Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements
:1. Introduction
- Is a simple, linear, multivariate data analysis technique able to discriminate between oil slicks and petroleum-free slicks?
- Is it feasible to reach classification accuracy levels to support operational implementations (commercial or academic) of our proposed algorithm?
- Does the application of non-linear data transformations affect the oil and look-alike discrimination?
- Can the sole use of Meteorological-Oceanographic (MetOc) satellite information distinguish oil from false targets?
- Is there any specific combination of attributes that leads to a superior discrimination between oil slicks and slick-alikes?
- Is our LDA-developed algorithm applicable to other regions?
1.1. Linear Differentiation Background: Seeps vs. Spills
1.1.1. Human-Dependent Operational Guidelines
1.1.2. Initial Automated Procedure: Carvalho
- The feasibility of automatically separating oil (seeps) from oil (spills) using a simple, classical, linear classification method—i.e., LDA; and
- The possibility of achieving an effective seep-spill discrimination exploiting two straightforwardly calculated oil slick basic morphological characteristics (area and perimeter; after using a PCA), calculated from satellite measurements.
1.1.3. Subsequent Investigations: Carvalho et al.
- The superiority of non-linear data transformations: log10 and cube root;
- The use of strict UPGMA (0.3 > r > −0.3) for selecting uncorrelated variables; and
- The optimal discrimination performance of the actual values of a few size variables ratios: perimeter-to-area (PtoA) and compact index (CMP=(4.π.area)/(perimeter2))—both in the log10 transformed sets, thus far accompanied by fractal index (FRA=(2.ln(perimeter/4))/(ln(area))) in the cube cases.
1.1.4. Comparing Gulf of Mexico and Campos Basin Studies
- Targets: Oil seeps and oil spills were classified, whereas here oil slicks are differentiated from slick-alikes;
- Location: The Mexican coast in the Gulf of Mexico was the initial study area, and here signals off the coast of Brazil are investigated—see Section 2.1;
- Data: While more than 4500 targets were used in the earlier studies, only about 750 samples are available for the current analysis; both studies have similarly balanced dichotomy distributions of ~50% per category—see Section 2.2;
- Satellites: RADARSAT-2 (VV-polarized, 16-bit) was used in the Gulf of Mexico studies, whereas here RADARSAT-1 (HH-polarized, 8-bit) data are used—see Section 2.2.1;
- Variables: In the previous studies, a wide-range of descriptors was used: SAR-signatures in gamma-, beta-, and sigma-naught (backscatter coefficients) measured in amplitude and decibels with and without a despeckle filter, augmented by size variables. Here, SAR-signature coefficients are not used, but we incorporate size and MetOc-information—see Section 3.1;
- Objectives: Both studies, i.e., theirs and ours, are directed at developing algorithms to automate what is done by trained domain experts interpreting satellite imagery to routinely tell apart two types of target-slicks observed on the sea surface.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Database
2.2.1. RADARSAT-1
2.2.2. Stages to Detect Oil and Look-Alikes in Satellite Imagery Geometry, Shape, and Dimension Variables Meteorological and Oceanographic (MetOc) Information
2.3. Research Strategy
2.3.1. Phase 1: Quality Control (QC)
- Verification of the reliability of the database records after data inconsistencies, i.e., removal of any sort of errors—for example, instances with missing value for any given attribute, obvious outliers, noisy data, etc.;
- Valuation of the attribute types to their suitability for our purposes; and
- Inspection of correlation matrices to avoid inter-correlation, as LDAs require the smallest correlation among the candidate variables [46].
2.3.2. Phase 2: Attribute–Domain Subdivisions
2.3.3. Phase 3: Data Transformations
2.3.4. Phase 4: Feature Selection
2.3.5. Phase 5: Linear Discriminant Analyses (LDAs)
- The candidate variables must have the least possible inter-correlation [46]—this has been addressed above (Phases 1 and 4); and
- The data must contain dichotomy information (in our case, oil and look-alikes) that is used to reach (and corroborate) the models’ classification accuracy—this is dealt with below (Phase 6), and indeed, these mutually exclusive a priori known labels are used to fine-tune our supervised learning application [49].
2.3.6. Phase 6: Accuracy Assessment
3. Results
3.1. QC-Standards
- Area;
- Per: perimeter;
- PtoA: perimeter-to-area ratio;
- CMP: compact index;
- FRA: fractal index;
- LtoW: length-to-width ratio;
- DEN: density;
- CUR: curvature; and
- NUM: number of parts of each target.
- SST: sea surface temperature;
- CHL: concentration of chlorophyll-a; and
- WND: wind speed.
3.2. Attribute–Domain Subdivisions
- All size information (n = 9), see Section 3.1;
- Carvalho (n = 2)—Area and Per;
- Carvalho et al. (n = 3)—PtoA, CMP, and FRA;
- Bentz (n = 4)—LtoW, DEN, CUR, and NUM;
- Bentz with Carvalho (n = 6);
- Bentz with Carvalho et al. (n = 7); and
- MetOc-Only (n = 3), see Section 3.1.
3.3. Feature Selection
- There is a considerable reduction in the attribute dimensionality in all combinations of attributes;
- Whenever the three MetOc variables are considered, they are always selected, including the MetOc-Only subdivision;
- Among all attribute–domain subdivisions, the number of selected (uncorrelated) variables ranges from two to nine; and
- In four subdivisions (i.e., Carvalho in the three transformations and Carvalho et al. with log10; all without MetOc) the attributes are correlated, and as such are not selected.
3.3.1. Dendrogram Visual Inspection
- Purple: Area and Per form a group with CHL;
- Brown: CMP, DEN, and NUM form another separate group; and
- Yellow: PtoA, FRA, LtoW, and CUR tend to group with SST and WND.
3.4. Accuracy Assessment
- The top seventeen ranks from the subdivisions with MetOc;
- Eight ranks from the subdivisions without MetOc;
- The three MetOc-Only subdivisions, and another Carvalho subdivision (Area) with the three MetOc variables and no transformation (hierarchy #28 of Table 6); and
- The remaining six subdivisions without MetOc.
4. Discussion
- Distinct categories of targets can be analyzed: the earlier studies were directed at the classification of mineral oil slick products (oil seeps vs. oil spills), but here the focus is on differentiating two types of low radar backscatter signals (oil slicks vs. slick-alikes);
- Different SAR dual co-polarizations measurements can be exploited: their SAR-derived smooth texture polygons were digitally classified with VV-polarized, 16-bit scenes (RADARSAT-2), but the database in this study was derived from HH-polarized, 8-bit imagery (RADARSAT-1); and
- Samples can come from different geographic places: the seep-spill effective discrimination was accomplished with oil slicks observed in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas here we analyzed targets from the offshore southeastern Brazilian coast (Figure 1).
- It includes interpretations by experts that have been supported by ancillary MetOc data [17]. The accuracy assessment of the LDA algorithms is compared to these man-made interpretations;
- The 402 scenes were sampled at about four images per week (between July 2001 and June 2003), thus registering the extremely high MetOc variability of the Campos Basin, and providing a large and quite well-balanced class distribution (Figure 2) of 350 petroleum pollution records (exploration and production oil, ship- and orphan-spills) versus 419 non-petroleum targets (biogenic films, algal blooms, upwelling, low wind, or rain cells). This sampling rate ensured that a wide range of conditions of various factors influencing the detection of oil slicks in SAR imagery (e.g., sea conditions, SAR noise floor, incidence angle, etc.; such aspects were not directly measured) were well represented.
5. Conclusions
- This research has shown that oil slicks and radar look-alikes are distinguishable by means of a simple linear, but mathematically-robust, multivariate data analysis technique, LDA.
- The LDA algorithms achieved classification accuracies that support further, systematic implementation (commercially or academically), as the best overall classification accuracies of ~80% with good levels of sensitivity (~90%), specificity (~80%), positive (~80%) and negative (~90%) predictive values have been demonstrated.
- The application of non-linear transformations does not result in improvement in the discrimination of oil slicks and look-alike signals. In fact, both the best and worst accuracies (83.7% and 67.3%) were achieved using the same transformation: log10, as expected from the seep-spill discrimination findings of Carvalho et al.
- It has been demonstrated that the exclusive use of the magnitude of contextual Meteorological-Oceanographic (MetOc) satellite-derived variables (sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a (CHL), and wind speed (WND)) is sufficient to distinguish oil slicks from false targets. The best classification accuracy using solely MetOc variables (with the cube root transformation applied) is 77.1%.
- A specific set of attributes was selected to be used in our analyses after the legacy left from the seep-spill discrimination [18,21,22,23,24], so as by the available variables within the database [17] (Table 5). From these, several attribute combinations were tested and led to similar discriminations of oil slicks and slick-alikes: most of the top 17 attribute subdivisions resulted in an overall accuracy > 80%. Thus, “the best” selection of variables cannot be specified, as we did not test all possible combinations of variables. Nevertheless, among the 39 attribute subdivisions tested, the most reliable discrimination (overall accuracy of 83.7%) has seven descriptors: Area, length-to-width ratio (LtoW), density (DEN), number of parts of each target (NUM), and the magnitudes of SST, CHL, and WND—i.e., the Bentz with Carvalho with MetOc with log10 subdivision. The worst discrimination only accounts for two variables: DEN and NUM (67.8% of overall accuracy—i.e., Bentz without MetOc with log10).
- The set-up of our LDA-based algorithm is most likely not site-specific, and indeed it could be applied to other regions. However, the applicability of the algorithms should be confirmed if a local training dataset is available. If such a dataset is available, and our algorithm is found not to be sufficiently effective, then the approach presented here could be followed to generate a more locally appropriate algorithm.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | All known targets | |
Known oil slicks | A | B | A + B |
Known look-alikes | C | D | C + D |
All LDA targets | A + C | B + D | A + B + C + D |
LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | All known targets | |
Known oil slicks | Correctly classified oil slicks | Miss classified oil slicks | All known oil slicks (i.e., 350) |
Known look-alikes | Miss classified look-alikes | Correctly classified look-alikes | All known look-alikes (i.e., 419) |
All LDA targets | All LDA classified oil slicks | All LDA classified look-alikes | All known targets (i.e., 769) |
LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | All known targets | |
Known oil slicks | A/(A+B) | B/(A+B) | (A+B)/(A+B) |
Known look-alikes | C/(C+D) | D/(C+D) | (C+D)/(C+D) |
LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | All known targets | |
Known oil slicks | Sensitivity | False negative | 100% |
Known look-alikes | False positive | Specificity | 100% |
LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | |
Known oil slicks | A/(A+C) | B/(B+D) |
Known look-alikes | C/(A+C) | D/(B+D) |
All LDA targets | (A+C)/(A+C) | (B+D)/(B+D) |
LDA oil slicks | LDA look-alikes | |
Known oil slicks | Positive predictive value | Inverse of the neg. pred. val. |
Known look-alikes | Inverse of the pos. pred. val. | Negative predictive value |
All LDA targets | 100% | 100% |
Oil slicks | Look-alikes | All targets | |||
A | A/(A+B) | D | D/(C+D) | A+D | (A+D) |
A/(A+C) | D/(B+D) | (A+B+C+D) | |||
Oil slicks | Look-alikes | All targets | |||
Correctly classified oil slicks | Sensitivity | Correctly classified look-alikes | Specificity | Correctly classified targets | Overall accuracy |
Positive predictive value | Negative predictive value |
Selected Variables (+ and @): Uncorrelated if 0.3 > r > -0.3 | Size Information (n = 9) | MetOc (n = 3) | Selected Variables (uncorrelated) out of Explored Variables | ||||||||||||
“Carvalho“ | “Carvalho et al.” | “Bentz” | |||||||||||||
Subdivisions | Transformations | Area | Per | PtoA | CMP | FRA | LtoW | DEN | CUR | NUM | SST | CHL | WND | Without MetOc | With MetOc |
1.“All size information“ | None | + | . | + | + | + | + | . | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 6 out of 9 | 9 out of 12 |
Cube root | + | . | + | + | + | + | . | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 6 out of 9 | 9 out of 12 | |
log10 | @ | . | + | + | + | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 4 out of 7 | 8 out of 10 | |||
2. Carvalho | None | @ | . | @ | @ | @ | 0 out of 2 | 4 out of 5 | |||||||
Cube root | @ | . | @ | @ | @ | 0 out of 2 | 4 out of 5 | ||||||||
log10 | @ | . | @ | @ | @ | 0 out of 2 | 4 out of 5 | ||||||||
3. Carvalho et al. | None | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 3 | 6 out of 6 | ||||||
Cube root | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 3 | 6 out of 6 | |||||||
log10 | @ | . | @ | @ | @ | 0 out of 2 | 4 out of 5 | ||||||||
4. Bentz | None | @ | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 4 | 7 out of 7 | |||||
Cube root | @ | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 4 | 7 out of 7 | ||||||
log10 | @ | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 2 out of 3 | 6 out of 6 | |||||||
5. Bentz with Carvalho | None | + | . | + | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 5 out of 6 | 8 out of 9 | |||
Cube root | + | . | + | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 5 out of 6 | 8 out of 9 | ||||
log10 | + | . | + | + | + | @ | @ | @ | 4 out of 5 | 7 out of 8 | |||||
6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | None | + | + | + | + | . | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 5 out of 7 | 8 out of 10 | ||
Cube root | + | + | + | + | . | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 5 out of 7 | 8 out of 10 | |||
log10 | + | + | + | . | + | @ | @ | @ | 4 out of 5 | 7 out of 8 | |||||
7. MetOc-Only | None | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 3 | ||||||||||
Cube root | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 3 | |||||||||||
log10 | @ | @ | @ | 3 out of 3 |
Hierarchy | Subdivisions | Variables | Transformations | MetOc | Oil Slicks | Look-Alikes | All Targets | |||
1 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 7 out of 8 | log10 | With | 316 | 90.3% | 328 | 78.3% | 644 | 83.7% |
77.6% | 90.6% | |||||||||
2 | 1. All size information | 9 out of 12 | Cube root | With | 309 | 88.3% | 335 | 80.0% | 644 | 83.7% |
78.6% | 89.1% | |||||||||
3 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 8 out of 10 | Cube root | With | 315 | 90.0% | 326 | 77.8% | 641 | 83.4% |
77.2% | 90.3% | |||||||||
4 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 7 out of 8 | log10 | With | 315 | 90.0% | 325 | 77.6% | 640 | 83.2% |
77.0% | 90.3% | |||||||||
5 | 1. All size information | 9 out of 12 | None | With | 305 | 87.1% | 334 | 79.7% | 639 | 83.1% |
78.2% | 88.1% | |||||||||
6 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 8 out of 10 | None | With | 304 | 86.9% | 334 | 79.7% | 638 | 83.0% |
78.1% | 87.9% | |||||||||
7 | 1. All size information | 8 out of 10 | log10 | With | 315 | 90.0% | 323 | 77.1% | 638 | 83.0% |
76.6% | 90.2% | |||||||||
8 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 8 out of 9 | Cube root | With | 321 | 91.7% | 311 | 74.2% | 632 | 82.2% |
74.8% | 91.5% | |||||||||
9 | 2. Carvalho | 4 out of 5 | log10 | With | 310 | 88.6% | 308 | 73.5% | 618 | 80.4% |
73.6% | 88.5% | |||||||||
10 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 8 out of 9 | None | With | 303 | 86.6% | 315 | 75.2% | 618 | 80.4% |
74.4% | 87.0% | |||||||||
11 | 4. Bentz | 7 out of 7 | Cube root | With | 299 | 85.4% | 318 | 75.9% | 617 | 80.2% |
74.8% | 86.2% | |||||||||
12 | 3. Carvalho et al. | 6 out of 6 | Cube root | With | 306 | 87.4% | 309 | 73.7% | 615 | 80.0% |
73.6% | 87.5% | |||||||||
13 | 4. Bentz | 6 out of 6 | log10 | With | 299 | 85.4% | 315 | 75.2% | 614 | 79.8% |
74.2% | 86.1% | |||||||||
14 | 3. Carvalho et al. | 4 out of 5 | log10 | With | 309 | 88.3% | 303 | 72.3% | 612 | 79.6% |
72.7% | 88.1% | |||||||||
15 | 3. Carvalho et al. | 6 out of 6 | None | With | 287 | 82.0% | 323 | 77.1% | 610 | 79.3% |
74.9% | 83.7% | |||||||||
16 | 2. Carvalho | 4 out of 5 | Cube root | With | 308 | 88.0% | 300 | 71.6% | 608 | 79.1% |
72.1% | 87.7% | |||||||||
Hierarchy | Subdivisions | Variables | Transformations | MetOc | Oil slicks | Look-alikes | All targets | |||
18 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 5 out of 7 | None | Without | 279 | 79.7% | 329 | 78.5% | 608 | 79.1% |
75.6% | 82.3% | |||||||||
19 | 1. All size information | 6 out of 9 | None | Without | 284 | 81.1% | 324 | 77.3% | 608 | 79.1% |
74.9% | 83.1% | |||||||||
20 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 5 out of 7 | Cube root | Without | 292 | 83.4% | 315 | 75.2% | 607 | 78.9% |
73.7% | 84.5% | |||||||||
21 | 1. All size information | 6 out of 9 | Cube root | Without | 291 | 83.1% | 316 | 75.4% | 607 | 78.9% |
73.9% | 84.3% | |||||||||
22 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 4 out of 5 | log10 | Without | 295 | 84.3% | 307 | 73.3% | 602 | 78.3% |
72.5% | 84.8% | |||||||||
23 | 6. Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 4 out of 5 | log10 | Without | 295 | 84.3% | 305 | 72.8% | 600 | 78.0% |
72.1% | 84.7% | |||||||||
24 | 1. All size information | 4 out of 7 | log10 | Without | 295 | 84.3% | 305 | 72.8% | 600 | 78.0% |
72.1% | 84.7% | |||||||||
25 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 5 out of 6 | Cube root | Without | 306 | 87.4% | 289 | 69.0% | 595 | 77.4% |
70.2% | 86.8% | |||||||||
Hierarchy | Subdivisions | Variables | Transformations | MetOc | Oil slicks | Look-alikes | All targets | |||
26 | 7. MetOc-Only | 3 out of 3 | Cube root | With | 290 | 82.9% | 303 | 72.3% | 593 | 77.1% |
71.4% | 83.5% | |||||||||
27 | 7. MetOc-Only | 3 out of 3 | None | With | 277 | 79.1% | 314 | 74.9% | 591 | 76.9% |
72.5% | 81.1% | |||||||||
28 | 2. Carvalho | 4 out of 5 | None | With | 283 | 80.9% | 308 | 73.5% | 591 | 76.9% |
71.8% | 82.1% | |||||||||
29 | 7. MetOc-Only | 3 out of 3 | log10 | With | 287 | 82.0% | 303 | 72.3% | 590 | 76.7% |
71.2% | 82.8% | |||||||||
Hierarchy | Subdivisions | Variables | Transformations | MetOc | Oil slicks | Look-alikes | All targets | |||
30 | 5. Bentz with Carvalho | 5 out of 6 | None | Without | 279 | 79.7% | 285 | 68.0% | 564 | 73.3% |
67.6% | 80.1% | |||||||||
31 | 3. Carvalho et al. | 3 out of 3 | None | Without | 245 | 70.0% | 314 | 74.9% | 559 | 72.7% |
70.0% | 74.9% | |||||||||
32 | 3. Carvalho et al. | 3 out of 3 | Cube root | Without | 276 | 78.9% | 279 | 66.6% | 555 | 72.2% |
66.3% | 79.0% | |||||||||
33 | 4. Bentz | 3 out of 4 | None | Without | 254 | 72.6% | 292 | 69.7% | 546 | 71.0% |
66.7% | 75.3% | |||||||||
34 | 4. Bentz | 3 out of 4 | Cube root | Without | 251 | 71.7% | 287 | 68.5% | 538 | 70.0% |
65.5% | 74.4% | |||||||||
35 | 4. Bentz | 2 out of 3 | log10 | Without | 278 | 70.9% | 283 | 65.2% | 521 | 67.8% |
62.9% | 72.8% |
Typical Values | Size with MetOc | Size without MetOc | MetOc-Only | Size without MetOc | |||||
1st block | 2nd block | 3rd block | 4th block | ||||||
Overall Accuracy | Avg | 81.4% | 78.5% | 76.9% | 71.2% | ||||
Max | 83.7% | 79.1% | 77.1% | 73.3% | |||||
Min | 79.1% | 77.4% | 76.7% | 67.8% | |||||
Std | 1.8% | 0.6% | 0.2% | 2.1% | |||||
Sensitivity | Avg | 87.6% | 83.5% | 81.2% | 74.0% | ||||
Max | 91.7% | 87.4% | 82.9% | 79.7% | |||||
Min | 82.0% | 79.7% | 79.1% | 70.0% | |||||
Specificity | Avg | 76.1% | 74.3% | 73.3% | 68.8% | ||||
Max | 80.0% | 78.5% | 74.9% | 74.9% | |||||
Min | 71.6% | 69.0% | 72.3% | 65.2% | |||||
Positive Predictive Value | Avg | 75.4% | 73.1% | 71.7% | 66.5% | ||||
Max | 78.6% | 75.6% | 72.5% | 70.0% | |||||
Min | 72.1% | 70.2% | 71.2% | 62.9% | |||||
Negative Predictive Value | Avg | 88.1% | 84.4% | 73.3% | 68.8% | ||||
Max | 91.5% | 86.8% | 74.9% | 74.9% | |||||
Min | 83.7% | 82.3% | 72.3% | 65.2% | |||||
Subdivisions | Size with MetOc | Size without MetOc | MetOc-Only | Size without MetOc | |||||
1st block | 2nd block | 3rd block | 4th block | ||||||
All size information | 3 | 17.6% | 3 | 37.5% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | |
Carvalho | 2 | 11.8% | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 25.0% | 0 | 0.0% | |
Carvalho et al. | 3 | 17.6% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 2 | 33.3% | |
Bentz | 3 | 17.6% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 3 | 50.0% | |
Bentz with Carvalho | 3 | 17.6% | 2 | 25.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 16.7% | |
Bentz with Carvalho et al. | 3 | 17.6% | 3 | 37.5% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | |
MetOc-Only | 3 | 75.0% | |||||||
Data Transformations | Size with MetOc | Size without MetOc | MetOc-Only | Size without MetOc | |||||
1st block | 2nd block | 3rd block | 4th block | ||||||
None | 5 | 29.4% | 2 | 25.0% | 2 | 50.0% | 3 | 50.0% | |
Cube Root | 6 | 35.3% | 3 | 37.5% | 1 | 25.0% | 2 | 33.3% | |
log10 | 6 | 35.3% | 3 | 37.5% | 1 | 25.0% | 1 | 16.7% |
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Carvalho, G.d.A.; Minnett, P.J.; Ebecken, N.F.F.; Landau, L. Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2078.
Carvalho GdA, Minnett PJ, Ebecken NFF, Landau L. Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(13):2078.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarvalho, Gustavo de Araújo, Peter J. Minnett, Nelson F. F. Ebecken, and Luiz Landau. 2020. "Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements" Remote Sensing 12, no. 13: 2078.
APA StyleCarvalho, G. d. A., Minnett, P. J., Ebecken, N. F. F., & Landau, L. (2020). Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements. Remote Sensing, 12(13), 2078.