Exploratory Analysis on Pixelwise Image Segmentation Metrics with an Application in Proximal Sensing
:1. Introduction
- Provide a unified presentation of multiple pixel-level evaluation metrics for image segmentation;
- Define and develop a valid data mining exploratory approach that is both statistically valid and easily interpretable for the study of the relationships among these metrics;
- Provide a typological interpretation of the identified groups of metrics based on the observable segmentation results, with the aim of helping practitioners identify the useful metrics for their application.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Dataset of Plant Images
2.2. Three Segmentation Models for Experimentation
2.2.1. Decision Tree Segmentation Model
2.2.2. Support Vector Segmentation Machine
- Transform the pixels from the original RGB colour space to the CIELuv colour space;
- Train the SVM on the extracted features.
2.2.3. Colour Index of Vegetation Extraction
2.3. Metrics
2.3.1. Overlap Cardinalities
Prediction | ||||
Total | ||||
GT | TP | FN | P | |
FP | TN | N | ||
Total | n |
2.3.2. Definition of the Metrics
- Positive predictive value: Precision (PRC)This metric is the proportion of pixels actually labelled as plant among all the pixels predicted as plant. It allows us to see the precision of the model in predicting plant pixels.
- Negative Predictive Value (NPV)This metric shows the proportion of pixels correctly classified as background among all the pixels classified as background. This allows us to see the precision of the algorithm on the background pixels.
- Recall (RCL)Known also as the true positive rate, this is the proportion of pixels correctly classified as plant among all the pixels that are in reality plant pixels.
- -Score (F1S)This metric combines precision and recall into one evaluation metric parameterised by , which specifies how much more we are interested in the recall than in the precision [29]. Formally, the -score is defined as:The most common version used is the -score, which assigns the same importance to precision and recall with :
- Accuracy (ACC)Probably one of the most widely used evaluation metrics for classification problems, this quantity shows the proportion of correct decisions among all decisions made, that is the proportion of pixels correctly classified, among all the pixels in the image:
- Balanced Accuracy (BAC)Introduced in [4] with the aim of solving the problem faced by the accuracy, the balanced accuracy can be defined as:
- Intersection Over Union (Jaccard Index) (IOU)Widely used in the computer vision literature on a variety of vision tasks including object detection and image segmentation, the Intersection over Union (IoU)—also known as the Jaccard Index—is perhaps the most famous spatial overlap metric in usage. For two finite sets A and B, it can be defined as:It was shown in [20] that in the case of binary classification, where the two sets studied are the sets of elements being classified (in our case, the pixels), the Jaccard Index can be easily reformulated in terms of the overlap cardinalities as:
- Global Consistency Error (GCE)The GCE [30] is a global measure of the segmentation error between two segmentation masks, based on the aggregation of local consistency errors measured at each pixel. Being a measure of error, it is a metric to be minimised. Defining as the set of all pixels that belong to the same class as the pixel p in the segmentation M, then we can define the segmentation error between two segmentations M and at p as:
- Relative Vegetation Area (RVA)This metric, specific to the case of binary segmentation and proposed in [31], is a simple spatial overlap metric, which compares the area of vegetation detected in the segmentation mask to the true detection area in the ground truth mask. It is defined as:
- Adjusted Mutual Information Index (AMI)The mutual information of two random variables X and Y is a quantification of the amount of information that X holds about Y. It measures the reduction in uncertainty about Y given knowledge of X. The mutual information index of two segmentation masks M and can be understood as a measure of the amount of true information that the detection mask produced by the algorithm contains, in comparison to the information contained in the GT mask. It is based on the marginal entropies , and the joint entropy , which are defined as:
- Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient (KAP)On the probabilistic side, we implemented Cohen’s Kappa coefficient, which is a measure of agreement between two samples. As an advantage over other measures with the exception of the AMI, the Kappa takes into account the agreement caused by chance, thus making it a fairer measure of model performance. It can be defined as:
- Hausdorff Distance (HDD)Originally, this metric was formulated to measure the dissimilarity between two subsets of a metric space [34]. Informally, it allows measuring the degree of mismatch between two finite sets by measuring the distance from the point of Set 1 that is farthest from any point of Set 2, and vice versa. For example, if the distance between the two sets is k, then every point in one set must be within a distance k from every point in the other set [35]. This metric has been previously introduced and widely applied in the computer vision literature, especially in the field of medical imagery [20,35].Formally, for two finite sets M and , we define the Hausdorff distance as:The closer the two objects M and are to each other in the Hausdorff distance, the more similar they are in shape. That is, two segmentation masks that have a low Hausdorff distance are masks in which the pixels are similarly distributed spatially over the grid. A more detailed formulation about the computation of the Hausdorff distance for comparing images can be found in [35].
2.4. Methodology for the Exploration of Metrics’ Relationships
- Correlation analysisThe first analysis conducted was the study of the correlation matrix computed based on Spearman’s rank correlation. Spearman’s correlation is a well-known nonparametric measure of rank correlation, showing how well the relationship between two variables can be described using a monotonic function, regardless of whether this relationship is linear or not [37]. It is clear that Spearman’s correlation is simply the Pearson correlation applied to the rank variables. In our case, two metrics that have a high Spearman correlation are thus consistently ranking the same image similarly, as a good-quality image with a high ranking in the dataset, or otherwise. As such, it can be seen as a measure of “agreement” between the metrics;
- Clustering of variablesAnother elaborate method for the exploration of relationships among variables is clustering of variables [38]. This method provides results that are clear to understand, interpret, visualise, and report. Given a set of quantitative variables, the aim of this method is to find the partition of these variables into K clusters in such a way so as to maximise the “homogeneity” of the partition, which indeed amounts to maximising the correlations among the variables of the same cluster. The clustering method used was hierarchical clustering, aiming at building a set of p nested partitions of variables following the algorithm detailed in [38]. This method was implemented in R using the package ClustOfVar [38];
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)To further confirm our results and to provide a clearer visualisation of the results, we conducted a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [39,40] and plotted the obtained correlation circles. PCA aims at constructing new variables that are linear combinations of the original ones, under the constraints that all Principal Components (PCs) be pairwise orthogonal, with the first PC explaining the largest part of the dataset’s inertia, that is having the greatest “explicative” power, the second PC having the second largest inertia, and so on. The correlation circle that shows the projection in 2D of the variables with respect to some chosen PCs is a well-known and easily interpretable result of PCA, which allows us to visually identify groups of highly correlated variables among each other, and with particular PCs. This analysis was conducted in R using the package FactoMineR [41];
- Multiple factor analysisIn Section 3.1.1 and Section 3.1.2, the results of the three exploratory methods are shown only for the decision tree segmentation model, for conciseness. However, in order to verify that the results we obtained were not model dependent, we applied a Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) [42,43] on the rankings produced by the three models. The result of this analysis would show us whether the relationships among the metrics differ largely from one model to another, or otherwise. From a simple perspective, the MFA can be understood as a PCA applied on the principal components obtained by the separate PCAs for each model, although the method is more elaborate. The most valuable result produced by MFA for this study was the representation of the partial axes. It consists of visualising the projection of the first and second dimensions obtained in each separate group PCA, on the principal plane of the MFA, formed by the first and second principal vectors of the MFA [42]. Such a method allows visualising how well correlated each of the most important dimensions of each group are with their respective global ones, in addition to showing their correlation among each other. The MFA was implemented in R using the package FactoMineR [41].
3. Results
3.1. Results of the Analysis on One Model
3.1.1. Correlation Analysis
3.1.2. Clustering of Variables
3.1.3. Principal Component Analysis
3.2. Visual Inspection of the Segmentation Masks
3.3. Multiple Factor Analysis
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ACC | Accuracy |
AMI | Adjusted Mutual Information |
BAC | Balanced Accuracy |
CIVE | Colour Index of Vegetation Extraction |
DTSM | Decision Tree Segmentation Model |
F1S | F1-Score |
GCE | Global Consistency Error |
HDD | Hausdorff Distance |
IOU | Intersection Over Union |
KAP | Cohen’s Kappa |
MFA | Multiple Factor Analysis |
NPV | Negative Predictive Value |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
PRC | Precision |
RCL | Recall |
RVA | Relative Vegetation Area |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
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Melki, P.; Bombrun, L.; Millet, E.; Diallo, B.; ElChaoui ElGhor, H.; Da Costa, J.-P. Exploratory Analysis on Pixelwise Image Segmentation Metrics with an Application in Proximal Sensing. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 996. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040996
Melki P, Bombrun L, Millet E, Diallo B, ElChaoui ElGhor H, Da Costa J-P. Exploratory Analysis on Pixelwise Image Segmentation Metrics with an Application in Proximal Sensing. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(4):996. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040996
Chicago/Turabian StyleMelki, Paul, Lionel Bombrun, Estelle Millet, Boubacar Diallo, Hakim ElChaoui ElGhor, and Jean-Pierre Da Costa. 2022. "Exploratory Analysis on Pixelwise Image Segmentation Metrics with an Application in Proximal Sensing" Remote Sensing 14, no. 4: 996. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040996
APA StyleMelki, P., Bombrun, L., Millet, E., Diallo, B., ElChaoui ElGhor, H., & Da Costa, J.-P. (2022). Exploratory Analysis on Pixelwise Image Segmentation Metrics with an Application in Proximal Sensing. Remote Sensing, 14(4), 996. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040996