1. Introduction
Intercropping is a traditional farming practice that is widespread, especially in low-input cropping systems. However, there is an increasing interest in intercropping because of its significant advantages [
2]. One of the most popular intercropping practices is the cultivation of mixtures of certain annual legumes with cereals, which are used extensively for forage production [
5]. Nevertheless, there is also an increased interest across Europe in using these and other mixtures for food [
3]. Although in temperate climates, binary mixtures have been more effective when used for forage compared to grain production, currently, there is an increased interest in using intercropping systems for food using appropriate mixtures and management practices in order to provide more food for the growing world population.
Furthermore, intercropping can provide numerous benefits, achieving ecological intensification and supporting sustainable agriculture. Intercropping systems have specific advantages such as increased total yield and land-use efficiency, improved yield stability of cropping systems, enhanced light, water, and nutrient use, and improving soil conservation and controlling weeds, insects, or diseases. Additionally, intercropping systems that combine legumes with cereals can increase the quality of forage and accelerate mechanical harvesting. However, intercropping has several disadvantages, such as the extra work required to prepare and plant the seeds, and mixed crops’ lack of tolerance to herbicides [
Higher crop yield and yield stability have been found in many intercropping systems, which can be attributed to the more efficient utilization of light, water, and nutrients [
8]. In addition, the yield advantage that was found in many intercropping systems can be attributed to the reduction of pests and diseases [
9] and better weed control [
11]. The system that is mostly used is the mixture of legumes and cereals, which can provide a number of important ecosystem services such as N
2 fixation, reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, the improvement of physical, chemical, and biological soil fertility, and rotation. Legumes are also important for the increased need for food and feed proteins and the increased in nutritive value and the voluntary intake [
5]. More specifically, pea–wheat mixtures exhibit higher grain yield, preserved wheat grain protein concentration, and an improved contribution of N
2 fixation to total N accumulation of pea crops compared to their sole crops, while maintaining economic and environmental sustainability [
Usually, intercropping systems use conventionally bred cultivars selected under monocropping systems, which are not always adapted well for intercropping conditions [
13]. Moreover, a few studies showed that many cultivars can yield differently in the intercropping systems [
16]. In addition, the performance of a variety/cultivar grown as a sole crop does not necessarily represent its performance in a mixed cropping system [
17] due to local selection pressures generated by interspecific neighbor interactions in mixtures [
18]. Little work has been carried out on plant-breeding approaches for species mixtures [
13]. Therefore, it is important to find proper cultivar combinations that can have a higher yield and also to identify key traits that are important for intercropping [
19]. Some theories, using functional approaches, suggest selecting lines/populations based on (i) ecological niches of species allowing the best performances and (ii) relevant “interaction traits” involving spatiotemporal interactions between species and their diversity level, including trait plasticity.
A standard “blind to traits” method evaluates the ability of the cultivar/species plants to mix by utilizing hybrid breeding procedures and quantitative genetics [
21] for the estimation of general mixing ability (GMA) and/or the specific mixing ability (SMA) between species or cultivars of a mixture [
23]. Since the performance of a species/variety in monocultures can strongly diverge from the performance in intercropping, it is extremely important to assess the ability of a cultivar to combine with another crop. GMA describes the mean value of a genotype to affect the mixture response, while SMA estimates the interaction of the genotype within a mixture with a specific cultivar/species. A high GMA indicates a genotype that performs well in combination with many other cultivars/species, and SMA variance is an indication of the interactions of the genotype in specific mixtures [
Finally, a commonly used index that indicates the performance of a mixture is land equivalent ratio (LER). LER is developed for the estimation of the yield advantage of a mixture and reflects the relative land area that should be used for pure stands to yield the same as mixtures. LER is an easily calculated index that indicates competitive effects and could be used for the identification of superior intercrops [
29]. A similar index is actual yield loss (AYL) that expresses the relative yield increase or decrease of the intercropping component crops compared to the corresponding pure stand. This index is based on the actual sown proportion of the component crops [
Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen [
31] evaluated pea and barley cultivars for complementarity in intercropping at different soil N levels and stated the necessity for breeding appropriate cultivars for intercropping purposes, since cultivars bred for sole cropping may not be suitable for intercropping. Bedoussac and Justes [
32] assessed commonly used indices that measure intercrop durum wheat–pea efficiency. They concluded that the selection of indices and analysis of the findings are crucial in recognizing species interactions, but the results must always be associated with actual data and traits suited to intercropping. The identification of complementary varieties of winter wheat and field pea is crucial for the adoption of intercropping systems from local farmers.
The objective of this work was (i) to evaluate field pea and bread winter wheat varieties as sole crops and intercrops for the identification of the most promising and high-yielding mixtures in the specific environment based on grain yield, yield components, LER, AYL, GMA, and SMA; (ii) to identify which of these criteria could be further exploited for the detection of complementary cultivars and the creation of successful mixtures; and (iii) to propose the key traits that should be used as targets in breeding programs aimed to produce new pea and wheat genetic material suitable for intercropping.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site
The experiment was conducted for two successive growing seasons (2018–2019 and 2019–2020) at the University Farm of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at the area of Thermi (40°32′9″ N 22°59′18″ E, 0 m). The soil characteristics are given in
Table 1 and the soil type was a clay loam. The soil contained all the essential nutrients for plant growth in adequate concentrations and there was no need for fertilization.
The weather conditions, provided in
Figure 1, were recorded daily for the two growing seasons using an automatic weather station close to the experimental site and were reported as mean monthly data.
2.2. Genotypes Used in the Study
We tested different cultivars from two species of wheat and pea, which are important crops for food and also feed, and have potential to be adapted by farmers for intercropping systems. The selected cultivars cover different characteristics such as plant height (tall vs short), maturity (early, mid-early, and mid-late), and grain size (low thousand kernel weight vs high), which comprised different ideotypes. Six wheat and two pea cultivars as well as mixtures of each wheat cultivar with each pea cultivar were used in this study. The wheat cultivars that were used were Yecora E, Elissavet, Vergina, Nestos, Flamenko, and Mavragani (a local landrace with good adaptability), and the pea cultivars were Isard and Livioletta. The pea cultivar Isard is an afila type, while Livioletta is a leafy type with indeterminate growth. In addition, the wheat cultivars were selected because of the differences in plant height, flowering time, earliness, morphological traits (spike size), and grain yield. The genotypes were developed by different companies and also by national institutes. In particular, the wheat cultivars Yecora E, Elissavet, Vergina, and Nestos were developed by the National Institute of Cereals in Greece. Mavragani is a landrace that was evaluated by the same institute. Isard was developed by Agri Obtentions and Livioletta is a widely used cultivar in Europe.
2.3. Crop Management
Monocrop of pea and wheat cultivars, as well as mixtures of pea with each of the wheat, were sown on the first week of December in the two growing seasons. The seeding ratio was 75:25 (pea:wheat) based on seed weight. The seeding rates for the pea and wheat monocrops were 130 and 150 kg ha
−1, respectively, whereas the seeding rates for the intercrops were 98 and 38 kg ha
−1 (pea–wheat) [
16]. The seeds of both species were sown simultaneously in the same line and at a depth of 2–3 cm. The seeding ratio was selected as it was found from previous experiments in the area [
The previous crop was winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and after harvest, the straw was baled and removed. The tillage system that was used was conventional and the soil was moldboard plowed, harrowed, and a cultivator was used. All crops were kept free of weeds by implementing hand hoeing, where necessary. No supplemental irrigation was applied and the experiments were carried out in rainfed conditions without any irrigation in both years.
The experimental design was a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The experiment consisted of three blocks and each block contained 20 treatments (8 monocrop and the 12 combinations of the pea and wheat cultivars). Every experimental plot was 4 m in length with five rows 25 cm apart, and the total size of each plot was 5 m2. The plots were separated by a 1 m “buffer” zone.
2.4. Grain Yield Determination
All cultivars that were used matured in the same period in both years, and harvest took place at the full-maturity stage. In order to determine the grain yield, three central rows were harvested and the grains were received with a LD 350 laboratory thresher (Wintersteiger AG, Ried im Innkreis, Austria) in the first week of June in both years. In the intercropping treatments, the grains were separated with a grain separator and then weighed.
2.5. Grain Yield Components
The yield components (number of spikes per plant, number of pods per plant, number of grains per spike, number of grains per pod) were determined by measuring the number of spikes, pods, and grains from 10 plants per plot at harvest.
2.6. Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)
The advantage of intercropping and the effect of competition between the two species used in a mixture was calculated using the land equivalent ratio (LER). In particular, LER indicates the efficiency of intercropping for using the environmental resources compared with monocropping. The value of unity is considered the critical value for this index. When LER is greater than one, the intercropping favors the growth and yield of the inter-cropped species, whereas when LER is lower than one, the intercropping negatively affects the growth and yield of the species [
28]. The LER was calculated as [
where Y
p and Y
w are the yields of pea and wheat, respectively, as monocrops and Y
pi and Y
wi are the yields of pea and wheat, respectively, as intercrops. Similarly, LER
p and LER
w are the estimation of partial LER for pea and wheat, respectively, and LER is the total LER for each mixture.
2.7. Actual Yield Loss (AYL)
The actual yield loss (AYL) index could further clarify the relationship between the co-cultivated species and give more information about the competition and the performance of each species in the mixture. The AYL index expresses the yield loss or gain of the intercrop compared to the pure stand [
35]. Banik [
30] proposed the calculation of the AYL index with the following formula:
where Y
p and Y
w are the yields of pea and wheat, respectively, as monocrops and Y
pi and Y
wi are the yields of pea and wheat, respectively, as intercrops. Additionally, Z is the sown proportion of pea and wheat as monocrops (Z
p and Z
w) and in mixtures (Z
pi and Z
wi). Furthermore, AYL is the total estimation for each mixture, while AYL
p and AYL
w are the index estimations for pea and wheat, respectively.
2.8. GMA and SMA Estimation
The GMA and SMA indices were estimated according to the methodologies proposed by Gizlice et al. [
22] and Han et al. [
2.9. Statistical Analysis
The data for grain yield, yield components, LER, and AYL were analyzed with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method combined over the two growing seasons. In each growing season, the experiment was based on the randomized compete block design (RCBD), consisting of three blocks and 20 treatments. The “protected” least significant difference (LSD) criterion was used for testing the differences between the treatment means. In all hypothesis-testing procedures, the significance level was predetermined at a = 0.05 (p ≤ 0.05). All statistical analyses were accomplished with the IBM SPSS v23.0 statistical software.
4. Discussion
The importance of varietal selection for the success of an intercropping system was reported previously. However, there are no cultivars available for the farmers to use in intercropping systems [
42]. According to the results of the present study, the effect of the growing season was statistically significant for the yield components (number of pods or spikes per plant and number of grains per pod or spike) and the calculation of AYL. In the first year, the average rainfall and temperature were similar to the mean values of thirty years while, in comparison, the second growing season had high rainfall and high average temperature. Since climate, soil, abiotic and biotic stress, and crop management can variously affect the performance of a cultivar, it is obvious that it is not easy to predict whether a variety bred under monoculture could adapt successfully to intercropping conditions. Thus, the interaction between the varieties and the environment has been studied extensively; however, the reasons for why some cultivars respond better to intercropping conditions remain to be identified [
45]. This is the reason that modelers currently studying intercropping have combined expertise from other sciences such as micro-meteorology, environmental physics, ecophysiology, ecology, and soil science. This is an attempt to better comprehend the processes and interactions between the different plant genotypes and also between plants and the ecosystem [
4.1. Grain Yield
Identifying the most promising mixtures for intercropping based on total grain yield is a difficult task. It is obvious that the highest water availability recorded in the second year boosted the growth of the wheat varieties. Subsequently, a higher grain yield for wheat species under pure stand was recorded, while in the mixtures, the yield percentage of wheat increased. It is well documented that water availability from double-ridge stage to anthesis affects the number of spikelets and kernels per spike and the fertility of surviving spikelets [
48], thus having an impact on grain yield. Despite the different environmental conditions during the two growing seasons, the mixture Isard–Mavragani had the best performance.
The yield variability of peas could be attributed to abiotic (drought, high temperature) and biotic stress (weeds, insects, diseases) that could affect the crop development and productivity [
50]. Furthermore, the pea cultivar that had the best performance as a biblend component (Isard) is leafless. It is extensively documented that the differences in plant architecture could influence the interspecific competition and the efficient exploitation of the environmental resources [
4.2. Yield Components
Based on the results from the first season, a high pod number was measured in the pea monocultures, which was expected, but also in mixtures of Isard and Livioletta with Mavragani, suggesting that Mavragani (a local landrace) could be a more appropriate wheat variety for intercropping with pea under local conditions. Wheat landraces are valuable, flexible, genetically dynamic, and diverse sources to broaden the genetic base of cultivated wheat and to develop new varieties with adaptations under a wide range of low-input and farming systems [
53]. On the other hand, the climatic conditions of the second season, which were not representative according to the 30-year average, affected the number of pods diversely and no statistically significant difference was identified among any of the treatments.
Accordingly, most wheat monocrops and also the mixtures of Livioletta–Yecora E, Isard–Yecora E, Livioletta–Nestos, and Livioletta–Mavragani exhibited a high number of spikes per plant the first year of experimentation. In the second season, a great reduction in tillering was observed for all wheat varieties, which could be attributed to the higher than usual mean temperature recorded during the first stages of the crop development (December, season 2019–2020). According to Harrison et al. [
54], an elevated temperature at the early stages hastens crop development and reduces the tillering phase, resulting in a decreased number of tillers.
The number of seeds per pod was mainly affected by the different genotypes and less by the cropping system for both years, since most of the intercrops with Isard had the lowest number. Similar results were presented by Monti et al. [
55] and further supported by Osumi et al. [
56], who found that legumes with fewer ovules per pod (such as pea) decrease the fruit set as a response to the shading conditions caused by intercropping.
Finally, significant variation was observed in the number of grains per spike for the seasons of experimentation. For this specific trait, the results from the analysis of variance indicated that the effect of year and the interaction of year with the treatment was significant, suggesting that the climate variability makes it difficult to draw safe conclusions. Giunta et al. [
48] and Zhong-hu and Rajaram [
57] also argued that grains per spike was a yield component very responsive to high temperature.
In trying to interpret the data, wheat appears to be the dominant crop and affects the grain yield of the mixture. In fact, Vergina, Elissavet, Mavragani, and Yecora E could be promising genetic material for intercropping. Of course, it must be pointed out that their combinations with Livioletta, a leafy cultivar with indeterminate growth, negatively affected the total grain yield with these wheat varieties. A similar pattern was recorded in pea–barley mixtures where cereal was also the dominant component, since indeterminate pea cultivars can climb with the help of the cereal and compete for light [
4.3. Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)
The calculated values for LER indicated that all of the combinations had a yield advantage over their respective monocrops, apart from the intercrops of Livioletta–Vergina, Livioletta–Yecora E, and Livioletta–Mavragani during the first growing season. However, the impact of the environmental factors on the early growth stages of bread wheat affected the performance of cereals the second year. Furthermore, the estimation of partial and total LER indicates that Isard is a promising pea variety for intercropping that does not suppress, in most cases, the wheat grain yield (with Vergina, Mavragani, and Elissavet).
The estimation of partial LER for pea and wheat and the total LER values confirmed the previous findings. Depending on the growing season, the best mixtures compared to their respective monocrops that exhibit stable performance are Isard–Mavragani and Livioletta–Nestos.
4.4. Actual Yield Loss (AYL)
Actual yield loss is another index used in intercropping systems to describe the advantages and the disadvantages of the different mixtures [
30]. Moreover, AYL can provide more accurate information about the intra- and interspecific competition and behavior of the different crop species and cultivars that are used in an intercropping system [
35]. The results from the present study showed that wheat had positive values, especially during the first growing season, and in most treatments during the second growing season compared with pea, indicating that wheat was an advantage of intercropping. The AYL
total values were different in the different cultivars and combinations, indicating differences between the cultivars that were used and also in their response to intercropping systems. Similar differences in AYL were reported in other studies where species with bigger root systems, high stature, and better adaptability to dry land conditions gave higher values of AYL [
59]. However, the effect of different cultivars was not determined in AYL and the data from the present study indicate that it is an important index that can be used to evaluate the different intercropping systems.
4.5. GMA and SMA Estimation
GMA estimation also highlights Isard as promising variety for intercropping. Yecora E and Nestos could be also suitable under specific conditions, although further experimentation is necessary for drawing safe conclusions. The SMA values of the mixtures were not stable over the years. However, the best mixtures, based on the calculations, were Livioletta–Elissavet and Isard–Mavragani. The presence of significant interactions between crop system and environment indicated that the combinations responded differently in variable environments. According to Reinprecht et al. [
60], the identification and selection of the most superior intercrops should be performed by exploiting various methodologies based on the intercrops’ performance (trait-based) or index- or diallel-based selection. Other researchers recommend the early generation yield evaluation of the mixtures while incorporating the farmers’ own management into the selection process, making the whole procedure feasible and efficient [