Resonant Forcing by Solar Declination of Rossby Waves at the Tropopause and Implications in Extreme Events, Precipitation, and Heat Waves—Part 1: Theory
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data
2.2. Wavelet Analysis
2.3. Equations of Motion of Rossby Waves
2.4. Quasi-Stationary Rossby Waves Resonantly Forced
3. Results
3.1. Warm and Cold Airflows
3.1.1. The Northern Hemisphere
3.1.2. The Southern Hemisphere
3.2. First Case Study: Flood in Japan (July 2012)
3.3. Second Case Study: Heatwave in Europe (July–August 2015)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- From a conceptual approach of polar and subtropical Rossby waves embedded in the jet streams, within a characteristic period range, the polar and subtropical MAs are warm or cold depending on their direction of propagation. They are generally in opposite phases. Similar stationary Rossby waves are also evidenced above the tropospheric polar vortex and, more sporadically, over the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in the summer.
- The Rossby waves are resonantly forced by the variations in solar irradiance due to solar declination. This assertion arises from the wavelet spectrum of harmonics of the wind velocity at 250 mb. The adjustment variable to tune the natural period of the Rossby waves to the forcing period is the meandering of the MAs. Due to the formation of cold drops according to harmonic modes, Rossby waves play an essential role in the genesis of EPEs. The duration of the blocking is a half-period of the harmonic involved.
- Rossby waves are also evidenced above the descending air column, at the center of the tropospheric polar vortex, as well as above the ascending air column of the ITCZ.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mean Period | Period Range |
1/8 year (45.7 days) | 34.2 to 68 days |
1/16 year (22.8 days) | 17.1 to 34.2 days |
1/32 year (11.4 days) | 8.56 to 17.1 days |
1/64 year (5.7 days) | 4.28 to 8.56 days |
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Pinault, J.-L. Resonant Forcing by Solar Declination of Rossby Waves at the Tropopause and Implications in Extreme Events, Precipitation, and Heat Waves—Part 1: Theory. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 608.
Pinault J-L. Resonant Forcing by Solar Declination of Rossby Waves at the Tropopause and Implications in Extreme Events, Precipitation, and Heat Waves—Part 1: Theory. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(5):608.
Chicago/Turabian StylePinault, Jean-Louis. 2024. "Resonant Forcing by Solar Declination of Rossby Waves at the Tropopause and Implications in Extreme Events, Precipitation, and Heat Waves—Part 1: Theory" Atmosphere 15, no. 5: 608.
APA StylePinault, J.-L. (2024). Resonant Forcing by Solar Declination of Rossby Waves at the Tropopause and Implications in Extreme Events, Precipitation, and Heat Waves—Part 1: Theory. Atmosphere, 15(5), 608.