Belt Tear Detection for Coal Mining Conveyors
:1. Introduction
2. Basic Structure of Conveyor Belts
3. Defect Detection for Conveyor Belts
3.1. Problem Definition
3.2. Mainstream Techniques
3.3. Detecting Sensors
3.3.1. X-ray/Spectrum
3.3.2. 2D/3D Images
3.3.3. Machine Vision
3.3.4. Deep Learning
3.4. Next-Generation Detection Methods
3.5. Experimental Evaluation
4. Challenges and Solutions
4.1. Challenges for Image Preprocessing
4.2. Challenges in Dataset Imbalance
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Taxonomy | Devices | Theory Description and Advantages/Disadvantages |
Sensor-based methods | Magnetic induction sensor, electromagnetic induction sensor | Convert belt damages into electromagnetic signals; then, analyze signal patterns to indirectly obtain the state of the conveyor belt. Simple principle, high cost and low precision. |
X-ray/spectrum-based methods | X-ray emitter and receiver, industrial hyperspectral camera | X-ray penetrates conveyor belt and is captured by a special receiver, and the conveyor belt damage can be recognized by analyzing X-ray images. Hyperspectral cameras can image in infrared light, which decreases the influences of dusty and dark environments. X-ray-based methods can internally inspect the belt directly and precisely; complicated devices, high cost, harmful to humans. Spectrum-based methods are less influenced by environment; high cost, low precision. |
Machine vision-based/deep learning-based methods | CCD, COMS or 3D industrial cameras | Industrial cameras take pictures of the conveyor belt surface in real time, which are simultaneously processed by a specially designed algorithm; not complicated devices, medium cost, complex algorithms. |
Method | Pros | Cons |
X-ray [13,14,15,16,17,18,19] | Can detect internal damage of steel cord belt. | (1) Expensive and complicated equipment; (2) Requires large space to deploy; (3) X-ray is harmful to humans, and extra protection is required; (4) Instable detection. |
Infrared [20] (one camera) | (1) Acquires infrared images; (2) Can detect early wear of conveyor belt. | (1) Based on image binarization and morphological, low robustness; (2) Uses special camera, poor portability. |
Spectrum [21] (one camera) | (1) Acquires infrared images; (2) Obtains features in frequency domain. | (1) Domain transformation may lead to information loss; (2) Complicated computation. |
Infrared [22] (two cameras) | (1) Novel optical path; obtains synchronous infrared and normal images; (2) Acquires extra information in fusion images. | (1) Direct image fusion; no information filtering. |
Spectrum [23] (two cameras) | (1) Novel optical path; uses two infrared cameras to obtain different spectrum images; (2) Can detect belt tear in severe conditions. | (1) Uses expensive equipment; (2) Image resolution is low. |
Spectrum [24] (two cameras) | Acquires images of different spectra; can obtain abundant useful features. | (1) Uses expensive equipment and requires large space to deploy cameras; (2) Complicated algorithm and computation. |
Method | Pros | Common Cons |
Segmentation [25,26,28,30] | (1) Based on image segmentation; (2) The logic of the algorithms is simple. | (1) Designs of artificial features and some of methods need to set special threshold, which leads to poor robustness; (2) Some algorithms contain complicated manually designed features; (3) Some methods adopt linear cameras to acquire high-resolution images; hence, the algorithm speed is limited and cannot realize real-time detection. |
SSR [27] | Based on reflection image model and SSR algorithm to extract belt tear features. | |
Classifier [29,31] | (1) These algorithms extract belt tear features and apply classic classifiers, which have stable performance; (2) Have made efforts to address poor robustness. | |
Edge or corner features [32,33] | (1) Based on edge or corner features, which can focus on the region of belt tear; (2) Adopt linear cameras to obtain high-resolution images. |
Method | Pros | Cons |
R-CNN | (1) Typical two-stage algorithm; after many improvements, algorithm is well developed and for applications that require high precision; (2)Based on region proposal networks; significantly improves detection precision. | (1) Region proposal networks make redundant bounding boxes, which leads to low speed; (2) The models are complex, and computational cost is high. |
YOLO | (1) Simultaneously predicts object class and location as a regression process and gets rid of the region proposal stage, which simplifies the architecture and increases the speed; (2) Introduces multi-scale feature maps, which can enhance performance. | (1) The performance (except for speed) of YOLO series is worse than that of R-CNN series; (2) Anchors are fixed to a certain ratio; generalization is poor; (3) Poor performance for small object detection. |
SSD | (1) A compromise between speed and precision; can achieve excellent performance in certain applications; (2) Multi-scale feature map fusion, which addresses poor robustness to a certain extent; (3) Less sensitive to the feature extraction ability of backbone networks than two-stage algorithms. | (1) Many hyperparameters need to be set properly; (2) Separated feature maps, which leads to complicated computation. |
Method | Backbone | Custom Dataset | VOC2007 + VOC2012 | ||
FPS | mAP(%)@.5 | FPS | mAP(%)@.5 | ||
Multi-SVM | Null | 28.4 | 61.3 | 24.3 | 47.1 |
AdaBoost | Null | 23.7 | 39.8 | 19.3 | 43.7 |
YOLOv5m | Focus+CSP | 128 | 82.5 | 117 | 63.2 |
YOLOX-X | Modified CSPv5 | 57.4 | 78.4 | 55.8 | 65.3 |
SSD300 | VGG16 | 59.1 | 81.7 | 57.4 | 72.6 |
Faster R-CNN | ResNet-101 | 7.4 | 86.4 | 6.2 | 74.9 |
Strategy | Description |
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Guo, X.; Liu, X.; Zhou, H.; Stanislawski, R.; Królczyk, G.; Li, Z. Belt Tear Detection for Coal Mining Conveyors. Micromachines 2022, 13, 449.
Guo X, Liu X, Zhou H, Stanislawski R, Królczyk G, Li Z. Belt Tear Detection for Coal Mining Conveyors. Micromachines. 2022; 13(3):449.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuo, Xiaoqiang, Xinhua Liu, Hao Zhou, Rafal Stanislawski, Grzegorz Królczyk, and Zhixiong Li. 2022. "Belt Tear Detection for Coal Mining Conveyors" Micromachines 13, no. 3: 449.
APA StyleGuo, X., Liu, X., Zhou, H., Stanislawski, R., Królczyk, G., & Li, Z. (2022). Belt Tear Detection for Coal Mining Conveyors. Micromachines, 13(3), 449.