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Spatial Downscaling of Daily Temperature Minima Using Machine Learning Methods and Application to Frost Forecasting in Two Alpine Valleys

Center Agriculture Food Environment (C3A), University of Trento, Via Edmund Mach, 1, 38098 San Michele all’Adige, Italy
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM), University of Trento, Via Mesiano, 77, 38123 Trento, Italy
Institute for Earth Observation, Eurac Research, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Atmosphere 2025, 16(1), 38;
Submission received: 30 November 2024 / Revised: 23 December 2024 / Accepted: 28 December 2024 / Published: 1 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Section Atmospheric Techniques, Instruments, and Modeling)


This study examines the performance of three machine learning models—namely, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Random Forest (RF), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)—for spatial downscaling of seasonal forecasts of daily minimum temperature from 12 km to 250 m horizontal resolution. Downscaling is carried out with a one-month lead time, with analysis split into short-term (1 to 8 days) and extended (9 to 28 days) forecast periods, allowing a detailed assessment of the performance of models over time. Results suggest that CNN outperforms ANN and RF, achieving lower Root Mean Square Error (ranging from 2.04 °C to 2.66 °C) and Mean Absolute Error (1.59 °C to 2.03 °C) along with higher correlation (0.75 to 0.88) and reduced bias (−0.38 °C to −0.68) across all seasons, for the short term. The CNN model also exhibits superior performance in frost prediction, with the highest F1 score (0.78) and lowest False Discovery Rate (0.30) in predicting frost events, particularly in early spring for the short-term forecast period over 2010–2018. However, errors increase in transitional months, like April, and in the extended forecast period, confirming the intrinsic challenges inherent to predicting frost events in these months. Despite the decreased skills for extended forecast periods, results suggest that the CNN model’s effectiveness for spatial downscaling of minimum temperature and frost forecasting over complex terrain provides a valuable tool for frost risk management.

1. Introduction

Accurate high-resolution forecasts of minimum surface air temperature are crucial for various applications [1], especially over complex terrains, where elevation and topography play an important role in temperature variations [2]. In particular, accurate predictions of daily minima (TMIN) at high spatial resolution are essential for crop protection due to their connection with the occurrence of frost, which can severely damage crops and their productivity [3].
Seasonal forecasts of atmospheric parameters, such as temperature and precipitation, are particularly important for decision-making across these sectors [4,5]. For instance, in agriculture, the seasonal forecast allows optimizing sowing schedules, managing irrigation, and preventing crop damage during frosts and droughts [5,6,7]. Furthermore, seasonal forecasts support energy providers in managing fluctuations of renewable sources in the energy supply using predictions of low or high solar and wind power generation [8]. For instance, De Felice et al. [9] showed the effectiveness of seasonal forecasts for electricity demand prediction using temperature-related energy consumption during summer months in Italy.
The accuracy of the fifth-generation Seasonal Forecast System (SEAS5) provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is well established in areas impacted by large-scale phenomena like the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [4]. In particular, Gubler et al. [4] observed strong forecast skills for SEAS5 temperature predictions in areas influenced by ENSO across South America, although they highlighted some limitations in complex terrain, like the Andes. Similarly, Ferreira et al. [5] observed significant biases for SEAS5 when applied to mountainous terrain where the coarse resolution of the model does not represent topographic features well. The output of these global models, due to their coarser resolution, is often not suitable for practical applications at a local scale. To address this limitation, downscaling techniques are applied to the output of global models to enhance the resolution.
Downscaling techniques are generally categorized into dynamic downscaling and statistical downscaling. Limited area models, such as regional climate models, are used to fine-scale the data in dynamic downscaling. For example, Mori et al. [10] used the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model to refine coarse SEAS5 data to a 3 km fine-scale resolution in the summer months of 2018 over the Horn of Africa. Their study found that warm bias affects temperature forecasts after downscaling, especially in regions with complex terrain, like the Ethiopian highlands. Dynamic downscaling techniques require considerable expertise and are computationally intensive. On the other hand, statistical downscaling techniques identify the statistical relationship between coarse resolution predictors and fine resolution predictors and apply them to generate downscaled predictions of the target variable. These methods exhibit remarkable advantages in terms of reduced computations and easier implementations. Some statistical techniques are also used as post-processing techniques to improve the quality of the data. For example, Crespi et al. [11] used quantile mapping for bias correction of SEAS5 over Europe, effectively improving the accuracy of monthly precipitation and temperature forecasts. Le Roux et al. [12] used the WRF model and compared statistical and dynamical techniques for downscaling temperature from 3 km to 1 km over vineyards in New Zealand. Their results suggested that statistical downscaling using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) produced similar results to dynamic downscaling but required fewer computational resources. Machine Learning (ML) models have been increasingly used in recent years due to their ability to capture non-linear relationships from complex datasets. ML models, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Random Forest (RF), SVM, and XGBoost have been used for point-scale downscaling of temperature in various studies [13,14,15]. The findings from intercomparison studies suggest that no single model consistently performs better across different study regions, emphasizing the need to intercompare models for different regions. For instance, Pang et al. [14] found that RF models outperformed the ANN and multiple linear regression model (MLR) for daily mean temperature downscaling over the Pearl River basin in China. Whereas, over Memphis International Airport (USA), Azari et al. [16] found that ANN performs better than MLR, RF, SVR, and KNN for the daily mean temperature.
In recent years, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models have shown great potential in working with spatial data for downscaling temperature [17,18,19]. CNN models can learn spatial patterns and dependencies from large datasets, enabling them to provide high-resolution forecasts from low-resolution input data. Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness of CNNs in predicting or downscaling atmospheric parameters such as temperature and precipitation. The ability of CNN to model complex interactions makes them a powerful tool for improving predictions compared to traditional statistical methods across diverse terrains. For instance, Medina et al. [17] conducted an intercomparison study of statistical methods, using CNN models for the spatial downscaling of temperature and precipitation from 2° to 0.5° over Europe. Their study revealed that CNNs outperform traditional linear models handling large domains with a lower scaling ratio. In a study by Sha et al. [18], the CNN model was tested for downscaling TMIN reanalysis data from 0.25° (approximately 28 km) to 4 km. Similarly, a study by Wang et al. [19] demonstrated the application of modified CNN for spatial downscaling temperature and precipitation from different coarse resolutions (100 km, 50 km, 25 km) to 4 km. These studies showed the effectiveness of the CNN model in enhancing spatial resolution. However, their target resolution is still low, limiting their direct use for different applications over mountainous terrain.
Mountainous terrains are characterized by diverse climatic conditions with distinct features from surrounding lowland areas [20,21]. Complex terrains often exhibit characteristic weather patterns such as katabatic and anabatic winds, thermal inversions, and the formation of microclimates. Clear skies allow enhanced heating and cooling of the surface, which leads to strong insolation in the daytime and stronger radiative loss in the nights, leading to minimum temperatures [22,23]. Typically, air flows upslope during the day and downslope during the night, with transitional reversal at sunrise and sunset [24]. These processes affect surface temperature, and the frequent occurrence of long-lasting ground-based thermal inversions and cold air drainage, especially at valley floors, leads to lower temperatures and more frequent frost events.
Historically, frost prediction relied on point-scale models to forecast minimum temperature and frost occurrence at a specific location. Traditional descriptive models like Swinbank [25] and Brunt [26] were developed to predict nocturnal minimum temperature based on the empirical relationship between sunset temperature and wind speed. While these models are effective in plains, they face significant limitations in complex terrain due to their inability to account for microclimates [27]. In agriculture management, in recent years, there has been an increasing focus on reliable frost prediction utilizing ML techniques, demonstrating superior performance compared to traditional statistical models [28,29,30]. Various studies have employed ML techniques for TMIN forecasting and frost prediction in complex terrain, but most have focused on point-scale forecasts with shorter lead times. For instance, Eccel et al. [28] explored the use of RF and ANN in the Non-Valley in Trentino, Italy, showing improvements compared to traditional models. Similarly, Talsma et al. [3] explored RF and ANN and achieved high accuracy for frost prediction for 6–48 h lead times in New Mexico. Barooni et al. [29] utilized Random Forest, Temporal Convolutional Network, and XGBoost to predict frost events in Far Province, Iran. These models were trained using atmospheric predictors, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and pressure, from the weather station to forecast frost events 24 h in advance. This study revealed that ML models, RF, and XGBoost significantly outperformed statistical models. Similarly, Diedrichs et al. [30] employed RF, ANN, and Bayesian Networks for frost prediction using station data in Mendoza province, Argentina. Their modeling approach integrated Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to gather real-time atmospheric data for frost prediction. Although these studies achieved good results, they focused on point-scale data from individual weather stations, which limits their broader applicability, especially in complex terrains where the spatial variability of frost events is very high.
Recently, Bhakare et al. [31] intercompared ML models (namely, ANN, RF, and CNN) for spatial downscaling of reanalysis daily mean temperature in the Non Valley and Adige Valley (Italian Alps). Their results show that CNN performs better than other models in downscaling temperature from 9 km to 1 km across all the seasons. However, the use of reanalysis data in these studies limits the application of the study for real-time operational forecasting. Accordingly, in the present study, we utilize ML models to extend the application for downscaling daily minimum temperature from seasonal forecast data, addressing the need for higher spatial resolution over complex terrains in real-time. In particular, here, we first achieve a downscaling ratio as high as 48 using the coarse resolution SEAS5 forecast data at 12 km and downscaling it to 250 m, utilizing machine learning models over complex terrain. Second, unlike earlier studies focusing on shorter lead times, our analysis works on a month-long lead time forecast of daily minimum temperature. Additionally, our study leverages a daily minimum temperature forecast to predict frost events in the frost-prone spring season when sudden cold events can damage crops.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 outlines the materials and methods; Section 3 presents the results of the study; Section 4 contains a discussion of the results; Conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Region

The Non Valley (in Italian, Val di Non) and the Adige Valley (in Italian, Valle dell’Adige) are part of the Trentino-Alto Adige region in northern Italy (Figure 1). These valleys form a unique study area, characterized by complex terrain and varied local microclimatic conditions. The Trentino-Alto Adige region exhibits elevations ranging from 166 m to 2628 m. Both the Non Valley and the Adige Valley are remarkably intensively cultivated agricultural areas. In particular, the Non Valley is renowned for its apple orchards and the Adige Valley is famous for its vineyards [32]. The region is also a well-known destination for outdoor activities, such as hiking, ski mountaineering, and tourism [33]. The climate of the region is typical of a transition zone between Central Europe, with continental weather patterns mostly influenced by Atlantic flows and a temperate climate affected by the Mediterranean Sea [34,35]. Both valleys experience strong temperature variations, predicting which are essential for agricultural planning. The region experiences a maximum and minimum daily mean temperature that reaches 22 °C and 8 °C in summer, respectively. Similarly, during winter, maximum and minimum daily mean temperatures plunge to 3.4 °C and −5.9 °C, respectively. Minimum temperature variability and the occurrence of frost events are significant in ensuring crop protection in these regions, where temperature inversions and cold air pools can have significant localized effects.

2.2. Datasets

The fifth-generation Seasonal Forecast System SEAS5 operated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) runs an ensemble of 51 members, initialized every month, for up to 7 months. In addition, SEAS5 produced retrospective seasonal forecasts for past decades to evaluate and calibrate the forecasting system. This set of reforecasts has 25 ensemble members from the first day of 1981 to 2016, whereas from 2017, SEAS5 has used 51 ensemble members. The different ensemble members are produced by initializing each member of the ensemble with slightly perturbed initial atmospheric states. In this study, 25 members have been used from 1981 to 2018 for consistency. Interested readers may find further information in Johnson et al. [36], which provides a detailed explanation of the SEAS5 system, including system components and physical parameterizations. In the present study, we used seasonal operational forecasts with a lead time of one month, with a horizontal spatial resolution of 0.125° × 0.125° (approximately 12 km) and a temporal resolution of daily.
The predictand is the daily minimum temperature on a 250 m grid developed by interpolating more than 200 station observations in Trentino—South Tyrol. The data and the interpolation method are described in Crespi et al. [35].
A static predictor, the digital elevation model (DEM) used in this study, was obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The DEM provides global elevation for the entire Earth’s surface, with a 30 m spatial resolution. For the purpose of the present study, elevation data were spatially aggregated by averaging 8 × 8 pixel blocks, resulting in an approximately 250 m resolution to match the pixel size of the target data.
The features having a good correlation with the target are selected on the basis of earlier studies [13,14,31]. The features used here are summarized in Table 1, including minimum temperature (TMIN), the temperature at 2 m (T2M), dew point temperature at 2 m (D2M), zonal and meridional winds (U10, V10), wind speed (WS), surface pressure (SP), surface sensible and late heat flux (SSHF, SLHF), and elevation.

2.3. Methodology

The ANN model used in the study is a three-layer feed-forward network, configured with 10, 48, and 1 neurons for the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer, respectively, as determined from an earlier sensitivity study [31]. The rectified linear unit (ReLU) and linear activation function are applied in the hidden and output layers, respectively, with the Adam optimizer. The model was trained using 300 epochs, with early stopping having the patience of 10 epochs and a batch size of 512. Early stopping is used to address overfitting in the ML models during the training process. It monitors the performance of the model on the validation set and stops the training when no further improvement is observed, thus preventing overfitting. RF model is known for its ensemble approach, where each tree is trained on a different subset of the dataset and the final prediction is the average of prediction of all trees. We configured RF using 100 decision trees. Both ANN and the RF model were provided with 9 dynamic features and 1 static feature. The CNN model includes two convolutional layers with 16 and 32 filters, each using 3 × 3 kernels followed by max-pooling layers (2 × 2) to reduce the spatial dimension, designed to capture and process spatial features important for downscaling. After max pooling and flattening, two dense layers with 256 and 128 give the final predictions. The model is trained with ReLU activation and with 300 epochs and early stopping (patience of 10 epochs). The CNN model is provided with 9 dynamic features without explicitly providing elevation as an additional feature, relying on CNN’s ability to understand spatial features on its own. For more detailed information on the architectures of the model and training processes, we refer readers to [31].
In this study, for each atmospheric variable considered, we used the ensemble mean of the 25 ensemble members. By taking the mean across these ensembles, we aim to reduce the variability of individual members and enhance stability and representativeness in the SEAS5 input data. This ensemble approach provides a more reliable foundation for downscaling, as it smooths out fluctuations and emphasizes the underlying atmospheric patterns that are important for accurate forecasting of minimum temperature and frost. The preprocessing of the datasets includes reprojecting, regridding, and resampling of time scales, as shown in Figure 2. The target minimum temperature data are available with universal transverse Mercator projection. Using the Pyproj library in Python, we reprojected it to latlon projection. The SEAS5 data, which provide 6 hourly data for most of the variables, were aggregated to a daily timescale utilizing the resample function in Python. However, minimum temperature data are provided for the last 24 h with temporal resolutions of 6 h. To ensure time alignment with the rest of the dataset, TMIN data corresponding to 00 UTC were obtained and shifted back by one day. The predictors from SEAS5 are regridded to align the shape of the TMIN target dataset using the interplike function in Python.
Considering the temperature variations, separate models were developed for each month. Scaling of features is an essential step in the development of ANN and CNN ML models as it helps to achieve convergence faster during training [37]. Thus, the input features were standardized by subtracting the features by their mean and dividing by the standard deviation [38]. However, standardization is unnecessary for the RF model as decision trees in the algorithms are not affected by the input feature’s scale. ANN and RF models were trained and tested using 10 predictors: TMIN, T2M, MSLP, U10, V10, WS, SLHF, SSHF, D2M, and elevation. On the other hand, the CNN model was trained and tested using only dynamic predictors, relying on CNN’s strength to capture or understand spatial features from the data. A summary, Table 2, is provided below to highlight the differences in input features among the models.
As shown in Figure 9 of Bhakare et al. [31], CNN performance remained consistent regardless of elevation inclusion. However, ANN and RF significantly improved when elevation was added as a predictor. This can be attributed to the ability of CNN to extract spatial patterns implicitly from meteorological predictors, which often correlate with terrain features. In addition, the high-resolution predictand data (250 m) enable CNN to understand finer-scale spatial patterns even when using coarse predictors, leveraging its convolutional architecture to learn terrain-induced variability implicitly. However, ANN and RF depend more on explicit static predictors to capture terrain-induced variability. Depending on these findings, in the current study, we decided not to include elevation as an input for CNN, while it was retained for ANN and RF to enhance their performance in complex terrain.
We employed temporal split to evaluate the model, which is a good fit for time series data, unlike conventional k-fold cross-validation. This approach helps assess the ability of the model to generalize on unseen future data. Notably, the dataset from 1981 to 2018 was split into a training period (1981 to 2009) and a testing period (2010 to 2018). The models were compiled using Mean Squared Error (MSE) as the loss function; MSE was chosen for its effectiveness in penalizing significant errors heavily. This is especially important in complex terrains given that temperature data can show sharp changes over small distances [39]. The performance of models was evaluated using, as metrics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Bias Error (MBE) [39]. For our analysis, we split the forecast period into short-term, i.e., the first 8 days (T1–T18), and extended term, i.e., the subsequent 9–28 days (T9–T28). This split allows us to evaluate how well each model performs immediately after forecast initialization (T1–T8) versus the ability to sustain accuracy over an extended forecast period (T9–T28).
For the frost prediction, we focused on the spring season, which is known for frost-prone events and is most relevant for application in agriculture. A threshold of 0 °C for minimum temperature is used to identify frost events for the evaluation period from 2010 to 2018. We utilized several metrics to evaluate the model’s accuracy in predicting frost, including precision, recall, F1 score, and False Discovery Rate (FDR). These metrics are summarized in Table 3.

3. Results

3.1. Prediction of TMIN

3.1.1. Spatial Consistency of Models

To evaluate the spatial consistency of ML models in downscaling TMIN, representative days were selected for every season—winter (15 January 2015), spring (15 April 2015), summer (15 July 2015), and autumn (15 October 2015)—as shown in Figure 3.
In Figure 3, Input-TMIN refers to coarser resolution (12 km) SEAS5-TMIN. ML models (ANN, RF, and CNN) represent the fine-resolution downscaled TMIN (250 m), and the observation depicts a fine-resolution target (250 m). The representative days are selected considering seasonal characteristics. The main aim here was the visual assessment of downscaling models in reproducing patterns of TMIN in different seasons. Hence, here, spatial consistency refers to the ML model’s ability to accurately capture spatial variations or patterns of target data. In general, all ML models enhanced the input TMIN’s spatial resolution effectively, producing the output of high-resolution temperature. However, compared to other models, CNN consistently captured spatial variability and fine-scale features more closely, aligning with observations across all seasons, suggesting its superior performance. In particular, the ANN and RF models effectively enhanced the resolution; however, the input grid structure is visible in downscaled TMIN. The ANN model can capture broader spatial patterns; however, it tends to generate less-detailed predictions. In contrast, the RF model exhibits improved performance in terms of spatial patterns compared to ANN. However, RF did not generate high-resolution TMIN capturing finer details like CNN. CNN excels at capturing spatial consistency, particularly in winter (15 January 2015) and autumn (15 October 2015), when ANN and RF show limitations in reproducing the observations. In summer, all models captured spatial patterns and variability in the target data, effectively exhibiting comparable performance. For the detailed and quantitative assessment of model accuracy and performance in providing a target dataset, we calculated RMSE, MAE, MBE, and correlation metrics across different seasons for the test period (2010–2018) in Section 3.1.2.

3.1.2. Model Performance over Forecast Period

For the evaluation of model performance, we calculated RMSE, MAE, and correlation for each day over a 28-day forecast period across four seasons over the prediction period of 2010–2018 (Figure 4). This 28-day forecast period was chosen to avoid inconsistencies in metrics due to variations in the frequency of days across different months.
In the first few days of the forecast period, CNN exhibits the lowest MAE (below 2 °C) with a stable correlation of around 0.90 across different seasons. ANN and RF show slightly higher error values compared to the CNN model. As the forecast period extends, the performance of ANN and RF begins to degrade, particularly in winter and autumn, when the correlation drops below 0.75 and RMSE and MAE values rise significantly. On the other hand, CNN still maintains relatively stable performance compared to ANN and RF, particularly in summer and spring, where it achieves a correlation above 0.90 with lower MAE and RMSE. These results over the forecast period suggest that models suffer from degradation in performance as the forecast period extends. However, the CNN is better suited over whole forecast periods, maintaining lower RMSE and MAE, and higher correlation, where other models show degradation in performance.

3.1.3. Model Performance over Short and Extended Forecast Periods

Figure 5 presents a comprehensive overview of the performance of models using a spatial–temporal aggregated seasonal metrics heatmap, for short-term forecasts for the first 8 days (T1–T8) and extended forecasts for 9–28 days (T9–T28), for the prediction period of 2010–2018.
In the short-term forecast, the CNN model performs better than both ANN and RF, exhibiting the lowest RMSE and MAE values, especially for spring (2.08 °C and 1.63 °C) and summer (2.18 °C and 1.63 °C), respectively. CNN also achieves the highest correlation in summer, reaching 0.90, suggesting a strong relationship between model-predicted and observed minimum temperatures. On the other hand, ANN consistently shows the highest MAE, RMSE, and MBE across all seasons. RF performs better than ANN but lags behind CNN regarding bias reduction. For the extended forecast T9–T28, CNN maintains better performance despite the accuracy degradation over time. CNN exhibits the lowest RMSE, especially in spring and summer, and the maximum correlation reaches 0.74 in summer. The MBE for CNN remains lowest, with a slight increase in winter compared to the short-term forecast T1–T8. Models also exhibit seasonal variation in the performance, with the best performance observed over spring and summer across both T1–T8 and T9–T28 periods. Although the models struggle in autumn and winter, CNN still performs better, although with a smaller margin, than other models. Our results demonstrate that the ANN, RF, and CNN models perform particularly well during the T1–T8 period. The aggregated MBE metric across all seasons and models shows that there is a consistent underestimation exhibiting negative bias. The underestimation is more pronounced in the T9–T28 extended forecast period compared to the T1–T8 short-term period, suggesting that bias increases with lead time. However, CNN exhibits a slightly lower bias than ANN and RF, particularly in T1–T8. As these metrics are calculated by aggregating over space and time, for more clarity of error metrics, we present the spatial distribution of MAE and MBE in Section 3.1.4.

3.1.4. Spatial Distribution of MAE and MBE

Figure 6 shows the variation of MAE with elevation across different seasons using a scatter plot (Figure 6a) and spatial plot (Figure 6b) for the T1–T8 period.
ANN and RF exhibit a clear pattern of increasing MAE with elevation across all seasons (Figure 6a). The higher spread of points at higher altitudes indicates that models struggle to maintain accuracy at higher elevations where MAE values reach 3.5 °C to 4 °C. In contrast, CNN shows relatively stable MAE across all elevations across different seasons, with only a slight increase at the highest elevations. This suggests that CNN, which achieves lower error, is well suited to handle spatial complexities introduced by elevation.
Figure 6b shows MAE across different seasons and further illustrates the CNN’s model advantage in spatial accuracy. It confirms the previous assessment of Figure 6a that ANN and RF struggle in regions of high elevation in the Non and Adige valleys with large patches of high MAE above 2.5 °C. On the other hand, CNN exhibits more uniform error distribution across the study region, even in the challenging seasons: winter and autumn. All models show lower MAE values across spring and summer. However, CNN consistently performs better than ANN and RF by maintaining more spatially consistent and lower errors.
Figure 7a,b shows the relationship between MBE and elevation and the spatial distribution of MBE over the study region calculated over the prediction period from 2010 to 2018 for T1–T8 days. Both the ANN and RF models exhibit a general trend of negative bias across all elevations, suggesting a consistent underestimation of minimum temperature (Figure 7a). This negative bias is particularly pronounced at higher elevations, with values reaching as low as −4 °C. In contrast, the CNN model shows a notably lower and more stable MBE across elevations across all the seasons, maintaining values closer to zero but still negative. This bias stability indicates that CNN has a stronger ability to capture elevation-related variability, avoiding the high underestimation patterns seen in ANN and RF, particularly in seasons with complex temperature patterns.
The spatial distribution of MBE (Figure 7b) further shows the advantage of CNN in reducing systematic errors across the study area. The models ANN and RF show extensive areas of strong negative bias, especially in mountainous regions during winter and autumn. This trend reflects their limitations in capturing terrain-specific characteristics, leading to a more pronounced underestimation in regions of complex topography. However, the CNN model exhibits a much tighter distribution with a nearly uniform MBE close to zero across all seasons, with minimal areas of significant bias. Even in autumn and winter, CNN maintains better spatial consistency, minimizing the magnitude of underestimation evident in the other models. These results underscore CNN’s robustness in reducing bias over complex terrain, making it a more reliable model for accurate temperature predictions across different seasonal conditions and varying elevations. The error pattern of MAE and MBE for extended periods T9–T28 is similar to T1–T8; however, this is with an increased magnitude (Supplementary Figures S1 and S2).

3.2. Application for Frost Forecasting

The spatial occurrence of frost events for the months in the spring season (March, April, and May) across the study region from 2010 to 2018 based on the observation dataset is shown in Figure 8. A frost event is defined as a day having a minimum temperature below 0 °C. As expected, early spring, i.e., March, exhibits the highest frequency of frost events, especially in higher elevations. The pattern shows the influence of topography as higher elevations and valleys are more prone to temperature drops, increasing the risk of frost. By April, there is a substantial decline in frost occurrence due to seasonal warming, although elevated regions continue to show moderate frost occurrence. By May, frost occurrences are more restricted to higher elevations.

3.2.1. Model Performance for Frost Forecasting

The frost prediction metrics—precision, recall, F1 score, and FDR—are calculated across March, April, and May over the T1–T8 period, as shown in Figure 9.
CNN showed the highest F1 scores across all three months, showing its robustness in identifying frost events accurately. In March, CNN also recorded the lowest FDR. All models achieved a recall of more than 0.80 for March, showing the ability to capture most frost events from the observed occurrence. In March, RF followed CNN with precision (0.66) and recall (0.88) values close to CNN’s, but its performance reduced slightly, showing higher FDR values in April (0.50) and May (0.46). In April, the performance of all models was reduced; however, all models showed comparable performance in frost prediction, with similar precision, recall, and F1 scores. In May, models showed the lowest recall and F1 scores, indicating limitations in capturing frost events correctly. While the primary focus is on T1–T8, additional results on the extended period (T9–T28) are provided in the Supplementary Materials, presenting a similar pattern of CNN maintaining overall higher performance across metrics (Figure S3).
Figure 10 presents the spatial distribution of F1 score and FDR across March, April, and May for the ML models ANN, RF, and CNN over the T1–T8 period.
The spatial plot (Figure 10) for the F1 score (left panel) reveals that in March, CNN achieved the highest values across most of the study regions, including the valley. Other models, RF and ANN, also performed comparatively well, but CNN shows more extensive regions with higher F1 values, especially over the valley bottom, suggesting its superior ability to correctly identify frost-prone areas in early spring. In April, the F1 score reduces across all models, showing the challenges in frost prediction during this transitional month. As previously noted, the performance of all models becomes comparable with no model demonstrating a significant advantage. In March, CNN had the lowest FDR across the study region, indicating lower false positives, while ANN and RF exhibited higher FDR, especially in the valley region. In April, the FDR increases for all models due to their increased false-positive rates. However, in May, CNN exhibited lower FDR compared to other models.
These spatial patterns of F1 score and FDR are consistent in the extended forecast period (T9–T28), provided in the Supplementary Materials (Figure S4). The results underscore the ability of CNN to accurately identify frost events across varied terrains, particularly in early spring, while highlighting the challenges in frost prediction in transitional months like April.

3.2.2. Case Study: Severe Frost Event—April 2017

The severe frost events of 20–21 April 2017 caused agricultural damage in Trentino and Bolzano, severely affecting crop production. The spatial distribution of the F1 scores for the ANN, RF, and CNN models was analyzed to evaluate the performance of the models during this event, as shown in Figure 11. To include sufficient data to improve the reliability of the F1 score plots, we considered an additional day before (19 April) and a day after (22 April) the actual frost events.
The spatial distribution of F1 scores for the three models—ANN, RF, and CNN—exhibits distinct patterns of performance. At higher elevations, ANN and RF showed better performance with higher F1 scores, suggesting their ability to detect frost events accurately. However, at lower elevation regions, especially in agricultural valleys, CNN outperformed the other models. This is important as crops are mainly cultivated at these lower elevation areas. The better performance of CNN at lower elevations highlights its potential effectiveness in frost forecasting for agricultural applications.

4. Discussion

The performance of ML models (ANN, RF, and CNN) for downscaling minimum temperature from a coarse resolution of 12 km to a fine resolution of 250 m over complex terrain of two Alpine valleys has been evaluated. The differences in the performance of ML models—ANN, RF, and CNN—can be attributed to their distinct architectures and mechanisms for feature learning. The ANN and RF models rely explicitly on predictors, such as elevation, to capture topography effects. However, these relationships with elevation or other topography features might not be constant over the whole domain. ANN and RF effectively learn nonlinear relationships; however, they lack spatial awareness since they treat each grid point independently without considering spatial correlations. As a result, both ANN and RF show limitations in capturing the nuances of terrain-influenced temperature variations, especially in regions with abrupt elevation changes. In contrast, CNN is particularly designed to process gridded data, utilizing convolutional layers that extract spatial features from input predictors. This enables CNN to understand the relationships between neighboring grid points, allowing it to account implicitly for terrain-induced temperature variability. CNN, even without explicitly including elevation features, can detect spatial patterns in meteorological predictors, such as temperature and pressure, which often strongly correlate with topography. This ability to learn spatial patterns gives CNN a significant advantage over ANN and RF. Therefore, CNN’s better performance compared to other models across all seasons can be attributed to its ability to capture spatial features in the dataset, which is especially relevant in regions with complex terrain.
In our previous study, Bhakare et al. [31], while downscaling reanalysis T2M from 9 km to 1 km, MAE ranged between 0.78 °C and 1.28 °C depending on the model and season with the lowest MAE values achieved consistently by the CNN model. This is also in line with the current study, where CNN observed the lowest error compared to other models. However, there is a slight increase in MAE, which ranges between 1.6 °C and 2.4 °C for the short-term period (T1–T8). For the extended forecast (T9–T28), MAE reaches up to 3.5 °C, as shown in Figure 5. The increase in MAE underscores the added complexity of downscaling the daily minimum temperature compared to the daily mean temperature. The higher prediction errors can be due to the more inherent variable nature of minimum temperature and sensitivity to local topographic features. Minimum temperature is inherently more variable and sensitive to local topographic and microclimatic effects, contributing to higher prediction errors. In addition to this, it is worth noting that input datasets in these studies are different. The increase in errors could be due to the downscaling of seasonal forecast data compared to reanalysis in the earlier study. The reanalysis data assimilate observations, increasing their accuracy. Furthermore, the downscaling ratio also plays an important role in the accuracy of models; a higher downscaling ratio has more errors compared to a low downscaling ratio [19]. In this study, we downscale minimum temperature with a higher downscaling ratio (48) compared to the lower downscaling ratio (9) used in a previous study [31].
We also observed seasonal variations in the performance of models, with the best performance observed in spring and summer and lower performance in winter and autumn. In winter and autumn, the SEAS5 input TMIN data show higher errors relative to the target TMIN, and the lowest errors (Figure 12) are found for spring and summer, which is in line with previous studies [31,40,41]. These errors between target and input data can pass through the process of downscaling enhancing errors. Therefore, seasonal variation plays a significant role in impacting the performance of models. In spring and summer, lower errors suggest that input SEAS5 data are more accurate, which may lead to their better performance compared to other seasons.
While the downscaling schemes effectively reduce MBE compared to the input data, a slight underestimation persists across all seasons. The inherent negative bias in the input data themselves may lead to this residual bias, as shown in Figure 12. Despite the downscaling, the initial bias in the input data could propagate through the models, leading to a slight but consistent underestimation in the final predictions. Furthermore, some atmospheric processes, such as thermal inversion and katabatic winds, are more exclusive to winter seasons compared to warmer seasons due to longer nights. This leads to stronger radiation loss, resulting in surface cooling [2,42]. These atmospheric phenomena are important in understanding or analyzing temperature patterns; however, capturing them remains a significant challenge.
While most of the earlier studies employing ML models for frost prediction mainly focused on point-scale forecasts [28,29], our study effectively employed these ML models for spatial downscaling and creating high-resolution frost forecasts over complex terrain. This spatial approach gives a more comprehensive view of the risk of frost events, identifying frost risk across the study area rather than predicting frost at isolated locations. Such an approach is especially valuable for applications in agriculture, where the impacts of frosts are heterogeneous and can vary significantly over small distances due to variations in topography. Our study demonstrates the ability of ML models, especially CNN, to predict frost events with extended lead times. From our analysis of frost prediction, it is evident that March provides the best results, especially in terms of recall. This makes models, particularly CNN and RF, suitable for applications where capturing all frost events is important and missing frost events can lead to huge losses. In such scenarios, recall is more crucial than precision, and even a high FDR is acceptable if it ensures that most frost events are detected. On the other hand, the frost prediction accuracy reduces in April and May, with both precision and recall decreasing for all models. One plausible reason behind this is a lower number of actual frost events as spring progresses, as shown in Figure 8, making frost events rarer and more difficult to accurately predict. The scarcity of frost occurrence can lead to a decrease in model sensitivity and, consequently, in reduced recall and precision. Considering the lower accuracy in April and May, it becomes apparent that further improvements are required for robust frost prediction in these months.
The model performance was further analyzed using F1 scores for different elevation bands (<1000 m and >1000 m) for the prediction period from 2010 to 2018 (Table S1). The results suggest that the model’s performance is consistently better at elevations above 1000 m, where, generally, grasslands are the prominent crop type. On the other hand, at elevations below 1000 m, where grapevines and apple orchards are grown, the performance of models was relatively lower. These findings underscore the challenges in accurately predicting temperature changes in lower elevations, potentially due to more complex microclimatic conditions. While models showed reliable performance at higher elevations, further research is needed to enhance predictive accuracy for regions below 1000 m, especially for orchards and vineyards.
This study focused on applying ML models (ANN, RF, and CNN) for spatial downscaling of minimum temperatures in mountainous terrain. While the results show strong performance in this particular region, the transferability and generalization of these methods to other terrain conditions or climate zones require further consideration. For ANN and RF, static predictors such as elevation may need to be provided explicitly to account for the unique characteristics of the terrain in the target region. The CNN model is expected to generalize well to areas with similar data availability and resolutions due to its ability to capture spatial patterns in gridded data. However, for regions with significantly different topographic or climatic features, such as tropical forests or arid deserts, more adaptation might be required. This could involve incorporating more features that capture region-specific dynamics, such as soil moisture in arid regions or vegetation indices in tropical areas. This would enhance the applicability of the proposed approach for forecasting and climate risk management.

5. Conclusions

This study evaluated the effectiveness of ML models ANN, RF, and CNN for the spatial downscaling of SEAS5 daily minimum temperature with a one-month lead time, split into short-term (T1–T8) and extended (T9–T28) forecast periods from a coarse resolution of 12 km to a high resolution of 250 m in complex terrain. Our findings show that CNN consistently performed better than ANN and RF across all evaluation metrics, including RMSE, MAE, correlation, and MBE, showing greater resilience to the high downscaling ratio and lead time. Models exhibit seasonal variation in the performance of models, with better performance observed in spring and summer, whereas lower performance is observed in winter and autumn. The study also highlights that models have good performance in short lead times, whereas models face challenges in downscaling minimum temperature, as errors tend to increase, in extended forecasts. Notably, while the models effectively reduced MBE compared to the input data, a small underestimation persists, likely due to the inherent bias in the input SEAS5 TMIN dataset. In frost forecasting, CNN exhibits its robustness with the highest F1 scores and lowest FDR in predicting frost-prone areas, although model performance diminishes as frost occurrence decreases in late spring. This study also underscores the importance of model selection depending on the requirements of the application. CNN’s high recall makes it especially valuable for scenarios where missing a frost event would have significant impacts, even if it results in a higher rate of false positives. Our results highlight the potential of using CNN for high-resolution frost prediction over extended lead times, which is important for proactive agriculture planning and environmental management.
Future studies may explore integrating bias correction methods with downscaling techniques to address systematic errors in the model outputs and enhance overall performance. Moreover, additional meteorological variables such as sunshine hours, soil moisture, vegetation indices, day of the month, cloud cover, and snow cover could be explored and incorporated to further enhance prediction accuracy. Improving the quality of input data may also mitigate the challenges identified, allowing more accurate seasonal forecasting. Such advancements would support more effective and reliable frost forecasting, aiding decision-makers in managing the risks of frosts with greater confidence.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: (a) Scatter plot between MAE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MAE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for T9–T28 period.; Figure S2: (a) Scatter plot between MBE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MBE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for T9–T28 days; Figure S3: Metrics heatmap for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T9–T28 days; Figure S4: F1 score and FDR for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T9–T28.; Table S1: F1 scores of ML models for different elevation bands (<1000 m and >1000 m) and different crop types (grapevines, apples, and grasslands) during the evaluation period (2010–2018).

Author Contributions

S.B. developed the models, created plots, conducted analysis, structured the paper, and was responsible for writing an original draft of the manuscript and integrating feedback from co-authors. D.Z. provided overall supervision of the work, helped analyze results, offered critical insight and feedback throughout the process, revised the manuscript throughout all of its versions, and was responsible for project initiation. M.M. assisted in analyzing results, reviewing the manuscript, and providing suggestions and improvements. A.C. provided the high-resolution minimum temperature data for the study and revised the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The present research was partly funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund and by the Italian Ministry for the Universities and Research (MUR) through the National Operational Program (PON) “Ricerca e Innovazione 2014–2020, Dottorati di ricerca su tematiche dell’innovazione e green”. D.Z. acknowledges support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research under the project “DECIPHER—Disentangling mechanisms controlling atmospheric transport and mixing processes over mountain areas at different space- and timescales” funded by the European Union under NextGenerationEU, PRIN 2022, Prot. n. 2022NEWP4J.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

We developed ANN and CNN models using the TensorFlow deep learning library. We created an RF model leveraging the sci-kit learn package in Python. The SEAS5 dataset with a horizontal spatial resolution of 36 km is publicly available from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and can be accessed at (last accessed: 15 July 2024). However, the high-resolution SEAS5 data with a horizontal spatial resolution of 0.125° × 0.125°, used specifically for this study, are not publicly available. Access to these data requires registration and authorization from ECMWF, and acceptance of a data license agreement. The reference target dataset is available by request from A.C. The DEM dataset is available at, accessed on 1 March 2022.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The abbreviations used in this manuscript are as follows:
ANNArtificial neural network
CNNConvolutional neural network
D2MDew point temperature at 2 m AGL
DEMDigital elevation model
ECMWFEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ENSOEl Niño-Southern Oscillation
FDRFalse discovery ratio
FPFalse positive
FNFalse negative
MAEMean absolute error
MLMachine learning
MLRMultiple linear regression
rPearson correlation coefficient
ReLURectified linear unit
RFRandom forest
RMSERoot mean square error
SEAS5Fifth-generation seasonal forecast system
SLHFSurface latent heat flux
SPSurface pressure
SSHFSurface sensible heat flux
SVMSupport vector machine
TMINMinimum temperature
TPTrue positive
TNTrue negative
T2MTemperature at 2 m AGL
U10Zonal wind at 10 m AGL
V10Meridional wind at 10 m AGL
WRF   Weather research and forecasting
WSWind speed


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Figure 1. (a) Non Valley and Adige Valley. (b) Orography of Trentino and South Tyrol. (c) Position of Trentino and South Tyrol in Italy. (d) Elevation distribution of the Non and Adige valleys.
Figure 1. (a) Non Valley and Adige Valley. (b) Orography of Trentino and South Tyrol. (c) Position of Trentino and South Tyrol in Italy. (d) Elevation distribution of the Non and Adige valleys.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g001
Figure 2. Flowchart of preprocessing of datasets including reprojecting of target data, resampling, regridding of SEAS5, upscaling and regridding of elevation, and monthly grouping of SEAS5 input data.
Figure 2. Flowchart of preprocessing of datasets including reprojecting of target data, resampling, regridding of SEAS5, upscaling and regridding of elevation, and monthly grouping of SEAS5 input data.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g002
Figure 3. Spatial consistency plot for each season with representative days for input TMIN, models utilized (ANN, RF, and CNN), and the observation target dataset.
Figure 3. Spatial consistency plot for each season with representative days for input TMIN, models utilized (ANN, RF, and CNN), and the observation target dataset.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g003
Figure 4. RMSE, MAE, and correlation metrics calculated over each day for 28-day forecast time across all the seasons over test period 2010-18, shown using line plots for all models: ANN (Blue), RF (Orange), and CNN (Green).
Figure 4. RMSE, MAE, and correlation metrics calculated over each day for 28-day forecast time across all the seasons over test period 2010-18, shown using line plots for all models: ANN (Blue), RF (Orange), and CNN (Green).
Atmosphere 16 00038 g004
Figure 5. Seasonal metrics heatmap for first 8 days (T1–T8) and 9–28 days (T9–T28) for models ANN, RF, and CNN for the forecast period 2010–2018.
Figure 5. Seasonal metrics heatmap for first 8 days (T1–T8) and 9–28 days (T9–T28) for models ANN, RF, and CNN for the forecast period 2010–2018.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g005
Figure 6. (a) Scatter plot between MAE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MAE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8 period.
Figure 6. (a) Scatter plot between MAE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MAE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8 period.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g006
Figure 7. (a) Scatter plot between MBE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MBE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for the T1–T8 period.
Figure 7. (a) Scatter plot between MBE and elevation. (b) Spatial distribution of MBE between model prediction and observation over prediction period 2010–2018 for the T1–T8 period.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g007
Figure 8. Occurrence of frost events over months of March, April, and May for prediction period 2010–2018.
Figure 8. Occurrence of frost events over months of March, April, and May for prediction period 2010–2018.
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Figure 9. Metrics heatmap for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8 days. The darker blue color represents the models with better performance, whereas the lighter green and yellow color shows models with poor and poorest performance, respectively.
Figure 9. Metrics heatmap for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8 days. The darker blue color represents the models with better performance, whereas the lighter green and yellow color shows models with poor and poorest performance, respectively.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g009
Figure 10. F1 score and FDR for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8. The white area in the study region represents no frost occurrence.
Figure 10. F1 score and FDR for frost prediction over spring months for prediction period 2010–2018 for T1–T8. The white area in the study region represents no frost occurrence.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g010
Figure 11. Spatial distribution of F1 Score for severe frost events on 19–22 April 2017 for models ANN, RF, and CNN.
Figure 11. Spatial distribution of F1 Score for severe frost events on 19–22 April 2017 for models ANN, RF, and CNN.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g011
Figure 12. Comparison of error metrics (RMSE, MAE, and MBE) between input SEAS5 TMIN and reference target TMIN (blue color bars) and of model outputs—ANN (orange), RF (green), CNN (red)—with the reference target TMIN for all seasons.
Figure 12. Comparison of error metrics (RMSE, MAE, and MBE) between input SEAS5 TMIN and reference target TMIN (blue color bars) and of model outputs—ANN (orange), RF (green), CNN (red)—with the reference target TMIN for all seasons.
Atmosphere 16 00038 g012
Table 1. Datasets used in the study.
Table 1. Datasets used in the study.
NameParametersGrid SpacingTemporal ResolutionPurpose
SEAS5TMIN, T2M, D2M, U10, V10, WS, SP, SSHF, SLHF12 kmDailyDynamic Predictors
Target Reference DataTMIN250 mDailyPredictand
SRTMElevation250 m-Static Predictors
Table 2. Input features used for different models.
Table 2. Input features used for different models.
ModelInput FeaturesFeature ScalingNotes
ANNTMIN, T2M, D2M, MSLP, U10, V10, WS, SLHF, SSHF, ElevationStandardizationRequires static predictors like elevation to improve performance in complex terrains.
RFTMIN, T2M, D2M, MSLP, U10, V10, WS, SLHF, SSHF, ElevationNot requiredDecision trees handle feature scale implicitly but require terrain predictors like elevation to improve model performance.
CNNTMIN, T2M, D2M, MSLP, U10, V10, WS, SLHF, SSHFStandardizationCNN uses only dynamic predictors and captures spatial features inherently using convolutional layers.
Table 3. Metrics used for evaluation of frost prediction.
Table 3. Metrics used for evaluation of frost prediction.
PrecisionProportion of true positive events among all positive predictions. TP TP + FP
RecallProportion of true positive events among all actual frost events. TP TP + FN
F1 ScoreHarmonic mean of precision and recall 2 · Precision · Recall Precision + Recall
FDRProportion of false positive events among all positive predictions. FP TP + FP
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MDPI and ACS Style

Bhakare, S.; Matiu, M.; Crespi, A.; Zardi, D. Spatial Downscaling of Daily Temperature Minima Using Machine Learning Methods and Application to Frost Forecasting in Two Alpine Valleys. Atmosphere 2025, 16, 38.

AMA Style

Bhakare S, Matiu M, Crespi A, Zardi D. Spatial Downscaling of Daily Temperature Minima Using Machine Learning Methods and Application to Frost Forecasting in Two Alpine Valleys. Atmosphere. 2025; 16(1):38.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Bhakare, Sudheer, Michael Matiu, Alice Crespi, and Dino Zardi. 2025. "Spatial Downscaling of Daily Temperature Minima Using Machine Learning Methods and Application to Frost Forecasting in Two Alpine Valleys" Atmosphere 16, no. 1: 38.

APA Style

Bhakare, S., Matiu, M., Crespi, A., & Zardi, D. (2025). Spatial Downscaling of Daily Temperature Minima Using Machine Learning Methods and Application to Frost Forecasting in Two Alpine Valleys. Atmosphere, 16(1), 38.

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