25 Years of Research in Human Lactation: From Discovery to Translation
:1. Introduction
2. Breast Anatomy
Breast Anatomy Number of ductal openings on the nipple is 4–18 (previously 15–20) Milk ducts branch close to the nipple The conventionally described lactiferous sinuses do not exist Milk ducts can reside close to the skin surface and are easily compressible Most of the glandular tissue is found within 30 mm of the nipple |
3. Milk Ejection
Milk ejection Milk ejection is critical for milk removal Milk ejection patterns are unique to the individual Milk ejection patterns do not change with stimulus (breastfeeding or pumping or different pumping patterns) Milk ejection patterns do not change over lactation Milk ejection patterns do not change between lactations |
4. Secretory Activation
Secretory activation is marked by
5. Milk Production
6. Breast Anatomy and Milk Production
7. Breast Physiology
8. Medications
9. Factors Impacting Milk Removal
Effectiveness of milk removal from the breast is enhanced by:
10. Sucking Swallowing and Breathing
11. Dynamics of Breastfeeding
Suck Swallow Breath Co-Ordination
Milk removal by breastfeeding infants
12. Nipple Pain
13. Nipple Shields
14. Ankyloglossia
15. Preterm Infants
16. Influences of Maternal Body Composition on Milk Composition
17. Gastric Emptying and Infant Body Composition
18. Preterm Infants
Gastric emptying of preterm infants
19. Term Infants
20. Proteins
21. Immune Factors
22. Appetite Hormones
23. Glucocorticoids
24. Carbohydrates
25. Lipids
Gastric emptying in term infants
26. Infant Health
27. Human Milk Microbiome
28. Donor Human Milk
29. Human Milk Cellular Content
30. Breastfeeding during COVID
31. Summary
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Mean (SD) | Range | |
24 h milk intake | 788 (169) | 478–1356 |
Single breastfeed | ||
Frequency (feeds/24 h) | 11 (3) | 6–18 |
Volume transferred (mL) | 76 (13) | 0–240 |
Breastfeeding session | ||
Frequency (feeds/24 h) | 8 (2) | 4–13 |
Total volume transferred (mL) | 101 (16) | 0–350 |
Fat content | ||
Mean fat content (g/L) | 41.1 (7.8) | 22.3–61.6 |
Total fat consumed (g) | 32.0 (7.7) | 5.4–49.5 |
Breast Anatomy/Genetics | Breast Physiology | Milk Removal (Autocrine Control) | |
Infant | Pump | ||
No breast growth in pregnancy | Separation from the infant | Infrequent and ineffective breast emptying | Infrequent and ineffective breast emptying |
Breast hypoplasia | Pregnancy complications | Oral anomalies-ankyloglossia | Slow stimulation of ME |
Breast surgery | Maternal endocrine disorders | Prematurity | Incorrect pump settings (vacuum, vacuum pattern) |
Nipple piercing | Mastitis | Infants exerting strong vacuums and causing pain | Cold conditions-reduce efficacy of milk removal |
Zinc transporter mutations | Blocked ducts (temporary) | Low tone, Down’s syndrome | Pump shield not fitted correctly to maternal anatomy |
Medications | Cleft lip and/or palate |
Infants ≥ 34/40 PMA n = 902 | Infants < 34/40 PMA n = 284 | |
Minimal or no milk transfer, give full supplement | 98% | 99% |
Partial feed transferred, give 50% supplement | 29% | 16% |
Full feed transferred, no supplement needed | 47% | 91% |
Sucking | Milk Removal | |
Nipple pain | Strong intra-oral vacuums (baseline and peak) Compressive tongue motion | May or may not be impacted Most women can attain a full milk production with support |
Nipple shield | Sucking characteristics do not differ significantly | Duration of feeds were longer reducing efficiency however this is not clinically significant Women using shields for persistent pain in the first week of lactation experienced no impact on milk transfer and effectiveness of breast emptying Most women can attain a full milk production with support |
Ankyloglossia | Anterior tongue tie associated with tongue motion compressing either the nipple base or tip | Frenotomy for anterior tongue tie ‘normalised’ tongue movement and reduced pain improved milk production Frenotomy for posterior tongue tie reduced pain but did not improve milk production |
Prematurity | Weak intra-oral vacuums (both baseline and peak) Tongue action during breastfeeding similar to term infants Tongue action with nipple shields similar to breastfeeding | Low milk volumes removed from the breast with or without a nipple shield |
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Share and Cite
Geddes, D.T.; Gridneva, Z.; Perrella, S.L.; Mitoulas, L.R.; Kent, J.C.; Stinson, L.F.; Lai, C.T.; Sakalidis, V.; Twigger, A.-J.; Hartmann, P.E. 25 Years of Research in Human Lactation: From Discovery to Translation. Nutrients 2021, 13, 3071. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093071
Geddes DT, Gridneva Z, Perrella SL, Mitoulas LR, Kent JC, Stinson LF, Lai CT, Sakalidis V, Twigger A-J, Hartmann PE. 25 Years of Research in Human Lactation: From Discovery to Translation. Nutrients. 2021; 13(9):3071. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093071
Chicago/Turabian StyleGeddes, Donna Tracy, Zoya Gridneva, Sharon Lisa Perrella, Leon Robert Mitoulas, Jacqueline Coral Kent, Lisa Faye Stinson, Ching Tat Lai, Vanessa Sakalidis, Alecia-Jane Twigger, and Peter Edwin Hartmann. 2021. "25 Years of Research in Human Lactation: From Discovery to Translation" Nutrients 13, no. 9: 3071. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093071
APA StyleGeddes, D. T., Gridneva, Z., Perrella, S. L., Mitoulas, L. R., Kent, J. C., Stinson, L. F., Lai, C. T., Sakalidis, V., Twigger, A.-J., & Hartmann, P. E. (2021). 25 Years of Research in Human Lactation: From Discovery to Translation. Nutrients, 13(9), 3071. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13093071