analysis of water uses, total costs recovery, incentive pricing and cost-effectiveness criteria. | Pro-active citizen participation. Active involvement of interest groups and the public at large in river basin management | |
Ebro River Basin Plan | Subject to supra-basin directives (State and WFD) in the preambles. | Subject to supra-basin directives (State and WFD) in the preambles. | Subject to supra-basin directives (State and WFD) in the preambles. | |
Facts | Ebro River Basin | Only supply side approach. No integration with current scientific knowledge in social or natural sciences. | Traditional administrative tariffs and fees and water quotas. | Decisions taken by the River Basin Authority (strongly biased towards traditional users) after consultations. Emphasis on supply side instruments and top-down approach. |
Matarraña SubBasin | From 2000 onwards, with real participation and wide agreements. Scientific experts’ considerations were taken into account. | Should be considered. | Commission with representatives of the EHC, regional government, municipalities, PLADEMA, the IC and ECODES. Bottom-up approach. |
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Bielsa, J.; Cazcarro, I. Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro River Basin: From Theory to Facts. Sustainability 2015, 7, 441-464.
Bielsa J, Cazcarro I. Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro River Basin: From Theory to Facts. Sustainability. 2015; 7(1):441-464.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBielsa, Jorge, and Ignacio Cazcarro. 2015. "Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro River Basin: From Theory to Facts" Sustainability 7, no. 1: 441-464.
APA StyleBielsa, J., & Cazcarro, I. (2015). Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in the Ebro River Basin: From Theory to Facts. Sustainability, 7(1), 441-464.