Cheat Electricity? The Political Economy of Green Electricity Delivery on the Dutch Market for Households and Small Business
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. What Is the Market-Based GO-Trade System in Directive 2009/28?
1.3. Theory and Policy Theory Regarding GO Trade
2. Methodology
2.1. Domain
2.2. Concepts, Goal, Research Questions, Method
- Q1.
- How successful has the consumption of green energy (in terms of the size of the market share) been in the Netherlands, and how can we explain this in terms of the implementation mechanisms of the renewable energy directive and its broader context?
- Q2.
- How have representatives of consumers and other societal groups criticized the GO-trade system, and how can we understand this criticism from their motives and their position in the implementation structure?
- Q3.
- What actions were taken by societal groups as a follow-up to their criticism? Do their activities affect the market-based GO-trade system?
- National government (Ministry of Economic Affairs);
- Consumers’ representatives (Consumentenbond (CB), and Eigen Huis (EH)), nature and environmental groups (Greenpeace, Natuur en Milieuorganisatie, Wereld Natuur Fonds, and Wise), and other organizations: Hivos, Hier Opgewekt;
- Energy companies’ representatives (Energie Nederland VEMV); and
- Representatives of the energy sector and consumers.
3. Results
3.1. Successful Implementation of EC 2009/28, Large Demand and Supply
3.2. Criticism of the GO-Trade System: Transparency, Additionality
3.2.1. Lack of Transparency
3.2.2. GO-Trade System
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- The level of production of water energy in Norway, Sweden, and Finland after the introduction of Directive 2009/28 (2008–2014) did not change, as statistics of the International Energy Agency show [47]. The amount of water energy produced is different every year but does not rise over the course of years. Statistics of the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy show the same pattern in Norway, being the country that exports the largest amount of water GOs [48].
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- Prices for GOs are low (in 2015: around 22 eurocent) and therefore do not provide a stimulus for investment in water energy. Norway received an estimated €2 million for its GO exports, Sweden €1.25 million, and Finland €0.5 million [43,49]. GO trade gives energy companies or traders an additional source of income but is at this moment not an influential parameter in the behavior of private organizations in the energy sector.
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- GO trade creates a reality on paper that differs from the usual trade in goods and services. For example: Norway produces 98% of its energy needs by means of water energy [46]. This is a convenient technology, using water and height differences provided by the country’s natural terrain. Around 12% of its water energy is actually exported through the existing pipeline infrastructure to other countries, amongst which the Netherlands [50]. GO trade resulted for Norway in an export of 88% of Norwegian renewable energy [46]. Renewable energy is not a popular product, as around 22% of Nordic citizens buy renewable energy to cover their electricity needs. The Norwegian energy companies’ GO-trade system is not of much interest to consumers or citizens.
3.3. System of GO Trade under Pressure: Activities and Effects of Societal Groups’ Criticism?
4. Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Market-share green energy | 29 | 38 | 36 | 31 | 31 | 35 | 39 | 44 | 53 | 61 | 63 | 64 | 64 |
Type | Focus | Constituency | Related to e-Sector | |
1. Consumentenbond (CB) | Association of consumers | National | Consumers 2015: 486, 403 | No |
2. Eigen Huis (EH) | Association of homeowners | National | House owners: 2015: 712, 954 | No |
3. WNF | Association of nature friends | National International | Nature friends | Eneco |
4. Greenpeace | Environmental pressure group | National International | Citizens | No |
5. Natuur-en Milieufederaties (NME) | Environmental activity group | National | Nature friends | No |
6. Wise | Anti-nuclear action group | National | Anti-nuclear antagonists | No |
7. HIVOS | Sustainability | National International | Citizens | No |
8. Hier Opgewekt (HO) | Cooperation NME and Hier Klimaatbureau | National | See NME, TSO, VNG | RWE/Essent |
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Share and Cite
Hufen, J.A.M. Cheat Electricity? The Political Economy of Green Electricity Delivery on the Dutch Market for Households and Small Business. Sustainability 2017, 9, 16.
Hufen JAM. Cheat Electricity? The Political Economy of Green Electricity Delivery on the Dutch Market for Households and Small Business. Sustainability. 2017; 9(1):16.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHufen, J. A. M. 2017. "Cheat Electricity? The Political Economy of Green Electricity Delivery on the Dutch Market for Households and Small Business" Sustainability 9, no. 1: 16.
APA StyleHufen, J. A. M. (2017). Cheat Electricity? The Political Economy of Green Electricity Delivery on the Dutch Market for Households and Small Business. Sustainability, 9(1), 16.