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Fodder Galega vs. Alfalfa: Yield and Feed Value of Leaves, Stems, and Whole Plants

Stanisław Ignaczak
Jadwiga Andrzejewska
Katarzyna Sadowska
1 and
Kenneth A. Albrecht
Department of Agronomy, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, 85-796 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2022, 12(7), 1687;
Submission received: 18 May 2022 / Revised: 12 July 2022 / Accepted: 15 July 2022 / Published: 16 July 2022


Fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) is a perennial forage legume that can be an alternative to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) under more difficult environmental conditions. Galega is characterized by leafiness, and technology is now available to harvest leaves separately from stems, providing opportunity to utilize the more nutritious leaves as a feed protein source, and stems for alternative purposes. Our objective was to assess leaf, stem, and whole plant production and nutritive value of galega relative to alfalfa. Field-grown galega and alfalfa were sequentially harvested from bud to late flower maturity stages in first and second growth over two years. The proportion of leaves in galega at each harvest was greater than that of alfalfa, on average by 35%. The yield of galega leaves and yield of crude protein (CP) from leaves was also greater, on average by 31% and 18%, respectively. However, galega leaves had lower CP concentration, contained more fiber, and were less digestible than alfalfa leaves. Although the proportion of stems in galega was lower, the mean dry matter yield of stems of both species was similar. Crude protein concentration in the stems of both species was similar, but galega stems tended to contain more fiber and be less digestible than alfalfa stems. The dry matter yield of whole plant galega was greater than that of alfalfa, especially in the spring cut. Whole plant galega contained, on average, 6% more CP, and galega protein yield was also 16% greater than that of alfalfa. Whole plants of both species were generally characterized by similar levels of fiber and digestibility. The relatively high leaf-protein yield of galega under a two-harvest regime makes fractional harvest of this crop an attractive management strategy.

1. Introduction

Plant-derived protein for both ruminant and nonruminant livestock rations, especially protein from non-genetically modified crops, is in short supply in Europe. Relatively little attention has been given to the possibility of meeting this need with perennial forage legumes, which are currently primarily used as a source of protein and fiber for ruminants. However, various species from this group, in addition to producing biomass with high protein concentration and digestible fiber, provide environmental services that contribute to goals of improving sustainability of European agriculture [1]. Important traits, from the point of view of contemporary challenges, include durability and a generally well-developed root system, which allows for year-round protection of soil against erosion, nutrient run-off, and nutrient leaching. Moreover, perennial legumes, and especially separated stems, have been proposed as potential biofuels. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a high yielding forage legume that meets these criteria. Literature sources indicate that fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) may be a competitive species, especially in more challenging edaphic and climatic conditions of northern Europe and where insect or disease pressure limit alfalfa usefulness.
Fodder galega originated in the Caucasus region. Its cultivation began in Finland and Estonia about 50 years ago [2,3], and the agricultural usefulness of the species was confirmed in central Europe, Russia, Canada, and Japan [4,5,6,7,8,9]. In the establishment year, galega produces relatively low yields, but in the following years the yields of dry matter range from 5 to 15 Mg ha−1 [10,11]. It is exceptionally durable, especially when harvested 2 to 3 times per year in northern environments [7,12], having persisted 20 years in northern Poland [13]. It tolerates drought and cool temperatures during the growing season, typical of northern Europe and, in such conditions, yields similarly to alfalfa [10,12,14]. It is suitable for soil protection [15] and can also be used for energy purposes [10,11,16]. The level of anti-nutritional substances (alkaloids) in green forage is very low, which distinguishes this species from G. officinalis [17,18]. There are also no reports of galega being significantly impacted by diseases or insects.
From the perspective of feed value, leafiness is an important characteristic of fodder galega. The leaves of this species are relatively large, from 14–25 cm long. They have an odd-pinnately compound structure and consist of 9–15 oval elongated leaflets, each 3–6 cm long. At the base of the leaf are ovate stipules 1–1.5 cm long. Ignaczak [6] and Teleuţă et al. [8] report that in the spring cut, before flowering, and in the autumn cut, the proportion of leaves in the biomass dry matter ranges from 50% to 70%. When plants have developed pods, the percentage of leaves in the spring cut is still more than 20%, and in the late-summer cut, more than 40% [19]. The concentration of crude protein in fodder galega leaves ranges from 27% to 31% [6]. Moreover, the leaves are much richer in macro- and micronutrients than the stems [19].
Galega has an erect growth habit, with large-diameter, hollow stems 0.8–1.5 m tall. Stemminess is generally considered a serious drawback, contributing to a reduction in forage nutritive value. Stem proportion in the total biomass is much greater in the spring cut than in the late-summer cut. According to Pahkala and Pihala [19], stem proportions are 73% and 46%, and according to Ignaczak [6], 58% and 30% in spring and late-summer, respectively. Therefore, Meripõld et al. [20] recommend that the first cut should be used for bioenergy production and the second cut for forage.
Earlier research focused mainly on evaluation of yield and forage nutritive value of whole-plant galega [21,22,23]. Ignaczak et al. [13] and Andrzejewska et al. [24] reported a much greater nutritive value of separated leaves and stem tips and inflorescences compared to whole plants. The chemical composition of leaves and stems of perennial legumes is significantly different and this has led to exploring possibilities of their separation, either at harvest or post-harvest [13,25,26,27]. With stratified harvest, leaves could be used as a protein source for monogastric livestock, and stems for certain groups of ruminants or for energy purposes. Therefore, it is justified to investigate the chemical composition of galega leaves and stems at different stages of development and different times in the growing season. Previous information on the forage nutritive value of galega leaves and stems is sparse and, as a rule, not compared to other similar species. Alfalfa is the appropriate species to compare with fodder galega, not only because these crops are used for similar purposes, but also because alfalfa is the best known and described species among the perennial legume forage crops [28,29,30].
The aim of the study was to compare the yield structure of fodder galega and alfalfa, as well as the forage nutritive value of leaves, stems, and whole plants expressed as crude protein, fiber fractions, neutral detergent fiber digestibility, and in vitro true digestibility at different harvest times.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Experimental Site and Field Operations

Galega (cv. Risa) and alfalfa (cv. Ulstar) were grown at the Mochełek Research Station (53°12′ N, 17°51′ E), Poland, where the soil is a Cutanic, Haplic Luvisol with pH 6.0. Soil fertility was maintained at levels recommended for alfalfa on this soil type. The research was conducted in 2016 and 2017 on previously established 200 m2 plots arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Galega stands were 20 years old and alfalfa in the second production year at the start of field sampling. Galega was harvested once or twice per year and alfalfa two times per year in the years before this experiment was initiated. Both galega and alfalfa stands were uniform with no obvious weed, insect, or disease infestations. Early season temperatures were slightly warmer in 2016 than in 2017 and the long-term mean (Table 1) and total precipitation for the growing season of both years was greater than the long-term mean, providing a favorable environment for growth. Forage was harvested by hand in four replications, according to the outline in Table 2, over two seasons. Harvest was accomplished by manually cutting and removing forage from an area of 1 m2, leaving a 5-cm stubble, weighed wet, and a subsample taken for dry matter determination. A second 0.25 to 0.50 kg subsample was separated into leaf and stem components, with inflorescences included in the stem fraction. The dry matter concentration of leaves and stems was determined after drying at 60 °C, and saved for forage nutritive value analysis.
After the late-flower harvest of spring growth in June of both years, the plot area was harvested with a flail chopper before initiation of regrowth for the second harvest cycle. Sample areas were defined such that no area was sampled twice during the 2-year experiment.

2.2. Chemical Analysis of Plant Material

Dry leaves and stems were ground to pass through a 2.0 mm screen and then reground with a cyclone mill to pass through a 1 mm screen before nutritive value analysis. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were analyzed sequentially by the batch procedures outlined by ANKOM Technology Corporation (Macedon, NY, USA) with an ANKOM 200 fiber analyzer and addition of heat-stable α-amylase and sodium sulfite to the neutral detergent solution [31]. A modified Goering and Van Soest [32] procedure was used to determine 48 h in vitro true digestibility (IVTD) with buffered rumen fluid followed by a neutral detergent wash of post-digestive residues. The rumen fluid incubation was performed with ANKOM F57 filter bags and an ANKOM Daisy II incubator using the batch incubation procedure (ANKOM Technology, Macedon, New York, NY, USA). Neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) was calculated from NDF and IVTD values as ((NDF − (1000 − IVTD)/NDF) × 1000. Total N was determined by the Dumas combustion method with a LECO model FP-528 (LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, MI, USA) and crude protein (CP) was calculated as N × 6.25. The concentration of individual components in whole plants was calculated as the weighted average of their concentrations in leaves and stems.

2.3. Statistical Analysis

The results are presented as a synthesis of the 2-year study, because the preliminary analysis showed that for most of the assessed traits (approximately 80% of cases) there was no interaction of year with plant species or harvest time, and when interactions occurred, they were associated with differences in magnitude, not changes in ranking. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) between external factors (species and harvest time) and their interactions was used to investigate differences in leaf, stem, and total forage nutritive value, as well as forage and crude protein yield. All factors were considered as fixed, and significant differences between means were reported using the Tukey LSD test at α = 0.05. All these analyses were carried out using the Statistica 13.3 software package (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).

3. Results

3.1. Leaves

The proportion of leaves at each harvest time was greater in galega forage than in alfalfa, on average by 35% (Table 3). For galega, this value ranged from 497 to 622 g kg−1 DM, and for alfalfa from 354 to 495 g kg−1 DM. In spring growth, the proportion of leaves in young galega (1.1) was at the same level as in the summer growth (2.1 and 2.2), while in alfalfa, the proportion of leaves in spring growth was always lower than in the summer growth.
Dry matter concentration of galega leaves was generally similar to that of alfalfa leaves. The exception was the earliest spring harvest time (1.1), when galega leaves contained significantly less dry matter than alfalfa leaves. Dry matter yield of galega leaves was on average 98 g m−2 (31%) greater than that of alfalfa, which resulted from significant differences between species in the spring growth. In the spring growth, as galega plants developed, the yield of leaves increased, which could result from increased leaf number and the size of the leaf blades. Such a tendency was not observed in alfalfa.
Alfalfa leaves contained, on average, 21 g kg−1 more protein than galega leaves, which resulted from a significantly greater concentration of this component in alfalfa leaves in the summer growth (2.1, 2.2). Moreover, it was observed that in the spring growth, the rate of decrease in protein concentration in galega leaves was faster than in alfalfa leaves. Mean protein yield of galega leaves was 11 g m−2 (17.8%) greater than that of alfalfa, which was a consequence of large interspecies differences in leaf yield of spring growth. For galega, leaf protein yields in spring harvests were always significantly greater than from summer harvests. Such a relationship was not observed in alfalfa, where leaf protein yields were similar in spring and summer.
Regardless of the harvest time, galega leaves were characterized by greater ADF, NDF and NDFD, but lower IVTD and ash, compared to alfalfa leaves. Ash concentrations in alfalfa leaves in spring growth declined as the plants aged, while in galega this level did not change. In summer growth, crop maturity had no effect on ash concentration in leaves of either species.

3.2. Stems

Stem proportion in galega was significantly lower than in alfalfa (Table 4). Dry matter concentration in the stems increased progressively with development of plants in both species in the spring growth, while in the summer growth, it increased only for galega. However, the average stem dry matter yield of both species was comparable. This trend was also observed for crude protein concentration and yield, and ADF concentration. On average, galega stems contained more NDF and this NDF was less digestible, and contained less IVTD and ash. There were also interspecific differences at some harvest times. The stems of galega in spring growth, collected at the first two harvest times, contained significantly more ADF and NDF than alfalfa, and NDFD was usually lower (1.2, 1.3 and 2.1). On average for both species, spring growth was characterized by a higher stem proportion and greater dry matter and protein yields.

3.3. Whole Plants

The data on characteristics of whole plants (Table 5) show that galega was taller than alfalfa, by an average of 8 cm. Greater interspecific differences occurred during spring than during summer, when the trend was opposite, indicating that alfalfa regrew faster after harvest than galega. Both crops were characterized by a similar mean dry matter concentration when averaged over the growth period and harvest time, but at harvest time 1.1 and 1.3 alfalfa contained significantly more dry matter than galega. During summer growth, differences between species were not significant.
The average dry matter yield of whole-plant galega was significantly greater than that of alfalfa, which was mainly due to significant interspecies differences in the second (1.2) and third (1.3) harvest of spring growth. Galega protein concentrations were greater than alfalfa at each harvest of spring growth but this trend was reversed in the summer growth. Similar relationships were found in protein yields. Averaged over all harvest times, galega protein concentration was 11 g kg−1 greater than alfalfa, and the protein yield of galega was 13 g m−2 greater than that of alfalfa.
Galega and alfalfa had similar levels of ADF, NDF, NDFD, and IVTD, but significant differences were noted at some harvest times. At the last harvest time (2.2), galega had a lower ADF concentration than alfalfa, but NDF concentration was greater in galega at two other harvest times (1.2 and 2.1). The spring growth of galega harvested at full flower (1.2) had lower NDFD than the alfalfa, but galega had greater NDFD in both harvests of summer growth. Significantly greater IVTD of alfalfa was found only once in the growing season—in full-flower spring growth (1.2). The concentration of ash was always greater in alfalfa than in galega.
As plants matured in both growth periods, the trends and levels of the assessed characteristics were similar for both species, and typical of most perennial forage legumes. In the spring growth, as plants matured, both height and dry matter yield increased. The concentration of crude protein decreased significantly, but protein yield remained at the same level. Concentrations of fiber (ADF and NDF) increased, fiber digestibility (NDFD), and dry matter digestibility (IVTD) decreased, and ash concentrations decreased with the progressive development of both species. It is worth noting, however, that in spring growth of galega, no significant differences were found between the second and third harvest times (1.2 and 1.3) for ADF, NDF, NDFD, and IVTD, while in alfalfa the differences between each subsequent developmental stage were significant. This indicates that nutritive value changes of galega occur earlier than that of alfalfa as the crops mature. To some extent, this was also true for forage harvested from the summer growth. The height, dry matter yield, protein concentration and yield, as well as ADF, NDF, and ash concentrations did not change significantly between the initial and final flowering stages of the galega plants. On the other hand, NDFD and IVTD decreased.
The leaf to stem ratio of galega was 66% to 100% greater than in alfalfa across growth periods and harvest times (Table 6). There was no obvious association of ratio values with growth period or maturity.

4. Discussion

The results of this research support earlier reports of the high proportion of leaves in galega, especially in spring growth before flowering, and in the summer growth [6,8]. In galega, the proportion of leaves was, on average, 35% greater, and yield of leaves 45% greater than alfalfa. This contributed to galega yielding 22% more leaf protein than alfalfa, despite a lower concentration of crude protein in galega leaves.
An important foliage index is the leaf/stem ratio [28,29]. This index for galega was almost twice as high as for alfalfa (Table 6). The proportions of leaves and stems in alfalfa vary depending on environmental conditions, plant variety, height, density, as well as development stage [23,30,33,34,35]. According to a review by Lamaire and Belanger [36], decreasing alfalfa leaf/stem ratio is clearly correlated with a decrease in feed digestibility. In our study, as plants grew and matured in spring growth, the leaf/stem ratio changed to a greater extent in galega than in alfalfa, and yet the decrease in NDFD and IVTD of galega was comparable to or even lower than in alfalfa.
In terms of nutritive value parameters, galega leaves were generally inferior to alfalfa. The protein concentration was, on average, 8% lower, but particularly large interspecific differences of 23% to 25% occurred in the summer growth period. The concentrations of ADF and NDF were 24% and 28% greater, respectively, in galega leaves. The differences in leaf NDFD and IVTD, although statistically significant, were small. Alfalfa, on the other hand, contained more ash in both leaves and stems. Lower nutritive value of galega leaves may result from their morphological structure, where the proportion of petioles and petiolules is significant, and their chemical composition likely differs from that of the leaf blades. It has been reported that, similar to alfalfa [37], Ca and K are dominant among the galega minerals [6,16,21]. Although nutritive value of separated galega leaves is slightly inferior to alfalfa leaves in terms fiber concentrations and digestibility, this does not preclude them as a feed suitable for monogastric livestock, especially as a protein source.
The available literature is sparse on the amino acid composition of galega leaf protein. However, Skórko-Sojko et al. [38] report that the protein from whole-plant galega contains less lysine, threonine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine compared to the protein of alfalfa. Compared to clover protein, galega protein is richer in sulfur amino acids (methionine, cysteine), phenylalanine, tyrosine, isoleucine, leucine, and valine.
In this study, for the first time, a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of galega stems was performed. Previously, it had been indirectly assumed that length and diameter of galega stems equate to low nutritive value, and their use for non-fodder purposes had been suggested [39]. The current results fully confirm this assumption and justify the utility of fractionating the structural components of galega green forage during harvest [13].
When relating the current results to agricultural practice, it should be taken into account that alfalfa is harvested for feed according to a different pattern, usually three or four times during the growing season, which does not allow reaching the full flower stage. With an optimal harvest schedule, alfalfa yield and nutritive value will likely be greater than in the current experiment. The aim of the study, however, was to evaluate galega, which is usually harvested twice per growing season to optimize yield, nutritive value, and persistence.
With a two-harvest system, typical for galega in northern Europe, with first harvest at bud stage and the second harvest at the full flower stage, 1370 kg ha−1 of crude protein can be harvested in separated leaves (Table 3). This protein yield compares favorably to protein yield of soybean produced in colder, northern environments. Mean soybean yield for Canada from 2015 to 2019 was 3100 kg ha−1, for Ukraine 2500, and Russia 1500 [40]. Assuming 40% crude protein in soybean seeds, crude protein yield for soybean is approximately 1240 kg ha−1 in Canada, 1000 kg ha−1 in Ukraine, and 600 kg ha−1 in Russia. Additionally, considering the extreme longevity of galega (7,12,13), production costs, including tillage, establishment, and herbicides, are lower for galega than soybean or other annual protein crops. The added benefits of growing a long-lived perennial crop are reduction in soil erosion and enhanced carbon sequestration associated with permanent groundcover. Prototype equipment has been developed to accomplish segregated leaf and stem harvest of galega (13).

5. Conclusions

Due to the large proportion of leaves in whole-plant galega, forage nutritive value in bud or early flower stages is comparable to, and crude protein concentration is superior to, that of alfalfa. Nutritive value of separated galega leaves is remarkably greater than whole plants. The nutritive value of galega stems is lower than alfalfa stems, as indicated by higher NDF concentrations, and lower NDFD and IVTD values. Therefore, with the separate harvest of leaves and stems, it is justified to use them for non-fodder purposes, such as energy, mulch, or plow-down residue. The relatively high leaf protein yield with a two-harvest system, combined with previously documented persistence for greater than 20 years and no serious pests, make galega an attractive crop for fractional harvest of leaves for monogastric livestock feed, especially as a protein supplement, in northern regions.

Author Contributions

Conception and design of the research, S.I. and J.A.; Data acquisition, S.I., J.A. and K.A.A.; Data analysis, S.I.; Writing—original draft, S.I., J.A. and K.S.; Writing—review and editing, J.A., K.A.A., S.I. and K.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Research supported by Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the statutory activities of the Department of Agronomy, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology: 2016–2017.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data available from corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Monthly temperature and precipitation at Mochełek, Poland.
Table 1. Monthly temperature and precipitation at Mochełek, Poland.
MonthTemperature (°C)Precipitation (mm)
Table 2. Harvest times and development stages of galega and alfalfa.
Table 2. Harvest times and development stages of galega and alfalfa.
YearGrowth PeriodHarvest Time AbbreviationDateDevelopment Stage
20161 (spring)1.120 MayBud—early flower 1Bud
1.21 JuneFull flower 2Early flower
1.313 JuneLate flower 3Late flower
2 (summer)2.14 JulyEarly flowerEarly flower
2.28 JulyFull flowerFull flower
20171 (spring)1.130 MayBud—early flowerBud
1.28 JuneFull flowerEarly flower
1.319 JuneLate flowerLate flower
2 (summer)2.112 JulyEarly flowerEarly flower
2.224 JulyFull flowerLate flower
1 10–20% stems with flowers, 2 20–40% stems with flowers, 3 >80% stems with flowers.
Table 3. Leaf proportion, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash in the leaves of galega and alfalfa at two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
Table 3. Leaf proportion, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash in the leaves of galega and alfalfa at two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
CharacteristicSpeciesGrowth Period and Harvest TimeMean
Leaf proportion (g kg−1)Galega582 a 1497 b517 b622 a595 a563 A 2
Alfalfa410 b354 c365 c495 a457 a416 B
Mean496 b426 c441 c559 a526 ab490
Dry matter (g kg−1)Galega173 Bc178 c271 a216 b225 b213
Alfalfa201 Ac193 c271 a201 c244 b222
Mean187 d185 d271 a209 c235 b220
Dry matter yield (g m−2)Galega317 Ab349 Aab385 Aa161 c191 c317 A
Alfalfa219 Ba190 Ba235 Ba155 b174 b219 B
Mean268 b270 b310 a158 c183 c268
Crude protein (g kg−1)Galega292 a257 b215 c223 Bc230 Bc243 B
Alfalfa276 a267 a218 b280 Aa282 Aa264 A
Mean284 a262 b217 c252 b256 b254
Protein yield (g m−2)Galega93 Aa90 Aa83 Aa36 b44 b62 A
Alfalfa60 Ba50 Bab51 Bab43 b49 ab51 B
Mean77 a70 ab67 b40 c46 c56
ADF (g kg−1)Galega236 b255 ab273 a267 a248 ab256 A
Alfalfa195 b191 b245 a207 b198 b207 B
Mean216 b223 b259 a237 ab223 b232
NDF (g kg−1)Galega353 b372 b424 a432a391ab395 A
Alfalfa302 b282 b352 a309 b293 b308 B
Mean328 b327 b388 a371 ab342 b352
NDFD (g kg−1 NDF)Galega722 a677 b648 b712 ab652 b682 A
Alfalfa713 a671 ab610 c693 ab659 b669 B
Mean718 a674 bc629 d703 ab656 cd676
IVTD (g kg−1)Galega901 a879 ab851 b876 ab864 b874 B
Alfalfa913 a907 a861 b905 a901 a897 A
Mean907 a893 ab856 c891 ab883 b886
Ash (g kg−1)Galega85 a80 a80 a91 a96 a86 B
Alfalfa133 a125 ab114 b121 ab123 ab123 A
Mean109 a102 ab97 b106 ab109 a105
1 Values within rows followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level; 2 Pairs of values within columns and characteristic followed by different uppercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level. ADF, acid detergent fiber; NDF, neutral detergent fiber; NDFD, neutral detergent fiber digestibility; IVTD, in vitro true digestibility.
Table 4. Stem proportion, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, concentration of ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash in the stems of galega and alfalfa at two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
Table 4. Stem proportion, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, concentration of ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash in the stems of galega and alfalfa at two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
CharacteristicSpeciesGrowth Period and Harvest TimeMean
Stem proportion (g kg−1)Galega418503483378405437 B 1
Alfalfa590646635505543584 A
Mean504 b 2575 a559 a442 c474 c511
Dry matter (g kg−1)Galega162 Bc234 b286 Ba249 b284 Aa243
Alfalfa195 Ac233 b317 Aa221 bc223 Bbc238
Mean178 c233 b302 a235 b254 b240
Dry matter yield (g m−2)Galega22735636396124233
Mean269 b350 a389 a127 c166 c260
Crude protein (g kg−1)Galega1541099510186109
Mean142 a109 b92 c108 b91 c109
Protein yield (g m−2)Galega353935101126
Mean38 a38 a36 a14 b15 b28
ADF (g kg−1)Galega455 Ab490 Aa475 ab458 b486 a473
Alfalfa419 Bb448 Bb486 a463 b494 a462
Mean437 b469 a481 a461 b490 a468
NDF (g kg−1)Galega606 Ab652 Aa633 ab620 b658 a634 A
Alfalfa554 Bc594 Bb644 a606 b646 a609 B
Mean580 c623 ab639 a613 b652 a621
NDFD (g kg−1 NDF)Galega480361 B347 B398 B346386 B
Alfalfa487469 A421 A447 A391443 A
Mean483 a415 b384 bc422 b369 c415
IVTD (g kg−1)Galega684583587624569609 B
Alfalfa716684625665607659 A
Mean700 a633 bc606 cd644 b588 d634
Ash (g kg−1)Galega594344524348 B
Alfalfa847460817474 A
Mean72 a59 c52 d67 b59 c62
1 Pairs of values within columns and characteristic followed by different uppercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level; 2 Values within rows followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level. ADF, acid detergent fiber; NDF, neutral detergent fiber; NDFD, neutral detergent fiber digestibility; IVTD, in vitro true digestibility.
Table 5. Plant height, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash concentrations in the whole plants of galega and alfalfa in two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
Table 5. Plant height, dry matter concentration and yield, crude protein concentration and yield, ADF, NDF, NDFD, IVTD, and ash concentrations in the whole plants of galega and alfalfa in two growth periods and different harvest times (means over two years).
CharacteristicSpeciesGrowth Period and Harvest TimeMean
Plant height (cm)Galega90 A 1 b 2114 Aa119 Aa58 c67 Bc90 A
Alfalfa79 Bb92 Ba96 Ba67 c78 Ab82 B
Mean84 c103 b107 a63 e73 d86
Dry matter (g kg−1)Galega168 Bd201 c278 Ba227 b245 b234
Alfalfa198 Ac214 c299 Aa210 c232 b231
Mean183 d208 c289 a219 c239 b228
Dry matter yield (g m−2)Galega544 bc705 Aa748 Aa257 c315 c514 A
Alfalfa530 b534 Bb650 Ba313 c383 c482 B
Mean537 c620 b699 a285 d349 d498
Crude protein (g kg−1)Galega233 Aa182 Ab157 Ac177 Bb172 b184 A
Alfalfa191 Ba162 Bb142 Bc196 Aa175 b173 B
Mean212 a172 c150 d187 b174 c179
Protein yield (g m−2)Galega128 Aa128 Aa118 Aa46 Bb54 b95 A
Alfalfa101 Ba86 Bab92 Bab61 Ab67 b82 B
Mean114 a107 a105 a54 b60 b88
ADF (g kg−1)Galega327 b382 a378 a340 b338 Bb353
Alfalfa326 d363 bc399 a342 cd365 Ab359
Mean327 d373 ab389 a341 cd352 bc356
NDF (g kg−1)Galega458 c518 Aa527 a499 Aab487 b498
Alfalfa449 c489 Bb537 a466 Bc489 b486
Mean454 c504 ab532 a483 b488 b492
NDFD (g kg−1 NDF)Galega576 a488 Bb497 b588 Aa520 Ab534
Alfalfa582 a541 Aab474 c524 Bab481 Bc520
Mean579 a515 b486 c556 a501 bc527
IVTD (g kg−1)Galega800 a724 Bc729 c791 a757 b760
Alfalfa806 a767 Ab708 c771 b736 c757
Mean803 a746 b719 c781 a747 b759
Ash (g kg−1)Galega75 a60 b64 b77 a79 a71 B
Alfalfa103 a94 b81 b102 a96 ab95 A
Mean89 a77 b72 b89 a87 a89
1 Pairs of values within columns and characteristic followed by different uppercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level; 2 Values within rows followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 95% confidence level. ADF, acid detergent fiber; NDF, neutral detergent fiber; NDFD, neutral detergent fiber digestibility; IVTD, in vitro true digestibility.
Table 6. Leaf/stem ratio of galega and alfalfa in two growth periods and different harvest times.
Table 6. Leaf/stem ratio of galega and alfalfa in two growth periods and different harvest times.
SpeciesGrowth Period and Harvest TimeMean
Leaf/stem ratio
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ignaczak, S.; Andrzejewska, J.; Sadowska, K.; Albrecht, K.A. Fodder Galega vs. Alfalfa: Yield and Feed Value of Leaves, Stems, and Whole Plants. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1687.

AMA Style

Ignaczak S, Andrzejewska J, Sadowska K, Albrecht KA. Fodder Galega vs. Alfalfa: Yield and Feed Value of Leaves, Stems, and Whole Plants. Agronomy. 2022; 12(7):1687.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ignaczak, Stanisław, Jadwiga Andrzejewska, Katarzyna Sadowska, and Kenneth A. Albrecht. 2022. "Fodder Galega vs. Alfalfa: Yield and Feed Value of Leaves, Stems, and Whole Plants" Agronomy 12, no. 7: 1687.

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