The Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Cow Milk Collected from Tunisia during a Hot Lactating Season
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. AFM1 Levels in Raw Cow Milk
2.2. Regional Differences in AFM1 Contamination Levels
2.3. Estimation of Daily Intake
2.4. AFM1 Risk Characterization
3. Discussion
3.1. AFM1 Presence in Raw Cow Milk
3.2. Regional Differences in AFM1 Concentrations
3.3. Estimated Daily Consumption of AFM1
3.4. Risk Characterization of AFM1 Exposure
4. Conclusions
5. Materials and Methods
5.1. Reagents and Chemicals
5.2. Study Region and Samples Collection
5.3. AFM1 Extraction from Milk
5.4. AFM1 Determination by HPLC-FD
5.5. Estimation of the AFM1 Daily Intake (EDI)
5.6. Risk Characterization Margin of Exposure (MOE)
5.7. Statistical Study
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Region | Positive Samples | <LOD | <LOQ | Minimum Concentration (µg/L) | Maximum Concentration (µg/L) | Mean Concentration (µg/L) | Lower Bound Scenario (µg/L) | Upper Bound Scenario (µg/L) | |
n | % | ||||||||
Mahdia (60) | 58 | 96.67 | 2 | 48 | <LOQ | 99.36 | 39.37 | 6.56 | 6.57 |
Beja (62) | 61 | 98.39 | 1 | 53 | <LOQ | 197.37 | 64.27 | 8.29 | 8.30 |
Total (122) | 119 | 97.54 | 3 | 101 | <LOQ | 197.37 | 50.44 | 7.44 | 7.45 |
Region (Period) | Average of Precipitation (mm) | Average of Temperatures (°C) | Average of Humidity (%) |
Littoral region (March–June) | 3.75 | 21.25 | 71.5 |
Continental region (March–June) | 10.5 | 21.25 | 71 |
Sampling Region | Geographic Position | Altitude (m) | Latitude | Longitude | Bioclimatic Zone |
Mahdia (Coastal) | Center East | 6 | 36807 N | 10_22051 E | Semi-Arid Inferior |
Beja (Continental north) | Northwest | 93 | 36_33004 N | 9_26035 W | Sub-Humid |
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Share and Cite
Hassouna, K.B.; Salah-Abbès, J.B.; Chaieb, K.; Abbès, S.; Ferrer, E.; Martí-Quijal, F.J.; Pallarés, N.; Berrada, H. The Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Cow Milk Collected from Tunisia during a Hot Lactating Season. Toxins 2023, 15, 518.
Hassouna KB, Salah-Abbès JB, Chaieb K, Abbès S, Ferrer E, Martí-Quijal FJ, Pallarés N, Berrada H. The Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Cow Milk Collected from Tunisia during a Hot Lactating Season. Toxins. 2023; 15(9):518.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHassouna, Khouloud Ben, Jalila Ben Salah-Abbès, Kamel Chaieb, Samir Abbès, Emilia Ferrer, Francisco J. Martí-Quijal, Noelia Pallarés, and Houda Berrada. 2023. "The Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Cow Milk Collected from Tunisia during a Hot Lactating Season" Toxins 15, no. 9: 518.
APA StyleHassouna, K. B., Salah-Abbès, J. B., Chaieb, K., Abbès, S., Ferrer, E., Martí-Quijal, F. J., Pallarés, N., & Berrada, H. (2023). The Occurrence and Health Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Cow Milk Collected from Tunisia during a Hot Lactating Season. Toxins, 15(9), 518.