Role of Hydroxytyrosol and Oleuropein in the Prevention of Aging and Related Disorders: Focus on Neurodegeneration, Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction and Gut Microbiota
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
The review article by et al. Micheli L. et al.” Role of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein in the prevention of aging and related disorders: focus on neurodegeneration, skeletal and muscle dysfunction and gut microbiota” summarizes the results of studies that investigate the effects exerted by EVOO polyphenols, in particular hydroxytyrosol (HTyr) and oleuropein (Ole), on several age-associated neurodegenerative diseases. Although the topic appears timely and may be of interest to the readers of Nutrients, the revision process has arisen several critical issues that need to be addressed by the authors in order to make this review article more focused and to increase its impact on the related field.
General Comments
Lines102-123 Among aging-related diseases, Authors should also consider some pathological conditions associated with altered bone remodeling processes including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and other disorders (see for instance Edwards et al. Bone 2015, 80, 126–130; Guo et al. Sig. Transduct Target Ther 7,391 (2022); Chin et al. J Clin Med. 2022;11(21):6434). In particular, idiopathic osteoporosis of the elderly, which is a significant risk factor for fragility fractures, is a relevant global public health problem, being the economic burden of osteoporosis-related fracture enormous. (Clynes et al,. Br Bull. 2020;133(1):105-117). Although the current therapeutic options based on the use of anti-resorptive and/or anabolic agents, are effective in preventing bone loss, there is increasing concern about their long-term safety (see Skjødt et al. e. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Jun;85(6):106). Hence, the need to find new molecules endowed with low toxicity and limited side effects. In this setting, growing experimental studies have shown that HTyr and OLE can target several signalling pathways involved in the modulation of bone remodelling processes in normal and pathological conditions including malignant bone diseases (see for instance Casado-Díaz et al., Food Funct. 8 (2017) 1254; Castejón et al. , Antioxidants (Basel). 9 (2) (2020) 149; Nicolin V et al. Front. Endocrinol. (Lausanne) 10 (2019) 494); Scoditti et al. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 527 (2012) 81; Torre E. , Phytochem. Rev. 16 (2017), 1183–1226; M. Svobodova et al , Genes Nutr. 9 (2014) 376; Xiong ZC Drug Des. Develop. and Ther. 13 (2019) 1879.). These findings suggest a possible therapeutic role of these molecule in the prevention and treatment of various bone disorders. In line with these observations recent preclinical and clinical studies have provided evidence on the beneficial effects exerted by HTyr and OLE in the prevention and treatment of age-related bone disorders (see for instance Hagiwara et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 662 (2011) 78–84; Chin KY et al. , Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 13 (2016); Chin KY et al., Nutrients 9 (2017); Nicolin et al. Front. Endocrinol. (Lausanne) 10 (2019) 494), including cancer-related bone diseases (J.M. Morana, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11 (2016) 491–492; Leto et al. Life Sci 2021, 1;264:118694; Przychodzen et al, Anticancer Res. 2019 39(3):1243-1251).
Authors should revise this section according to the new concept emerged following the revion of the paper.
2. Chemistry of hydroxytyrosol (HTyr) and oleuropein (OLE)
Lines 129- 130 several types of cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases …insert some reference related to these studies)
line 169 producing glucose, Ole aglycone, HTyr and elenolic acid (Scheme 1)
3. Pharmacokinetics of HTyr and OLE
3.1 Lines 200-229 . The general aspects of ADME should be omitted. It is presumed that these concepts are well known by the readers.
Line 236: resident time (?) : residence time
Line 245 and the arrives: better reaches
Line 268 Its capillary (?) distribution: it would mean widespread distribution?
3.3. Metabolism and distribution
There are some important aspects of Ole metabolism that need to be to highighted and in particular :
1) The potential therapeutic effectiveness of this molecule is closely related to the possibility that it may reach in adequate concentrations its specific molecular targets in human tissues. The probability of reaching its key molecular targets in human tissues at a sufficient dose, is related to its metabolism and bioavailability. In fact, Ole and HTyr undergo extensive phase I and phase II metabolic processes that may affect their bioavailability and the systemic transfer at adequate concentrations to the target tissues, ultimately blunting their therapeutic effectiveness. In order to overcome these hurdles, an increasing number of studies are currently undertaken with the aim to develop new semi-synthetic derivatives endowed with abetter bioavailability, improved biological activity and, novel drug delivery systems based on nanotechnology (see Bonechi et al Biophys. Chem. 246 (2019) 25D; De Luca. Et al.Polymers (Basel). 2022 Apr 23;14(9):1726. Karković Markovićet al. Molecules. 2019;24(10):2001.Monteiro et al. .Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10(3):444 Palagati et al. Daru J. Pharm. Sci. 27 (2019) 695 -708, Russo et al. J. Pharm. Pharmaceutics 3(1) (2016) 40)
2) Malliou et al. have recently shown that the a long-term oral administration of Ole to male 129/Sv WT mice induced the synthesis of the major cytochrome P450s (P450s) in the liver via activation of PPAR α and other cellular factors, such as AHR, CAR, RXR, and PXR (Malliou et al. Drug Metab Dispos. 2021;49(9):833). This effect could modify the pharmacokinetic profile of co-administered drug whic are substrates of the P450s, thus altering their therapeutic efficacy and toxicity. Therefore, these effects shoud be taken into account and in particular when Ole is co- administered with drugs with narrow therapeutic index
3.5. Toxicity
Authors should discuss the implications of the metabolic aspects of Ole and Htyr reported above in relation to a possible future clinical use of these molecules in differentage-related diseases. Beside, the possibility to take advantage of the various effects of Htyr and Ole on normal and malignant human cells for therapeutic purposes should be also briefly mentionrd
Section 4 to Section 10
The effects exerted by Ole in some of the aging-associated diseases have not been mentioned in detail. An exaustive updated description of the therapeutic potenial of Ole in the treatment of acute and chronic neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders as well on mechanisms by which Ole may prevent neurodegeneration are provided by some recent excellent review articles ((see Angeloni et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci, 18(11), 2230,2017 Butt et al. J Food Biochem. 2021;45:e13967. See also Achour et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016;17:129; (Singh et al Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 11;13(1):2452); Giacometti and Grubić-Kezele Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020 Jul 30;2020:6125638. Authors should integrate and discuss these informations.
13. Effect of HTyr and OLE in gut microbiota-brain axis
Emerging experimental and clinical evidence indicates that gut dysbiosis may have a role in the pathogenesis Ischemic Stroke ( see Chidambaram Cells. 2022 Apr 6;11(7):1239) Wang et al. Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 28;13:845243) as a restoration of the gut microbiome usually improves stroke treatment outcomes by regulating metabolic, immune, and inflammatory responses via the gut–brain axis (GBA). Ole has been reported to be endowed with antimicrobial activity against a wide number of bacteria, (either gram+ or gram-) mycoplasma, and viruses (Omar, S.H.. Sci. Pharm. 2010, 78;133 Farràs M,. Nutrients. 2020 Jul 23;12(8):220). These findings imply that Ole and Htyr may be of potential clinical interest for the treatment of various age-related disorders in which gut dysbiosis may have a role including neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, and immune system diseases and cancer ( see Chidambaram 2022; Varesi A, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022; 23(20):12289. Di Meo et al., Curr. Drug Metab. 19 (6), 2018; Memmola. Nutrients. 2022 Sep 10;14(18):3749. )
14. Conclusions
Authors should revise this section according with the new issue emerged following the revion of the paper
López-Otín C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, Kroemer G. The hallmarks of aging. Cell. 2013 Jun 6;153(6):1194-217. doi:
Lines 52-55 and 2196 Ref 192 López-Otín C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, Kroemer G. The hallmarks of aging. Cell. 2013 Jun 6;153(6):1194-217. There is an updated version of this article (López-Otín C. et al. Cell. 2023 Jan 19;186(2):243-278. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022). These authors report that the number of hallmark of aging should be updated to 12 ( as compared with the previous number, e.g.,9)
Minor point
Lines 435-437…. “as also indicated by the amyloid--induced activation of NOD-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome (Heneka et al., 2013), and involves microglial activation. Sentence Unclear
Line(s) |
Typo |
notes |
25 |
sys-tems |
50 |
sol-uble |
53 |
organ-isms |
59 |
re-cycling |
61 |
capaci-ty |
74 |
ag-ing |
76 |
ef-fects |
105 |
patho-logical |
107 |
inter-actions |
112 |
nerv-ous |
120 |
ul-timately |
126 |
com-pounds |
130 |
coun-teract |
134 |
per-formance |
148 |
a |
and(?) |
142 |
pal-mitoleic |
167 |
ripen-ing |
168 |
-glycosidases |
β |
188 |
be-come |
203 |
ef-fect |
207 |
gastrointesti-nal |
232 |
hy-drolytic |
234 |
glyco-sylated |
244 |
facilitat-ed |
251 |
en-terocyte |
259 |
or-gans |
267 |
vari-ous |
269 |
responsi-ble |
305 |
adminis-tered |
315 |
3H |
3H |
323 |
af-ter |
356 |
iden-tify |
358 |
admin-istration |
389 |
pro-duced |
391 |
Endog-enous |
393 |
en-zyme |
398 |
re-ductase |
407 |
Hash-imoto et al. |
411 |
evaluat-ed |
420 |
poten-tial |
435 |
amyloid- -induced |
439 |
-synuclein |
α? |
442 |
(TNF- ? |
α |
443 |
fac-tors |
446 |
(H2O2) |
(H2O2) |
452 |
de-creases |
454 |
neuroinflam-mation |
458 |
downregulat-ing |
464 |
im-proved |
482, 491,494,499 |
-amyloid (A peptide) |
Aβ |
482 |
re-spectively |
493 |
pro-tein |
494 |
-secretase |
α? |
501 |
A deposition |
Amyloid |
504 |
evi-dence |
509 |
pancreatic- cells |
β |
511 |
deposi-tion |
511,513 |
-sinuclein |
α? |
515 |
evi-dence |
518 |
Nardi-ello |
531 |
pre-venting |
533 |
cyto-plasmic |
535 |
accumula-tion |
550 |
pre-cede |
552 |
in-tracytoplasmic |
554 |
nucleus basal-is |
594 |
endoge-nouse |
603 |
po-tent |
630 |
Pro-tein |
663 |
con-sisted |
666 |
TNF-? |
692 |
en-zymes |
700 |
of hunting-tin |
718 |
subgranu-lar |
740 |
treat-ment |
763 |
occlu-sion |
799 |
pro-duction |
807 |
per-formed |
813 |
antidepres-sants |
816 |
hyperac-tive |
821 |
TNF-? IL1 and IFN-? |
α ? β? ϒ? which one? |
827 |
dis-plays |
846 |
degenera-tion |
878 |
neuropro-tection |
882 |
peroxida-tion |
905 |
Peng et al., 2015) |
(Peng et al., 2015) |
911 |
overex-press-ing |
913 |
100 M HTyr |
mM (?) μM (?), nM (?) |
917 |
to water |
to H2O |
918 |
(O-2) |
O2- |
930 |
(H2O2) in H2O |
(H2O2) in H2O |
933 |
(HO2 O-2 |
(HO2 O2- |
933 |
water solution |
aqueous solution |
943 |
produc-tion. |
955 |
inacti-vates |
961 |
re-covery |
980,982 |
olecantal |
olecanthal |
991 |
indicat-ed |
1000, 1028 |
TNF- IL1 |
α ? β?......? |
1012 |
is-chemia |
1017 |
neuroprotec-tive |
1033 |
(H2O2 |
(H2O2 |
1035 |
ni-trohydroxytyrosyl |
1055 |
possi-bility |
1054 |
moie-ties |
1065 |
upregula-tion |
1069 |
secre-tory |
1078 |
cul-tures |
1093 |
can-cer |
1098 |
Varela-Eirín et al. |
Varela-Eirín et al. (2020) |
1101 |
senes-cence |
1126 |
in-creasing |
1169 |
re-dox |
1179 |
mu-scle |
1232 |
produc-tion |
1382 |
iso-lated |
1391 |
Giacometti and colleagues. |
Giacometti et al. (2020) |
1441,1444,1464,1477 |
mi-crobiota |
1468 |
re-ported |
1480 |
pro-portion |
1507 |
be-tween |
1508 |
cen-tral |
1511 |
regula-tion |
1513 |
immun-ity |
1517 |
ef-fect |
1558 |
inflam-matory |
1560 |
neuropro-tection |
1565 |
micro-biota |
1567 |
un-changed |
1618 |
in-hibiting |
1624 |
po-tential |
1626 |
treat-ment |
1631 |
patholo-gies. |
1634 |
metabolic disorders |
Include age-related altered bone metaboilsm |
1637 |
inflamma-tion |
1646 |
evi-dence |
1650 |
appli-cation |
The review article by et al. Micheli L. et al.” Role of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein in the prevention of aging and related disorders: focus on neurodegeneration, skeletal and muscle dysfunction and gut microbiota” summarizes the results of studies that investigate the effects exerted by EVOO polyphenols, in particular hydroxytyrosol (HTyr) and oleuropein (Ole), on several age-associated neurodegenerative diseases. Although the topic appears timely and may be of interest to the readers of Nutrients, the revision process has arisen several critical issues that need to be addressed by the authors in order to make this review article more focused and to increase its impact on the related field.
General Comments
Lines102-123 Among aging-related diseases, Authors should also consider some pathological conditions associated with altered bone remodeling processes including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and other disorders (see for instance Edwards et al. Bone 2015, 80, 126–130; Guo et al. Sig. Transduct Target Ther 7,391 (2022); Chin et al. J Clin Med. 2022;11(21):6434). In particular, idiopathic osteoporosis of the elderly, which is a significant risk factor for fragility fractures, is a relevant global public health problem, being the economic burden of osteoporosis-related fracture enormous. (Clynes et al,. Br Bull. 2020;133(1):105-117). Although the current therapeutic options based on the use of anti-resorptive and/or anabolic agents, are effective in preventing bone loss, there is increasing concern about their long-term safety (see Skjødt et al. e. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Jun;85(6):106). Hence, the need to find new molecules endowed with low toxicity and limited side effects. In this setting, growing experimental studies have shown that HTyr and OLE can target several signalling pathways involved in the modulation of bone remodelling processes in normal and pathological conditions including malignant bone diseases (see for instance Casado-Díaz et al., Food Funct. 8 (2017) 1254; Castejón et al. , Antioxidants (Basel). 9 (2) (2020) 149; Nicolin V et al. Front. Endocrinol. (Lausanne) 10 (2019) 494); Scoditti et al. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 527 (2012) 81; Torre E. , Phytochem. Rev. 16 (2017), 1183–1226; M. Svobodova et al , Genes Nutr. 9 (2014) 376; Xiong ZC Drug Des. Develop. and Ther. 13 (2019) 1879.). These findings suggest a possible therapeutic role of these molecule in the prevention and treatment of various bone disorders. In line with these observations recent preclinical and clinical studies have provided evidence on the beneficial effects exerted by HTyr and OLE in the prevention and treatment of age-related bone disorders (see for instance Hagiwara et al. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 662 (2011) 78–84; Chin KY et al. , Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 13 (2016); Chin KY et al., Nutrients 9 (2017); Nicolin et al. Front. Endocrinol. (Lausanne) 10 (2019) 494), including cancer-related bone diseases (J.M. Morana, Nat. Prod. Commun. 11 (2016) 491–492; Leto et al. Life Sci 2021, 1;264:118694; Przychodzen et al, Anticancer Res. 2019 39(3):1243-1251).
Authors should revise this section according to the new concept emerged following the revion of the paper.
2. Chemistry of hydroxytyrosol (HTyr) and oleuropein (OLE)
Lines 129- 130 several types of cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases …insert some reference related to these studies)
line 169 producing glucose, Ole aglycone, HTyr and elenolic acid (Scheme 1)
3. Pharmacokinetics of HTyr and OLE
3.1 Lines 200-229 . The general aspects of ADME should be omitted. It is presumed that these concepts are well known by the readers.
Line 236: resident time (?) : residence time
Line 245 and the arrives: better reaches
Line 268 Its capillary (?) distribution: it would mean widespread distribution?
3.3. Metabolism and distribution
There are some important aspects of Ole metabolism that need to be to highighted and in particular :
1) The potential therapeutic effectiveness of this molecule is closely related to the possibility that it may reach in adequate concentrations its specific molecular targets in human tissues. The probability of reaching its key molecular targets in human tissues at a sufficient dose, is related to its metabolism and bioavailability. In fact, Ole and HTyr undergo extensive phase I and phase II metabolic processes that may affect their bioavailability and the systemic transfer at adequate concentrations to the target tissues, ultimately blunting their therapeutic effectiveness. In order to overcome these hurdles, an increasing number of studies are currently undertaken with the aim to develop new semi-synthetic derivatives endowed with abetter bioavailability, improved biological activity and, novel drug delivery systems based on nanotechnology (see Bonechi et al Biophys. Chem. 246 (2019) 25D; De Luca. Et al.Polymers (Basel). 2022 Apr 23;14(9):1726. Karković Markovićet al. Molecules. 2019;24(10):2001.Monteiro et al. .Antioxidants (Basel). 2021;10(3):444 Palagati et al. Daru J. Pharm. Sci. 27 (2019) 695 -708, Russo et al. J. Pharm. Pharmaceutics 3(1) (2016) 40)
2) Malliou et al. have recently shown that the a long-term oral administration of Ole to male 129/Sv WT mice induced the synthesis of the major cytochrome P450s (P450s) in the liver via activation of PPAR α and other cellular factors, such as AHR, CAR, RXR, and PXR (Malliou et al. Drug Metab Dispos. 2021;49(9):833). This effect could modify the pharmacokinetic profile of co-administered drug whic are substrates of the P450s, thus altering their therapeutic efficacy and toxicity. Therefore, these effects shoud be taken into account and in particular when Ole is co- administered with drugs with narrow therapeutic index
3.5. Toxicity
Authors should discuss the implications of the metabolic aspects of Ole and Htyr reported above in relation to a possible future clinical use of these molecules in differentage-related diseases. Beside, the possibility to take advantage of the various effects of Htyr and Ole on normal and malignant human cells for therapeutic purposes should be also briefly mentionrd
Section 4 to Section 10
The effects exerted by Ole in some of the aging-associated diseases have not been mentioned in detail. An exaustive updated description of the therapeutic potenial of Ole in the treatment of acute and chronic neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders as well on mechanisms by which Ole may prevent neurodegeneration are provided by some recent excellent review articles ((see Angeloni et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci, 18(11), 2230,2017 Butt et al. J Food Biochem. 2021;45:e13967. See also Achour et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016;17:129; (Singh et al Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 11;13(1):2452); Giacometti and Grubić-Kezele Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020 Jul 30;2020:6125638. Authors should integrate and discuss these informations.
13. Effect of HTyr and OLE in gut microbiota-brain axis
Emerging experimental and clinical evidence indicates that gut dysbiosis may have a role in the pathogenesis Ischemic Stroke ( see Chidambaram Cells. 2022 Apr 6;11(7):1239) Wang et al. Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 28;13:845243) as a restoration of the gut microbiome usually improves stroke treatment outcomes by regulating metabolic, immune, and inflammatory responses via the gut–brain axis (GBA). Ole has been reported to be endowed with antimicrobial activity against a wide number of bacteria, (either gram+ or gram-) mycoplasma, and viruses (Omar, S.H.. Sci. Pharm. 2010, 78;133 Farràs M,. Nutrients. 2020 Jul 23;12(8):220). These findings imply that Ole and Htyr may be of potential clinical interest for the treatment of various age-related disorders in which gut dysbiosis may have a role including neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, and immune system diseases and cancer ( see Chidambaram 2022; Varesi A, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022; 23(20):12289. Di Meo et al., Curr. Drug Metab. 19 (6), 2018; Memmola. Nutrients. 2022 Sep 10;14(18):3749. )
14. Conclusions
Authors should revise this section according with the new issue emerged following the revion of the paper
López-Otín C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, Kroemer G. The hallmarks of aging. Cell. 2013 Jun 6;153(6):1194-217. doi:
Lines 52-55 and 2196 Ref 192 López-Otín C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, Kroemer G. The hallmarks of aging. Cell. 2013 Jun 6;153(6):1194-217. There is an updated version of this article (López-Otín C. et al. Cell. 2023 Jan 19;186(2):243-278. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022). These authors report that the number of hallmark of aging should be updated to 12 ( as compared with the previous number, e.g.,9)
Minor point
Lines 435-437…. “as also indicated by the amyloid--induced activation of NOD-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome (Heneka et al., 2013), and involves microglial activation. Sentence Unclear
Line(s) |
Typo |
notes |
25 |
sys-tems |
50 |
sol-uble |
53 |
organ-isms |
59 |
re-cycling |
61 |
capaci-ty |
74 |
ag-ing |
76 |
ef-fects |
105 |
patho-logical |
107 |
inter-actions |
112 |
nerv-ous |
120 |
ul-timately |
126 |
com-pounds |
130 |
coun-teract |
134 |
per-formance |
148 |
a |
and(?) |
142 |
pal-mitoleic |
167 |
ripen-ing |
168 |
-glycosidases |
β |
188 |
be-come |
203 |
ef-fect |
207 |
gastrointesti-nal |
232 |
hy-drolytic |
234 |
glyco-sylated |
244 |
facilitat-ed |
251 |
en-terocyte |
259 |
or-gans |
267 |
vari-ous |
269 |
responsi-ble |
305 |
adminis-tered |
315 |
3H |
3H |
323 |
af-ter |
356 |
iden-tify |
358 |
admin-istration |
389 |
pro-duced |
391 |
Endog-enous |
393 |
en-zyme |
398 |
re-ductase |
407 |
Hash-imoto et al. |
411 |
evaluat-ed |
420 |
poten-tial |
435 |
amyloid- -induced |
439 |
-synuclein |
α? |
442 |
(TNF- ? |
α |
443 |
fac-tors |
446 |
(H2O2) |
(H2O2) |
452 |
de-creases |
454 |
neuroinflam-mation |
458 |
downregulat-ing |
464 |
im-proved |
482, 491,494,499 |
-amyloid (A peptide) |
Aβ |
482 |
re-spectively |
493 |
pro-tein |
494 |
-secretase |
α? |
501 |
A deposition |
Amyloid |
504 |
evi-dence |
509 |
pancreatic- cells |
β |
511 |
deposi-tion |
511,513 |
-sinuclein |
α? |
515 |
evi-dence |
518 |
Nardi-ello |
531 |
pre-venting |
533 |
cyto-plasmic |
535 |
accumula-tion |
550 |
pre-cede |
552 |
in-tracytoplasmic |
554 |
nucleus basal-is |
594 |
endoge-nouse |
603 |
po-tent |
630 |
Pro-tein |
663 |
con-sisted |
666 |
TNF-? |
692 |
en-zymes |
700 |
of hunting-tin |
718 |
subgranu-lar |
740 |
treat-ment |
763 |
occlu-sion |
799 |
pro-duction |
807 |
per-formed |
813 |
antidepres-sants |
816 |
hyperac-tive |
821 |
TNF-? IL1 and IFN-? |
α ? β? ϒ? which one? |
827 |
dis-plays |
846 |
degenera-tion |
878 |
neuropro-tection |
882 |
peroxida-tion |
905 |
Peng et al., 2015) |
(Peng et al., 2015) |
911 |
overex-press-ing |
913 |
100 M HTyr |
mM (?) μM (?), nM (?) |
917 |
to water |
to H2O |
918 |
(O-2) |
O2- |
930 |
(H2O2) in H2O |
(H2O2) in H2O |
933 |
(HO2 O-2 |
(HO2 O2- |
933 |
water solution |
aqueous solution |
943 |
produc-tion. |
955 |
inacti-vates |
961 |
re-covery |
980,982 |
olecantal |
olecanthal |
991 |
indicat-ed |
1000, 1028 |
TNF- IL1 |
α ? β?......? |
1012 |
is-chemia |
1017 |
neuroprotec-tive |
1033 |
(H2O2 |
(H2O2 |
1035 |
ni-trohydroxytyrosyl |
1055 |
possi-bility |
1054 |
moie-ties |
1065 |
upregula-tion |
1069 |
secre-tory |
1078 |
cul-tures |
1093 |
can-cer |
1098 |
Varela-Eirín et al. |
Varela-Eirín et al. (2020) |
1101 |
senes-cence |
1126 |
in-creasing |
1169 |
re-dox |
1179 |
mu-scle |
1232 |
produc-tion |
1382 |
iso-lated |
1391 |
Giacometti and colleagues. |
Giacometti et al. (2020) |
1441,1444,1464,1477 |
mi-crobiota |
1468 |
re-ported |
1480 |
pro-portion |
1507 |
be-tween |
1508 |
cen-tral |
1511 |
regula-tion |
1513 |
immun-ity |
1517 |
ef-fect |
1558 |
inflam-matory |
1560 |
neuropro-tection |
1565 |
micro-biota |
1567 |
un-changed |
1618 |
in-hibiting |
1624 |
po-tential |
1626 |
treat-ment |
1631 |
patholo-gies. |
1634 |
metabolic disorders |
Include age-related altered bone metaboilsm |
1637 |
inflamma-tion |
1646 |
evi-dence |
1650 |
appli-cation |
Comments for author File: Comments.doc
Author Response
Please see the attachment
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
REPORT FOR AUTHORS: nutrients-2262015
The manuscript ‘Role of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein in the prevention of ageing and related disorders: focus on neurodegeneration, skeletal muscle dysfunction and gut microbiota’ provides comprehensive information about the general and updated characteristics of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, and its effect on neuro-diseases and involvement on gut axis.
The authors have made a huge effort to clarify and synthesize the general characteristic of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein. In my opinion, the review has a full collection of new references and data from the last few years. Including the tables, which show a very useful compilation of HTyr and OLE in neurodegenerative diseases.
There are some sections where OLE is not referred to any pathology, e.g. Parkinson’s disease, but there is recent literature that can be included (e.g. doi: 10.3390/ijms21072588). The authors should include more information about OLE in neuro-disease. Can authors include some justification due to the scarcity or lack of literature in this regard?
In this sense, does OLE exert any neuroprotective function in neurodegenerative diseases? Recently, Butt MS et al 2021, published the neuroprotective effects of oleuropein (doi: 10.1111/jfbc.13967). Also, regarding retinopathies in section 10.4; no information is included about OLE. Recently, Zheng S et al, 2021, claim the efficacy and mechanisms of OLE in mitigating diabetes and diabetes complications, including diabetic retinopathy (doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c01404)
I guess there is an unconscious tendency to describe all HTyr beneficial effects. Despite being a product of the enzymatic hydrolysis of OLE, it is opportune to include OLE results or at least a justification of the scarce literature.
Line 35 to line 39: Add reference
Line 53 and line 61: Organ-ism, and capaci-ty. Check the writing through the paper, many words that are hyphen separated.
Line 161: Add reference
Line 446: H2O2 change to H2O2. Check through the paper. Also, for other oxidative reactive species (e.g. superoxide anion (Line 933))
Line 477: Section 6. Neuroprotective function of HTyr in neurodegenerative diseases. Should include the word “OLE”
Line 926 and 935: Nox2 and NOX2. Check through the paper the abbreviation for each enzyme/protein referred, since there is no consistency in the spelling.
Author Response
Please see the attachment
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Round 2
Reviewer 2 Report
REPORT FOR AUTHORS: nutrients-2262015
The authors of the manuscript ‘Role of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein in the prevention of ageing and related disorders: focus on neurodegeneration, skeletal muscle dysfunction and gut microbiota’ have improved the quality of the review presented and solved the major point addressed in the first peer review, which aimed to the authors to include more information about OLE in neurodegenerative diseases.