Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities
:1. Introduction
2. Identification of Brazilian Precarious Settlements by Geotechnologies
3. Precarious Settlements in the Brazilian Amazon
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Preprocessing
- QGIS [62]: for image clipping, PCA fusions, image registration, calculation of biophysical index and textural index, creation of hexagon grids, and production of thematic maps;
- Orfeo ToolBox [63]: segmentation of WPM images;
- Geographical Data Mining Analyst (GeoDMA) [64]: for feature extractions and estimation of the classification model by applying the C5.0 algorithm.
- (a)
- Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI): division of the near-infrared (NIR) band by the red band, normalized, to analyze the presence and condition of vegetation [65] (Equation (1)):
- (b)
- Normalized difference roof index (NDRI): division of the red band by the blue band, normalized, to identify the presence of ceramic roofs and areas with exposed soil [66] (Equation (2)):
- (C)
- Bare soil area index (BAI): the normalized division of the blue band by the near-infrared band, to identify exposed soil [46] (Equation (3)):
4.2. Preparation of the Land Cover Database
- Boosting value: number of trees. We adopted a value of 100 trees for boosting.
- Minimum cases: the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node. We chose a minimum value of 2.
- Training samples proportion: the proportion of samples labeled for training. We adopted 70% of the labeled samples for training and 30% for validation.
4.3. Identification of Precarious Areas
| |
4.4. Characterization and Identification of Urban Fabric Typologies (UFT) in Precarious Areas
4.5. Validation
5. Results
- LSI Asphalt: The landscape shape index (LSI) of the “Asphalt” class, which measures the complexity of shape by dividing the perimeter by twice the square root of the area multiplied by π (Equation (7)). This index quantifies the amount of edge present in a landscape relative to what would be present in a landscape of the same size but with a simple geometric shape (circle in vector, square in raster) and no internal edge. Equation (7) shows the LSI calculation:
- PD Exposed Soil and PD Roads: The patch density (PD) of the “Exposed Soil” and “Roads” classes, which represents the number of patches divided by the total patch area. Equation (8) shows the PD calculation:
- MSI Herbaceous Vegetation: The mean shape index (MSI) of the “Herbaceous Vegetation” class. Equation (9) shows the MSI calculation:
- NP Herbaceous Vegetation: The number of patches (NP) of “Herbaceous Vegetation” class;
- AWMPFD Herbaceous Vegetation: The area-weighted average fractal dimension (AWMPFD) of “Herbaceous Vegetation” class; AWMPFD equals the average patch fractal dimension of patches of the corresponding patch type, weighted by patch area so that larger patches weigh more than smaller patches [79]. Equation (10) shows the AWMSI calculation:
- IJI Shrub Vegetation: The interspersion and juxtaposition index (IJI) of the “Shrub Vegetation” class, which measures whether a particular patch type is adjacent to one or more classes. Equation (11) shows the IJI, with m being the perimeter of all edge segments involving the corresponding patch type:
- TABO Water and TABOCeramic Roof: Total area of the largest object (TABO) of the “Water” and “Ceramic Roof” classes that cross the landscape.
- Euclidean distance from a cell’s centroid to the nearest river;
- Euclidean distance from a cell’s centroid to the nearest road.
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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UFT | Full and Empty Scheme | WPM RGB (3,2,1) | Class Description |
UFT1 Fibre cement | | | Organized occupation with planned blocks and structured roads. The roads have sections with poor quality asphalt and sections of unpaved ground. High built-up density, without unbuilt areas inside settlements or space within lots. Fiber cement is the predominant material for roofs. |
UFT2 Ceramics | | | Organized occupation with planned blocks and structured roads. The roads have sections with poor quality asphalt and sections of unpaved ground. High built-up density, without unbuilt areas inside settlements or space within lots. The predominance of ceramic roof is what distinguishes UFT2 from UFT1. |
UFT3 Vegetated | | | Organized occupation with planned blocks and structured roads. The roads are unpaved and longer than 400 m. Medium built-up density, with unbuilt areas and vegetation inside blocks. Ceramic is the predominant material for roofs. |
UFT4 Sparse | | | Spontaneous and not consolidated occupation. Low built-up density, without well-defined blocks and with unpaved streets. There is a predominance of empty spaces between dwellings, with herbaceous vegetation. Recent occupations resulting from unmediated expansion of organized precarious settlements toward environmentally sensitive areas or land designated for rural purposes. |
UFT5 Roads | | | Occupation located near highway BR-230 (Transamazônica) in Marabá and Altamira, BR-222 in Marabá, and BR-422 in Cametá. Organized settlements located far from central areas, in regions with periurban characteristics. Roads are unpaved (except highways). |
UFT6 Wetlands | | | Spontaneous occupation, located in wetlands or in areas subject to flooding. Low built-up density and similar to UFT4, some are the result of the expansion of large settlements. It may not have well-defined street layouts and has shrubby vegetation between houses. |
Context Metric | Reason |
Euclidean distance between the nearest road and the centroid of a cell | Roads are vectors of urban growth in Amazonian cities [55,57]. Additionally, they are related to the formation of precarious settlements in their surrounding areas [13]. |
Euclidean distance between the municipal seat and the centroid of a cell | The central region of Amazonian cities in this study concentrates health and educational services and has better infrastructure and offer of basic services [13] than other regions. Some precarious settlements are far from the center of the municipality, as they occupy regions close to roads and areas in recent expansion. |
Euclidean distance between the centroid of a cell and the height above the nearest drainage (HAND) | Some informal settlements are in flatlands [55]. However, unlike traditional Amazonian populations, here housing is not well designed to survive seasonal floods. Furthermore, Sakatauskas [13] identified a typology of precarious settlements located in wetlands. We built HAND according to the methodology developed by Rennó et al. [78]. |
Average of the shape index of blocks | Informal settlements tend to have greater inconsistency of block designs when compared to traditional Amazonian settlements [57]. This value allows the comparison of geometric shapes of blocks in regular areas (rectangular blocks with similar sizes) and irregular shapes or the absence of subdivisions within blocks, a common characteristic of precarious settlements [75]. We computed shape index [79] from the road base [77] accordingly to the methodology described by [75]. |
Classification | Producer’s Accuracy | User’s Accuracy | Area | ||||
Nonprec. | Prec | Total | |||||
Reference | Nonprec. | 1054 | 11 | 1065 | 0.99 | 0.98 | Altamira (F1: 0.78; GA: 0.97) |
Prec | 26 | 65 | 91 | 0.71 | 0.86 | ||
Total | 1080 | 76 | 1156 | ||||
Nonprec. | 350 | 15 | 365 | 0.96 | 0.96 | Cametá (F1: 0.81; GA: 0.93) | |
Prec | 14 | 62 | 76 | 0.82 | 0.81 | ||
Total | 364 | 77 | 441 | ||||
Nonprec. | 1887 | 52 | 1939 | 0.97 | 0.98 | Marabá (F1: 0.91; GA: 0.97) | |
Prec | 31 | 444 | 475 | 0.93 | 0.90 | ||
Total | 1918 | 496 | 2414 |
Classification | Producer’s Accuracy | User’s Accuracy | Class F1-Score | Global | |||||||||
UFT1 | UFT2 | UFT3 | UFT4 | UFT5 | UFT6 | Total | |||||||
Reference | UFT1 | 15 | 1 | 1 | 17 | 0.88 | 0.83 | 0.86 | F1-Score | 0.91 | |||
UFT2 | 32 | 1 | 33 | 0.97 | 0.91 | 0.94 | Accuracy | 0.92 | |||||
UFT3 | 19 | 1 | 1 | 21 | 0.90 | 0.90 | 0.90 | ||||||
UFT4 | 58 | 1 | 59 | 0.98 | 0.92 | 0.95 | |||||||
UFT5 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 47 | 2 | 58 | 0.81 | 0.96 | 0.88 | |||
UFT6 | 2 | 34 | 36 | 0.94 | 0.89 | 0.92 | |||||||
Total | 18 | 35 | 21 | 63 | 49 | 38 | 224 |
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Share and Cite
dos Santos, B.D.; de Pinho, C.M.D.; Oliveira, G.E.T.; Korting, T.S.; Escada, M.I.S.; Amaral, S. Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 704.
dos Santos BD, de Pinho CMD, Oliveira GET, Korting TS, Escada MIS, Amaral S. Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(3):704.
Chicago/Turabian Styledos Santos, Bruno Dias, Carolina Moutinho Duque de Pinho, Gilberto Eidi Teramoto Oliveira, Thales Sehn Korting, Maria Isabel Sobral Escada, and Silvana Amaral. 2022. "Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities" Remote Sensing 14, no. 3: 704.
APA Styledos Santos, B. D., de Pinho, C. M. D., Oliveira, G. E. T., Korting, T. S., Escada, M. I. S., & Amaral, S. (2022). Identifying Precarious Settlements and Urban Fabric Typologies Based on GEOBIA and Data Mining in Brazilian Amazon Cities. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 704.