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Assimilating Satellite-Based Biophysical Variables Data into AquaCrop Model for Silage Maize Yield Estimation Using Water Cycle Algorithm

Elahe Akbari
Ali Darvishi Boloorani
Jochem Verrelst
3 and
Stefano Pignatti
Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar 96179-76487, Iran
Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran 14178-53933, Iran
Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), University of Valencia, C/Catedrático José Beltrán 2, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (CNR IMAA), C.da S.Loja Snc., 85050 Tito, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(24), 4665;
Submission received: 5 November 2024 / Revised: 7 December 2024 / Accepted: 10 December 2024 / Published: 13 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cropland and Yield Mapping with Multi-source Remote Sensing)


Accurate crop yield estimation is critical to successful agricultural operations. Current crop growth models often overlook the spatial and geographic components of the lands, leading to suboptimal yield estimates. To address this issue, assimilation of satellite vegetation products into these models can account for spatial variations in the land and improve estimation accuracy. In this paper, the AquaCrop model, a water-driven crop growth model, was selected for recalibration and assimilation of satellite-derived biophysical products due to its simplicity and lack of computational complexity. To this end, field samples of soil (sampled before cultivation) and crop features were collected during the growing season of silage maize. Digital hemisphere photography (DHP) and destructive sampling methods were used for measuring fraction vegetation cover (fCover) and biomass in Qaleh-Now County, southern Tehran, in 2019. Based on our proposed workflow in previous studies, a Gaussian process regression–particle swarm optimization (GPR-PSO) algorithm and global sensitivity analysis were applied to retrieve the fCover and biomass from Sentinel-2 satellite data and to identify the most sensitive parameters in the AquaCrop model, respectively. Here, we propose the use of an optimization water cycle algorithm (WCA) instead of a PSO algorithm as an assimilation method for the parameter calibration of AquaCrop. This study also focused on using both fCover and biomass state variables simultaneously in the model, as opposed to only the fCover, and found that using both variables led to significantly higher calibration accuracy. The WCA method outperformed the PSO method in AquaCrop’s calibration, leading to more accurate results on maize yield estimates. It has enhanced results, decreasing RMSE values by 3.8 and 4.7 ton/ha, RRMSE by 6.4% and 10%, and increasing R2 by 0.17 and 0.35 for model calibration and validation, respectively. These results suggest that assimilating satellite-derived data and optimizing the calibration process through WCA can significantly improve the accuracy of crop yield estimations in water-driven crop growth models, highlighting the potential of this approach for precision agriculture.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

The ever-increasing population growth warrants the need for crop growth models as a means to simulate crop growth scenarios for understanding how to maintain and advance crop yield [1]. In the past few years, the incremental rise of the drought has entailed an increasing need to regulate and optimize water consumption for agricultural purposes as a primary instrument of controlling the limited water resources [2]. So, the monitoring of agricultural lands or endorsing sustainable cultivation patterns for increasing yield while reducing water requirements and other relative costs becomes more important than ever [3]. Crop yield prediction using crop growth models allows farmers to accurately decide on the time and type of cultivation, as well as other requirements, such as the amount of fertilizer or water required for high productivity [4].
Crop growth models serve to simulate crop yield based on certain homogeneous characteristics of the target agricultural land, such as soil, water, climate, and agricultural management practices [5]. These characteristics play a major role in the final yield, and can significantly vary in space and time. Such spatial and temporal variations in the lands should certainly be considered for proper agricultural management and, therefore, must be quantifiable for varying lands [6]. The absence of spatial components in crop growth models and the remissness of spatial variability in agricultural lands pose major challenges to the application of these models [7]. To compensate for the complexity, costliness, and time-consuming nature of determining spatio-temporal inputs, most models consider spatial homogeneity for different croplands. This assumption, however, could propagate bias and an increase in uncertainty in the estimated outputs [8,9]. These uncertainties often arise in the simulation of crop growth processes as well as in the input data and the base assumptions of models, ending up with imprecise predictions and further uncertainty in the estimation of crop yield [10,11,12,13,14]. Considering that crop growth models tend to simplify real-world growth conditions [15], the arising uncertainties frequently propagate in the model as well as the parameters leading to erroneous simulations of crop growth and yield. The parameters are related to fraction vegetation cover (FVC or fCover)/leaf area index (LAI), biomass, evapotranspiration, and other crop model variables. Effectively, the primary cause of uncertainty in such models remains the unreliability of input crop parameters [16,17].
To address this challenge, it demands a spatially explicit data assimilation strategy that incorporates the observed data to update the state variables simulated by the crop growth model and then estimate the model parameters [18]. Compared to ground survey data, data streams of the satellite-derived biophysical variables can be acquired at a significantly lower cost and in less time, accounting for larger areas and virtually all stages of crop growth [19]. The assimilation of the satellite-derived biophysical variables and their spatial variability as pixels in each farm into such models can, to some extent, resolve the uncertainties introduced by the assumption of homogeneity in croplands [18,20]. The plant biophysical variables extracted from satellite data, including biomass, FVC or fCover, and LAI, are used as observed variables and assimilated into crop growth models for calibration [21]. Principally, satellite data assimilation can be achieved through three main methods, i.e., (1) forcing, (2) updating, and (3) recalibration [21,22,23]. Exploiting only by the forcing methods, i.e., replacing the state variables with the observation data, leads to errors entering the model without any optimization. Therefore, the obvious weakness of the forcing method is the loss of model information, and the output of the model is mainly determined by the observational data that are affected by the observed uncertainty [16]. Updating methods include continuously updating crop model simulation data based on the next coming satellite data input into the crop models. This is based on the assumption that a simulation process based on satellite data input at day “t” will improve the accuracy of the simulation data on succeeding days [21]. In the recalibration method, the state variables are re-estimated to an optimal level using optimization algorithms that minimize the difference between the entered and model-simulated state variables [23].
When satellite data are entered into the assimilation process of the crop growth model, then recalibration and updating methods prove to be more flexible than the forcing method and can minimize simulation errors. The recalibration method can be used to compensate for the structural and model input errors and better match the results with ground reality during the crop growth period [15]. As opposed to the forcing and updating methods, the recalibration method is supposedly better in some circumstances, but the main problem with this method is that it requires a large number of optimization iterations, and as a result, the calculation time will increase [21]. The date of selected satellite images is also an important and effective factor in the accuracy of crop yield estimation using the update method [24]. The effect of phenology shift (i.e., temporal and phenological differences between the in situ data used in crop growth simulation and the satellite data) reduces the efficiency of data assimilation in the updating method. Then, in this situation, the recalibration method can be estimated with better results [25]. Therefore, the recalibration method is preferred due to the presence of the phenology shift effect present in the fields. Regarding calibrating crop yield models, the majority of studies that assimilated satellite-based biophysical variables into crop yield models entered one or two separate variables via a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm. These are high-level search strategies that may provide a sufficiently good solution to optimization problems, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) or genetic algorithms (e.g., [4,20,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]). A few studies simultaneously used two state variables for model recalibration [33,34]. In these studies, meta-heuristic algorithms were used to optimize the parameters of crop growth models, iteratively. These algorithms minimized the difference between the simulated variables of the crop model and satellite data biophysical variables assimilated into the crop model.
AquaCrop is a water-driven crop growth model that is often used for optimizing water management strategies for agricultural irrigation and improving crop yield in irrigated lands [26,27,35]. According to the literature, the AquaCrop model should be calibrated using multiple state variables for optimizing model parameters. The assimilation of satellite-based biophysical products into crop yield models used to be challenging due to the restricted temporal resolution of images, along with the temporal disparities observed between ground data and satellite images in LAI, leading to errors in prediction and estimation [16,36]. However, as pointed out by Claverie et al. (2012), Huang et al. (2015b), Battude et al. (2016, 2017), and Manivasagam et al. (2021) [6,17,37,38,39], Sentinel-2 (S2) imagery acquisitions have both high spatial (10 m) and temporal (5 days) resolutions, making that data stream perfectly suited for assimilation into a crop-growth model.
To achieve an accurate and optimized calibration, the literature has revealed that the most sensitive parameters of the crop growth model are dependent on the environmental conditions, climate, and crop type in a given region [40,41,42]. Earlier, we had identified the driving AquaCrop model parameters for silage maize by combining the Morris and Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (EFAST) sensitivity methods that take into account the particular environmental conditions of the target study [43]. In a related work, we developed a Gaussian process regression–particle swarm optimization (GPR-PSO) algorithm to be used in extracting biophysical variables over croplands [44]. Their findings are incorporated into the present study for a more accurate assimilation of the AquaCrop model.
The AquaCrop model solely uses fCover as a state variable (LAI in most crop growth models) to calibrate the model parameters [21,45]. Relying on fCover alone to simulate the crop structure during the growing season can optimize its section parameters of the model, but it cannot optimize biomass or crop yield sections parameters of the model. Therefore, these features are obtained in the after-fCover section of the model (i.e., after CC formula in the AquaCrop model) using other secondary parameters related to plant transpiration, biomass, and crop yield. As a remedy to this predicament, we introduce the meta-heuristic water cycle algorithm (WCA) as an assimilation method for optimizing the parameters of the AquaCrop model by using multiple state variables, i.e., fCover and biomass, as opposed to the meta-heuristic PSO algorithm as an assimilation method by using one state variable (i.e., fCover). So, the present study proceeds to answer the following two questions: (i) Will using multiple variables, as the state variables, assimilated by the satellite vegetation products lead to a more accurate crop growth model? (ii) Will the meta-heuristic WCA optimize the model better than the PSO algorithm and entail more accurate results in crop yield estimates? Altogether, considering that the present study incorporates the satellite-derived biophysical products into AquaCrop in the case of silage maize, the fCover and biomass retrieved from the S2 imagery will be used as a means for optimizing and calibrating the model via the meta-heuristic WCA.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

Field experiments were conducted during the growing seasons of silage maize in the Ghale-Nou County, Tehran, Iran (51°24′–51°35′E and 35°23′–35°36′N, Figure 1). The area is characterized by flat terrain and agricultural fields mostly occupied by silage maize (7500 ha). Two local cultivars (Zea mays 704 and 706 single-crosses) were planted and harvested from mid-June to late-July and mid-September to late-October 2019, respectively. Silage maize fields are irrigated during the hottest months (July, August, and September). Daily weather input data were collected from a local weather station, namely Aminabad station, located in the study area (51°27′E and 35°35′N) (Figure 1). In the experimental field period, the average annual humidity was 40%, with minimum and maximum temperatures measured at 19.7 and 35.3, respectively (daily mean temperature approximately 27.5 °C), on a 120-day average [46]. The field experiments for this study were carried out in 30 fields of silage maize, measured in 30 elementary sampling units (ESUs), and were plotted on a 20 m × 20 m scale to be comparable with the S2 pixel size. In each ESU (plot), a sampling of the soil before planting and sampling during the crop-growing season were conducted to collect the leaf area index (LAI), fCover, biomass, cropland information, and irrigation plan. These measurements were used for setting up and calibrating the AquaCrop model. Details of the sampling procedures for crops, soil, irrigation, etc., are explained in the following Sections.

2.2. Field Experiments

Data required for parametrizing the AquaCrop model were collected from ESU site samplings (for further details, see [44,47,48]; the map of silage maize farms were depicted based on [49]) during the growing season of silage maize from 12 July to 10 October 2019. AquaCrop includes four types of input data related to crops, soil, management, and climate, with three main outputs including vegetation cover (fCover), biomass, and simulated crop yield [50]. Daily meteorological data were obtained from the Aminabad meteorological station for a longer period than the silage-maize-growing season, i.e., from late-May to mid-December 2019. These data included the maximum and minimum daily temperature; average daily temperature; average daily precipitation; maximum, minimum, and average daily relative humidity; average daily wind speed; and daily solar radiation (sunny hours).
AquaCrop accesses the Mauna Loa database internally to extract the average CO2 concentration data needed for modeling crop growth. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated using the ETo calculator ( (accessed on 10 December 2019)) and climatic data. The Angstrom–Prescott model [51] and the study-area-specific coefficients were utilized to calculate solar radiation using a solar radiation calculator and PhotoPeriod. AquaCrop’s climate section lets us directly adjust the precipitation data, ETo, minimum and maximum temperature, and CO2.
Regarding soil characteristics, a total of 30 samples of soil (individually in 30 farms) were employed at 0–60 cm depth at five locations on each farm (ESU land) in the form of M or W shape pattern. According to the M and W lines sampling scheme drawn in the farms (ESUs lands), four dots/pits were placed in the corners of the fields (away from the farm border), and one dot/pit was placed in the center of each. Then, soil analysis was performed in the lab as listed in Table 1. The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was calculated through pedotransfer functions and soil moisture contents at SAT, FC, and PWP. These data were entered into AquaCrop’s soil section for each field.
Additionally, farmers completed questionnaires that provided management information for the model, including irrigation schedule (date and duration of each irrigation), type of irrigation system, tillage equipment, seed source, crop cultivar, cultivation method and depth, planting and harvest date, and seed density per hectare. Also, during the fieldwork, the distance between rows and crops planted on the rows was measured to determine the destructive protocol sampling area and planting density. To calculate the depth of each irrigation event in the furrow irrigation method, the dominant irrigation method of the study area, multiple measurements of the water depth in the canal were collected from various locations of the canal whose cross-section was circular, and then these measurements were averaged. The flow rate of water in the canal was then calculated from the multiple of the velocity times the cross-sectional area of the flow, which was multiplied by the irrigation duration to obtain the water depth applied at each event. To account for inefficiencies in irrigation, the water depth obtained in the previous step was multiplied by the typical values of 0.95 and 0.6 for conveyance efficiency and field application efficiency, respectively ( (accessed on 15 December 2019) (Annex I: Irrigation efficiencies)). The irrigation calculation was also incorporated as input into the AquaCrop model for each sampling field. Apart from measuring LAI and fCover at 30 ESUs (refer to Section 2.2.1 for more details), cropland information, such as the number of crop leaves, exact row and plant spacing, and phenological dates, were collected for 30 ESUs per field visit. These field observations were subsequently incorporated into the crop section of the AquaCrop model for each field.

2.2.1. LAI and fCover Field Measurement

LAI and fCover were measured in each ESU of silage maize during the growing season, from 12 July to 10 October 2019, using (1) digital hemisphere photography (DHP) and (2) destructive protocol. The average of both protocols was calculated in each ESU sampling. The time interval between each measurement ranged from 10 to 15 days (6 times sampling for each ESU, i.e., a total of 180 samples in the study area), covering all the phenology stages of silage maize (Figure 2). It merits mentioning that, due to delays in the planting time, the field measurements of 27 July, 1 August, 11 August, and 16 August were carried out in three- to four-leaf stages in some cases. Accordingly, the time of the first sampling was set to three weeks after the planting on each field. Therefore, ESUs involved different phenology stages due to the asynchronous cultivation on different farms.
The first collecting method (i.e., DHP) involved using a Canon 5d Mark II camera with an FC-E8 fisheye lens to measure LAI and fCover using DHP (Figure 3), followed by processing the images using CAN-EYE V6.491 software ( (accessed on 20 December 2019)). In fact, during each measurement of six sampling events for each ESU (i.e., each sampling stage), we took 9–12 photos by camera with fisheye lens by considering the protocols of the Validation of Land European Remote Sensing Instruments (VALERI) ( (accessed on 20 December 2019)).
The second collecting method (i.e., destructive protocol) involved manually measuring the length and width of each leaf from four silage maize plants harvested destructively from each ESU during every sampling stage. We measured the length and width of all leaves from four silage maize plants because there were no yellow leaves since silage maize was harvested before senescence. To estimate the area of each leaf, the measured length and maximum width of each leaf were multiplied by 0.75 [52,53,54]. LAI was then calculated by dividing the total leaf area of all plants sampled in each ESU by the destructive protocol sampling area, which was determined by multiplying the row and plant spacing by the number of samples, as described by [54]. Furthermore, fCover was derived using the Ritchie model using Equation (1) [55].
fCover = 1 e x p ( K L A I )
where K is the extinction coefficient estimated to be 0.507643 for maize, based on in situ DHP processing and the Beer–Lambert law [56].

2.2.2. Biomass Measurement

Biomass weight was measured for all phenological stages of silage maize (4 plants in each sampling) by oven drying. Samples were dried at 70 °C for 3–4 days. Biomass per unit area was calculated using Equation (2) [57]. The calculated biomass in each ESU was used to extract biomass using S2 imagery.
B i o m a s s = w e i g h t / ( n u m b e r   o f   d e s t r u c t i v e   s a m p l e s r o w   d i s t a n c e d i s t a n c e   b e t w e e n   p l a n t s   i n   e a c h   r o w )

2.3. Satellite Data

During the silage-maize-growing season in the study area, 15 Sentinel-2 A/B (S2) cloud-free images were collected from 12 July to 10 October 2019 (Figure 2). The images were selected based on the silage maize crop’s phenological process. ESA’s S2 satellites were used, covering visible and near-infrared (VNIR) wavelengths at 10 m and 20 m spatial resolution. To produce a Level-2A product, the ESA Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) toolbox is used in conjunction with the Sen2Cor plugin.

2.4. Retrieval of the Biophysical Variable from Satellite Data (fCover and Biomass)

In the previous study, we proposed a kernel-based machine learning algorithm capable of performing adaptive and nonlinear data fitting to generate a suitable, accurate, and robust algorithm for spatiotemporal estimation of the three variables (i.e., LAI, fCover, and biomass) using S2 imagery. To this aim, Gaussian process regression (GPR)–particle swarm optimization (PSO), GPR–genetic algorithm (GA), GPR–tabu search (TS), and GPR–simulated annealing (SA) optimized algorithms were developed and compared with kernel-based machine learning regression algorithms, as well as artificial neural network (ANN) and random forest (RF) algorithms (refer to Akbari et al., 2023 [44], for more details). The accuracy of the proposed algorithms was assessed using in situ measured fCover and biomass in the growing season of silage maize. The results on biophysical variables against validation data showed that the developed GPR-PSO algorithm outperformed other algorithms studied in terms of robustness and accuracy. Overall, GPR-PSO excelled at mapping biophysical variables at the local scale using S2 imagery [44]. This led us to select GPR-PSO to retrieve the biophysical variables fCover and biomass from S2 imagery and then to assimilate these variables into the AquaCrop model for its calibration.

2.5. Global Sensitivity Analysis

In global sensitivity analysis (GSA), screening methods such as the Morris method [58] are often used prior to the application of GSA methods like EFAST [59] to facilitate the identification of the least and most effective parameters, respectively. The least effective parameters are kept constant and are excluded from the next step, which is the execution of variance-based methods with high computational complexity [41]. The combination of Morris and EFAST methods has also proven successful in studies by [4,41,60].
Conservative/non-conservative parameters of the AquaCrop model were also included in the GSA for the last study because the calibration results of various studies also suggested a limited range of variation for the conservative parameters (e.g., [4,41,42,61,62,63,64,65]. An important aspect influencing the performance of GSA is to identify the range of parameter values or the minimum and maximum acceptable values (bounds) for each parameter [41]. Determining parameter distributions also plays a role; a uniform distribution is often assumed when no specific distribution is taken. Variations in certain parameters, such as soil parameters, phenology parameters, crop density, and maximum canopy cover in fraction soil cover (ccx), were ranged based on data collected from the study area. The other model parameters were set based on the minimum and maximum possible values given in the available sources (see Appendix A).
A GSA combining Morris and EFAST was earlier applied to identify the most sensitive parameters for calibrating AquaCrop [43]. As a result, the time required for calibration is reduced, and the accuracy of model calibration is increased. The findings revealed that ccx, rtx, wp, anaer, stbio, kc, cgc, and rtmin parameters of AquaCrop had, respectively, higher sensitivity than other parameters. Recently, a study by Akbari et al. (2024) [43] identified a limited number of key driving parameters that may reduce computational complexity and provide more accurate optimization of the model parameters through satellite data assimilation and crop yield simulation. Here, we used these key parameters as identified in Akbari et al. (2024) [43] for AquaCrop’s calibration.

2.6. AquaCrop, a Crop Simulation Model

AquaCrop is essentially based on the relationship between relative yield and relative evapotranspiration [66]. The simulation of crop yield in the model involves four steps: (1) canopy cover development (CC), (2) plant transpiration (Tr), (3) aboveground biomass (B), and (4) crop yield (Y) [50]. The model comprises unique computational stages and parameters along with climate, soil, crop, management, temperature, salinity, fertility, and water stress conditions. AquaCrop finally simulates crop yield by defining conservative and non-conservative parameters (Appendix A) (see (accessed on 19 December 2019) and [50,67,68] for more details) (Figure 4).

2.7. Assimilation of Remote Sensing (RS) Data into AquaCrop

2.7.1. Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm as the Assimilation Method

We calibrated the sensitive parameters (refer to Section 2.5) by assimilating fCover and biomass extracted from S2 satellite data into AquaCrop. To simulate AquaCrop, the model parameters must be calibrated based on the silage maize crop and the study area. For this purpose, according to the table in Appendix A, other parameters than the above-listed eight sensitive parameters are considered fixed and set to the average value of the ranges defined in the table. It is worth mentioning that the experimental parameters were injected into AquaCrop according to what was measured in the field and in the laboratory. They were parameters related to phenology, density, and other parameters written in the attached table as experimental results.
PSO and WCA meta-heuristic algorithms as assimilation methods were analyzed to find which one is more suitable to calibrate AquaCrop. PSO relies on individuals (particles) to discover optimal points using personal experience and the best outcomes so far [49]. Conversely, the WCA has a higher convergence rate and produces superior optimization quality. In addition, the WCA incorporates rivers as landmarks for individuals. These rivers are constantly moving toward the optimal solution (i.e., the sea). By incorporating rivers, the algorithm can guide individuals toward more optimal locations. This approach helps to minimize futile expeditions into unsuitable regions and leads to relatively optimal solutions. This process (relocation of streams towards rivers, which then move on to the sea) indirectly progresses towards the optimal solution [69,70]. It is therefore suggested that the WCA method is more suitable for calibrating AquaCrop due to its higher convergence rate and ability to handle complex computational processes in assimilating satellite data.
The WCA starts with an initial population (rain drops), among which the best individual (optimal water drop) is selected as the sea. The next best drops are labeled as rivers, and the remaining drops are labeled streams, which progress towards the river and then the sea. The algorithm converges towards the optimal solution in 12 steps (Appendix B).
The recalibration of AquaCrop is based on assimilated data streams of S2 satellite-derived biophysical products using the WCA method, which follows the steps below:
  • Initialize the WCA parameters and the affective parameters in the AquaCrop model using the results of the sensitivity analysis for recalibration.
  • Execute the AquaCrop plug-in (ACsaV60) to simulate CC and biomass values.
  • Use a cost function to relate the values of satellite-based fCover and biomass variables with the simulated values (CC and biomass) for model recalibration. The cost function estimates values that determine if the optimization algorithm has achieved optimal parameters for the model or not.
The formulation of the cost function for the present study is as follows:
J = i = 1 N ( C C s i C C r i C C r i ) 2 N
where CCs is the simulated fCover value, CCr is the real fCover value extracted from remote sensing data, and i = 1 to N is the number of ESU sampling fields, which is considered in the recalibration stage of the WCA model. The cost function is considered solely for fCover estimation, while in the case of considering fCover together with biomass, an intersection of both cost functions is used, as shown below:
J = i = 1 N ( C C s i C C r i C C r i ) 2 N i = 1 N ( Bio s i Bio r i Bio r i ) 2 N
where Bios is the simulated biomass value, and Bior is the real biomass value extracted from remote sensing data.
  • Find the optimal value in each iteration and update the population (4 to 11 steps in WCA in Appendix B).
  • Terminate the algorithm if the convergence criteria (number of iterations) are met and compute the final output; otherwise, return to stage 2. The final output includes optimal parameter values for the AquaCrop model as well as the ultimate yield value (Figure 5).
The difference between the WCA and PSO algorithms used in the satellite data assimilation into the AquaCrop model was in different initialization of random first population and how to seek and update the best position for finding the optimal values for AquaCrop parameters (i.e., steps 1 and 4).
The WCA parameters were initialized at seven rivers and one at sea, with the maximum distance between river and sea set at 0.00001. The variability of the driving parameters of AquaCrop’s calibration inputs was considered based on in situ surveys, the available literature, and FAO standards (Appendix B). Less effective parameters were valued based on the average ranges (Appendix B). The implementation was conducted in the MATLAB environment.

2.7.2. AquaCrop Plugin (ACsaV60)

The ACsaV60 plugin was proposed by the FAO for the simultaneous processing of large datasets at once, such as in the case of the assimilation of satellite data streams into AquaCrop which runs on a combination of optimization algorithms. The plugin allows for subsequent iterations on different projects with individual values for the parameters, all of which are ultimately stored in a database. Random sampling matrices of parameters based on Silvestro et al. (2017) [4] were used to generate varying parameter values, which were then optimized using meta-heuristic algorithms to extract the optimal values. The plugin provided estimates of several project simulations, including CC, biomass, yield, etc., to analyze the cost function of the optimization algorithm.

2.7.3. Model Implementation and Evaluation

To implement meta-heuristic optimization algorithms (i.e., PSO and WCAs) for the recalibration of AquaCrop using satellite data assimilation and evaluating crop yield simulation, 30 study fields were divided into two groups: calibration (10 ESUs lands) and validation (20 ESUs lands), as they were randomly distributed. Therefore, we used 10 ESUs for calibration of the AquaCrop model and extracted optimal values of sensitive parameters (i.e., ccx, rtx, wp, anaer, stbio, kc, cgc, and rtmin); then, we imported these parameter values into the model for evaluating the model by other ESUs as validation, which did not incorporate in model calibration (i.e., 20 ESUs lands). We also evaluated only fCover as a state variable and compared it with the combination of both fCover and biomass as state variables in the situation of RS data assimilation and without RS data assimilation. The RMSE, relative RMSE (RRMSE), and R2 metrics were calculated using the Equations below:
R M S E = i = 1 n ( Y i Y ^ i ) 2 n  
RRMSE = R M S E μ × 100
R 2 = 1 i = 1 n ( Y i Y ^ i ) 2 i = 1 n ( Y i Y ¯ ) 2
where Yi is the observed value, Y ^ i the predicted value, μ is the average value of observations, and n is the number of samples [71].

3. Results

3.1. Evaluation of AquaCrop Results with Assimilation of Satellite-Based Biophysical Products

To validate the crop yield simulated by AquaCrop, the farms (samples) were divided into two groups for calibration and validation purposes. The RMSE and RRMSE values were calculated for both, whether considering fCover alone or in combination with biomass (Table 2). The results revealed that the lack of assimilation of satellite-derived vegetation products in the calibration of AquaCrop will result in lower accuracy. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of data assimilation in the proposed simulation model will provide more accurate crop yield estimates. The RRMSE values for calibration and validation in the fCover scenario alone decreased by 4.2 and 5.1% when using data assimilation in PSO and 5.1 and 8.9% in WCA, respectively, compared to without data assimilation. For the scenario where fCover was used in combination with biomass, the corresponding error rates for calibration and validation decreased, respectively, from 6.3 to 9.1% (without data assimilation) to 5.7 and 8.0% when data assimilation and AquaCrop were included in PSO and 4.0 and 6.1% in WCA.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the estimated and observed yield values for both scenarios of fCover alone and in combination with biomass for data assimilation using the two mentioned algorithms as well as without assimilated data. Assimilating data streams of these products into the WCA model improves crop yield prediction, as evidenced by increased R2 values (0.17 and 0.18 for calibration and validation) when using fCover combined with biomass. R2 values for WCA with data assimilation and both fCover and biomass were higher by 0.27 and 0.54 for model calibration and validation compared to using fCover alone without considering data assimilation of these products. This was also the case for data assimilation using the WCA, where R2 values for crop yield increased by 0.17 and 0.26 for the case of fCover combined with biomass as opposed to fCover as the only state variable. The proposed method using WCA and combining fCover and biomass has higher R2 values than using PSO algorithm with only fCover as a state variable. It increased R2 values by 0.17 and 0.35 for calibration and validation, respectively. The accuracy of data assimilation with WCA for the scenario of combination of fCover and biomass outperforms other cases, i.e., without data assimilation and data assimilation with PSO. R2 values for calibration and validation were 0.9179 and 0.9089, respectively, underscoring the effectiveness of data assimilation with WCA in combination with fCover and biomass.
WCA in the scenario of fCover combined with biomass for model calibration and validation achieves higher accuracies for yield, biomass, and fCover compared to PSO method. Using fCover alone or combining fCover with biomass in PSO method results in lower accuracies. Including both state variables (fCover and biomass) leads to superior performance compared to using fCover alone. The RRMSE values for calibration and validation via WCA are 5.48% and 6.28%, respectively (Table 2, Figure 8). Employing WCA with satellite products assimilation improves accuracy when combining fCover and biomass. WCA and satellite products data assimilation, as opposed to without data assimilation, decreased RMSE values by 6.3 and 7.11 ton/ha. RRMSE values decrease by 10.53% and 15.17% for model calibration and validation of the yield variable, respectively. The case of fCover alone resulted in less accurate results compared to the combined modeling procedure. Comparing the results of WCA on assimilated data using both fCover and biomass state variables against the results of PSO run with only fCover revealed the superiority of the proposed method. The proposed method had an increase in RMSE of 3.8 and 4.7 ton/ha for calibration and validation of output yield compared to the situation of using fCover alone. The respective RRMSE values for the proposed method were 6.4% and 10%.

3.2. Pixel-Based Map of Estimated Crop Yield and Its Evaluation

Using the WCA with fCover and biomass as state variables, optimal parameters of AquaCrop were extracted and applied in the mathematical formula of the model to obtain spatial distribution maps of crop yield. For this purpose, the biophysical variables of biomass and fCover were obtained from S2 satellite data using the GPR-PSO algorithm to achieve pixel-based variables. GPR-PSO was introduced for retrieving biophysical variables from satellite data by [44].
After calculating the average value for each pixel from the two given maps (i.e., yield maps obtained from fCover and biomass retrieved from satellite data by applying optimal parameters found in assimilation-based optimization algorithm (see previous section) and mathematical formula of the model), those fields that were not included in the 30 studied ESUs during AquaCrop calibration and validation were used to evaluate the crop yield spatial distribution map (Figure 9). Due to the different planting dates of the farms, some farms were harvested on September 19 and estimated yield using the image were low. The statistical analysis was used to compare the crop yield estimates from the maps with the actual yields as recorded by the landowners. The target areas in Figure 9 are numbered and statistically compared in Figure 10. The crop yield map, created from the September 19 satellite image, accurately represented crop yield with an RMSE of 2.524 ton/ha and an R2 value of 0.8741. This accuracy was achieved even when accounting for late-tillage cultivation and specific tillage harvesting practices (Figure 10).

4. Discussion

4.1. WCA vs PSO for Calibrating the AquaCrop Model in Satellite Data Assimilation

This study introduced a promising method for estimating silage maize crop yield by assimilating S2 satellite products into AquaCrop with WCA for model calibration. We used fCover and biomass extracted from S2 data as observed state variable inputs into calibration, and we demonstrated greater calibration accuracy compared to previous single-state variable approaches. In addition, incorporating data streams of the two biophysical variables and introducing the WCA proved to achieve higher accuracy of crop yield estimation than the previously employed PSO algorithm. Overall, the proposed WCA for calibration of the AquaCrop model achieved improved accuracy in yield estimation, especially when using multiple state variables simultaneously.
The consistency between the estimated and observed (measured) variable values using data assimilation was higher when using two variables (fCover and biomass), as opposed to a single-variable case (fCover), with decreases in calibration and validation RMSE of 3.28 and 2.94 (respective RRMSE decreases of 5.5 and 6.3%) and increases in corresponding R2 values of 0.14 and 0.26 when using the WCA.
The assimilation of fCover and biomass into AquaCrop using WCA and two state variables simultaneously outperformed previous studies (e.g., [4,20,30] that used PSO with only one state variable (fCover)). The proposed method resulted in decreased RMSE values by 3.8 and 4.7 ton/ha, decreased RRMSE by 6.4% and 10%, and increased R2 by 0.17 and 0.35 for model calibration and validation, respectively. In related studies, the results of assimilating satellite-based product data via PSO into AquaCrop for wheat [4,20,30], the WOFOST model for rice [29], and the ChinaAgrosys model for wheat [31] demonstrate the effectiveness of satellite-based product data assimilation in increasing the accuracy of crop yield estimation and growth simulation while reducing the time and cost of sampling. This study reported similar results of increasing the accuracy of crop yield estimation with satellite data assimilation into AquaCrop for silage maize but showed superior results with the proposed WCA method and the two-state variable scenario.
A pixel-based cropland yield map was generated using S2 biomass and fCover data obtained by GPR-PSO and optimal AquaCrop parameters obtained by the two-state-variables WCA model. The map showed high accuracy for uncalibrated areas, with an RMSE of 2.524 ton/ha and R2 of 0.8741 between estimated and observed values. The obtained results clearly answer the question of whether using two state variables, i.e., fCover and biomass, from satellite data assimilated into AquaCrop leads to more accurate agricultural yield estimates while accounting for spatial variability. The assumption of previous studies to rely on solely one variable was not accepted, and prospective research was encouraged to use fCover and biomass simultaneously. However, the GPR-PSO algorithm improves the accuracy of the extracted S2-derived biophysical variables (refer to Akbari et al., 2023 [44]) and contributes to the increased accuracy of the simulated crop yield using AquaCrop. This study aimed to make estimated crop yields more consistent with actual ground data in calibration, which will help scientists and researchers in the practical management and planning of agricultural products.

4.2. Limitations and Opportunities for Further Research

Studies targeting the recalibration of crop growth models, especially based on satellite data assimilation, aimed to bring the crop growth model closer to the robustness conditions. These studies usually seek to reduce the uncertainty of the model and simplify the model to be closer to reality (e.g., [4,20,29,30,31,32,72]). In the absence of satellite data assimilation into crop growth modeling studies, typically one or two farms for sampling of crop-growing behavior were considered, whereby N-fertilization and irrigation (varying in amount and timing) treatments and diversity management in different years were applied for calibrating the crop growth model (e.g., [2,61,73,74,75]). To reduce the uncertainty of the AquaCrop model and bring it closer to the robustness condition, here, we assimilated satellite data streams into the model. Also, we included 30 different lands (by considering and dividing for calibration and validation processes) with diverse management, soil diversity, and different cultivars, i.e., variability of cultivation, management, and soil conditions over a one-year period. In this context, we modeled the silage-maize-growing behavior of distinct farms, which included different treatments and management practices within one year. This is because the climate in the region is homogeneous and stable over the years, while the soil, crop, and management conditions vary across the farms in the landscape. Also, referring to studies that use satellite data assimilation into the crop growth model, they usually limit themselves to one year (e.g., [17,20,28,29,34,76]). Thus, it seems a one-year time window is not a limitation to the satellite data assimilation into the crop growth model, but it would be better to enhance field sampling beyond one year to achieve greater robustness. While, when the model achieves greater robustness, optimizes the model’s parameters, and reduces the uncertainties based on site-specific characteristics, it can be used for practical agricultural decision support, such as planning of sowing date, the timing and amount of irrigation, fertilization, and other management practices, to plan the future desired yield.
Further, the present study is not without limitations in terms of achieving a generalized result. To aim for generic applicability, we need to apply the calibration across different study areas over several years. Also, if resources would allow, it would be better to study in more than 30 fields to calibrate the model with more precision. In addition, to achieve greater robustness of the proposed WCA method and the two-state variable scenario with satellite data assimilation into AquaCrop in a broader context, it is necessary to generalize the proposed model for other geographical, climatic, and crop conditions. Progressing along this line, to test the WCA method for calibrating the crop growth model for other crop models (e.g., APSIM, WOFOST, DSSAT, etc.), diverse geographic locations, crop types, and climate, would require the collaboration of the scientific community. Also, focus on crop types newly introduced into AquaCrop (2022), i.e., the perennial forage crops, such as alfalfa, would be evaluated and promoted the introduced WCAWCA for AquaCrop model calibration with a great impact and novelty. In this respect, significant research efforts are still required to enhance the realism and predictive capabilities of crop growth models, paving the way for a future of fine-tuned precision agriculture.

5. Conclusions

This study aimed to improve crop yield estimation by integrating S2 products into the AquaCrop model using a meta-heuristic WCA method for silage maize yield prediction. Our results unveiled the limitations of using a single state variable to calibrate growth models, which led us to incorporate two state variables to improve the recalibration process. Our approach enhanced the crop growth simulation accuracy significantly. In addition, the results revealed that the meta-heuristic WCA surpassed PSO in terms of calibrating AquaCrop with satellite-based biophysical products. Using the WCA for AquaCrop model recalibration and two state variables (i.e., fCover and biomass) outperformed previous PSO-based studies with only one state variable (i.e., fCover), resulting in decreased RMSE values by 3.8 and 4.7 ton/ha, decreased RRMSE by 6.4% and 10%, and increased R2 by 0.17 and 0.35 for model calibration and validation, respectively. This was attributed to the higher convergence rate and optimization quality of the WCA. However, it should be noted that the WCA has a slower processing speed compared to PSO. Therefore, in follow-up research, we recommend combining PSO and WCA as recalibration mechanisms to further improve the accuracy of crop yield simulation for different cultivars.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.A., A.D.B., J.V. and S.P.; data curation, E.A.; formal analysis, E.A.; investigation, E.A., A.D.B. and J.V.; methodology, E.A., A.D.B., J.V. and S.P.; resources, E.A.; software, E.A.; supervision, A.D.B.; validation, E.A.; visualization, E.A.; writing—original draft, E.A.; writing—review and editing, E.A., A.D.B., J.V. and S.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


J.V. was funded by the European Union (ERC, FLEXINEL, 101086622). The views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are not available because the data are part of my thesis.


The authors deeply appreciate the great support from farmers and organization of agriculture in Ghale-Nou County in this research.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A. Parameters of AquaCrop Model and Their Variation Range

Name of Parameter or Input VariableMinMaxAverageUnitDescriptionReference
hipsflo000%Possible increase (%) of HI due to water stress before floweringRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
rew798mmReadily evaporable water from top layer (mm)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
psen0.60.780.69fraction TAWSoil water depletion factor for canopy senescence: upper threshold (fraction TAW)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I/ [41]
hinc102015%Allowable maximum increase (%) of specified HIRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
anaer010%Anaerobic point below saturation limiting aeration (vol %)[41]
To_crop798°CBase temperature below which crop development stops (°C)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I, [77,78]
cdc4ggd0.0060.0130.009fraction GDDCDC for GGD: decrease in canopy cover (in fraction per GDD)Refs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
cgc4ggd0.0060.0130.009fraction GDDCGC for GGD: increase in canopy cover (in fraction soil cover per GDD)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
cn466153.5-CN (Curve Number)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
hingsto243-Coefficient describing negative impact on HI of stomatal closure during yield formationRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
hipsveg4.79.37-Coefficient describing positive impact on HI of restricted vegetative growth during yield formationRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
kc11.1-Crop coefficient when canopy is complete but prior to senescenceRefs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
cpco2406050%Crop performance under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (%)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
dos163203 JDAYday of sowing (Julian Day)experimenal results
kcdcl0.10.50.3% d−1Decline of crop coefficient (%/day) as a result of senescence, nitrogen deficiency, etc.[41]
evardc307050-Effect of canopy cover in reducing soil evaporation in late season stage[41]
ecss7.512.510dS m−1Electrical Conductivity of soil saturation extract at which crop can no longer grow (dS/m)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
ecsss1.52.52dS m−1Electrical conductivity of soil saturation extract at which crop starts to be affected by soil salinity (dS/m)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
fk264 Evaporation decline factor for stage II Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
exc346650%Excess of potential fruits (%)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
flo10471289 GDDGDD from sowing to floweringexperiment results
root10751305 GDDGDD from sowing to maximum rooting depthexperiment results
sen17482004 GDDGDD from sowing to start senescenceexperiment results
eme72116 GDDGrowing Degree Days (GDD) from sowing to emergenceexperiment results
mat17322095 GDDLength of the crop cycle (GDD)experiment results
flolen168325 GDDLength of the flowering stage (GDD)experiment results
polmx354540°CMaximum air temperature above which pollination starts to fail (°C)Refs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex2 and Annex I
ccx0.70.99%Maximum canopy cover in fraction soil coverexperiment results
rtx1.82.8mMaximum effective rooting depth (m)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
rtexup0.0350.0550.045m3 m−3 soil d−1Maximum root water extraction (m3 water/m3 soil. day) in top quarter of root zoneRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
rtexlw0.0080.0140.011m3 m−3 soil d−1Maximum root water extraction (m3 water/m3 soil. day) in bottom quarter of root zoneRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
polmn81210°CMinimum air temperature below which pollination starts to fail (°C)Refs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
rtmin0.20.4mMinimum effective rooting depth (m)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
stbio1113GDDMinimum GDD required for full biomass productionRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
den100,000125,000 n ha-1Number of plants per hectareexperiment results
hilen533931 GDDPeriod of Harvest Index build up during yield formation starting at flowering (GDD)experiment results
hi5054 %Reference Harvest Index (HI0) (%)experiment results
Ksat5001200 mm d−1Saturated hydraulic conductivityexperiment results
rtshp8.5017.5013-Shape factor describing root zone expansionRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
psenshp1.83.62.7-Shape factor for water stress inducing early senescenceRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
pexshp1.93.92.9-Shape factor for water stress limiting canopy expansionRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
pstoshp486-Shape factor for water stress limiting stomatal conductanceRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
Kex11.21.1-Soil evaporation coefficient for fully wet and non-shaded soil surfaceRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
Ssf050 Soil fertility/salinity stress coefficient (%)expert knowledge
ccs4.58.56.5cm2Soil surface covered by an individual seedling at 90% emergenceRefs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
fc18.939.7 %Soil Water Content at Field Capacityexpert knowledge
pwp8.1916.95 %Soil Water content at Wilting Pointexpert knowledge
pexlw0.60.840.72fraction TAWSoil water depletion factor for canopy expansion: lower threshold (fraction TAW)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
pexup0.090.190.14fraction TAWSoil water depletion factor for canopy expansion: upper threshold, fraction of total available water (TAW)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
ppol0.70.90.8fraction TAWSoil water depletion factor for pollination (p—pol): upper threshold (fraction TAW)Refs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
psto0.550.830.69fraction TAWSoil water depletion fraction for stomatal control: upper threshold (fraction TAW)Refs. [41,67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
Tmax_crop303030°CUpper temperature above which crop development stops (°C)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I, [77,78]
wp32.435g m−2Water productivity normalized for ETo and CO2 (g/m2)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
wp_yfp75125100%Water Productivity normalized for ETo and CO2 during yield formation (as % of wp)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
th0.60.6 mSoil thickness of samplingexperiment results
WC18.939.7 Water contentexperiment results
hilen_cd5170 dayBuilding up of Harvest Index starting at flowering (days)experiment results
cdlf111-Crop determinancy linked with floweringRefs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
cgc0.110.142 Canopy growth coefficient (CGC): Increase in canopy cover (fraction soil cover per day)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I
cdc0.060.160.11 Canopy decline coefficient (CDC): Decrease in canopy cover (in fraction per day)Refs. [67,68], Aquacrop manual chapt. 2 and Annex I

Appendix B. WCA Algorithm

Step 1: determine initialize WCA parameters including number of rivers, the sea (Nsr), maximum distance between rivers and sea (dmax), number of rain drops (Npop), maximum number of iterations (max_iteration)
Step 2: establish an initial random population, initialize values of streams (rain drops), rivers, and the sea according to Equation (A1)
P o p u l a t i o n   o f   r a i n d r o p s = R a i n d r o p 1 R a i n d r o p 2 R a i n d r o p 3 R a i n d r o p N p o p = x 1 1 x 2 1 x 3 1 x 1 2 x 2 2 x 3 2 x 1 N p o p x 2 N p o p x 3 N p o p x N v a r 1 x N v a r 2 x N v a r N p o p
Step 3: calculate cost function for each raindrop
Step 4: measure river and sea flow (Equation (A2))
NS n = round   C o s t n i = 1 N s r C o s t i × N R a i n r o p s ,           n = 1 ,   2 ,   ,   N sr
Step 5: calculate flow from streams towards rivers (Equation (A3))
X S t r e a m i + 1 = X S t r e a m i + r a n d × C × ( X R i v e r i X S t r e a m i )
Step 6: calculate flow from rivers to sea (lowest point) (Equation (A4))
X R i v e r i + 1 = X R i v e r i + r a n d × C × ( X S e a i X R i v e r i )
Step 7: update location (status) of rivers based on best streams identified
Step 8: any river representing a more suitable solution compared to the sea is substituted for the sea
Step 9: check evaporation condition (Equation (A5))
i f   X S e a i X R i v e r i < d m a x             i = 1 , 2 , 3 , , N s r 1
Step 10: if the evaporation condition is met, calculate rainfall using the following equations:
X S t r e a m n e w = L B + r a n d × ( U B L B )
X S t r e a m n e w = X s e a + μ × r a n d n ( 1 , N v a r )
Step 11: decrease dmax according to Equation (A8)
d m a x i + 1 = d m a x i d m a x i max i t e r a t i o n
Step 12: check convergence and termination criteria, otherwise return to step 5.


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Figure 1. Study area in Iran and Tehran province (a). Experiment site in Ghale-Nou County (b).
Figure 1. Study area in Iran and Tehran province (a). Experiment site in Ghale-Nou County (b).
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Figure 2. Field sampling according to the silage maize phenology [44].
Figure 2. Field sampling according to the silage maize phenology [44].
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Figure 3. Samples of DHP taken in ESUs at different phenology stages of silage maize [44].
Figure 3. Samples of DHP taken in ESUs at different phenology stages of silage maize [44].
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Figure 4. The AquaCrop model’s calculation scheme with four (1, 2, 3, and 4 numbers) steps and processes (dotted arrows) influenced by water (a to e) and temperature stress (f to g). CC is green canopy cover; Zr, rooting depth; ETo, reference evapotranspiration; WP*, normalized biomass water productivity; HI, harvest index; and GDD, growing degree day. Water stress: (a) slows canopy expansion, (b) accelerates canopy senescence, (c) decreases root deepening, but only if severe, (d) reduces stomatal opening and transpiration, and (e) affects harvest index. Cold temperature stress (f) reduces crop transpiration. Hot or cold temperature stress (g) inhibits pollination and reduces HI [50].
Figure 4. The AquaCrop model’s calculation scheme with four (1, 2, 3, and 4 numbers) steps and processes (dotted arrows) influenced by water (a to e) and temperature stress (f to g). CC is green canopy cover; Zr, rooting depth; ETo, reference evapotranspiration; WP*, normalized biomass water productivity; HI, harvest index; and GDD, growing degree day. Water stress: (a) slows canopy expansion, (b) accelerates canopy senescence, (c) decreases root deepening, but only if severe, (d) reduces stomatal opening and transpiration, and (e) affects harvest index. Cold temperature stress (f) reduces crop transpiration. Hot or cold temperature stress (g) inhibits pollination and reduces HI [50].
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Figure 5. The workflow of remote sensing data assimilation into AquaCrop model using WCA.
Figure 5. The workflow of remote sensing data assimilation into AquaCrop model using WCA.
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Figure 6. Comparative analysis of estimated and observed yield using only fCover as state variable, with data assimilation for both PSO and WCAs for AquaCrop calibration and without data assimilation.
Figure 6. Comparative analysis of estimated and observed yield using only fCover as state variable, with data assimilation for both PSO and WCAs for AquaCrop calibration and without data assimilation.
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Figure 7. Comparative analysis of estimated and observed values of yield using fCover combined with biomass, with data assimilation for both PSO and WCAs for AquaCrop calibration and without data assimilation.
Figure 7. Comparative analysis of estimated and observed values of yield using fCover combined with biomass, with data assimilation for both PSO and WCAs for AquaCrop calibration and without data assimilation.
Remotesensing 16 04665 g007aRemotesensing 16 04665 g007b
Figure 8. Comparative transcendency of data assimilation into the AquaCrop model based on output yield in the validation phase of the model using fCover alone and in combination with biomass (R2 and RRMSE (%)). The graphs illustrate the transcendency of methods in the vertical axis compared with those in the horizontal axis. Each method is denoted by a letter (according to the given matrix in this Figure) with transcendency of each method compared pair-wise. PSO and WCA are the meta-heuristic algorithms used for calibration; one and two allude to the number of state variables used.
Figure 8. Comparative transcendency of data assimilation into the AquaCrop model based on output yield in the validation phase of the model using fCover alone and in combination with biomass (R2 and RRMSE (%)). The graphs illustrate the transcendency of methods in the vertical axis compared with those in the horizontal axis. Each method is denoted by a letter (according to the given matrix in this Figure) with transcendency of each method compared pair-wise. PSO and WCA are the meta-heuristic algorithms used for calibration; one and two allude to the number of state variables used.
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Figure 9. Pixel-based map of estimated crop yield for 19 September. The numbers (i.e., 1–11 in the figure) represent lands that were not included in the calibration and validation of the AquaCrop model and were therefore used to evaluate the final map.
Figure 9. Pixel-based map of estimated crop yield for 19 September. The numbers (i.e., 1–11 in the figure) represent lands that were not included in the calibration and validation of the AquaCrop model and were therefore used to evaluate the final map.
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Figure 10. Evaluation and comparison of estimated crop yield obtained from pixel-based map with observed values in lands not included in the calibration and validation of AquaCrop model.
Figure 10. Evaluation and comparison of estimated crop yield obtained from pixel-based map with observed values in lands not included in the calibration and validation of AquaCrop model.
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Table 1. Average of soil properties of collected samples from ESUs lands in Ghale-Nou, Iran.
Table 1. Average of soil properties of collected samples from ESUs lands in Ghale-Nou, Iran.
Soil PropertiesSand (%)Silt (%)Clay (%)Bulk Density (g/cm−3)Fild Capacity (FC) (%)Permanent Wilting Point (%)Saturation (SAT) (%)Hydraulic Conductivity (mm day−1)Organic Carbon (%)PHEC (dS m−1)Mineral Nitrogen (mg Kg−1)Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) (%)Nitrogen (%)Phosphorus (P) (mg Kg−1)Potassium (K) (mg Kg−1)
Sandy loam58.
Table 2. Evaluation of AquaCrop results with satellite-based biophysical products assimilation and two scenarios of fCover alone and in combination with biomass for PSO and WCAs as the assimilation methods and compared to without data assimilation.
Table 2. Evaluation of AquaCrop results with satellite-based biophysical products assimilation and two scenarios of fCover alone and in combination with biomass for PSO and WCAs as the assimilation methods and compared to without data assimilation.
Algorithm With Data AssimilationWithout Data Assimilation
Output VariablePSOWCA
Only fCover state variablefCoverCalibration2.8963.9372.8713.9035.7147.768
Combination of both fCover and biomass as state variablesfCoverCalibration3.0144.0982.8833.9195.2737.168
RMSE values for fCover, biomass and yield were measured in %, ton/ha, and ton/ha, respectively, RRMSE also shown in %. The bold numbers are the superior results by the lowest RMSE and RRMSE. (fCover and biomass calibration and validation were conducted in all stages of crop growing by 60 samples for calibration and 120 samples for validation. Yield calibration and validation were conducted in the final stage of crop growing by 10 samples for calibration and 20 samples for validation.).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Akbari, E.; Boloorani, A.D.; Verrelst, J.; Pignatti, S. Assimilating Satellite-Based Biophysical Variables Data into AquaCrop Model for Silage Maize Yield Estimation Using Water Cycle Algorithm. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 4665.

AMA Style

Akbari E, Boloorani AD, Verrelst J, Pignatti S. Assimilating Satellite-Based Biophysical Variables Data into AquaCrop Model for Silage Maize Yield Estimation Using Water Cycle Algorithm. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(24):4665.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Akbari, Elahe, Ali Darvishi Boloorani, Jochem Verrelst, and Stefano Pignatti. 2024. "Assimilating Satellite-Based Biophysical Variables Data into AquaCrop Model for Silage Maize Yield Estimation Using Water Cycle Algorithm" Remote Sensing 16, no. 24: 4665.

APA Style

Akbari, E., Boloorani, A. D., Verrelst, J., & Pignatti, S. (2024). Assimilating Satellite-Based Biophysical Variables Data into AquaCrop Model for Silage Maize Yield Estimation Using Water Cycle Algorithm. Remote Sensing, 16(24), 4665.

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