Direction Estimation of Aerial Image Object Based on Neural Network
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- This paper presents a new object expression method, which uses two components of the direction angle to represent the direction of the object. Then, the geometric model of the object is constrained by combining the coordinates of the center point and the length and width of the object.
- (2)
- The change function is adopted, and the network conversion layer is introduced. Then, the output components of the neural network naturally meet the constraints and improve the adaptability of the network model.
- (3)
- This paper can realize object detection and direction estimation at the same time. Then, an accuracy index for quantitatively evaluating the accuracy of angle estimation is proposed.
2. Related Work
3. Algorithm Description
3.1. Representation of the Direction of the Object
3.2. Network Structure
4. Experiment and Discussion
4.1. Calculate the Ground Truth
4.2. Accuracy Index
- (1)
- IoU
- (2)
- dot
- (3)
- mAP
- (4)
- f1
4.3. Result Analysis
- (1)
- DOTA 1.5
- (2)
- (3)
4.4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Precision Indexes | mAP | F1 | IoU | Dot |
propose method | 67.52 | 70.61 | 72.64 | 89.13 |
Dot | Plane | BD | Bridge | GRF | SV | LV | Ship | TC | BC | ST | SBF | RA | Harbor | SP | HC | CC |
Propose method | 53.81 | - | 76.96 | 80.77 | 99.47 | 99.48 | 99.57 | 99.17 | 98.54 | - | 81.06 | - | 95.36 | - | 96.21 | - |
Method | Plane | BD | Bridge | GRF | SV | LV | Ship | TC | BC | ST | SBF | RA | Harbor | SP | HC | CC | mAP |
Propose method | 96.43 | 86.07 | 47.56 | 56.29 | 63.96 | 81.96 | 94.74 | 93.65 | 73.65 | 84.67 | 42.46 | 65.18 | 64.74 | 67.24 | 6117 | 0.56 | 67.52 |
RetinaNet-O [25] | 71.43 | 77.64 | 42.12 | 64.65 | 44.53 | 56.79 | 73.31 | 90.84 | 76.02 | 59.96 | 46.95 | 69.24 | 59.65 | 64.52 | 48.06 | 0.83 | 59.16 |
FR-O [15] | 71.89 | 74.47 | 44.45 | 59.87 | 51.28 | 68.98 | 79.37 | 90.78 | 77.38 | 67.50 | 47.75 | 69.72 | 61.22 | 65.28 | 60.47 | 1.54 | 62.00 |
Mask R-CNN [17] | 76.84 | 73.51 | 49.90 | 57.80 | 51.31 | 71.34 | 79.75 | 90.46 | 74.21 | 66.07 | 46.21 | 70.61 | 63.07 | 64.46 | 57.81 | 9.42 | 62.67 |
HTC [26] | 77.80 | 73.67 | 51.40 | 63.99 | 51.54 | 73.31 | 80.31 | 90.48 | 75.12 | 67.34 | 48.51 | 70.63 | 64.84 | 64.48 | 55.87 | 5.15 | 63.40 |
ReDet [27] | 79.20 | 82.81 | 51.92 | 71.41 | 52.38 | 75.73 | 80.92 | 90.83 | 75.81 | 68.64 | 49.29 | 72.03 | 73.36 | 70.55 | 63.33 | 11.53 | 66.86 |
Technical Indicators | mAP | Dot | F1 | IoU |
propose method | 96.42 | 99.93 | 94.05 | 83.48 |
RoI Trans. [28] | 86.2 | - | - | - |
GV [29] | 88.2 | - | - | - |
R3Det [30] | 89.33 | - | - | - |
RRD [31] | 84.3 | - | - | - |
CSL [3] | 89.62 | - | - | - |
Method | AP | mAP | Dot (Each Class) | Dot | IoU | F1 | ||
Plane | Car | Plane | Car | |||||
Propose method | 99.80 | 99.26 | 99.53 | 98.29 | 99.43 | 98.86 | 80.41 | 98.39 |
YOLO-v2 [33] | 96.60 | 79.20 | 87.90 | - | - | - | - | - |
R-DFPN [34] | 95.90 | 82.50 | 89.20 | - | - | - | - | - |
DAL [35] | 90.49 | 89.25 | 89.87 | - | - | - | - | - |
DRBox [17] | 94.90 | 85.00 | 89.95 | - | - | - | - | - |
S2ARN [36] | 97.60 | 92.20 | 94.90 | - | - | - | - | - |
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Zhang, H.; Liu, J. Direction Estimation of Aerial Image Object Based on Neural Network. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3523.
Zhang H, Liu J. Direction Estimation of Aerial Image Object Based on Neural Network. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(15):3523.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Hongyun, and Jin Liu. 2022. "Direction Estimation of Aerial Image Object Based on Neural Network" Remote Sensing 14, no. 15: 3523.
APA StyleZhang, H., & Liu, J. (2022). Direction Estimation of Aerial Image Object Based on Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3523.