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A Multipath Hemispherical Map with Strict Quality Control for Multipath Mitigation

College of Surveying and GeoInformatics, Tongji University, No. 1239, Siping Rd., Shanghai 200092, China
Astro-Geodynamics Research Center, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200030, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Space Navigation and Positioning Techniques, Shanghai 200030, China
Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites, Shanghai 201203, China
Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2025, 17(5), 767;
Submission received: 24 December 2024 / Revised: 20 February 2025 / Accepted: 21 February 2025 / Published: 23 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Topic GNSS Measurement Technique in Aerial Navigation)


The multipath effect is a critical factor that prevents the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) from achieving millimeter-level positioning accuracy. A multipath hemispherical map (MHM) is a popular approach to achieving real-time multipath error mitigation. The premise of the constructed MHM model is that the residuals in the grid only contain multipath errors and noise without any outliers. However, when there are numerous obvious outliers in each grid, the traditional quality control method is unable to detect them effectively. Therefore, we propose a multipath hemispherical map with strict quality control (MHM-S) to mitigate multipath errors. This method first uses the maximum phase delay to eliminate obvious outliers. Then, the 3-sigma rule and F-test are applied to remove the remaining few outliers in the grid. After applying the proposed MHM-S method, the experimental results show that when the PRN20 satellite is affected by outliers, the standard deviation (STD) reduction rate of the MHM-S residuals is 12.03% compared with the residual STDs of the MHM model. In addition, we evaluate the capabilities of MHM-S with carrier phase observation (MHM-SC) and carrier phase and pseudo-range observation (MHM-SCP) models in multipath error mitigation. Especially in the east direction, the positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model is improved by 48% compared with the MHM-SC model.

1. Introduction

With the rapid advancement of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), it has become widely utilized in various high-precision positioning applications, such as deformation monitoring [1] and earthquake early warning [2]. However, multipath errors remain one of the primary sources of unmodeled errors [3], because they cannot be eliminated by the double difference (DD) in the Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) technique. Meanwhile, the multipath effect will also affect the performance of high-precision positioning to a certain extent [4].
Multipath effects occur when a GNSS antenna receives both direct and indirect signals, where the indirect signals are reflections and diffractions from objects around the station. There are three main aspects to mitigating multipath errors, namely the observation environment, hardware, and software. The receiver is usually placed in an open-sky environment. However, in practical applications, such as urban navigation, autonomous driving, and precision agriculture, GNSS receivers are often required to operate in complex environments where open-sky conditions are limited or completely absent. Hardware optimization mainly relies on antenna design and receiver improvements. Antenna design suppresses multipath signals by improving the characteristics of the antenna, such as choke ring [5], left- and right-hand circularly polarized [6], and annular slot-loaded ground planes [7], and so on. Receiver improvements are achieved by optimizing the receiver hardware design, such as the narrow-correlator technology [8], the delay-locked loop [9], the new tracking loop [10], and so on. While hardware optimization can resist multipath effects to some extent, it imposes a cost burden on GNSS users. Some data processing algorithms are used to mitigate multipath errors.
Data processing algorithms are among the most critical and effective methods for mitigating multipath errors and have been extensively studied. Wavelet analysis [11] is commonly used to separate multipath errors from noise in the observation of DD residuals, which depend on the low-frequency nature of multipath errors; the ray tracing method uses the precise knowledge to estimate multipath errors [12]; the Code-Minus-Carrier (CMC) observables which combine pseudo-range and carrier phase observations are used to calculate pseudo-range multipath errors [13]; and the signal-to-noise ratio is used to detect the distribution of multipath effects [14]. When the station is in a constant environment, the GNSS multipath effect will show temporal and spatial repeatability. The temporal repeatability means that multipath effects are repeated for each satellite because each satellite has its own orbital period. The sidereal filter method was first proposed based on the Orbital Repetition Period (ORP) of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, which corresponds to a sidereal day of 23 h, 56 min, and 4 s [15]. However, since different satellites need to be modeled independently, the sidereal filtering would require storing a large amount of data [16]. Moreover, GPS satellite orbits may be affected by maneuvers, resulting in inaccurate ORP estimates [17]. Therefore, multipath error mitigation methods based on spatial repeatability have been developed, including the multipath spherical harmonic model [18], the phase correction map [19], the empirical site model [20] and the multipath hemispherical map (MHM) [21]. The principle of these methods is to project the directions of objects influencing the multipath effect onto a grid, based on the satellite’s elevation and azimuth angles. Among these methods, MHM is a widely used approach for multipath error mitigation. The MHM model can also be applied to mitigate multipath effects on specific dynamic platforms, such as moving ships and aircraft [22]. To achieve more accurate multipath error correction in the MHM model, the grid must be refined. Fuhrmann Thomas et al. achieved roughly equal grid areas by adjusting the resolution in the azimuth direction [23]. Zheng Kai et al. proposed a modified MHM model, which divides the grid into three parts: low, middle, and high elevation angles [24]. Considering the spatial autocorrelation in the grid, the trend surface analysis [25], the bilinear interpolation [26], and the least-squares collocation [27] are used to mitigate multipath errors.
The premise of the MHM model is that the residuals in the grid contain only multipath errors and noise without any outliers. To meet this requirement, many researchers have performed corresponding quality control on the residuals in the grid. Fuhrmann Thomas et al. used the Z-test to determine the minimum number of residuals in each grid and applied the 3-sigma rule, the F-test and, the T-test to identify, verify, and eliminate outliers [23]. Geng Jianghui et al. used the Z-test to determine the minimum number of residuals in each grid [28]. Zhang Zhetao et al. also applied the Z-test to determine the minimum number of residuals, and the 2-sigma rule to remove outliers in the grid [29]. These quality control methods assume that the residuals in the grid obey a zero-mean normal distribution. However, if there are many significant outliers in the grid, it is difficult for these residuals to obey the normal distribution, resulting in the inability of quality control methods to effectively detect outliers. Considering this aspect, we propose a multipath hemispherical map with strict quality control (MHM-S) to mitigate multipath errors. Specifically, this method first uses the calculated maximum phase delay to eliminate some obvious outliers, so that the residuals in the grid are close to a normal distribution; second, the 3-sigma rule and the F-test are used to remove the few remaining outliers in the grid; third, the Z-test is used to determine the minimum number of residuals in the grid, which is used as the threshold to delete the grids with fewer residuals. In addition, since the accuracy of the pseudo-range observations is lower than that of carrier phase observations, some researchers only focuses on the effect of the MHM model on carrier phase multipath error mitigation [21,25]. Some researchers have also focused on the impact of the MHM model on carrier phase and pseudo-range multipath error mitigation [29,30]. However, it is not clear how much pseudo-range observations contribute to the MHM model. Therefore, we also evaluate the capabilities of the MHM-S with carrier phase observation (MHM-SC) and MHM-S with carrier phase and pseudo-range observation (MHM-SCP) models in multipath error mitigation.
In our study, a multipath hemispherical map model with strict quality control is proposed to eliminate multipath errors. Firstly, a strict quality control method is given. Then, an experimental analysis of a multipath hemispherical map model with strict quality control is performed. Finally, the key conclusions are summarized.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. GNSS DD Observation Equation

The original GNSS pseudo-range and carrier phase observations can be expressed as follows:
P k s t = ρ k s + c d t r k t d t s s t + t r o p k s t + i o n k s t + T G D P s + T G D k , P + M k , P s t + ε k , P s t
Φ k s t = ρ k s + c d t r k t d t s s t + t r o p k s t i o n k s t + λ N i , k s + T G D ϕ s + T G D k , ϕ + M k , ϕ s t + ε k , ϕ s t
where the superscript s is satellites; subscripts ϕ , P , and k are the carrier phase, pseudo-range, and receiver, respectively; t denotes the observation epoch; P k s t and Φ k s t are code and phase observations, respectively; ρ k s and c are the satellite–receiver geometric distance and the light speed, respectively; i o n k s t and t r o p k s t denote ionosphere delays and troposphere delays, respectively; d t s s t and d t r k t are the satellite and receiver clock offsets; T G D k and T G D s represent the time group delays of the receiver and satellite; N k s and λ denote integer ambiguities and wavelength, respectively; ε k s t and M k s t represent the random noise and multipath errors.
The DD observation between satellites and between receivers can eliminate some systematic error terms, such as clock, orbit, and hardware errors. For short baselines, the DD observation can eliminate most ionospheric and tropospheric errors. The DD observation equation is given as follows:
d A B , P i j t = M A B , P i j t + ε A B , P i j t
d A B , ϕ i j t = M A B , ϕ i j t + ε A B , ϕ i j t
where d A B , P i j t = P A B i j t ρ A B i j and d A B , ϕ i j t = Φ A B i j t ρ A B i j λ N A B i j denote the DD residuals of the pseudo-range and phase, respectively; subscripts B and A denote the rover station and reference station, respectively; superscripts j and i denote common satellites and reference satellites, respectively; and is the DD operator.
The DD integer ambiguities N A B i j can be resolved using the LAMBDA (Least squares AMBiguity Decorrelation) method [31]. At this point, only random noise and multipath errors remain in the DD residuals.

2.2. Maximum Phase Delay

Assuming that the satellite signal transmission is reflected and diffracted by individual objects around the station, the phase delay can be estimated [32]:
Δ φ = 2 π λ 2 h c o s θ ψ = a r c t a n α s i n Δ φ 1 + α c o s Δ φ
where h denotes the receiver’s antenna height; α and θ are the reflection coefficient and incidence angle; the reflection coefficient range is 0 α 1 ( α = 0 means no reflection, α = 1 means a full reflection signal which is as strong as the direct signal); Δ φ is the phase delay of the indirect signal relative to the direct signal; and ψ is the phase error caused by multipath effects.
When the phase delay reaches a half cycle φ = π , the maximum phase delay is ψ = π / 2 . Converting the phase error in cycles to a range in meters gives [33]
ψ m = ψ · λ 2 π = λ 4
The maximum phase delay is a quarter of the wavelength, which is also applicable to zero difference, single difference, and double difference.

2.3. Outlier Identification and Verification

Assuming that the residuals in each grid obey a normal distribution, the well-known 3-sigma rule is often used to identify outliers in GNSS data processing, and its corresponding probability in statistics is 99.7%.
x i j X ¯ i > 3 · σ i
where the superscript j and the subscript i indicate the j -th residual and i -th grid, respectively; x i j and X ¯ i are the DD residual and corresponding mean, respectively; and σ i is the standard deviation of the SD residual.
Since the sample variance is particularly sensitive to outliers, the Fisher test (F-test) is usually used to evaluate the significance of the detected outliers [23]. The principle is to determine whether the variances of two samples are statistically equal. Assume that there are two residual samples, X i , 1 and X i , 2 , in the grid X i , where X i , 1 does not contain an outlier and X i , 2 contains an outlier; then, the variance σ i , 1 2 of X i , 1 is usually smaller than the variance s i , 2 2 of X i , 2 . The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis can be given as follows:
H 0 : s i , 1 2 < s i , 2 2 H 1 : s i , 1 2 s i , 2 2
where H 0 and H 1 denote the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
The one-sided F-statistic can be constructed as follows:
s i , 1 2 s i , 2 2 ~ F m 1 , n 1
where m and n are the numbers of the sample residuals X i , 1 and X i , 2 , respectively. The probability of the alternative hypothesis can be expressed as
P s i , 1 2 s i , 2 2 > f α m 1 , n 1 = α
If s i , 1 2 s i , 2 2 > f α m 1 , n 1 , we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. This indicates that the outliers identified from Equation (7) are significant.

2.4. Determination of the Minimum Number of Residuals

In order to ensure that the noise in the residual grid can be effectively removed and a reliable multipath error can be extracted in each grid, it is necessary to determine the size of samples in each grid. Assuming that each grid is independent and identically distributed and the residuals X = x 1 , x 2 , , x n in each grid obey the normal distribution of overall sample residues N ~ μ , σ 2 , the expected value of the mean in each grid obeys as the following:
X ¯ ~ N μ , σ 2 n
where X ¯ and n are the mean and the number of residuals in each grid, respectively; μ and σ 2 are mean and variance of the total residuals, respectively; and N , is the normal distribution. After standardizing X ¯ , Equation (11) can be expressed as
X ¯ μ σ / n ~ N 0,1
where N 0,1 is the standard normal distribution. In the confidence interval of the confidence probability 1 α , the form of Equation (12) can be written as [34]
P X ¯ μ σ / n z α / 2 = 1 α
where P and z α / 2 represent the probability and the q -quantile of the standard normal distribution, respectively, and α is the significance level, which is generally taken to be 5% in statistics.
In order to more conveniently determine the size of the sample residual n in each grid, we square both sides of the brackets in Equation (13):
P n z α / 2 2 · X ¯ μ σ 2 = 1 α P z z α / 2 = 1 α / 2
n c e i l z α / 2 2 · X ¯ μ σ 2
where c e i l indicates rounding up to the nearest integer, and X ¯ μ is the absolute error, which is generally taken to be 2 σ . The minimum number of residuals in each grid is equal to 16.

2.5. Multipath Hemispherical Map Model with Strict Quality Control

The MHM model takes the average value of all satellite residuals in each grid as the multipath error correction. The MHM model of the satellite relative to the station can be expressed as
M = 1 n j = 1 n d j e , a e e 1 · D , e · D , a a 1 · D , a · D
where the subscript j denotes the j t h DD residual in the grid e , a ; M is multipath error correction in the grid e , a ; n is the number of DD residuals; e , a , and D are the azimuth angle, elevation angle, and grid resolution, respectively; and d j e , a is the SD residual in the grid e , a .
Figure 1 illustrates the processing steps of the MHM model with strict quality control.
  • The GPS observations and the broadcast ephemeris are processed using static RTK positioning mode. Then, the elevation angle, azimuth angle, and post-fit DD residual residuals can be calculated by the baseline vectors and fixed DD ambiguities.
  • The DD residuals are divided into grids according to the elevation, azimuth, and grid resolution.
  • A strict quality control method is used to process the DD residuals in each grid. Specifically, this method first uses the calculated maximum phase delay to eliminate some obvious outliers, so that the residuals in the grid are close to a normal distribution; second, the 3-sigma rule and F-test are used to remove the few remaining outliers in the grid; third, the Z-test is used to determine the minimum number of residuals in the grid, which is used as the threshold to delete the grids with fewer residuals.
  • The DD residuals of the satellites in each grid are averaged as multipath error corrections, which are subtracted from the DD residual time series of the target day.
  • Then, the baseline vector of the target day at the rover station is estimated in kinematic positioning mode.

3. Results and Discussion

To evaluate the performance of the MHM-S, experiments were conducted using GPS dual-frequency datasets from the Curtin University rooftop stations CUCC and CUT0. GPS datasets for days 266 to 273 of 2021 were recorded as Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) files with a 1 Hz sampling interval. The cutoff elevation angle for the satellites is set to 10°. The CUCC station serves as the rover station, while the CUT0 station is the reference station. The baseline length between the CUT0 and CUCC stations is less than 10 m. The observational data were processed using the RTKLIB 2.4.3 b34 (RTK Library) toolkit, a widely recognized open-source software specifically designed for processing raw GNSS data to achieve high-precision positioning [35]. RTKLIB also performs quality control on cycle slips and gross errors to ensure a reliable positioning solution. Table 1 presents the common processing strategies used in RTK positioning mode. The float ambiguity of the carrier phase is estimated by Extended Kalman Filtering (EKF). LAMBDA, the ambiguity search algorithm. and the ratio test are used to fix float ambiguity. After the integer ambiguity is resolved, the DD residuals contain only random noise and multipath errors. Since the surrounding environment of the rover station CUCC remains unchanged, the MHM model can be constructed to mitigate multipath errors. The resolution of the grid in the MHM model is 1° × 1°, which is defined by the elevation and azimuth angles. This grid resolution is more suitable and effective than other lower resolutions [25]. It is worth noting that since the correlation coefficient between the L1 and L2 frequency signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) is low [36], the MHM models of the L1 and L2 frequencies are constructed separately.

3.1. Detecting Outliers Through Maximum Phase Delay

The sky map of the MHM model based on phase DD residuals on DOY 272 is converted into a horizontal distribution, as shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that the red color almost completely covers the whole sky map, which means that the multipath errors of the L1 frequency mainly vary between −10 mm and 10 mm. The overall trend of multipath errors is that they decrease with an increase in elevation angle, which is consistent with the basic characteristics of the multipath effect. However, there is an obvious outlier in the 13° × 135° grid, which even reaches −80 mm. This is mainly due to an insufficient number of satellites or a sudden change in satellite count, which leads to the ambiguity remaining unfixed or being incorrectly fixed.
Figure 3 shows the residual trajectory of the Pseudo-Random Noise code 20 (PRN20) satellite in the 13 °× 135 ° grid. The color of the residuals changes significantly, which indicates that there are many outliers in the grid. We attempt to use the well-known 3-sigma or 2-sigma rule to identify the outliers in the DD residuals, as shown in Figure 4. The threshold absolute values of 2-sigma and 3-sigma are 0.1098 m and 0.1647 m, respectively. However, since there are many significant outliers in this grid and the difference between the outliers is not obvious, the 3-sigma rule cannot effectively detect these outliers. Although a few outliers can be identified by 2-sigma, the mean value of the residual error is −76 mm, which is still regarded as an outlier. Fortunately, all significant outliers can be detected by the maximum phase delay, as shown in Figure 5.

3.2. Detecting Outliers Using 3-Sigma and F-Test

After successfully detecting and effectively removing most of the outliers using the maximum phase delay, fewer outliers can be identified by the 3-sigma rule, as shown in Figure 6. It is obvious that in the 11° × 223° grid, there are four outliers that can be identified by the 3-sigma rule. To further verify the validity of the identified outliers, rigorous F statistics are used to test whether they are significant, as shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that there are two significant outliers, which are regarded as final outliers. These results indicate that in the absence of a large number of outliers, the 3-sigma rule and F-test can not only identify outliers, but also preserve useful values to a certain extent.

3.3. The Minimum Number of Residuals in Each Grid

In order to obtain statistically reliable multipath errors, the minimum number of residuals in each grid is set to 16, as shown in Figure 8. It can be found that the number of original residuals in many grids is less than 16. In these cases, these grids will not be included in the construction of the MHM model.

3.4. The Performance Analysis of MHM-S

We used a strict quality control method to process the carrier phase multipath error at the L1 frequency in the MHM model on DOY 272, as shown in Figure 9. The colors at low elevation angles are generally darker than those at high elevation angles, which means the absolute value of the multipath errors is larger. This is because GNSS signals from low-elevation satellites are more susceptible to interference than those from high-elevation satellites [37]. In addition, when the azimuth angle is in the range of 0°~180°, most of the multipath errors are negative; on the contrary, when the azimuth angle is in the range of 180°~360°, most of the multipath errors are positive. This reflects the spatial anisotropy of the multipath effect, since the characteristics of the multipath error are highly dependent on the environment [29]. Figure 10 shows that the outlier in Figure 2 was successfully removed in the 13° × 135° grid. These results show that the MHM-S can achieve effective and reliable multipath correction.
In order to reflect the multipath mitigation effect of the MHM and MHM-S models, the DD residuals of the PRN20 of the GPS satellite at the L1 frequency on DOY 273 is corrected, as shown in Figure 11. It can be seen that as the satellite elevation angle increases, the DD residual decreases. The DD residuals corrected using the MHM and MHM-S are generally smaller than the raw residuals. However, four significant outliers simultaneously appear in the original data, MHM, and MHM-S, reaching approximately 0.19 m, −0.35 m, 0.075 m, and 0.22 m at the 3261st, 3262th, 3373th, and 3374th epochs, respectively. The main reason is that the satellite elevation angle is relatively low, which results in the inability of the DD ambiguity to be effectively fixed. In the MHM model, there are many outliers between the 11774th epoch and the 11961st epoch, and the magnitude of these outliers even reaches 0.09m. This is because the traditional MHM model on DOY272 has obvious outliers, which are introduced into the target day on DOY273. In order to better reflect the effect of the MHM and MHM-S models on multipath suppression, the DD residuals before and after multipath error correction are analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), as shown in Figure 12. The results of the frequency components show that the amplitude of the low-frequency component of the DD residual of the MHM-S model is significantly lower than that of the raw model and MHM models, among which the amplitude of the low-frequency component of the DD residual of the MHM model is higher than that of the raw model. In the high-frequency components of the DD residuals, the amplitude of the MHM-S model, MHM model, and raw model fluctuate in almost the same way. Figure 13 shows the standard deviation (STD) of the DD phase residuals of the raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at the L1 frequency for the visible satellites on DOY 273. It can be found that the STDs of the DD residuals of the MHM-S and MHM models are significantly better than those of the raw model. In particular, since the DD residual of the PRN20 satellite in the MHM model is affected by outliers, its STD even reaches 7.85 mm, which is significantly larger than the DD residuals of the raw model and the MHM-S model. Moreover, the STD of the DD residual of the MHM-S model is reduced by 0.64 mm compared with that of raw model. Compared with the raw model, the corresponding STD reduction rates of the MHM and MHM-S models are shown in Figure 14. It can be seen that, except for the PRN20 satellite, the STD reduction rates of all satellites of the MHM and MHM-S models are almost the same. Among them, the STD of the DD phase residuals of the PRN9 satellite are decreased most significantly, by 0.9 mm, and the corresponding reduction rate is about 26%. The STD reduction rate of the DD phase residuals of the PRN21 satellite is the smallest, reaching 11%. For the PRN20 satellite, compared with the MHM model and raw model, the STD reduction rates of the MHM-S are 12.03% and 40.43%, respectively. To further assess the reliability of these results, the observations from the CUCC station over seven consecutive days were processed using the MHM and MHM-S models, as shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16. It can be observed that when there are no significant outliers in the grid, the STD reduction rate of the DD residuals for the MHM model is generally consistent with that of the MHM-S model. However, when outliers are present in the grid, the STD reduction rate of the DD residuals for the MHM-S model is significantly higher than that of the MHM model, as seen with the PRN5, PRN16, and PRN31 satellites on DOY 269 in Figure 16a. Due to space limitations, the results of the DD phase residuals of the MHM-S model at the L2 frequency are not presented here. These results indicate that the MHM-S model can effectively mitigate the multipath errors in the DD residuals.
In order to validate the effectiveness of the MHM-S model, an experiment on the deformation monitoring station was conducted, and the results are shown in Figure 17. The experiment collected the measurement data of deformation monitoring stations M60 and M63 from DOY 67 to DOY 68. M60 and M63 were set as the base station and rover station, respectively. The baseline distance was approximately 11 m, and the sampling rate of the measurement data was 1 Hz. Figure 18 shows the plane distribution of the MHM and MHM-S models at the L1 frequency carrier phase for station M63 on DOY 68. It is clearly observed that the multipath errors at station M63 are significantly greater than those at the CUCC station in Figure 10. This indicates that station M63 is partially obstructed to some extent. The multipath errors between the MHM and MHM-S models within the grid (42° × 222°) show significant differences. Specifically, the multipath error of the MHM model is 3.84 cm, while that of the MHM-S model is 2.86 cm. This indicates that the MHM-S model can effectively remove outliers to achieve reliable multipath correction within the grid (42° × 222°). Figure 19 and Figure 20 display the STD of the phase residuals and their reduction rates at the L1 frequency for the raw, MHM, and MHM-S models. In the MHM-S model, the reduction rates of the phase residual STD for the PRN8 and PRN9 satellites are higher than those in the MHM model, and the results are shown in Figure 20. This indicates that the MHM-S model is more robust in mitigating multipath errors compared to the MHM model. It should be noted that the PRN2 and PRN13 satellites may experience unmodeled errors and lack repetitive periodicity of their orbits, leading to increased residual STDs in both the MHM and MHM-S models. However, overall, the residual STDs for most satellites in the MHM and MHM-S models are significantly decreased compared to the raw model.
Since the accuracy of pseudo-range observations is lower than that of carrier phase observations, pseudo-range is generally used for redundant observations in RTK algorithm adjustment. In order to evaluate the impact of the MHM-S model on positioning performance, the positioning results of the MHM-SC and MHM-SCP models at the CUCC station on DOY 273 were analyzed, as shown in Figure 21. Specifically, the MHM-SC model refers to the construction of a multipath hemispheric map model with strict quality control using the DD residuals of the carrier phase observations on DOY 272. The MHM-SCP model refers to the construction of a multipath hemispheric map model with strict quality control using the DD residuals of the carrier phase and pseudo-range observations on DOY 272. Then, the DD residuals of the observations on DOY 273 were corrected using the multipath errors corresponding to observation type in the MHM-S model. It can be clearly seen that the DD residuals after multipath error correction are more stable and reliable, especially in the north and up directions. In the east direction, there are still many unstable residuals between 40,000 and 50,000 s epochs in the MHM-SC model, which are similar to the uncorrected residuals. In contrast, the MHM-SCP model can effectively remove those unstable residual values. This is because the pseudo-range observations of the MHM-SC model between 40,000 and 50,000 s epochs have multipath errors, which result in DD phase ambiguity that cannot be successfully fixed, further reducing positioning performance. Figure 22 shows the amplitudes of the frequency components of the positioning residuals on day 273 for the MHM-SC and MHM-SCP models. It can be found that the amplitudes of the low-frequency components of the MHM-S and MHM-SCP models are significantly reduced compared with that of the raw residual. The amplitudes of the high-frequency components of the MHM-SC and MHM-SCP models maintain similar fluctuation levels in the north and up directions. When the amplitude of the frequency component is less than 0.2 Hz, the amplitudes of the frequency components of the MHM-SC model are greater than those of the MHM-SCP model in the east direction. It is proven that the multipath error of pseudo-range observation will also affect the positioning performance of the MHM-S model. Table 2 lists the root-mean-square error (RMS) of the positioning errors of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273. Compared with the raw positioning, the RMS of the MHM-SC model positioning errors is reduced by approximately 19.4%, 20.4%, and 17.5% in the east, north, and up directions, respectively. In the north and up directions, the positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model is 2.6% and 3.6% higher than that of MHM-SC model, respectively. Especially in the east direction, the positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model is improved by 48% compared with that of the MHM-SC model. The ambiguity resolution success rates of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273 are listed in Table 3. It can be seen that the ambiguity resolution success rate of the MHM-SC model is improved by about 2.0% compared with the raw positioning, among which the ambiguity resolution success rate of the MHM-SCP model is slightly higher than that of the MHM-SC model. The ambiguity resolution success rate of the MHM-SCP model can be as high as 99.53%.
The above analysis results show that MHM-S using the DD residuals of phase and pseudo-range observations can effectively mitigate pseudo-range multipath errors and further fix DD phase ambiguity. Thus, we used the MHM-S model with pseudo-range and carrier phase observations to analyze the influence of modeling days on multipath error mitigation. The multipath error in the DD residual on DOY 273 was taken as the correction object, and the MHM-SCP model was constructed based on the data from the previous 1 to 7 days. The average root mean square of the DD residuals of the visible satellite L1 frequency phase observations was selected as an example to study the impact of modeling days on multipath error mitigation, as shown in Figure 23. The results show that the STD of the MHM-SCP model with 1 day, 2 days, …, 7 days is significantly decreased compared with the that of the raw model. However, the STD differences among MHM-SCP models with 1 day, 2 days, …, 7 days are not obvious. The reason is that the orbit repetition period of GPS satellites is less than 1 day, which means that multipath errors of two consecutive days have temporal repeatability. Therefore, the MHM-SCP model of 1 day can mitigate most of the multipath errors in the DD residuals on DOY 273 to some extent. Figure 24 shows the RMS of positioning residuals on DOY 273 in the east, north, and up directions. It can be seen that the positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model with 1 day, 2 days, …, 7 days is better than raw positioning accuracy, especially in the east direction. Table 4 lists the mean STD statistics of the DD residuals of the pseudo-range and phase observations at different frequencies of the MHM-SCP model with 1 day, 2 days, ..., 7 days. The STD of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days is slightly smaller than that of the MHM-SCP model with other numbers of days. The STD reduction rates of the DD residuals of the P1 pseudo-range, P2 pseudo-range, L1 carrier phase, and L2 carrier phase observations of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days are 10.6%, 20.7%, 19.3%, and 19.0%, respectively, compared with the DD residuals of the raw observation. The RMSs of the positioning residuals of the MHM-SCP model with 1 day, 2 days, ..., 7 days in the east, north, and up directions are listed in Table 5. The positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days is slightly better than that of the MHM-SCP model with other numbers of days. Compared with the raw positioning accuracy, the positioning accuracy improvement rate of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days can reach 58.4%, 23.9%, and 20.7% in the east, north, and up directions, respectively.

4. Conclusions

The premise of the constructed MHM model is that the residuals in the grid only contain multipath errors and noise without any outliers. Data quality control methods are the key to constructing an MHM model. When there are many obvious outliers in each grid, the traditional quality control method cannot effectively detect them. Therefore, we propose a multipath hemispherical map with strict quality control to mitigate multipath errors. Moreover, we also evaluate the performance of the MHM-SC and MHM-SCP models in mitigating multipath errors. The experimental results are summarized below.
  • The MHM-S model has a stronger visualization effect than MHM with traditional quality control methods because it can successfully remove many obvious outliers. When the PRN20 satellite is affected by the outliers, the RMS reduction rates of MHM-S are 12.03% and 40.43% compared with the MHM model and the raw model, respectively.
  • Compared with the raw positioning, the RMSs of the MHM-SC model positioning errors are reduced by approximately 19.4%, 20.4%, and 17.5% in the east, north, and up directions, respectively. Especially in the east direction, compared with the MHM-SC model, the positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model is improved by 48%.
  • The positioning accuracy of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days is slightly better than that of the MHM-SCP model with other numbers of days. Compared with raw positioning accuracy, the positioning accuracy improvement rate of the MHM-SCP model with 4 days can reach 58.4%, 23.9%, and 20.7% in the east, north, and up directions, respectively.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, X.W. and H.Z.; methodology, H.Z.; software, H.Z.; validation, X.W., H.Z., and S.Z.; formal analysis, H.S.; investigation, H.Z.; resources, H.Z.; data curation, H.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, H.Z. and K.X.; writing—review and editing, S.Z., K.X., and H.S.; visualization, H.Z.; supervision, X.W.; project administration, X.W.; funding acquisition, X.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 12373076), the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Space Navigation and Position Techniques (grant no. 06DZ22101), the Astrometric Reference Frame project (grant no. JZZX-0102), and the Shanghai Rising-Star Program (grant no. 22YF1446500).

Data Availability Statement

The datasets analyzed in this study are managed by Curtin University, and can be made available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author.


The authors sincerely thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions on the improvement of this paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial conflicts of interest to disclose.


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Figure 1. Flowchart of the MHM-S.
Figure 1. Flowchart of the MHM-S.
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Figure 2. MHM model plane distribution from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
Figure 2. MHM model plane distribution from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
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Figure 3. Residual trajectory of PRN20 satellite in the grid (13 ° × 135 °).
Figure 3. Residual trajectory of PRN20 satellite in the grid (13 ° × 135 °).
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Figure 4. Detecting outliers using 2-sigma rule.
Figure 4. Detecting outliers using 2-sigma rule.
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Figure 5. Detecting outliers using maximum phase delay.
Figure 5. Detecting outliers using maximum phase delay.
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Figure 6. Detecting outliers using 3-sigma rule.
Figure 6. Detecting outliers using 3-sigma rule.
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Figure 7. Detecting outliers using 3-sigma rule and F-test.
Figure 7. Detecting outliers using 3-sigma rule and F-test.
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Figure 8. The number of residuals in each grid. Raw number refers to the number of residuals in the grids without strict quality control; Minimum number constraint refers to the number of residuals in the grids with strict quality control; nmin = 16 means the threshold of the number of residuals in each grid.
Figure 8. The number of residuals in each grid. Raw number refers to the number of residuals in the grids without strict quality control; Minimum number constraint refers to the number of residuals in the grids with strict quality control; nmin = 16 means the threshold of the number of residuals in each grid.
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Figure 9. MHM-S sky map constructed from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
Figure 9. MHM-S sky map constructed from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
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Figure 10. MHM-S plane distribution from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
Figure 10. MHM-S plane distribution from L1 frequency carrier phase on DOY 272.
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Figure 11. DD phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency of PRN20 on DOY 273 satellites.
Figure 11. DD phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency of PRN20 on DOY 273 satellites.
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Figure 12. Frequency components of DD phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency of PRN4 on DOY 273 satellites.
Figure 12. Frequency components of DD phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency of PRN4 on DOY 273 satellites.
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Figure 13. STD of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites on DOY 273.
Figure 13. STD of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites on DOY 273.
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Figure 14. STD reduction rate of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency on DOY 273.
Figure 14. STD reduction rate of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency on DOY 273.
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Figure 15. STD reduction rate of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency from DOY 267 to DOY 273: (a) DOY 267 to DOY 269; (b) DOY 270 to DOY 273.
Figure 15. STD reduction rate of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency from DOY 267 to DOY 273: (a) DOY 267 to DOY 269; (b) DOY 270 to DOY 273.
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Figure 16. STD of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency from DOY 267 to DOY 273: (a) DOY 267 to DOY 269 and (b) DOY 270 to DOY 273.
Figure 16. STD of DD residuals for MHM and MHM-S models at L1 frequency from DOY 267 to DOY 273: (a) DOY 267 to DOY 269 and (b) DOY 270 to DOY 273.
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Figure 17. The distribution of deformation monitoring stations M60 and M63 on the expressway in Lijiang, Yunnan Province: M60 (read) and M63 (yellow).
Figure 17. The distribution of deformation monitoring stations M60 and M63 on the expressway in Lijiang, Yunnan Province: M60 (read) and M63 (yellow).
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Figure 18. The plane distribution of the L1 frequency carrier phase at station M63 on DOY 67: (a) MHM model and (b) MHM-S model.
Figure 18. The plane distribution of the L1 frequency carrier phase at station M63 on DOY 67: (a) MHM model and (b) MHM-S model.
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Figure 19. STD of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites at station M63 on DOY 68.
Figure 19. STD of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites at station M63 on DOY 68.
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Figure 20. STD reduction rate of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites at station M63 on DOY 68.
Figure 20. STD reduction rate of phase residuals of raw, MHM, and MHM-S models at L1 frequency for visible satellites at station M63 on DOY 68.
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Figure 21. Positioning residuals of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
Figure 21. Positioning residuals of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
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Figure 22. Frequency components of positioning residuals of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
Figure 22. Frequency components of positioning residuals of the raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
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Figure 23. The mean STD value of the DD residuals of the L1 frequency phase observation of visible satellites. The x-axis label 0 represents the raw DD residuals.
Figure 23. The mean STD value of the DD residuals of the L1 frequency phase observation of visible satellites. The x-axis label 0 represents the raw DD residuals.
Remotesensing 17 00767 g023
Figure 24. The RMS of positioning residuals in the east, north, and up directions. The x-axis label 0 represents the raw positioning residuals.
Figure 24. The RMS of positioning residuals in the east, north, and up directions. The x-axis label 0 represents the raw positioning residuals.
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Table 1. The common processing strategies for RTK positioning mode.
Table 1. The common processing strategies for RTK positioning mode.
ObservationGPS: P1/P2 pseudo-range, L1/L2 phase
EphemerisBroadcast ephemeris
Cutoff elevation angle10°
Sampling interval1 s
Parameter estimation Extended Kalman Filtering
Filter typeForward
Stochastic modelElevation
Ambiguity resolutionLAMBDA
Ambiguity resolution modeContinuous
Tropospheric correctionSaastamoinen model
Ionospheric correctionKlobuchar model
Table 2. RMS statistics of positioning results of raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
Table 2. RMS statistics of positioning results of raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
RMS (mm)RMS (mm)Impro (%)RMS (mm)Impro (%)
Table 3. Fixed rates of ambiguity resolution of raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
Table 3. Fixed rates of ambiguity resolution of raw model, MHM-SC model, and MHM-SCP model on DOY 273.
TotalFixFix Ratio (%)
Table 4. The mean STD statistics of the DD residuals of the pseudo-range and phase observations at different frequencies of the visible satellites.
Table 4. The mean STD statistics of the DD residuals of the pseudo-range and phase observations at different frequencies of the visible satellites.
TypeRaw1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days6 days 7 days
P1 (m)0.830.750.740.740.740.740.740.74
P2 (m)0.500.400.400.390.390.390.390.39
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
Table 5. RMS statistics of positioning of DD residuals in the east, north, and up directions.
Table 5. RMS statistics of positioning of DD residuals in the east, north, and up directions.
Raw1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days6 days7 days
E (mm)
N (mm)
U (mm)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zhou, H.; Wang, X.; Zhong, S.; Xi, K.; Shen, H. A Multipath Hemispherical Map with Strict Quality Control for Multipath Mitigation. Remote Sens. 2025, 17, 767.

AMA Style

Zhou H, Wang X, Zhong S, Xi K, Shen H. A Multipath Hemispherical Map with Strict Quality Control for Multipath Mitigation. Remote Sensing. 2025; 17(5):767.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhou, Houxiang, Xiaoya Wang, Shengjian Zhong, Kewei Xi, and Hang Shen. 2025. "A Multipath Hemispherical Map with Strict Quality Control for Multipath Mitigation" Remote Sensing 17, no. 5: 767.

APA Style

Zhou, H., Wang, X., Zhong, S., Xi, K., & Shen, H. (2025). A Multipath Hemispherical Map with Strict Quality Control for Multipath Mitigation. Remote Sensing, 17(5), 767.

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