Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Available Data
2.3. Methodology
2.3.1. CASA Model
2.3.2. Linear Regression Analysis
2.3.3. Correlation Analysis
2.3.4. Estimation of the Impacts of Climate and Land Use Changes
3. Results
3.1. Changes of NPP
3.2. Changes of Land Use and Npp in Two Different Periods
3.3. Correlations between NPP and Meteorological Factors
3.4. Controls of Climate and Land Use Change on TP
4. Discussion
4.1. About the Verification of CASA Model
4.2. Impact of Climate Change on NPP
4.3. Impact of Human Activities on NPP
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Land Use Type | PF | DF | FT | SB | SF | GL | WC |
PF | 30,463 | 27 | 54 | 3 | 36 | 5 | 588 |
DF | 13 | 10,954 | 19 | 0 | 21 | 4 | 226 |
FT | 56 | 63 | 67,235 | 25 | 544 | 331 | 200 |
SB | 3 | 9 | 445 | 9043 | 25 | 18 | 38 |
SF | 27 | 37 | 1110 | 1 | 19,255 | 51 | 207 |
GL | 38 | 6 | 178 | 9 | 103 | 6467 | 57 |
WC | 156 | 32 | 7 | 0 | 5 | 16 | 10,646 |
Land-Use Type | Areas without Land-Use Change | Areas with Land-Use Change | Changed Area | |
2000s | 2010s | |||
PF | 30,463 | 714 | 299 | −414 |
DF | 10,954 | 290 | 173 | −116 |
FT | 67,235 | 1220 | 1813 | 593 |
SB | 9043 | 538 | 38 | −500 |
SF | 19,255 | 1432 | 734 | −698 |
GL | 6467 | 391 | 426 | 35 |
WC | 10,646 | 216 | 1316 | 1100 |
Total area | 154,062 | 4800 | 4800 |
Method | Land-Use Type | Study Area | Study Period | ||||||
PF | DF | FT | SB | SF | GL | WC | |||
CASA in this study | 500.1 | 546.5 | 1068.5 | 448.4 | 477.1 | 498.4 | 452.6 | Poyang Lake basin | 2000–2017 |
CEVSA from Tao et al. [7] | 606 | 873 | 423 | 624 | 348 | — | China | 1981–1998 | |
IBIS from Yuan et al. [59] | — | — | 1072.1 | 214.0 | 278.2 | 203 | — | China | 1961–2005 |
CASA from Zhu et al. [20] | 426.5 | 985.8 | 367.6 | 465.0 | 349.8 | 347.1 | China | 1989–1993 | |
MODIS 17A3 | 528.3 | 581.4 | 628.3 | 605.1 | 588.3 | 516.7 | 556.6 | Poyang Lake basin | 2000–2017 |
Measured value | 239–760 a* | 910–1340 b* | 4–1200 c* | 200–2000 c* | 100–727 c* | — | China |
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Liu, F.-h.; Xu, C.-Y.; Yang, X.-x.; Ye, X.-c. Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3525.
Liu F-h, Xu C-Y, Yang X-x, Ye X-c. Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(21):3525.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Fu-hong, Chong-Yu Xu, Xiao-xia Yang, and Xu-chun Ye. 2020. "Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin" Remote Sensing 12, no. 21: 3525.
APA StyleLiu, F.-h., Xu, C.-Y., Yang, X.-x., & Ye, X.-c. (2020). Controls of Climate and Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Variation in a Subtropical Humid Basin. Remote Sensing, 12(21), 3525.