Py4CAtS—PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy
:1. Introduction
2. Theory and Methods
2.1. Molecular Absorption and Radiative Transfer
2.2. Numerics
2.2.1. Lbl Molecular Absorption Cross Sections: Multigrid Voigt Function
2.2.2. Integration of the Beer and Schwarzschild Equations
3. The Package: Usage and Implementation
- higstract: extract (select) lines of relevant molecules in the spectral range of interest;
- lbl2xs: compute lbl cross sections for given pressure(s) and temperature(s): Equation (1);
- xs2ac: multiply cross sections with number densities and sum over all molecules: Equation (6);
- ac2od: integrate absorption coefficients along the line-of-sight through the atmosphere to the vertical optical depth (7);
3.1. Running Py4CAtS in the Classical Console
- lbl2ac compute lbl cross sections and combine to absorption coefficients;
- lbl2od compute lbl cross sections and absorption coefficients, then integrate to optical depth.
- xs2od multiply cross sections with densities, sum over molecules, and integrate to optical depth.
3.2. Py4CAtS Used within the (I)Python and Jupyter Shell
3.2.1. Atmospheric Data
3.2.2. Line Data
3.2.3. Cross Sections
3.2.4. Absorption Coefficients
3.2.5. Optical Depths
3.2.6. Weighting Functions
3.2.7. Radiance/Intensity
3.2.8. Shortcuts
4. Discussion
4.1. Selection of Spectral Range, Contributions from Line Wings
4.2. Optical Depths, Transmissions, and Weighting Functions for a Horizontal View
4.3. Arbitrary Observer Positions
4.4. GARLIC vs. Py4CAtS
4.5. Batch Processing
4.6. Current limitations—What Py4CAtS Cannot Do
- Spherical atmospheres: modeling radiance and/or transmission for limb sounding is not possible; Py4CAtS is assuming a plane-parallel atmosphere. Please note that the quadrature schemes of Section 2.2.2 also work for limb geometry.
- Jacobians: Several tools have been developed for automatic differentiation of Python code (see, so derivatives of spectra w.r.t. atmospheric parameters etc. could be implemented similar to the approach used in GARLIC [94]. This is currently not foreseen.
- Other line parameter databases (see also In addition to HITRAN/HITEMP and GEISA, further databases have been developed such as ExoMol [19] and databases dedicated to specific spectral regions (e.g., JPL and CDMS catalogs, Pickett et al. [16], Endres et al. [18]), specific molecules (e.g., [95,96,97]), or satellite missions [96,98]. Some of these databases have a format similar to HITRAN and GEISA and an appropriate reader could be readily implemented, whereas an implementation of other databases would require some more effort because of their different organization. Please note that a Python script has been developed by the ExoMol consortium, see
- Predefined cross sections: Both HITRAN and GEISA include a large collection of IR (and UV) cross sections esp. for heavy molecules that can be relevant for atmospheric absorption. Reading and further processing of these data is not yet implemented in Py4CAtS.
- Py4CAtS stores only the “core” line parameters required for cross section modeling. In contrast, HAPI [34] can also keep track of line assignments, transition IDs etc. However, Py4CAtS has been developed with atmospheric spectroscopy as target application, but not molecular spectroscopy.
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
BoA | Bottom of Atmosphere |
GARLIC | Generic Atmospheric Radiation Line-by-line Infrared Code |
HWHM | half width half maximum |
IR | infrared |
lbl | line-by-line |
Py4CAtS | PYthon scripts for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy |
ToA | Top of Atmosphere |
ac | absorption coefficient |
od | optical depth |
ri | radiance intensity |
wf | weighting function |
vmr | volume mixing ratio |
xs | cross section |
Appendix A. Implementation
Appendix A.1. Input/Output
Appendix A.2. Visualization
Appendix A.3. Recursive Functions
- a single lineArray holding the line parameters (position, strengths, …) of a single molecule and a single pair (that defaults to STP );
- a dictionary or list of lineArray’s and a single pair;
- a single lineArray and a list/array of pressures and/or a list/array of temperatures (if both p and T are arrays (or lists), their length must be identical!);
- a dictionary (list) of lineArray’s and (a list/array of) pressure(s) and temperature(s).
Appendix A.4. The Subclassed NumPy Arrays
- — print “essential” information;
- xs.dx()
- — compute the grid point spacing (essentially xs.x.size()/(len(xs)-1));
- xs.grid()
- — returns the uniform wavenumber grid array;
- xs.regrid(n)
- — interpolate to a denser uniform grid (usually n is larger than len(xs));
- xs.__eq__(other)
- — compare two cross sections using the == operator, i.e., xs1==xs2 returns True if the wavenumber intervals, pressure, temperature, and the spectra itself agree (approximately).
Appendix A.5. Structured Arrays
Appendix A.6. Conversion of Physical Units: The cgsUnits Module
Appendix A.7. The Option Parser Module
Appendix A.8. Input/Output Utilities: The Module
Appendix A.9. The Module
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dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,(4273,4312), ’main’) # dict of line lists xss = lbl2xs(dll) # dict of cross sections atlas(dll); twinx(); xsPlot(xss)
dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,(4273,4312), ’main’) # dict of line lists xss = lbl2xs(dll) # dict of cross sections atlas(dll); twinx(); xsPlot(xss)
sas = atmRead(’/data/atmos/50/subarcticSummer.xy’, zToA=80) dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,(0,10), ’main’); del dll[’CO’] acList = lbl2ac(sas, dll, (1.65,2)) wgtFct = ac2wf(acList, 180) ssmtFreqs=array([50.5, 53.2, 54.35, 54.9, 58.825, 59.4, 58.4,])*1e9/c subplot(121); wfPlot(wgtFct, wavenumber=ssmtFreqs) subplot(122); wfPlot(wgtFct, nLevels=50)
sas = atmRead(’/data/atmos/50/subarcticSummer.xy’, zToA=80) dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,(0,10), ’main’); del dll[’CO’] acList = lbl2ac(sas, dll, (1.65,2)) wgtFct = ac2wf(acList, 180) ssmtFreqs=array([50.5, 53.2, 54.35, 54.9, 58.825, 59.4, 58.4,])*1e9/c subplot(121); wfPlot(wgtFct, wavenumber=ssmtFreqs) subplot(122); wfPlot(wgtFct, nLevels=50)
vLimits = Interval(2100.0,2150.0) mls = atmRead(’/data/atmos/50/mls.xy’, zToA=100) dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,vLimits+20, ’main’) # dict. of line lists radNadir = dod2ri(lbl2od(mls,dll,vLimits+5),180.,mls[’T’][0]) # monochrom radiance radNadirG = radNadir.convolve(1.0,’G’) # Gauss spectral response btNadir = radiance2Kelvin(radNadir.grid(),radNadir) # equ brightness temperature btNadirG = radiance2Kelvin(radNadirG.grid(),radNadirG)
vLimits = Interval(2100.0,2150.0) mls = atmRead(’/data/atmos/50/mls.xy’, zToA=100) dll = higstract(’/data/hitran/2000/lines’,vLimits+20, ’main’) # dict. of line lists radNadir = dod2ri(lbl2od(mls,dll,vLimits+5),180.,mls[’T’][0]) # monochrom radiance radNadirG = radNadir.convolve(1.0,’G’) # Gauss spectral response btNadir = radiance2Kelvin(radNadir.grid(),radNadir) # equ brightness temperature btNadirG = radiance2Kelvin(radNadirG.grid(),radNadirG)
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Schreier, F.; Gimeno García, S.; Hochstaffl, P.; Städt, S. Py4CAtS—PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 262.
Schreier F, Gimeno García S, Hochstaffl P, Städt S. Py4CAtS—PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy. Atmosphere. 2019; 10(5):262.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchreier, Franz, Sebastián Gimeno García, Philipp Hochstaffl, and Steffen Städt. 2019. "Py4CAtS—PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy" Atmosphere 10, no. 5: 262.
APA StyleSchreier, F., Gimeno García, S., Hochstaffl, P., & Städt, S. (2019). Py4CAtS—PYthon for Computational ATmospheric Spectroscopy. Atmosphere, 10(5), 262.