Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
:1. Introduction
2. Average Regional Information Divergence
3.1. Component I: Consistent Feature Set Selection
3.1.1. Feature Extraction and Matching
3.1.2. Consistent Feature Set Selection Based on ARID
- Implement SIFT and random sample consensus on reference image and sensed image to obtain initial consistent feature point sets where is the jth initial consistent feature point set and M0 is the number of initial consistent feature point sets.
- Adopt to calculate registration parameters set where is the jth initial registration parameter and discrepancy values DVs set for image and rectified sensed image based on . The initial consistent feature point set is selected based on minimum ARID, denoted by , where .
3.2. Component II: Fine Registration by Minimizing Average Regional Information Divergence (ARID) via QPSO
3.2.1. Initial Parameters of QPSO Generated by the Consistent Feature Set Obtained in Component I
- Find the coordinate of feature points in by randomly tuning parameter b to generate tuned feature point sets .
- Adopt to calculate a registration parameters set and corresponding DVs set . The first M particles, which have smaller DVs than , are used as initial particle swarms . If there are not M particle satisfying the DVs are less than , the number of tuned feature set should be increased. The initial particle swarms are also used as initial local optimum particles and the corresponding ARID is denoted by .
- Select the particle corresponding minimum ARID among , denoted by , as the global optimum particle .
3.2.2. Parameters Optimized by Minimizing ARID via QPSO
Algorithm1. SC-ARID-QPSO |
Input: reference image , sensed image , the number of iterations, k, the number of no updating, n, maximum iterative number = 100, threshold τ = 10−4 and nτ = 15, coordinate tuning parameter b, particle population M = 20, Particle dimension D = 6 (for affine model) or 8 (for projective model) control parameters α0 and α1, initial particle swarm (i = 1, 2, …, M), tuning range . |
Output: Final registration parameters |
1. Initialize: , and k = 0, n = 0. |
2. Initialization of initial local optimum particle and global optimum particle . |
3. Implement QPSO to optimize registration parameters: |
While k < do; |
Calculate β using Equation (7) and using Equation (4). |
For m = 1:M do |
For d = 1:D do |
Calculate and using Equation (5) and Equation (6). |
End for |
Calculate based on using (2) and (3). |
If then , , End if |
End for |
If then , , End if |
If then n = n + 1 |
If then Break, End if |
End if |
End while |
4. Return as final registration parameters |
4. Novelties of SC-ARID-QPSO
- The first novelty is introduction of ARID, which considers a neighboring region as a random variable. Such ARID is quite different from RMI and RIRMI in the sense that the latter was calculated under the assumption that high-dimensional distribution is approximately normally distributed, while the former defines the desired probability distribution by normalizing its neighborhood region histogram to unity. The discrepancy between the overlapped regions of reference image and rectified sensed image is calculated by averaging the values of RID of all pixels in the overlapped region without a need of calculating their joint probability distribution.
- The Second novelty is to develop a two-component cascaded registration method which optimizes spatial-consistency and ARID registration parameters. In contrast to most AFBMs [36,37] which only uses the pre-registration as initial parameters for the fine registration, SC-ARID-QPSO uses pre-registration based on SC and ARID to initialize the parameters for fine registration. The process of ARID-constrained parameter initialization guarantees the quality of initialized parameter set. In particular, it is quite different from an AFBM developed in [41], called iterative SIFT (ISIFT) which replaces the sensed image via a feedback loop to re-implement registration process. More specifically, ISIFT iteratively feeds a rectified image to replace the current sensed images, while SC-ARID-QPSO iteratively optimizes the registration parameters using an ARID-based objective function with the ARID-constrained initialized parameter set from the same set of the reference and sensed images.
- The last and most important novelty is fundamental different concepts used to derive ISIFT and SC-ARID-QPSO. Despite the fact that both ISIFT and SC-ARID-QPSO use an iterative process, the ISIFT feeds back rectified images to update the input sensed images as opposed to SC-ARID-QPSO, which uses QPSO iteratively to optimize parameter sets. So, ISIFT [41] and SC-ARID-QPSO are designed based on different uses of iterative processes since they both use spatial-consistency and intensity-similarity to perform different tasks. However, it is worth noting that there are several key differences between ISIFT and SC-ARID-QPSO. First of all, SC-ARID-QPSO takes advantage of QPSO to optimize registration parameter by minimizing ARID via optimization algorithm, while ISIFT does not. Second of all, SC-ARID-QPSO develops ARID as a novel discrepancy metric compared to ISIFT which uses traditional similarity metrics. Third of all, although the experimental datasets used in this paper are the same as the datasets in reference [41], their purposes are different. In this paper, the experimental results are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of ARID and the performance of SC-ARID-QPSO as opposed to ISIFT which used the data sets to show effectiveness of consistent feature selection strategy and iterative performance of ISIFT. Specifically, in Component I, the designed experiments are used for validating the accuracy and effectiveness of ARID. In Component II, the designed experiments are used to demonstrate the iterative process of parameter optimization by minimizing ARID via QPSO as well as the effective selection of initialized parameter set. In addition, the comparative experiments further show the superior performance of SC-ARID-QPSO to compared methods.
5. Experimental Setting
5.1. Data Sets
5.2. Parameter Setting
5.3. Evaluation Criteria
6. Experimental Results
6.1. Simulated Datasets Experiments
6.2. Real Datasets Experiments
6.3. Comparative Analysis on Registration Performance
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
- A new measure, called average regional information divergency (ARID), is specifically designed to calculate the discrepancy between the registration parameters.
- SC-ARID-QPSO, using ARID to select a consistent feature set in Component I as well as to optimize registration parameters in Component II, provides a novel approach as a new AFBM.
- The feature extraction method and parameter optimization algorithm used in SC-ARID-QPSO can be replaced by better feature extraction methods and optimization algorithms. Under certain extreme situations, where there are no more than three or more pairs of correctly matched feature pairs among initial SIFT feature pairs, other modified better feature extraction methods can be used to replace SIFT. In this case, the framework of SC-ARID-QPSO is still applicable.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
List of Acronyms
ARID | average regional information divergence |
DM | discrepancy metric |
DV | discrepancy value |
OR | overlapped region in the reference image and rectified images |
QPSO | quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization |
SC | spatial consistency |
SIFT | scale-invariant feature transform |
SM | similarity metric |
SC | spatial consistency |
SM | similarity metric |
SV | similarity value |
List of Symbols
pixel in the region of reference image overlapped with rectified sensed image | |
pixel in the region of rectified sensed image overlapped with reference image | |
probability vector corresponding | |
probability vector corresponding | |
R | reference image |
S | sensed image |
consistent feature set | |
registration parameter set | |
Srec | rectified sensed image |
the intensity vectors of local neighborhood region for | |
ARID value set | |
the intensity vectors of local neighborhood region for |
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Data Sets | Component I | Component II | ||||||||
1 | 1.9764 | 1.7120 | 1.7456 | 1.7120 | 0.9395 | 0.7682 | 0.8129 | 0.6335 | 0.6777 | 0.6894 |
2 | 1.9361 | 1.4554 | 1.4554 | 1.4554 | 1.3761 | 0.8978 | 1.3046 | 1.2344 | 0.8905 | 1.0383 |
3 | 1.7709 | 1.7647 | 1.7647 | 1.7647 | 1.2656 | 1.4589 | 1.2925 | 1.0370 | 1.4006 | 1.0483 |
Data Sets | Component I | Component II | ||||||||
1 | 1.5920 | 1.3550 | 1.4010 | 1.4010 | 1.3126 | 1.3119 | 1.2952 | 1.2639 | 1.2764 | 1.1883 |
2 | 2.9361 | 2.1332 | 2.1332 | 2.1332 | 0.5342 | 0.7087 | 0.6264 | 0.5203 | 0.6174 | 0.5676 |
3 | 2.4050 | 2.2640 | 2.2640 | 2.2640 | 1.3266 | 0.9868 | 1.3052 | 1.0700 | 0.9835 | 1.0093 |
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Chen, S.; Xue, B.; Yang, H.; Li, X.; Zhao, L.; Chang, C.-I. Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3066. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12183066
Chen S, Xue B, Yang H, Li X, Zhao L, Chang C-I. Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(18):3066. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12183066
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Shuhan, Bai Xue, Han Yang, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao, and Chein-I Chang. 2020. "Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization" Remote Sensing 12, no. 18: 3066. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12183066
APA StyleChen, S., Xue, B., Yang, H., Li, X., Zhao, L., & Chang, C.-I. (2020). Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization. Remote Sensing, 12(18), 3066. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12183066