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Multi-Factor Diagnostic and Recommendation System for Boron in Neutral and Acidic Soils

Richardly Lenz Clove Dupré
Lotfi Khiari
Jacques Gallichand
Claude Alla Joseph
Département des Sols et Génie Agroalimentaire, Université Laval, Québec, QC G1K7P4, Canada
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2019, 9(8), 410;
Submission received: 19 June 2019 / Revised: 18 July 2019 / Accepted: 22 July 2019 / Published: 25 July 2019
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Fertility Management for Better Crop Production)


Despite its inconveniences, the most recognized method to extract boron from soils is that of hot water extraction (BHW), which is used for diagnostics and recommendations. However, the Mehlich-3 (M3) method is widely used to extract and diagnose several elements at once (P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, B, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn) and is well adapted to routine analyses. The objective of our study was to develop a soil diagnostic and recommendation system for boron as a function of measured BM3 (and other interacting elements), crop type, and spreading methods. This system is based on three databases from either the international literature or the chemical characterization of acidic-to-neutral soils typical from Québec (Canada). The first database came from the characterization of 365 samples typical of Québec soils; it has been used to predict, by the AutoML (Automatic Machine Learnig) supervised learning algorithm, BM3 as a function of a set of parameters from the following: BHW, pHW, organic carbon (OC), CaM3, KM3, and MgM3. Depending on the parameters used, the R2 between the measured and observed BM3 varied from 0.36 to 0.99. This database allowed us to define two classifications for soil boron diagnostics and fertility evaluation. The Cate–Nelson analysis for these two models allowed us to define three boron fertility classes: Low, medium and high; that is 0.00–0.23, 0.23–0.58, and 0.58–3.70 mg B kg−1, respectively, for BHW, and 0.00–0.65, 0.65–1.03, and 1.03–12.70 mg B kg−1, respectively, for BM3. The third database was extracted from 130 yield responses to increasing levels of boron; it was used to define a recommendation model for boron, based on AutoML, as a function of BM3, pHW, the crop boron requirement (medium, high), and the type of spreading (broadcast, sidedress, foliar spraying). This model resulted in an R2 of 0.63.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Fertile soils allow for root development and provide for the plant extraction of water and nutrients [1]. It is therefore important to evaluate agricultural soil potential using analytical tests for soil diagnostics. Despite the fact that the extraction of trace elements by plants is low, these elements are limiting for crop yields [2]. The characterizing and dosing of trace elements depend on analytical artefacts, since a change in process or a low contamination may greatly affect results [3]. In Québec, fertilization grids were mainly developed for major nutrients [4]. Soil chemical fertility diagnostics for most nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn and Mn) are done after a Mehlich-3 solution extraction. However, some trace elements, such as boron, are not on this list since there are no calibrations with yield. For boron, most calibrations with crop yield are based on hot water extraction (BHW). Until recently, the BHW method was widely used, since it is efficient in detecting and analyzing low soil boron concentration by colorimetry [5]. For alfalfa, Gestring and Soltanpour [6] compared three boron extraction methods (saturation, ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA, and hot water), and found that hot water extraction was the most related to yield [6]. However, cooling time and additional manipulations required to compensate water loss by evaporation during extraction make this method slow and imprecise [7,8]. Contrarily to Mehlich-3 extraction, hot water extraction is slower and can be done for one element at a time; it is therefore less interesting economically than Mehlich-3 [9] and for soil routine laboratory analyses [10]. The inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer can analyze multiple soil elements [11] with a same Mehlich-3 solution; this technology allows for the considerable reduction of the costs of soil analyses and an increased efficiency [12]. Shuman et al. [10] proposed to substitute BHW by BM3 for soil boron diagnostics in six eastern US States. Zbíral and Němec [9] found a significant difference between BHW and BM3, but the correlation was not high enough to make the substitution. Additionally, Tran et al. [13] proposed a conversion equation (BM3 = 1.31 × BHW) for acidic sandy soils and loamy soils in Québec. However, for clay soils with a high exchangeable Ca content and higher pH, the correlation between BHW and BM3 was almost non-existent. Many diagnostic and recommendation grids based on BHW and crop type have been reported in the literature [14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. However, to our knowledge, there exists no boron diagnostic and recommendation grid based on BM3. The objectives of this study were: (i) To evaluate BM3 from BHW for different representative soil types in Québec; (ii) to build, with data from the literature, two agronomical relative yield models, relative yield (RY) = function (BHW) and RY = function (BM3); and (iii) to develop, with yield-boron response curves from the literature, a recommendation relationship based on soil BM3, soil pH, boron spreading method, and crop type.

2. Materials and Methods

To obtain boron fertilizer recommendations from BM3 and other soil chemical properties, the method has been divided into three phases (Figure 1); that is, to develop: (i) Algorithms predicting BM3 (database 1), (ii) agronomical response models to both crop fertilizer and soil boron content (database 2), and (iii) algorithms to predict recommended boron rates in case of deficiency (database 3).

2.1. Algorithms for Prediction of Boron Mehlich-3 (BM3)

To develop these algorithms, we used a database of 365 soil samples (database 1). These samples were taken from about 80 Québec farms dedicated to various productions: Forage crops, field crops, vegetables, and forestry (Table 1).
All samples come from the arable layer (0–20 cm) and have very different soil horizons (Dystric Brunisol, Eutric Brunisol, Melanic Brunisol, Gleysol, Humic Gleysol, Luvic Gleysol, Gray Luvisol, Humic Podzol, Humo-Ferric Podzol, Ferro-Humic Podzol, Regosol and Humic Regosol) [23]. Soil samples were air-dried and sieved with 2 mm sieves. Soil pH was determined with a 1:1 soil/solution (vol/vol). Organic carbon (OC) was determined by the Walkley–Black [24] method, and soil texture was determined by the method of Day [25].
Exchangeable bases (KM3, CaM3, MgM3) and trace elements (AlM3, FeM3, CuM3, ZnM3, BM3) were extracted according to the Mehlich-3 procedure [26] and analyzed with ICP-OES (Thermo Jarrell–Ash model 61-E, Thermo Instrument, Franklin, MA). Boron was extracted from soil using the hot water method of Berger and Truog [5], and it was quantified by colorimetry [27].
The estimation of BM3 was performed by supervised learning using the h2o’s AutoML [28] algorithm within the R software (Version 3.0.2) [29]. This algorithm allowed us to predict BM3 from BHW and a combination of the other predicting variables: pHW, OC, KM3, CaM3, and MgM3. The partial dependence of predicted BM3 on each predicting variable was determined with h2o’s varimp function, and the correlation was determined between predicted and laboratory measured BM3. Additional statistical analyses were done with Excel to determine the means, ranges, and standard deviations of the main soil sample parameters.

2.2. Boron Agronomical Models

Database 2 contains a total of 672 values of BHW and yield (Y0: Control yield without boron fertilization; Ymax: Maximal yield of the boron fertilization treatment). These data come from 32 published studies (Table 2) and involve about 40 crop types. To define an agronomic model based on BM3, we used the following predictive variables: pHW, OC, Kexchangeable, Caexchangeable and Mgexchangeable, which were all, or partially, available from the literature. This data came under two forms: Tables and graphs. Data from tables were taken directly, whereas graphical data were converted to numeric values using the Data Thief software [30].
From these 32 studies, we only kept those with BHW and those with a soil pHW from neutral to acidic. From the data of these studies, the crop nominal yield for the control was expressed as a relative yield with respect to the maximal yield.
R Y   ( % )   =   Y 0 kg · ha 1   Y m a x kg · ha 1   × 100
The critical agronomic thresholds of BHW or BM3 are those for which a significant yield increase will not occur with an additional amount of boron fertilizer [61]. This threshold was determined iteratively according to the Cate–Nelson method [62] using relative yields from all experiments with BHW or BM3. The Cate–Nelson procedure used identifies critical thresholds with an iterative method that maximizes the sum of squares on the boron axis [63] (BHW or BM3) while minimizing, on the yield axis, the number of points in the error quadrants [64]. Two models (RY = function of BHW and RY = function of BM3) were developed using the Cate–Nelson procedure of the rcompanion package [65] with the R software. For the model RY = function of BM3, an additional step was required because all the predictive variables (BHW, pHW, OC, Kexchangeable, Caexchangeable and Mgexchangeable) were not available for all the studies.
We therefore developed four AutoML algorithms: A1, A2, A3 and A4 (Figure 1), corresponding to the following sets of predictive variables, respectively: {BHW}, {BHW, pHW}, {BHW, pHW, OC}, {BHW, pHW, OC, Kexchangeable, Caexchangeable and Mgexchangeable}. These models were build using results from 365 samples (Database 1) representative of Québec agricultural soils (Table 1).

2.3. Boron Recommandation Algorithms

Database 3 contains 130 curves of yield response to different application rates of boron. This data come from 25 published studies (Table 3). Each of these curves were examined to determine the boron application rate corresponding to the maximum yield, RateMaximum yield. To this RateMaximum yield we associated (i) the crop type corresponding to one of the two categories of boron requirements (medium, high) as recommended by CRAAQ [4] (Centre de Référence en Agriculture et Agroalimentaire du Québec); (ii) the application type of the boron fertilizer (broadcast, sidedress, field application); and (iii) the soil variables BHW, pHW, OC, K, Ca, Mg. Prediction of BM3 was done using AutoML algorithms A2, A3 and A4 (Figure 1). The prediction of RateMaximum yield was performed by algorithm AutoML A5 using BM3, estimated by A2, A3 or A4, crop type, application mode, and soil pHW.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Algorithms for Prediction of Boron Mehlich-3 (BM3)

The results used by our study show a wide range of soil properties (Table 1). Soil texture varies from coarse to fine with a pH from 2.3 to 7.4. Soil boron content ranges from 0.02 to 3.68 mg B kg−1 for BHW and from 0.08 to 12.7 mg B kg−1 for BM3. This shows the Mehlich-3 method extracts more boron than hot water, which was also a conclusion of Zbíral and Němec [9] and Shuman et al. [10]. For Québec acidic sandy soils and loamy soils, Tran et al. [13] found that, on average, BM3 is 31% more than BHW. Figure 2 shows simple linear correlations between BM3 and BHW, as well as between predicted and measured BM3.
The model of Figure 2a shows a very low correlation between BHW and BM3, with only 36% of the BM3 variation being explained by the model. Low coefficients of determination (R2 = 0.29; R2 = 0.45) between BM3 and BHW were also observed by Walworth et al. [75]. With such low correlations, such a model cannot be used to transpose BHW values from the literature to BM3 values in order to develop recommendation models or to diagnose soil boron status. Figure 2b shows the prediction quality criteria of BM3 using the linear regression from Figure 2a. Compared to a perfect prediction of BM3 from BHW, i.e., a slope (m) of 1.0 and an intercept (a) of 0.0, we found that m = 0.63 and that a = 0.36 mg B kg−1, a value so high that it is close to the average of all 365 samples analyzed (0.40 mg B kg−1). Such a weak model does not allow for a reliable conversion from BHW to BM3. Therefore, instead of simple linear regression, we used the supervised learning algorithm AutoML (Table 4).
The A1 AutoML algorithm predicted BM3 from BHW with an R2 of 0.63 compared to 0.36 for the linear regression, but intercepts and slopes were similar. Adding predictive variables related to the BM3 extraction improved the predictive capacity (Table 4). The algorithm A4 performed better with an R2 and a slope close to one, as well as an intercept close to 0 (Figure 3a).
To improve the conversion from BHW to BM3, we included in AutoML A4 five soil parameters that are routinely analyzed by soil laboratories. With all these parameters, a multiple linear regression gives R2 = 0.65, a = 0.23 and m = 0.65 (Figure 3i), which results in a deviation of 35% (1-m) between predicted and measured BM3. The improvement in BM3 prediction when going from simple regression (Figure 2b) to multiple regression (Figure 3i) and to AutoML shows the potential of using supervised learning algorithm A4. The A4 AutoML algorithm shows only a slight average deviation of 3%, which is much less than the value of 20% for inter-laboratory error allowed by the CEAEQ [76] (Centre d’expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec) and an intercept close to the detection limit of 0.01 mg kg−1 [77]. It is to be noted that all slopes, either from regression or supervised learning, are less than 1.0, which implies mainly an under-estimation of BM3.
Algorithms A3 and A4 predicted BM3 with deviations (1-m) less than the 20% error allowed by CEAEQ [76]. These two algorithms allow for a better prediction of BM3 by using several soil variables from which depend the soil boron status. Recent research used machine learning to obtain reliable predictions [78,79,80]. Since in Québec routine soil determination includes elements extractible by Mehlich-3, the pH, and soil organic matter [79], algorithm A4 is the most appropriate to convert BHW to BM3. The scaled (0–1) importance of the variables used to predict BM3 by A4 is shown in Figure 3b; they are, in order of importance: CaM3 > pHW > BHW > MgM3 > OC > KM3. The influence intervals of each of these predictors are shown in Figure 3c–h. Generally, the value of predicted BM3 increased, up to a limit, with the values of the predictors. Contrarily to what was expected, BHW is not the most important variable in predicting BM3. The two most important variables are CaM3 and pHW, which is explained by the composition of the Mehlich-3 solution.
In comparison with the official method of ammonium acetate pH 7, the Mehlich-3 pH 3 method extracts approximately the same levels of K and Mg. However, Mehlich-3 extracts more calcium than ammonium acetate, i.e., 17% [80] or 28% [26]. This additional extraction could influence the amount of boron moving from the soil to the Mehlich-3 solution. Besides, this is the most plausible reason to explain that BM3 is higher than BHW [13]. Mehlich [26] included, in his extraction solution, ammonium fluoride (NH4F) which induces an interaction between soil pH and that of the solution. Mehlich [26] concluded that soils with a high pH are at risk of calcium precipitation in the form of CaF2, which makes the Mehlich-3 solution not relevant for alkaline soils (pHW ≥ 7.5). This is seen in Figure 3c, where the BM3 is dependent of the exchangeable calcium up to a concentration of about 13,000 mg CaM3 kg−1. A higher pHW results in less exchangeable calcium and in an increase of anionic boron in the form of B(OH)4 by the hydrolytic effect [81]. Cancela et al. [82] found that the Mehlich-3 extraction is more reliable for soils with a low calcium content and which are more acidic. In high pH soils, Tran et al. [13] measured BM3 values 2–5.2 more than BHW; in addition, the correlation between these two variables was almost zero. Moreover, in Figure 3d, we can observe that BM3 is more affected by pH values superior to 6. For organic carbon, KM3 and MgM3 (Figure 3f–g) their predictive influences on BM3 are within the ranges usually found in Québec mineral soils, i.e., 0%–10% for OC, 0–500 mg B kg−1 for KM3, and 0–1800 mg B kg−1 for MgM3.

3.2. Boron Agronomic Models

Two models were developed: One based on BHW (Figure 4) and another based on predicted BM3 (Figure 5). The Cate–Nelson procedure applied to these two models allowed for the definition of two critical thresholds: 0.23 and 0.58 mg BHW kg−1 (Figure 4c) and 0.65 and 1.03 mg BM3 kg−1 (Figure 5c). These thresholds correspond to high points of the curve between the sum of squares and the variable concerned [62]. These critical values allowed us to partition soil boron into three fertility classes for diagnostics: Low, medium and high. For BHW, these three classes correspond, respectively, to 0–0.23, 0.23–0.58, and 0.58–3.70 mg BHW kg−1, whereas for BM3 they are 0–0.65, 0.65–1.03, and 1.03–12.70 mg BM3 kg−1. The high probabilities of economical response for crops to boron fertilizers are in the true positive quadrants (TP) of low boron contents, i.e., less than 0.23 mg BHW kg−1 or less than 0.65 mg BM3 kg−1, which correspond to relative yield from 20 to 85% and from 20 to 95%, respectively. The high limits of 85% and 95% for critical relative yield were obtained by minimizing the number of points in the error quadrants: false negative(FN) + false positive (FP) of Figure 4b and Figure 5b for BHW and BM3, respectively. Contrarily, stable yields are observed in the true negative quadrants (TN) corresponding to low probabilities that yields respond to boron fertilization. In these TN quadrants, relative yield values reach a stability [64] ranging from 85% to 100% for BHW and from 95% to 100% for BM3 (Figure 4a and Figure 5a). Error quadrants (FP) correspond to high relative yields despite pertaining to a low boron fertility class, whereas FN quadrants correspond to low relative yield while being in a high boron fertility class. For Figure 4 and Figure 5, we obtained a robustness R2 of 82.6 and 69.1%, respectively, corresponding to the probability to make a correct diagnosis for soil boron. For both cases, model robustness was high. These R2 values are defined as the ratio the number of points in quadrants TP and TN to the total number of points. The specificity TN/(TN + FP) represents the probability to make the correct decision (do not fertilize) with respect to all observations with a yield stability, i.e., a relative yield >85% or >95%, respectively, for the models of Figure 4 and Figure 5. These specificities were 83.8% and 65.1% for the BHW model (Figure 4) and the BM3 model (Figure 5), respectively.
These values of 83.8% and 65.1% represent the probability that high relative yield be associated to soil with a boron content higher to the agronomical critical threshold of 0.23 mg kg−1 for BHW and 0.65 mg kg−1 for BM3. The sensitivity [TP/(TP + FN)] represents the probability to make a good decision to fertilize with boron with respect to all observations with less relative yields, i.e., a relative yield <85% for the models in Figure 4 or <95% for the models in Figure 5. These sensitivities were 78.7% for the BHW model and 73.5% for the BM3 model. In these cases, the sensitivity is the probability that lower yields occur for soils with a boron content less than the critical agronomical threshold of 0.23 mg kg−1 for BHW and 0.65 mg kg−1 for BM3. Positive predictive values (PPV) [TP/(TP+FP)] are the probability of a positive response of yield to boron fertilization when soil boron content is less than the critical agronomic threshold of 0.23 mg kg−1 for BHW and 0.65 mg kg−1 for BM3. These PPVs are 59.2% for the BHW model (Figure 4) and 65.7% for the BM3 model (Figure 5).
The negative predictive values (NPV) [TN/(TN + FN)] are the probability that crops do not respond to boron fertilization when the soil boron content is more than the critical agronomical threshold. These NPVs are 92.9% for the BHW model (Figure 4) and 73.0% for the BM3 model (Figure 5). As can be seen from Figure 4 and Figure 5, the distribution patterns of the points are similar, with small statistical differences from the Cate–Nelson partitioning. The BHW agronomical model shows better statistics (robustness, specificity, sensitivity, PPV, NPV) than the BM3 agronomical model. The better performance of the BHW model is explained by the fact that it is developed from measured BHW values, whereas the BM3 model is based on the results of four algorithms with a predictive power ranging from 65% to 99%. Moreover, the critical relative yield value of 95% for the BM3 model is more limiting than the value of 85% for the BHW model; this causes the BM3 model having more points in the error quadrants.
Since the BM3 method extracts more boron from the soil, the critical agronomical thresholds are higher for BM3 than for BHW. Besides, Datta et al. [83] found, for a same culture and for identical experimental conditions, different critical thresholds with four boron extraction methods. The two critical thresholds that we found (0.65 and 1.03 mg BM3 kg−1) are located in the median part of the interval [0.1 to 2.0 mg BHW kg−1] [84], below which soil boron fertility is classified as low to medium [85].

3.3. Boron Recommendation Model

Usually, a recommendation model for a given element is based solely on the soil content of that element, which implies that yield depends on that element only and that any other fertility indicators or fertilization practices do not have any influence. However, Simard et al. [86] proposed considering both pHW and BM3 for boron recommendations. Additionally, Gupta and Cutcliffe [74] showed the effect of boron spreading type on crop yield. It is also known that boron requirements vary from crop to crop [4]. Therefore, the AutoML A5 algorithm, combining all these factors to predict the boron dose, gave good results, as shown in Figure 6.
This figure shows a correlation between observed and predicted RateMaximum yield, giving an R2 of 0.63, an intercept of 0.6 kg B ha−1, and a slope of 0.7. Therefore, 63% of the RateMaximum yield variance is explained by the model. Usually, recommendation models presented in the literature have very low R2 values. For a same soil analysis, these models present so much variation that researchers use averages or mathematical expectations to propose recommended rates [87]. The A5 algorithm underestimates RateMaximum yield, as it shows a mean deviation of 30% between observed and predicted RateMaximum yield. In addition to the main variable, BM3, the inclusion of three other predicting variables (pHW, application type and crop boron requirements) in the A5 algorithm significantly improves the boron rate prediction. This improvement is explained by the interaction between BM3 and the three other variables. As shown in Figure 6b, pHW is the second most important predicting variable after BM3. In Figure 6c, the least influencing interval of BM3 is located between 0.65 and 1.03 mg BM3 kg−1, which coincides with the critical agronomical values of the model of Figure 5a. This interval is between the region of boron deficiency (BM3 < 0.65 mg kg−1) and that of boron sufficiency (BM3 > 1.03 mg kg−1). It is within this intermediary interval that we find the most estimation error on the boron recommended dose. Besides, in the proposed agronomical model (Figure 5), the points in the error quadrant FN are mostly concentrated in this interval. Therefore, the boron recommendation is relatively less reliable within that interval than outside of it. Figure 6d shows that for a pHW above 6.0, the required boron amount to reach maximum yield is increased.
This figure also shows that for a range of 3 pHW units (from 4.5 to 7.5), the interval of recommended application rate is from 1 to 2.5 kg ha−1. This is in concordance with findings of Peterson and Newman [88], who recommend a boron rate of 2.5 higher for a soil of pHW of 7.4 compared to another with a pHW of 4.7. These observations show the fixation of boron added to the soil increase considerably when the soil acidity is neutralized, which implies the application of higher boron rates. While predicting variables BM3 and pHW are numerical, the two others (spreading type and crop boron requirement) are categorical; however, they also have an effect on boron recommended rates. The 130 crop response curves analyzed (Database 3) show that RateMaximum yield decreases for the following order of application type: Broadcast > sidedress > foliar application. Such a difference due to the application method is explained by the fact that fertilizer losses are greater for broadcasting than for sidedress and for foliar application [89]. With the proposed A5 multi-variable model, boron fertilizer applications can be done with more precision. The precision of this A5 model could be further increased as more data become available.

4. Summary and Conclusions

In this study, we used three databases to develop a multi-variable system for soil boron diagnostics and recommendation. Database 1 is composed of 365 soil samples representative of the various Québec agricultural regions. This database was used to develop an AutoML algorithm (A4) which successfully converts BHW to BM3 using five covariates (pHW, OC, CaM3, MgM3 and KM3). This A4 algorithm allows for a robust prediction of 99% (with only a slight 3% average deviation) and an intercept so small that it is in the same order of magnitude as the detection limit of 0.01 mg kg−1 of BM3. Database 2 is composed of 672 observations coming completely from published literature and was used to develop two agronomical models, one for BHW and one for BM3. These two models showed critical thresholds defining the intervals of medium deficiency, that is 0.23 and 0.58 mg kg−1 for BHW and 0.65 and 1.03 mg kg−1 for BM3. These two intervals discriminate soils with a risk of boron deficiency from those with high potential of boron sufficiency. Database 3 include 130 crop yield response to various boron rates; all data were extracted from the literature. These response curves allowed us to define 130 boron rates corresponding to maximal yields (RateMaximum yield). An AutoML supervised learning algorithm, A5, allowed us to relate RateMaximum yield to BM3, pHW, fertilizer application type, and boron crop requirement category. With an R2 of 63%, the performance of algorithm A5 is much greater than those of other recommendation models based solely on soil reserves. Results from this study show the superiority of supervised learning compared to traditional prediction methods, despite the heterogeneity of sources and data. It therefore becomes possible to include boron in the common extractant of Mehlich-3 to diagnose and recommend boron fertilization, especially because this method is well suited to the neutral to acidic soils in Québec.

Author Contributions

D.R., K.L. and G.J. planned and designed the research; D.R. carried out the experiments; D.R. and K.L. wrote the manuscript; J.C. was involved in structuring the research.


This research did not receive any external funding.


We are grateful to Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ) for the access to their soil database.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Summary of the different steps in the development of the models for the diagnosis and recommendation of boron in acidic to neutral soils. BM3: Boron Mehlich-3; BHW: Boron hot water; pHW: pH water; OC: Organic carbon; KM3, MgM3, and CaM3 are, respectively, Mehlich-3 extracted potassium, magnesium and calcium; MAPAQ: Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food of Quebec.
Figure 1. Summary of the different steps in the development of the models for the diagnosis and recommendation of boron in acidic to neutral soils. BM3: Boron Mehlich-3; BHW: Boron hot water; pHW: pH water; OC: Organic carbon; KM3, MgM3, and CaM3 are, respectively, Mehlich-3 extracted potassium, magnesium and calcium; MAPAQ: Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food of Quebec.
Agronomy 09 00410 g001
Figure 2. (a) Linear regression between measured boron extracted by hot water (BHW) and measured boron extracted by the Mehlich-3 solution (BM3); (b) Linear regression between measured BM3 and predicted BM3 (by the linear model of Figure 2a).
Figure 2. (a) Linear regression between measured boron extracted by hot water (BHW) and measured boron extracted by the Mehlich-3 solution (BM3); (b) Linear regression between measured BM3 and predicted BM3 (by the linear model of Figure 2a).
Agronomy 09 00410 g002
Figure 3. Boron Mehlich-3 (BM3) prediction and statistical analysis for algorithm AutoML A4 (ah) and for multiple regression (i). (a) Correlation between measured and predicted BM3; (b) scaled importance of predictors (CaM3, pHW, MgM3, KM3, BHW, OC); (ch) partial dependence on CaM3, pHW MgM3, KM3, BHW, OC, respectively; (i) correlation between measured and predicted BM3 by multiple regression.
Figure 3. Boron Mehlich-3 (BM3) prediction and statistical analysis for algorithm AutoML A4 (ah) and for multiple regression (i). (a) Correlation between measured and predicted BM3; (b) scaled importance of predictors (CaM3, pHW, MgM3, KM3, BHW, OC); (ch) partial dependence on CaM3, pHW MgM3, KM3, BHW, OC, respectively; (i) correlation between measured and predicted BM3 by multiple regression.
Agronomy 09 00410 g003
Figure 4. Construction of the diagnostic and statistical model of the Cate–Nelson classification for hot water boron showing the (a) Cate–Nelson graph for the critical thresholds identified; (b) number of points outside the model for determination of the critical relative yield (RY); (c) sum of squares for determination al of the critical BHW; and summary table (lower right)n: Number of points in the different quadrants; Performance indicators of the partition model. R2, accuracy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Figure 4. Construction of the diagnostic and statistical model of the Cate–Nelson classification for hot water boron showing the (a) Cate–Nelson graph for the critical thresholds identified; (b) number of points outside the model for determination of the critical relative yield (RY); (c) sum of squares for determination al of the critical BHW; and summary table (lower right)n: Number of points in the different quadrants; Performance indicators of the partition model. R2, accuracy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Agronomy 09 00410 g004
Figure 5. Construction of the diagnostic and statistical model of Cate–Nelson classification for boron Mehlich-3 showing the (a) Cate–Nelson graph for the critical thresholds identified; (b) number of points outside the model for the determination of the critical relative yield (RY); (c) sum of squares for determination of the critical BM3; and and summary table (lower right) n: Number of points in the different quadrants; Performance indicators of the partition model. R2, accuracy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Figure 5. Construction of the diagnostic and statistical model of Cate–Nelson classification for boron Mehlich-3 showing the (a) Cate–Nelson graph for the critical thresholds identified; (b) number of points outside the model for the determination of the critical relative yield (RY); (c) sum of squares for determination of the critical BM3; and and summary table (lower right) n: Number of points in the different quadrants; Performance indicators of the partition model. R2, accuracy; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Agronomy 09 00410 g005
Figure 6. Prediction of rate of born corresponding to maximum yield (RateMaximum yield) and statistical analysis. (a) Correlation between measured and predicted RateMaximum yield; (b) scaled importance of predictors (BM3, pHW, application type, boron requirement); (c) partial dependence on BM3; (d) partial dependence on pHW.
Figure 6. Prediction of rate of born corresponding to maximum yield (RateMaximum yield) and statistical analysis. (a) Correlation between measured and predicted RateMaximum yield; (b) scaled importance of predictors (BM3, pHW, application type, boron requirement); (c) partial dependence on BM3; (d) partial dependence on pHW.
Agronomy 09 00410 g006
Table 1. Selected properties of the 365 soil samples in the plough layer (0–20 cm) (Data base 1).
Table 1. Selected properties of the 365 soil samples in the plough layer (0–20 cm) (Data base 1).
Soil PropertyRangeMeanStandard Deviation
Organic carbon8–4084568
Sand 0–890417234
pHW: pH water; BHW: Boron hot water; BM3: Boron Mehlich-3; AlM3: Aluminium Mehlich-3; CaM3: Cacium Mehlich-3; MgM3: Magnesium Mehlich-3; FeM3: Iron Mehlich-3; KM3: Potassium Mehlich-3; CuM3: Copper Mehlich-3; ZnM3: Zinc Mehlich-3.
Table 2. Literature data for the boron agronomic model (Data base 2).
Table 2. Literature data for the boron agronomic model (Data base 2).
Referencen *CulturesReferencen *Cultures
Bagchi et al. [31]3RMahler and Shafii [17] 224L
Cifu et al. [32]1CsMahler and Shafii [18]268Be
Cirak et al. [33]1SMalhi et al. [34]14Can
Cutcliffe [35]10GpGanie et al. [36]3Fb
Dunn et al. [37]6RiOyewole and Aduayi [38]1T
Debnath et al. [39]2WRerkasem et al. [40]13Pe, Ri, S, Su, W, Bb
Devi et al. [41]2SSharma et al. [42]4Su
Dursun et al. [43]6T, P, CuSherell [44]7Rc, Wc, Ac, A
Gupta [45]6W, BSherell and Toxopeus [46]8A
Gupta [47]20A, Rc, TiSingh and Singh [48]3S
Gupta and Cutcliffe [15]3Br, Bs, CauTuran et al. [49]3A
Gupta and MacLeod [50]4TiValenciano et al. [51]3Ch
Hussain et al. [52]6MWojcik and Wojcik [53]2Pt
Davis et al. [54]4TWojcik [55,56]4Bc, Hb
Razmjoo and Henderlong [57]7AYu and Bell [58]1Ri
Lombin [59]30PeZhang et al. [60]3Ma
Total = 672
* number of points; A = Alfalfa; Ac = Alsike clover; B = Barley; Bb = Black beans; Bc = Black currant; Be = Beans; Bl = Blackgram; Br = Broccoli; Bs = Brussel sprouts; Cab = Cabbage; Can = Canola; Car = Carrot; Cau = Cauliflower; Ch = Chickpea; Cs = Chinese strawberry; Cu = Cucumber; Fb = French beans; Gp = Green peas; Hb = Highbush blueberry; L = Lentils; M = Mustard; Ma = Mandarin; P = Pepper; Pe = Peanuts; Pt = Pear tree; R = Radish; Rb = Red bayberry; Rc = Red clover; Ri = Rice; Ru: Rutabaga; S = Soybean; Su = Sunflower; T = Tomato; Tb = Table beets; Ti = Timothy; W = Wheat; Wc = White clover.
Table 3. Literature data for the boron recommendation algorithms (Data base 3).
Table 3. Literature data for the boron recommendation algorithms (Data base 3).
Referencen *CulturesReferencen *Cultures
Bagchi et al. [31]2RGupta and Cutcliffe [66]2Tb, Car
Cifu et al. [32]1RbHaque [67]2T
Debnath et al. [39]2WHussain et al. [52]4M
Devi et al. [41]2SMahli et al. [34]13Can
Dursun et al. [43]6T, P, CuMaurya et al. [68]1R
Freeborn et al. [69]5SQuddus et al. [70]3L
Ganie et al. [36]3FbRerkasem et al. [40]7S, Pe, Bl, W
Gupta [45]6W, BSingh and Singh [48]3S
Gupta and Cutcliffe [71]20A, Rc, TiC. G Sherell [44]7A, Ac
Gupta and Cutcliffe [72]3RuS.P. Srivastava et al. [73]1L
Gupta and Cutcliffe [74]16RuTuran et al. [49]3A
Gupta and Cutcliffe [71]16Be, Cab
Total = 130
* number of points; A: Alfalfa; Ac: Alsike clover; B: Barley; Be: Beans; Bl: Blackgram; Cab: Cabbage; Can: Canola; Car: Carrot; Cu: Cucumber; Fb: French beans; L: Lentils; M: Mustard; P: Pepper; Pe: Peanuts; R: Radish; Rb: Red bayberry; Rc: Red clover; Ru: Rutabaga; S: Soybean; T: Tomato; Tb: Table beets; Ti: Timothy; W: Wheat.
Table 4. BM3 prediction results by four AutoML (Automatic Machine Learnig) algorithms.
Table 4. BM3 prediction results by four AutoML (Automatic Machine Learnig) algorithms.
BM3 predicted vs BM3 measured
A2BHW, pHW0.630.370.230.85
A3BHW, pHW, OC0.880.120.080.98
A4BHW, pHW, OC, KM3, CaM3, MgM30.970.030.020.99
m: Slope; 1-m: Deviation; a: Intercept; R2: Robustness; BHW: Boron hot water; pHW: pH water; OC: Organic carbon; KM3: Potassium Mehlich-3; CaM3: Calcium Mehlich-3; MgM3: Magnesium Mehlich-3; BM3: Boron Mehlich-3.

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MDPI and ACS Style

Dupré, R.L.C.; Khiari, L.; Gallichand, J.; Joseph, C.A. Multi-Factor Diagnostic and Recommendation System for Boron in Neutral and Acidic Soils. Agronomy 2019, 9, 410.

AMA Style

Dupré RLC, Khiari L, Gallichand J, Joseph CA. Multi-Factor Diagnostic and Recommendation System for Boron in Neutral and Acidic Soils. Agronomy. 2019; 9(8):410.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dupré, Richardly Lenz Clove, Lotfi Khiari, Jacques Gallichand, and Claude Alla Joseph. 2019. "Multi-Factor Diagnostic and Recommendation System for Boron in Neutral and Acidic Soils" Agronomy 9, no. 8: 410.

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