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Evaluation of Biodegradable Mulch Films on Melon Production and Quality under Mediterranean Field Conditions

Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, 80055 Portici, Naples, Italy
Interdepartmental Research Centre on the “Earth Critical Zone”, University of Naples Federico II, 80055 Portici, Naples, Italy
Research Center for Cereal and Industrial Crops—Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), 81100 Caserta, Caserta, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2024, 14(9), 2075;
Submission received: 17 July 2024 / Revised: 27 August 2024 / Accepted: 9 September 2024 / Published: 11 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Management in Water-Agricultural Nexus)


This study examines the effects of biodegradable mulches on melon production and quality in a Mediterranean environment, specifically focusing on Mater-Bi and Ecovio in comparison to conventional (low-density polyethylene) LDPE mulch. Biodegradable mulches influenced soil temperature, with Mater-Bi maintaining higher maximum soil temperatures conducive to crop growth, while Ecovio exhibited lower maximum temperatures beneficial in hot summer months. Results revealed a significant increase in melon yield with biodegradable mulches, with both Ecovio and Mater-Bi demonstrating higher yields at approximately 20.41 t ha−1, showing an improvement of 23.4% compared to LDPE. Although mulching did not impact the number, weight, or distal diameter of marketable fruits, it affected the apical diameter, with Ecovio-treated plants displaying an 8.4% larger apical diameter compared to the average of all treatments. Furthermore, mulching influenced fruit quality parameters such as consistency, pulp thickness, sugar content, and anti-oxidant activity, with Mater-Bi exhibiting the best performance. Since both Mater-Bi and Ecovio possess strengths and weaknesses, selecting the optimal mulch depends on the farmer’s specific objectives and local growing conditions. Overall, the study suggests that biodegradable mulches, particularly Ecovio, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic films, contributing to environmental preservation and enhancing melon yield and quality in Mediterranean agricultural settings.

1. Introduction

The integration of mulch, with a specific emphasis on biodegradable mulch film, into sustainable farming practices has demonstrated a range of benefits that extend beyond crop cultivation to overall plant health and ecosystem resilience. Biodegradable mulch films (BDMs), such as Mater-Bi®, have emerged as a potential alternative to traditional low-density polyethylene (LDPE) films, offering environmentally friendly solutions while addressing the challenges associated with plastic film residues. Numerous studies, including research by Martín-Closas et al. [1], Hayes et al. [2], and Deng et al. [3], have elucidated the positive effects of utilizing biodegradable mulch films; these films contribute significantly to sustainable agriculture by enhancing plant growth, increasing yields, and optimizing water use efficiency. Acting as a protective layer, they minimize soil temperature fluctuations and facilitate moisture retention, creating favorable conditions for plant development. In the context of water management, BDMs assume a critical function in reducing water evaporation from the soil surface, thus conserving precious water resources and sustaining optimal soil moisture levels compared to bare soil. This attribute holds particular significance in arid and semi-arid regions where water scarcity poses a pressing challenge, as highlighted by Mari et al. [4]. The consistent preservation of soil moisture facilitated by these films not only enables the judicious utilization of irrigation water but also contributes to the enhancement of water use efficiency (WUE), as explained by Ma et al. [5]. Empirical evidence underscores the potential of BDMs to augment WUE by as much as 30% compared to treatments without mulch, as they optimize the soil’s temperature and moisture levels and enhance the physiological characteristics of plants [5].
Research has shown that the use of biodegradable films positively impacts crop yield and fruit quality. Notably, Xiong et al. [6] conducted a field trial on solanaceous crops such as eggplant, pepper, and cherry tomato, revealing a remarkable 52% increase in yield when employing biodegradable mulch films compared to conventional bare planting practices. Moreover, Yang et al. [7] highlighted the enhanced yield of winter potatoes through the optimization of soil properties and nutrient availability using biodegradable films, surpassing the performance of traditional PE films. In terms of fruit quality enhancement, Cozzolino et al. [8] observed that biodegradable films significantly improved quality traits in muskmelons, including total soluble solids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity, particularly when compared to LDPE films in plastic greenhouse settings in southern Italy. Similarly, Di Mola et al. [9] noted improvements in the organoleptic quality of zucchini squash, characterized by increased total soluble solids content, enhanced firmness, and brightness of fruits when grown on biodegradable mulching films, in comparison to LDPE films across both plastic greenhouse and field conditions. Furthermore, Sekara et al. [10] identified higher levels of dry residue, titratable acidity, and soluble solids under biodegradable films compared to LDPE films and bare soil in plastic greenhouse environments. The use of biodegradable films has been shown to positively impact fruit quality by creating improved environmental conditions, such as higher soil temperatures and enhanced moisture retention. These favorable microclimate conditions can accelerate the ripening process and increase the Total Soluble Solids (TSS) in fruits, resulting in improved sweetness and higher phytonutrient content [11,12].
The use of biodegradable mulch films in agriculture has gained significant attention due to their environmental benefits and potential cost savings. These films are made from a variety of materials including natural and synthetic polymers such as starch, cellulose, and polylactic acid [13]. They can also be enhanced with additives such as antimicrobial agents [14] and nanoparticles [15] to further improve soil fertility, crop productivity and fruit quality [2,16,17]. The potential for using organic waste to produce these films has also been explored, with promising results [18].
Beyond the immediate advantages for crop productivity, the utilization of biodegradable mulch has broader implications for the health and sustainability of plant ecosystems. The films have the potential to mitigate soil erosion, reduce weed competition, and promote a more stable microclimate, like the benefits provided by polyethylene (PE) mulch film [15,19,20]. These benefits contribute to overall plant well-being and ecosystem health, as well as the preservation of soil structure [15,19,20]. The use of biodegradable mulch films can also have a positive impact on soil microbial communities by modifying the soil environment and providing additional organic matter that enhances microbial activity [21]. As these films break down in the soil, they release carbon, acting as a vital nutrient source for soil microbes and leading to an increase in microbial biomass and diversity, particularly benefiting crucial bacterial and fungal taxa involved in decomposition [21]. On the contrary, LDPE mulch films, being non-biodegradable, have been shown to have adverse effects on bacterial communities in diverse soils, including regions like Heilongjiang and Yunnan, and disrupt fungal interactions [22,23]. Due to their slow degradation, LDPE films result in lasting microplastic pollution that can disrupt soil microbial dynamics over an extended period [24]. Studies have also demonstrated that BMFs enrich the soil with beneficial bacteria like N-fixing genera such as Bradyrhizobium and Mesorhizobium, critical for nutrient cycling and plant growth [25,26]. However, LDPE films can cause more denitrification and other processes that move nitrogen around. This might make the soil lose nitrogen [27]. Additionally, BMFs have been observed to reshape the soil microbial community structure by increasing the abundance of specific bacterial genera like Pseudomonas, Nitrosomonas, and Streptomyces, renowned for their roles in nutrient cycling and plant well-being [28]. Striking a balance between reaping the advantages of these films and ensuring their sustainable use is critical for long-term ecological stability.
Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an important fruit crop cultivated worldwide, valued for its sweet, aromatic flesh and high water content. The world’s melon production has been increasing steadily, with the gross harvest of melons and other food melons rising from 6.99 million tons to 28.558 million tons between 1961 and 2022, with China, Turkey, Iran, and USA being the leading producers [29]. Melons are grown in diverse agro-climatic regions, ranging from temperate to tropical zones, and the fruit is consumed fresh or processed into various products such as juices and preserves [30].
Italy is a significant player in the global melon market, renowned for its high-quality melon varieties. The country’s favorable climate and well-established agricultural practices contribute to its success in melon production. Regions such as Sicily, Puglia, and Emilia-Romagna are known for their substantial melon cultivation [31,32]. Italian melons are celebrated for their exceptional taste and aroma, making them highly sought after in domestic and international markets [31,33,34]. A range of studies have explored the impact of different biodegradable mulching films on melon production. Cozzolino et al. [8] found that a Mater-Bi® based film increased fruit yield and quality, while López et al. [35] reported similar yields to LDPE films. Filippi et al. [12] and Saraiva et al. [36] both observed higher yields with green biodegradable films, with the latter also noting similar fruit quality. Munguía-López et al. [37] and Kosterna et al. [38] found that plastic mulches, including synthetic and photo-biodegradable films, accelerated growth processes and increased yields. Shogren and Hochmuth [39] and Wortman et al. [40] compared biodegradable mulches to polyethylene, with the former finding similar yields and the latter noting increased soil moisture and weed suppression.
Within the scope of this comprehensive framework, the aim of this study is to evaluate the agronomic and quality response to three different biodegradable mulches applied to a muskmelon cultivar under field conditions in Southern Italy.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area and Weather Conditions

The experiment was carried out under field condition in a private farm located in Vitulazio, Caserta, Italy (41°07′32.5′′ N 14°12′12.6′′ E, 23 m asl). The experimental site falls under the category of a hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Csa) according to the Köppen–Geiger climate classification system [41]. This region is characterized by a typical Mediterranean climate, featuring mild winters and hot, dry summers, with a mean daily temperature of 16.33 °C (±0.84 °C) and mean annual rainfall of 964.04 mm (±231.27 mm) (averaged data of 27 years (1994–2020) recorded by the regional weather station of Vitulazio at about 460 m distance from the farm).
The 2021 growing season (May–July) was characterized by slightly warmer and drier conditions. During the seasonal precipitation period, only 49.8 mm of rainfall was recorded, significantly lower than the historical average of 132.69 mm. Utilizing the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), a robust tool for drought analysis developed by Vicente-Serrano et al. [42], it was observed that the second and third months (June and July) of the melon growing season were classified as moderately dry (SPEI = −1.002 and −1.185, respectively), while the first month (May) was considered normal (SPI = −0.708). Additionally, the seasonal average temperature (Tavg = 23.7 °C) was 1.98 °C higher than the historical average (21.72 °C).
The soil has a sandy clay-loam texture (clay, sand, and silt: 23.0%, 58.5%, and 18.5%, respectively). The chemical and physical characteristics of the soil at the beginning of the experiment at 0.30 m of soil depth were as follows: pH 7.6, Kjeldahl total nitrogen 1.32 g kg−1, phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5: Olsen method) 109.2 ppm, potassium oxide (K2O: Tetraphenylborate method) 161.7 ppm, organic matter (Bichromate method) 18.3 g kg−1, electrical conductivity (ECe) = 0.25 dS m−1, nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) 18.4 ppm, ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) 5.1 ppm, bulk density 1.43 g cm−3, and saturated hydraulic conductivity 3.72 mm h−1. The soil water content at field capacity and at permanent wilting point was 34.6 and 21% (v/v), respectively.

2.2. Experimental Design, Setting, and Crop Management

The experimental design compared three different mulching films: (1) black low-density polyethylene film (LDPE), width 1.6 m and thickness 30 microns; (2) black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi® (supplied by NOVAMONT, Novara, Italy), grade EF04P, width 1.6 m and thickness 15 microns; (3) black biodegradable film based on Ecovio® (supplied by BASF, Cesano Maderno (MB), Italy), width 1.6 m and thickness 15 microns. The three different mulching films were arranged according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replicates for each treatment, totaling 9 plots, with an overall field size of approximately 400 m2. Each experimental unit consisted of 3 rows and measured 6 m × 7 m, with a distance of 2 m between rows and 1 m between plants.
The muskmelon cultivar used in the study was “Pregiato” (Clause), a netted melon hybrid with fruits characterized by long shelf-life. The “Pregiato” melon is further distinguished by its strong resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis races 0, 1, and 2. Application of the mulching films was performed manually one week prior to transplanting. Melon seedlings were transplanted at the four-leaf stage on 4 May 2021, with a planting density of 5000 plants per hectare.
All agricultural practices on the farm were carried out in accordance with ordinary local methods. In the first three weeks after transplant, short periods of irrigation (10–15 min) were alternated with fertigation supplying mainly nitrogen; thereafter, only fertigation was applied in order to simultaneously provide water and nutrients, mainly potassium. On average, farmers provided 50 kg N ha−1 and 100 kg K2O ha−1, and no phosphorus was added.
Irrigation was initially conducted on a fixed weekly schedule during the first month (May). Subsequently, in the second (June) and third (July) month, irrigation intervals were adjusted to every 4 and 3 days, respectively. The total seasonal irrigation supply amounted to 540 mm. Drip irrigation using thin-wall drip tapes was employed, which were laid out concurrently under mulching film at a distance of 0.10 m from the plant rows. The spacing between emitters along the tape was 0.10 m, and each emitter had a flow rate of 1.2 L h−1 at an operating pressure of 0.1 MPa.
The field was prepared through superficial plowing to a depth of 25 cm, followed by subsoiling to a depth of 60 cm. Crop protection interventions were focused on control of aphids and oidium. No weed control was necessary, thanks to the good coverage of the soil by both mulching films.

2.3. Yield Measurements

A total of 7 harvests took place, starting on 12 July and ending on 30 July. For each mulch treatment, the central row was harvested, excluding the first and last plants as borders, resulting in 5 plants per plot. The number, size (distal and apical diameter) and weight of marketable fruits were evaluated, unmarketable fruits were those that were deformed, decaying, or weighed below 700 g. To determine the dry matter percentage of fruits, a representative sample from each treatment and replication was weighed and then oven dried at 70 °C until a consistent weight was achieved. In addition, at the last harvest, three plants per replicates were sampled, weighed and then a sample was oven-dried to determine the dry matter percentage. Finally, the harvest index (HI) was determined as ratio between yield and plant biomass.

2.4. Soil Temperature Measurements

Soil temperature was measured at a depth of 0.10 m for each mulching film, using Fluke Type K thermocouple probe connected to a data logger (FLUKE 2638ACR21X; Fluke Italia Srl, Milan, Italy).

2.5. Fruit Color Parameters and Physico-Chemical Qualities

During the third harvest, we assessed the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the fruits by analyzing three fruits per replicate. The properties evaluated included color parameters, firmness, pulp thickness, total soluble solids (TSS), carotenoids, polyphenols, ascorbic acid, and hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity (HAA and LAA, respectively). To conduct qualitative determinations, fruit juice was obtained by homogenizing small fruit pieces in distilled water and then centrifuging at 15,000× g for 15 min. The distal diameter, apical diameter and pulp thickness were obtained with the aid of graduated caliper and the results expressed in centimeter. Total soluble solids (TSS), expressed as Brix, were measured using a digital refractometer (Sinergica Soluzioni, DBR35, Pescara, Italy). Firmness was assessed using a digital penetrometer (T.R. Turoni srl, Forlì, Italy) equipped with an 8 mm diameter probe; measurements were recorded from two opposite sides of three fruits per replicate. The results were expressed in kg cm−2.
Total ascorbic acid (TAA) was measured using a spectrophotometer according to the method described by Kampfenkel et al. [43], and the absorbance of the solution was measured at 525 nm.
The CIELAB color parameters (L*, lightness, a* and b*, the chromatic coordinates indicating respectively the red–green and the yellow–blue components, C, chroma, and hue angle (h)) of the fruit flesh were evaluated using a colorimeter (CR5, Minolta Camera Co., Tokyo, Japan) applied to fifteen fruits per treatment, following the procedure outlined by McGuire [44]. The Folin–Ciocalteu method was employed to determine polyphenol content using 100 µL of methanol extract [45], with results expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g fresh weight (FW). Total carotenoids were extracted from melon flesh using ammoniacal acetone and analyzed spectrophotometrically at 470 nm, following the method reported by Wellburn [46]. Results were expressed as milligrams per 100 g fresh weight (FW).
Lipophilic antioxidant activity (LAA) was measured spectrophotometrically (Hach DR 2000, Hach Co., Loveland, CO, USA) on 200 mg of freeze-dried material at 734 nm after extraction with methanol according to the method of Re et al. [47]. It was expressed as mmol Trolox per 100 g dry weight (dw).
For hydrophilic antioxidant activity (HAA), samples were extracted with distilled water, according to the N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DMPD) method [48]; HAA was then determined pectrophotometrically at 505 nm, and values were expressed as mmol ascorbic acid per 100 g dry weight (dw)

3. Results

3.1. Soil Temperature under Mulching

Figure 1 shows the soil temperature at 10 cm soil depth during the melon growing season under the three types of mulch film (LDPE, Mater-Bi® and Ecovio®). For the maximum soil temperature, the three mulching films showed an increasing pattern until the end of July but with different behavior, especially in the first period of growth, when the LDPE elicited greater soil heating compared to the biodegradable mulching films. In particular, the maximum temperature under the traditional plastic film was higher, across the whole cycle, than that recorded under Ecovio® film, with a 2.8 °C mean increase and even a 3.5 °C increase in June and July. In contrast, the difference between LDPE and Mater-Bi® was less marked; LDPE was higher than Mater-Bi® in the first half of May and the second half of June (2.0 °C mean increase), but the trend was inverted in the remaining part of the cycle with only a 1.0 °C increase compared to LDPE. Overall, Ecovio® mulch consistently showed the lowest maximum temperatures among the three mulch types, particularly noticeable in July.
In terms of the minimum soil temperature, it was observed that, across all three mulch films, it remained relatively stable over the months, around 21.5 °C. However, the LDPE showed a greater capacity of soil heating in the first month of the cycle. In the successive period, the two biodegradable films elicited a minimum soil temperature slightly higher than that under LDPE (+0.5 °C). Finally, in mid-July, Ecovio® mulch also showed higher soil minimum temperature than Mater-Bi®, about 1.4 °C.
The mean soil temperatures across the whole cycle were 23.6, 24.9 and 25.1 °C under Ecovio®, Mater-Bi®, and LDPE, respectively, with trends similar to those already seen previously for maximum and minimum temperatures.

3.2. Melon Yield as Affected by Mulching

The total marketable yield (sum of seven harvests) of muskmelon was significantly affected by mulching (Figure 2). The Ecovio® and Mater-Bi® mulching films resulted in a significantly higher yield compared to LDPE, with an increase of approximately 23.4%. Particularly, the Ecovio® mulch film treatment overcame 21.4 t ha−1, with an improvement of approximately 8.84% and 31.1% in comparison to the yields obtained with Mater-Bi® and LDPE, respectively (Figure 2).
The mulching did not impact the number of marketable fruits per square meter, their average weight, or the distal diameter, as showed in Table 1, while it influenced the apical diameter, with the highest values observed in plants cultivated under the Ecovio® biodegradable mulching film. Specifically, this value was 8.4% higher compared to the average of all other treatments (Table 1).
The mulching significantly affected dry matter percentage of plant and harvest index but not the plant fresh weight (Table 2). Particularly, the Mater-Bi® biodegradable mulching film yielded the highest fresh weight, albeit without differences with the other mulching films, and dry matter percentage. Eco-friendly mulch (Ecovio®) had the highest harvest index but it was not different from Mater-Bi® and both showed a 7.8% increase compared to LDPE.

3.3. Melon Quality as Affected by Mulching

As for the influence of mulching on the physical characteristics of muskmelon fruits (firmness, pulp thickness, total soluble solids (TSS), and dry matter percentage), the statistical analysis highlighted a significant effect on all parameters except the dry matter percentage of fruits (Table 3). Specifically, the Mater-Bi treatment exhibited significantly thicker pulp and higher levels of dissolved solids compared to LDPE, with notable increases of 19.47% and 14.22%, respectively. Furthermore, Mater-Bi significantly enhanced the fruit’s firmness, showing a remarkable 42.22% increase compared to Ecovio. However, all three types of mulch exhibited similar levels of dry matter percentage, indicating comparable effectiveness in this regard.
As regards the color parameters of muskmelon, the statistical findings indicated that mulch treatments influenced the red–green and yellow–blue components and the chroma but not lightness (L*) and hue angle (H) (Table 4). Notably, muskmelon fruits of plants grown on Ecovio exhibited the highest chromatic coordinates and chroma values, different only from Mater-Bi®.
Among the quality nutraceutical traits of muskmelon fruits (lipophilic antioxidant activity (LAA), hydrophilic antioxidant activity (HAA), phenols, ascorbic acid (AsA), and carotenoids), the mulching affected only the LAA (Table 5). Particularly, the Mater-Bi treatment led to a significant 41.6% increase in LAA compared to LDPE. While Mater-Bi showed a 15.9% higher LAA than Ecovio, this difference was not statistically significant, suggesting that Mater-Bi and Ecovio have comparable performances from a statistical perspective.

4. Discussion

In recent years, biodegradable mulch films have emerged as a sustainable alternative to conventional agricultural films, offering both economic and ecological benefits. These films, made from biodegradable materials, enhance agricultural efficiency and soil health, and their use eliminates the need for labor-intensive post-harvest removal and disposal [13,50]. Extensive research has been conducted on the impact of these biodegradable films on growth and yield of various food crops [51,52,53]. However, the impact of biodegradable films on food quality is still an under-researched area, and more studies are needed to fully understand their potential benefits and drawbacks.
In our study, we examined how the use of two biodegradable mulch films (Mater-Bi® and Ecovio®) compared to LDPE affects the yield and specific quality traits of muskmelons grown in field conditions. The three mulching films elicited a different micro-climate in the root zone of melon.
In fact, the mean soil temperature during the melon growing season ranged between 23.6 °C under Ecovio® film and 25.1 °C under LDPE film, while slightly lower under Mater-Bi® (24.9 °C). The difference in soil temperature can be partly explained by the varying thickness of these mulches. LDPE mulch, with a thickness of 30 μm, is designed to be durable, resist tearing, and heat the soil effectively, helping to maintain higher soil temperatures. This heating is particularly beneficial during the early stages of the melon growth cycle, when the plants are small and require warmer soil conditions. In contrast, the biodegradable mulches, at 15 μm thick, are made thinner to balance durability with their ability to decompose. This thinner design may also facilitate more rapid heat exchange between the soil and the atmosphere, resulting in slightly lower soil temperatures.
The slight difference in soil temperature between the two biodegradable mulch films could be attributed to variations in their chemical compositions. Ecovio® consists of a blend of biodegradable aliphatic–aromatic polyesters derived from renewable resources [54], while Mater-Bi® is sourced from renewable materials like corn starch, vegetable oils, and other plant-based components, depending on its specific formulation [55].
Interestingly, the LDPE mulching film assured a greater soil temperature in the first period of melon cycle, when the plants were still small. Successively, Mater-Bi® showed a similar behavior and, even a better performance, in terms of soil heating at the end of cycle.
These findings are partially in line with previous studies by Cozzolino et al. [8] and Iapichino et al. [56], who observed that LDPE promoted higher temperatures compared to black biodegradable Mater-Bi® film in the topsoil layer. However, it is essential to consider that these results could vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, climate, crop variety, and agricultural practices adopted.
Despite negligible variations in the total number of fruits and their average weight across treatments, both Mater-Bi® and Ecovio® mulches exhibit a notable advantage in terms of marketable yield (+23.4%) compared to the traditional LDPE mulch. Specifically, biodegradable mulches demonstrated a marginally higher number and average weight of fruits per square meter (also without significant differences) and a larger apical diameter than LDPE. Probably, the higher temperatures reached under the LDPE mulch in the first phase of melon cycle pushed a greater plant development, as confirmed by the higher harvest index than recorded for the two biodegradable films. However, the impact of BDMs on soil and plant health, which indirectly influences the harvest index, is more complex. BDMs have been found to alter soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling processes, such as increasing the complexity of soil microbial networks and affecting nitrogen cycling, which can influence plant growth and nutrient uptake [27]. These changes may impact the harvest index by shifting the balance between biomass production and economic yield. This suggests that the two biodegradable mulches may be more efficient in directing plants’ resources toward fruit production.
Several studies have indicated that the use of BDMs promotes the growth and advancement of shrubs, vegetables, and various other crops [57,58,59]. Studies indicate that BDMs can increase soil temperatures by 1.2 °C to 3.2 °C at various soil depths during the crop growth period, which is comparable to the effects of traditional PE mulches [60]. This warming effect is beneficial for crop growth, particularly in the early stages, as it enhances seedling development and overall plant vigor as well as water use efficiency [61].
The literature reports similar results on the effects of mulching on melon crop yields. For example, Cozzolino et al. [8] observed a significant increase in muskmelon crop yield with the use of a Mater-Bi® mulch film. Additionally, Qin et al. [62] noted that this yield enhancement stems not only from an increase in the number of fruits but also from improvements in fruit size and fruit density per unit area. Although specific data on Ecovio’s effects on melon yield were not provided, biodegradable mulches in general have been shown to offer advantages over traditional LDPE plastic mulches. These advantages include enhanced availability of nitric nitrogen, and improved soil breathability, all of which indirectly contribute to plant growth and yield improvement [63].
Our results also highlighted that the utilization of biodegradable mulch film such as Mater-Bi® induced higher melon fruit quality in terms of consistency, pulp thickness, and total soluble solids compared to traditional LDPE plastic mulches (Table 3). This suggests that utilizing biodegradable mulch film may contribute to the production of firmer fruits with increased sugar content.
In particular, TSS is an important trait for melon quality and it primarily comprises sugars, particularly fructose [64]; in our research, TSS values ranged from 10.55° Brix for LDPE to 12.05° Brix for Mater-Bi®. Melons with sugar content falling within the range of 10–12%, as stipulated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) grading standards, are considered to have “very good” food quality and show adequate transportability [65]. Our findings regarding the impact of mulching on fruit quality are consistent with those of Cozzolino et al. [8], who noted a positive effect of biodegradable mulch film (Mater-Bi®), resulting in a 13.3% increase in total soluble solids compared to LDPE films.
Stimulatingly, our findings reveal that both biodegradable films, Mater-Bi® and Ecovio®, significantly enhanced other aspects of fruit quality such as lipophilic antioxidant activity (LAA) by 41.6% and 22.1%, respectively, compared to LDPE. LAA refers to the capacity of certain substances to neutralize harmful free radicals in fat-soluble environments [66], which is vital for maintaining the health and quality of various fruits, including melons [8,67]. The utilization of mulching films, especially biodegradable ones, has been demonstrated to notably augment this activity. For example, research indicates that biodegradable films like Mater-Bi®, employed in melon cultivation, resulted in an elevation of lipophilic antioxidant activity [8]. Similarly, a study on greenhouse lettuce revealed that the combined application of mulching film and Trichoderma led to an increase in lipophilic antioxidant activities [68]. Hence, the adoption of biodegradable mulching films holds the potential to positively influence lipophilic antioxidant activity in melon fruits, thereby enhancing their overall quality and nutritional value.
Furthermore, Cozzolino et al. [8] reported a 22.4% increase in polyphenol levels with the use of biodegradable Mater-Bi® films compared to LDPE in greenhouse settings with two distinct soil textures. These findings contrast with our current study, in which we did not observe a significant effect of mulching on polyphenol content. Although the Ecovio® film showed the highest phenolic content, the difference was not statistically significant. The differences between these studies could potentially arise from the specific responses of melon to different types of mulching films, as well as variations in pedo-climatic environments and growth conditions.
Finally, mulch treatments had a significant impact on the color of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) fruits, particularly on the a* (red–green) and b* (yellow–blue) color coordinates. Using the biodegradable mulch film Ecovio® increased the redness (a*) of the fruits by 13.2% and 2.0%, the yellowness (b*) by 21.9% and 11.3%, and the overall color intensity (chroma) by 19.6% and 8.6% compared to Mater-Bi® and LDPE, respectively. LDPE showed color values that were consistently between those of Ecovio® and Mater-Bi®. Similar results were found by Cozzolino et al. [8], where LDPE produced higher chroma values (+14.04%) than Mater-Bi®. Research suggests that mulches can improve fruit color by changing the microclimate around the plants, which enhances the production of carotenoids and slows down chlorophyll breakdown [69]. For example, black plastic mulches that warm the soil and retain moisture have been shown to increase the a* and b* values, leading to fruits with more intense yellow and red colors, which are signs of better ripening and higher market quality [70,71]. Such treatments are essential for improving the visual appeal and marketability of muskmelon fruits.

5. Conclusions

This study underscores the potential of biodegradable mulches, particularly Mater-Bi® and Ecovio®, to enhance melon fruit yield and quality compared to traditional LDPE mulch under Mediterranean field conditions. The findings are significant in the context of sustainable agriculture, offering insights into the agronomic performance and environmental benefits of using biodegradable mulching films.
In our study, both biodegradable mulching films allowed to overcome the marketable yield obtained with the traditional plastic film (LDPE). In addition, they also positively affected some fruit quality parameters such as consistency, pulp thickness, total soluble solids and lipophilic antioxidant activity. In particular, Mater-Bi® treatment outperformed other mulches in these aspects, suggesting that the choice of mulch can have a direct effect on the marketability and consumer appeal of the fruits. The higher sugar content and antioxidant activity associated with Mater-Bi® mulch could result into higher consumer preference and potentially better market prices.
In conclusion, considering these preliminary results, the choice of biodegradable mulch film seems to have a deep impact on marketable yield, quality, appearance, and nutritional value of muskmelon fruits. Obviously, other factors such as soil type, climate, and crop variety may influence the effectiveness of different mulches.
This study underscores the importance of holistic and context-specific approaches in sustainable agriculture, and it highlights the need for continuous research and innovation in developing effective and environmentally friendly farming practices.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: E.C., I.D.M. and M.M.; methodology: L.O. and M.H.S.; software: L.O. and M.H.S.; validation: I.D.M., L.d.P. and M.H.S.; formal analysis: M.H.S.; investigation: L.d.P. and E.C.; data curation: E.C., L.O. and M.H.S.; writing—original draft preparation: M.H.S. and I.D.M.; writing—review and editing: M.H.S., I.D.M. and M.M.; visualization: M.H.S.; supervision: M.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data is contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Ten-day values of soil temperature (maximum (A), minimum (B) and average (C)) at 10 cm depth as affected by mulching (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) during melon (Cucumis melo L.) growing season.
Figure 1. Ten-day values of soil temperature (maximum (A), minimum (B) and average (C)) at 10 cm depth as affected by mulching (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) during melon (Cucumis melo L.) growing season.
Agronomy 14 02075 g001
Figure 2. Marketable yield of muskmelon as influenced by mulching (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®). The vertical bars in the graph represent the standard error, while varying letters indicate statistical differences according to the Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
Figure 2. Marketable yield of muskmelon as influenced by mulching (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®). The vertical bars in the graph represent the standard error, while varying letters indicate statistical differences according to the Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
Agronomy 14 02075 g002
Table 1. Yield parameters as affected by mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®).
Table 1. Yield parameters as affected by mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®).
TreatmentsTotal FruitsAverage Fruit WeightDistal DiameterApical Diameter
n m−2kg fruit−1cmcm
Mulch (M)
Mater-Bi®1.21 ± 0.081.61 ± 0.0414.22 ± 0.2915.93 ± 0.28 b
Ecovio®1.36 ± 0.071.57 ± 0.0414.22 ± 0.5717.09 ± 0.99 a
LDPE1.10 ± 0.081.49 ± 0.0114.20 ± 0.3515.60 ± 0.50 b
Mulch (M)nsnsns*
ns, not significant; *, significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values (means ± SE, n = 3) followed by a different letter in each row are significantly different according to Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
Table 2. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on plant fresh weight, harvest index and dry matter plant percentage of muskmelon fruits.
Table 2. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on plant fresh weight, harvest index and dry matter plant percentage of muskmelon fruits.
TreatmentsPlant Fresh Weight Plant Dry Matter Harvest Index
Mulch (M)
Mater-Bi®2.18 ± 0.13 10.03 ± 0.78 a72.5 ± 1.8 ab
Ecovio®1.93 ± 0.27 7.68 ± 1.18 b76.5 ± 2.1 a
LDPE2.14 ± 0.22 9.91 ± 1.28 a69.1 ± 2.3 b
Mulch (M)ns**
ns, not significant; *, significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values (means ± SE, n = 3) followed by a different letter in each column are significantly different according to Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
Table 3. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on firmness, pulp thickness, total soluble solids and dry matter percentage of muskmelon fruits.
Table 3. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on firmness, pulp thickness, total soluble solids and dry matter percentage of muskmelon fruits.
TreatmentsFirmnessPulp ThicknessTotal Soluble SolidsDry Matter Fruits
kg cm−2cm(Brix)%
Mulch (M)
Mater-Bi®1.28 ± 0.02 a4.54 ± 0.15 a12.05 ± 0.10 a10.05 ± 1.10
Ecovio®0.90 ± 0.08 b4.27 ± 0.16 ab11.28 ± 0.14 ab10.74 ± 0.74
LDPE0.92 ± 0.08 ab3.80 ± 0.04 b10.55 ± 0.31 b10.69 ± 0.42
Mulch (M)***ns
ns, not significant; *, significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values (means ± SE, n = 3) followed by a different letter in each column are significantly different according to Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
Table 4. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on color parameters of muskmelon fruits.
Table 4. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on color parameters of muskmelon fruits.
Mulch (M)
Mater-Bi®64.9 ± 1.318.1 ± 0.5 b28.3 ± 1.3 b33.6 ± 1.4 b1.00 ± 0.01
Ecovio®61.7 ± 0.820.5 ± 0.7 a34.5 ± 0.7 a40.2 ± 0.4 a1.04 ± 0.02
LDPE62.5 ± 1.820.1 ± 1.0 ab31.0 ± 1.9 ab37.0 ± 2.0 ab0.99 ± 0.02
ns, not significant; *, significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values (means ± SE, n = 3) followed by a different letter in each column are significantly different according to Tukey’s test (p = 0.05). L* represents brightness, a* and b* the chromatic coordinates indicating the red–green and the yellow–blue components, respectively, C chroma and H hue angle [49].
Table 5. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on lipophilic antioxidant activity (LAA), hydrophilic antioxidant activity (HAA), phenols, ascorbic acid (AsA) and carotenoids.
Table 5. Effect of mulch (LDPE: black low-density polyethylene film; Mater-Bi®: black biodegradable film based on Mater-Bi®; Ecovio®: black biodegradable film based on Ecovio®) on lipophilic antioxidant activity (LAA), hydrophilic antioxidant activity (HAA), phenols, ascorbic acid (AsA) and carotenoids.
mM Trolox
100 g−1 dw
100 g−1 dw
mg Gallic Acid
g−1 dw
mg g−1 fwµg g−1
Mulch (M)
Mater-Bi®16.0 ± 0.9 a7.45 ± 0.111.14 ± 0.0721.1 ± 3.492.2 ± 6.6
Ecovio®13.8 ± 0.5 ab7.58 ± 0.311.47 ± 0.3918.9 ± 4.772.0 ± 9.0
LDPE11.3 ± 0.6 b7.74 ± 0.811.15 ± 0.0925.0± 3.492.7 ± 10.9
ns, Not significant; *, significant at p ≤ 0.05. Values (means ± SE, n = 3) followed by a different letter in each column are significantly different according to Tukey’s test (p = 0.05).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sellami, M.H.; Di Mola, I.; Ottaiano, L.; Cozzolino, E.; del Piano, L.; Mori, M. Evaluation of Biodegradable Mulch Films on Melon Production and Quality under Mediterranean Field Conditions. Agronomy 2024, 14, 2075.

AMA Style

Sellami MH, Di Mola I, Ottaiano L, Cozzolino E, del Piano L, Mori M. Evaluation of Biodegradable Mulch Films on Melon Production and Quality under Mediterranean Field Conditions. Agronomy. 2024; 14(9):2075.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sellami, Mohamed Houssemeddine, Ida Di Mola, Lucia Ottaiano, Eugenio Cozzolino, Luisa del Piano, and Mauro Mori. 2024. "Evaluation of Biodegradable Mulch Films on Melon Production and Quality under Mediterranean Field Conditions" Agronomy 14, no. 9: 2075.

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