Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations
:1. Introduction
2. Bayesian Networks
3. Framework of the Implemented BayNeRD Algorithm in R Software
3.1. Target Variable
3.2. Context Variables
3.3. Designing the Bayesian Network Graphical Model
3.4. Discretization and Probability Functions
3.5. Computing the Probability Image
3.6. Selecting the Target Probability Value
4. Case Study of Soybean Mapping in Brazil: Materials and Research Methods
4.1. Variables
- (1)
- Target variable—soybean occurrence (S) corresponding to the studied phenomenon, represented by a thematic map with four classes for the crop year 2005/2006: (i) target presence observed (i.e., soybean); (ii) target absence observed (i.e., non-soybean); (iii) missing data (i.e., no observations); and (iv) pixels outside the study area. This thematic map, produced by Epiphanio et al. [33], was used as a reference in this study. In the BayNeRD modelling, S = s, where s = 1 for soybean presence and s = 0 for soybean absence. Two thirds of the pixels in each of the thematic class soybean and non-soybean were randomly selected from the reference map to compose the reference data for training. The remaining third of the reference map pixels was set aside to be used for accuracy assessment (reference data for testing).
- (2)
- Context variables—the selected and available variables to compose the model are listed in Table 1. From expert knowledge it is known that each context variable influences soybean occurrence (S).
4.2. Bayesian Network Model
4.3. Discretization and Probability Functions
4.4. PI
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Probability Image (PI)
5.2. Creating Thematic Maps from the PI
6. Conclusion
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Description |
C | CEI* value in the Current crop year (2005/2006) |
L | CEI* value in the Last crop year (2004/2005) |
A | Soil Aptitude |
T | Terrain slope (given in %) |
W | Distance to the nearest Water body (given in km) |
R | Distance to the nearest Road (given in km) |
Interval # | C | L | A | T | W | R |
1 | [−∞; 0.05) | [−∞; 0.05) | low | [−∞; 0.06) | [−∞; 0.5) | [−∞; 3.0) |
2 | [0.05; 0.20) | [0.05; 0.20) | high | [0.06; 0.12) | [0.5; 1.0) | [3.0; 8.0) |
3 | [0.20; 0.26) | [0.20; 0.26) | [0.12; +∞) | [1.0; 2.0) | [8.0; +∞) | |
4 | [0.26; +∞) | [0.26; +∞) | [2.0; +∞) | |||
# of intervals | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 |
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Mello, M.P.; Risso, J.; Atzberger, C.; Aplin, P.; Pebesma, E.; Vieira, C.A.O.; Rudorff, B.F.T. Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations. Remote Sens. 2013, 5, 5999-6025.
Mello MP, Risso J, Atzberger C, Aplin P, Pebesma E, Vieira CAO, Rudorff BFT. Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations. Remote Sensing. 2013; 5(11):5999-6025.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMello, Marcio Pupin, Joel Risso, Clement Atzberger, Paul Aplin, Edzer Pebesma, Carlos Antonio Oliveira Vieira, and Bernardo Friedrich Theodor Rudorff. 2013. "Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations" Remote Sensing 5, no. 11: 5999-6025.
APA StyleMello, M. P., Risso, J., Atzberger, C., Aplin, P., Pebesma, E., Vieira, C. A. O., & Rudorff, B. F. T. (2013). Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations. Remote Sensing, 5(11), 5999-6025.