The aim of this section is to evaluate SEVIRI LSTs agreement with in-situ observations. Therefore, we compared the SEVIRI retrieved LSTs and the forecasted LSTs from the model to local data in France and Portugal. Two sites located in the AROME-France domain where observed surface temperature is available at an hourly temporal frequency were chosen for this study: Toulouse station in France and Evora station in Portugal. SEVIRI observes the Earth with a 15 min temporal resolution but the comparison is limited to clear sky SEVIRI observations taken on sharp hours only. Four periods of two months each were considered for the comparisons: spring (April & May 2018), summer (July & August 2018), autumn (October & November 2018) and winter (January & February 2018).
3.2. Results of Comparison
This section presents the results of comparing SEVIRI LSTs with local LSTs for Toulouse and Evora stations during spring, summer, fall and winter periods. The comparison includes the diurnal cycles and also the statistics of differences in terms of mean difference and standard deviation. The comparison includes also the LST forecast by the AROME-France/SURFEX model.
While LST validation Evora station is situated in a homogeneous area in terms of soil cover, the Toulouse station is situated in an urban area at the west side of Toulouse between the town and the lake of La Ramée. Since different soil covers have different radiative properties, we decided to compare the soil occupation observed by the station pyrometer and the SEVIRI pixels. For Toulouse station, on one side, the radiometer is observing a small homogeneous field of grass inside the Toulouse Météopole, and on the other side, SEVIRI pixels cover different large areas including various proportions of town and nature soil occupation. Worth to note that some of the nearest pixels of SEVIRI to the observation station cover the urban area of southern part of Toulouse (
Figure 2a) which presents different soil covers than the area observed by the radiometer. For Evora station, the nearest SEVIRI pixels to the station observe similar soil cover as the radiometer (
Figure 2b).
Figure 2b shows higher values of RMSE in north-west of Evora station. This area is characterized by a different soil occupation with forested area which induces different emissivities.
During the summer period (July & August 2018), we found a good agreement between local mean LST from Toulouse station and SEVIRI mean LST. However, model LST overestimates the measured LST. This behavior is noticed during daytime and nighttime as shown in
Figure 3(a1). Since Toulouse station is in the suburbs of Toulouse city, it’s worth to mention that AROME-France model includes the Town Energy Balance (TEB) module that takes into account the impact of urban areas on the surface parameters, which might explain the overestimated temperatures by the model. Moreover, the heating effect of the urban areas that might be observed by SEVIRI can contribute to the positive bias of SEVIRI LSTs during daytime as shown in
Figure 3(a2). The heating effect can be noticed during nighttime also since urban areas continue to free the heat stored during daytime. An opposite effect is observed for Evora station, which is situated in an area where crops are dominating, but with forested area nearby. In fact, the trees have higher emissivities and have a cooling effect on the LSTs.
Figure 3(b1) shows that SEVIRI brings useful information in order to better represent the local LST diurnal variability of Evora station, with a better description of maximum temperature and daytime values. The blue line describes the number of available SEVIRI LST data for every time period.
For Toulouse station, the bias between SEVIRI LSTs and observation is reduced during daytime compared to the bias between model LST and local observation by around 3 K (
Figure 3(a2)). The mean difference between model LSTs and observed one exceeds 7 K during daytime (09UTC–13UTC) and remains over 3 K during all the day. In terms of standard deviation, SEVIRI LSTs present in most cases an amplitude of standard deviation varying between 1.5 K and 2.5 K but can exceed 3.5 K in early afternoon. For the comparison between model LSTs and local LSTs, the standard deviation of differences varies in most cases between 1.5 K and 2.5 K with higher amplitudes during early afternoon.
For Evora station,
Figure 3(b2) shows that the bias is reduced in most cases with respect to model LST especially during daytime when it can be reduced by up to 4 K. The standard deviation of SEVIRI LSTs with local LSTs difference is also reduced with respect to model LSTs in most cases by up to 0.9 K especially during nighttime.
Figure 4(a1), the comparison of SEVIRI LSTs with local LSTs from Toulouse station during winter period (January & February 2018) shows a better agreement during daytime than during nighttime. A good agreement is also noticed between local LSTs from Evora station and SEVIRI LSTs which reproduce well its diurnal variability (
Figure 4(b1)). In most cases, SEVIRI LST underestimates LST compared to the observation station one. Worth to be mentioned that the SEVIRI observations at 04 UTC were not taken into account in the short cut-off of AROME-France assimilation before July 2018, that is why data from this time period are missing in the winter and spring periods.
Figure 4(a2) shows statistics of difference between SEVIRI LSTs and local LSTs from Toulouse station. During daytime, we find a bias of less than ±2 K with respect to local LSTs in most cases, and a standard deviation from 1.6 K to 4 K. During nighttime, SEVIRI LSTs display larger differences compared to local LST with a bias that can reach −2.5 K. The standard deviation increases also compared to daytime with up to 2 K. The SEVIRI LSTs underestimate the observed LSTs during nighttime in most cases. Contrary to summer period when SEVIRI LSTs presented higher positive bias during daytime and also nighttime, the urban areas have smaller impact on LSTs during winter period. In fact, due to lower illumination conditions, the nearby urban areas contribute much less in heating the surface. Moreover, due to higher cloudiness, possible undetected clouds inside SEVIRI pixels might contribute in the observed negative bias. In
Figure 4(b2), the comparison with local LSTs from Evora station presents a bias with an amplitude of less than 2 K and a standard deviation of less than 2.5 K in most cases. Compared to model LSTs, SEVIRI LSTs have, when compared to local LSTs, a smaller bias during daytime and a larger bias during nighttime in most cases.
For Evora station, the number of available clear sky pixels is doubled compared to Toulouse station. It is likely that the higher cloudiness for the latter station explains the higher standard deviation values due to the presence of some undetected clouds. Moreover, depending on which near pixels are clear, the contribution of landscape might be different. In fact, the Toulouse station surrounding landscape is not as homogeneous as for Evora, but is a mixing of urban areas, lake surface and vegetation. Therefore, the contribution of the different landscapes for every SEVIRI pixel is mixed and differs from one pixel to an other.
On other side, we find larger bias amplitudes during the summer period than during the winter period, especially during daytime. For Evora station, SEVIRI LSTs have larger negative bias amplitudes during day time. One possible reason is the shadow/sunlit impact [
37]. In fact, the satellite observes the shadow zones covered by the isolated groups of trees in the station area, that are not fully taken into account by the radiometer, which is on a height of only few meters. The shadow/sunlit impact is smaller during daytime in winter period, due to less solar illumination conditions and also lower density of tree leaves, which is in agreement with
Figure 4(b2). During nighttime, the underestimation of observed LSTs might be explained by the higher LSEs used for SEVIRI LSTs retrieval during Winter period. In fact, the comparison of Winter and Summer averaged LSEs for Evora area showed higher values during Winter period (not shown).
Table 3 summarizes the statistics of differences of SEVIRI LSTs with local LSTs (SEVIRI LST-Local LST) over the four studied periods for both Toulouse and Evora stations.
Table 3 shows statistics of differences to local observation with SEVIRI LSTs and with model LSTs. During summer period, the bias is reduced by 1.46 K for Toulouse and slightly reduced by 0.12 K for Evora. The standard deviation is slightly increased by 0.63 K for Toulouse but reduced by 1 K for Evora.
During winter period, the bias amplitude between SEVIRI LSTs and local observation decreases by 1.09 K for Toulouse station and increases by 0.89 K for Evora compared to model LSTs. In terms of standard deviation, a higher value is found with SEVIRI LSTs than with model LSTs by 2.88 K for Toulouse station and for Evora by 0.45 K. Worth to mention that the comparison of monthly mean bias for model LSTs compared to local LSTs in Toulouse shows a smaller amplitude of bias during winter period [
During Spring and Autumn, we find a reduced bias with SEVIRI LSTs compared to local observation with respect to model LSTs for Toulouse station (by 1.8 K for Spring and 0.92 K for Autumn). However, the bias is increased for Evora station (by 1.29 K for Spring and 0.62 K for Autumn). In the other hand, the standard deviation is increased for both stations.
We evaluated in this first section SEVIRI LSTs compared to local remote sensed LSTs for two observation stations in Toulouse and Evora during four periods from different seasons. The results show a good global agreement especially during summer. SEVIRI LSTs show also better agreement with local LSTs than the model in most cases during daytime. The question then is, what agreement SEVIRI LSTs have with respect to other infrared-sensor LSTs, such as IASI. We discuss this question in the following section.