1. Introduction
Mediterranean headwater catchments have experienced major land-use changes over the last century, mostly characterized by increasing natural vegetation as a consequence of agricultural land abandonment [
3]. This trend continued as the increasing demand for wood products and the growing pressures generated an increasing worldwide interest in the afforestation of unproductive lands with fast-growing tree species [
4]. FAO (2001) [
5] predictions indicate that plantations will cover 5% to 10% of the world’s forested land area and that close to 50% of commercially harvested wood will come from these plantations. However, global climate change could lead to a drier climate in the Mediterranean basin [
6], therefore threatening existing forest stands that are highly sensitive to the strong aridity gradient of the region [
7]. Both large-scale afforestation and deforestation could have major impacts on the hydrological cycle [
9]. This highlights the importance of a detailed process-based understanding of the relationship between land use—especially forests—and the water balance in this region.
Evapotranspiration is one of the main processes responsible for changes in annual water yield after alterations in land use [
10]. The influence of land-use changes on soil water movement [
11] leads to changes in the amount of water available for plant respiration, growth and evapotranspiration. Catchment response to rainfall is also altered by the moisture status of soil surface [
16]. Land use is also one of the most important factors controlling intensity and frequency of overland flow, due to differences in surface storage that change the partitioning between infiltration and surface runoff [
17]. However, land use not only alters surface runoff processes but can also affect subsurface flow [
There has been extensive research on the processes behind the impacts of land-use changes on the hydrological cycle and erosion processes [
19]. In the Mediterranean region, most of these studies had been developed in abandoned agricultural lands in Northeast Spain [
22], Southern Spain [
24], France [
26], and Greece [
27]. From the studies developed in Portugal, a few have addressed the implications of land abandonment [
28] but the majority concerned land-use changes after forest fires [
36]. Overall, there is a clear lack of data for the Mediterranean regarding the changes due to afforestation of agricultural lands and reforestation with different forest types.
Portugal is an illustrative case-study for Mediterranean afforestation. It is the European country where the transition from deforestation to reforestation was quicker [
37]. The forest area increased from a total of 4–7% of the Portuguese continental area in 1870 [
37] to 36% in 2018 [
38]. This is a results of the Portuguese afforestation plan, which supported the plantation of 420.000 hectares of tree stands from 1938 to 1977, in particular with
Pinus pinaster Aiton and
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. [
41]. Between 1995 and 2018, eucalypt plantations in Portugal increased considerably in comparison with pine plantations and, in 2018, were the dominant forest type occupying 844.000 hectares or 26% of the Portuguese continental forested territory [
38]. The production of eucalypt in the coastal region of Central and North Portugal is double than pine [
42]. Despite these major land-use changes and the widely acknowledged relevance of forests for the overall availability of water resources in Portugal, the impacts of afforestation on the hydrological cycle continue poorly quantified [
Comparison of paired catchments has been widely used to quantify the impacts of afforestation/deforestation on hydrological response [
49]. This approach assumes that the principal components of the hydrological cycle can be measured with sufficient accuracy, so that the losses by evapotranspiration can be estimated for each of the catchments being compared. In the present study, two small headwater forest catchments dominated by maritime pine and eucalypt plantations are investigated, aiming to assess their hydrological responses, including streamflow and evapotranspiration. The differences observed in both catchment responses prompted an attempt to identify the hydrological mechanisms that would explain the influence of land cover on the catchment hydrological behavior.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
The study was developed in the Caramulo mountain, within the Vouga River Basin (3600 km
2), in North–Central Portugal, which is a good example of afforestation in Portugal [
51]. Two paired catchments located in the foothills of the mountain were selected for the study (
Figure 1): the Lourizela and Serra de Cima catchments, which have been extensively planted with
Pinus pinaster Aiton (PIN) and
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (EUC), respectively, over the last decades.
The climate of Caramulo mountain is temperate with wet winters and dry summers, and can be classified as Csb according to the Köppen’s system. The long-term average monthly temperature ranges from 19.8 °C in August to 5.8 °C in January [
52] and the mean annual precipitation varies between 1200 and 1400 mm [
2.1.1. Geomorphologic Characteristics of the Study Catchments
Table 1 presents the main topographic characteristics of the two study catchments. PIN catchment has a slightly larger area (0.65 vs. 0.52 km
2) and steeper slope (32% vs. 28%) than EUC, but lower mean elevation (255 vs. 212 m).
Both catchments are crossed by a main stream of similar length, but their longitudinal profiles are different, with PIN presenting a steeper slope than EUC. The main orientation of the catchments is different, with PIN facing S–N and EUC E–W slopes.
2.1.2. Geology and Soils
The geology of Caramulo mountain is characterized by Paleozoic metasediments of the Schist and Greywacke Complex, intruded by Hercynian granites [
54]. Although schist is the unique parent material in both catchments, PIN is overlaid by shallow (<25 cm) Umbric Regosols, whereas EUC also includes Humic Cambisols [
55]. Previous studies have performed soil sampling and analyses of some physical properties and organic matter content, as summarized in
Table 2 [
59]. Soil texture in both PIN and EUC is silt loam. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is high due to the presence of macro-pores in the forested soils, associated to their elevated stone content [
59]. The study catchments frequently exhibit elevated soil water repellency, underneath both pine and eucalypt trees, especially during dry spells [
Soil mean depth represent the average of the depths obtained at the samples profiles realized in the study areas and represent the distance until the impervious schist bedrock interface. Soils are particularly shallow and show a gradient in term of depth from the top of the slope to the bottom. In fact, due to erosion factors the top of the slope usually presented much thinner soil that near the streambed. In term of hydrological setting, a previous study in the area highlight that Hortonian overland flow due to the strong soil water repellence is dominant during dry season, but produces residual amount. Subsurface flow is the dominant mechanism, it originates from matrix flow and pipe flow at the soil-bedrock interface, principally during the wet season. Matrix flow is correlated with soil moisture content, with a threshold of 25%. Pipe flow starts with saturation of soil bottom, due to a large network of macropores, without saturation of all the soil profile. Stream flow response is highly correlated with matrix flow behavior in timing and intensity. Soil water repellency induces a very patchy 25 moistening of the soil, concentrates the fluxes and accelerates them almost 100 times greater than normal percolation of the water in the matrix [
2.1.3. Land Use and Vegetation
The current land use in the study catchments was characterized using aerial photography interpretation, complemented with detailed field verification. The EUC catchment was dominated by eucalypt plantations (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), occupying 73% of the area, and 27% was covered by pine plantations (Pinus pinaster Aiton). On the other hand, PIN catchment is mostly covered by pine plantations (61%), with a minor area of eucalypt (39%).
The pine plantations in the study catchments are all composed by unevenly spaced trees regrowth naturally after a wildfire in 1991, with trees about 19 years old at the beginning of the study and 25 years old at the end of the study. They presented a well-developed ground cover, mainly consisting of litter (8–20 cm thick) and, to a lesser extent, shrubs. The eucalypt plantations in the catchments, however, can be divided into two different types. The most common type is unevenly spaced eucalypt plantations, in different rotation cycles, but always with trees under 15 years old (as trees are usually cut around 12 years old for paper pulp production) presented an important component of ground cover provided by shrubs and litter (5–15 cm thick). This type includes the bulk of the eucalypt plantations in PIN, as well as two thirds of the plantation in EUC. The second type is eucalypt stands planted in 2010, on terraced and flat terrain. They are only present in EUC, occupying 7% and 15% of the total area of the catchment. This type is characterized by high percentage cover of bare soil and stones (
Figure 1).
2.2. Hydro-Meteorological Data Collection
Hydrometric stations at the outlet of both study catchments were installed and recorded the water level at 2-min intervals, from October 2010 until September 2016. These water level measurements were carried out in a cut-throat flume [
65], using an ultrasonic level transmitter (Stevens 90841) in PIN and a pressure sensor (Campbell Scientific CS450) in EUC.
Rainfall, solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed and direction data were provided by Pousadas meteorological station, managed by the national meteorological authorities, and located at ~3 km from both EUC and PIN catchments. The station has an elevation of 445 m a.s.l., and provides data with 15-min resolution. Two cumulative rainfall gauges were installed in each catchment in order to compare the amount of precipitation with the Pousadas station. For EUC catchment, the total cumulative rainfall amounts were similar and the rainfall data of the weather station were used. For PIN catchment, as it presented systematically total rainfall amount superior to the rainfall station, a tipping-bucket gauge was installed inside the catchment (with a resolution of 0.2 mm) and its rainfall data were used for the study.
Topsoil moisture content was monitored continuously at one representative site within both study catchments, in a eucalypt stand for EUC and a pine stand for PIN. The soil moisture measurements were performed with two Decagon ECH2O EC-5 sensors installed at 2.5 cm depth and two at 7.5 cm, at 15-min intervals, and stored in a DECAGON Em5b data logger.
2.3. Data Analysis
The data analysis carried out in this study involved the (i) calculation of the annual water balance, to assess differences in streamflow, evapotranspiration, and soil and groundwater storage; (ii) analysis of streamflow hydrographs, using hydrograph separation techniques to investigate surface runoff and baseflow components; and (iii) comparison of soil water content patterns to infer the role of different vegetation cover.
2.3.1. Annual Water-Balance Calculation
The water balance for both catchments was estimated following the equation of [
66] Chow (1964):
where R is rainfall, ET is evapotranspiration, Q is water yield, Gs is groundwater seepage, and ΔS is soil and groundwater storage.
Base on water inflows, outflows and storage within catchments, the water used by vegetation and water storage component (including evapotranspiration, groundwater seepage and soil and groundwater storage) can be estimated as the residual quantity needed to balance the equation of continuity as follows [
66] (Chow, 1964):
Since the study period comprises six hydrological years, and each summer, the streamflow was zero or extremely low, it was assumed that soil moisture is the same at the beginning and end of the study period, and that soil water storage and groundwater storage variation (ΔS) can be considered as zero [
29]. The value of groundwater seepage (Gs) was estimated as 5% of annual precipitation [
2.3.2. Hydrograph and Streamflow Analysis
The rainfall events recorded during the study period were separated using a minimum inter-event time (MIT) of 6 h [
68], and those with a minimum rainfall amount of 10 mm were selected for analysis.
For each event the following rainfall characteristics were calculated: total amount (Ptot, mm), maximum intensity during 30 min (I30, mm/h), average intensity of the event (Ie, mm/h) and event duration (Pd, hr). For each rainfall event the streamflow response (2-min hydrographs) was separated into the two major components, surface runoff (SR) and baseflow (BF), using an automated recursive digital filter [
69], and the start and end of SR was used to separate the individual runoff events. The main characteristics of all streamflow events analyzed were total streamflow (Q, mm), surface runoff (SR, mm), baseflow (BF, mm), and runoff coefficient (RC, %).
The relationships between all rainfall and streamflow response variables were assessed using Spearman correlation coefficient, performed in excel software.
4. Discussion
Afforestation has major impacts on the evapotranspiration and the total amount of annual water yield [
70]. This is a major issue where a significant decrease in streamflow and aquifer recharge may endanger the access to water. This is particularly true in a climatic change context, where the increase of afforested area may jeopardize other downstream activities and unbalance the functioning of ecosystems, leading to disruption of processes, and loss of environmental services provided by healthy ecosystems. This is the case of Central Portugal, a region in the transition from an Atlantic to a Mediterranean type of climates, where two imported species, managed as widespread commercial crop stands have an important role in the evapotranspiration of large amounts of the available rainfall.
Pinus pinaster Aiton, originally from Southwest France, was introduced in North and Central of Portugal by the Romans, and had their area widely expanded during the first half of the 20th century. The second specie,
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Was introduced from Australia more than one century ago, but expanded rapidly after the 1970s.
The impact of afforestation with
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. rouse major concerns and discussions on its impacts on water resources, being in the forefront of public concern [
The results show the higher average annual evapotranspiration rates in the pine forest catchment (900 mm) than the eucalypt forest catchment (740 mm). Annual ET was relatively constant during the six hydrological years indicating that even during the driest year (30% less rainfall than an average year), both forest stands did not suffer water stress, since no significant breakdown on eucalypt biomass production was noticed during the field work, as also reported in previous studies [
58]. Eucalyptus plants are used worldwide, in particular at tropical and sub-tropical locations as cash forests plantations for fiber and wood products. In some cases [
72], forest evapotranspiration is well below the annual average rainfall. Most of the studies show, nevertheless, a pronounced decrease in annual water yield [
Forests have longer root systems and greater leaf areas, which rend them the potential for higher evapotranspiration rates when compared with other land uses [
70], therefore implying a significant impact on water security [
73], especially at water-limited forests [
74], such as those in Portugal. We demonstrated that the amount of water used for evapotranspiration remains constant, independent of the amount of water available by rainfall every year. This has a major impact on runoff and therefore on water availability, as demonstrated by our results. Soil moisture is not significantly different in the two forest stands, with the Eucalyptus showing the impact of more efficiency in growth by the Eucalyptus during the spring and early summer for the two monitored years.
This to some extent contradicts the idea commonly accepted in society and academia, regarding the high water consumption of the eucalyptus. Our results also contrast with those from Reference [
29] in the same study catchments, as that study involved young pine stands, whereas our study focused on mature pine stands. The differences between our results and those from [
29]) highlight the wider span of time that pine stands take to develop and, therefore, to reach the highest evapotranspiration rates. While eucalyptus reaches full development and evapotranspiration rates about 12 years after plantation, cut or regrowth, the pine stands need at least 20 years to reach the maturity and use to be being cut after 30–35 years.
The higher evapotranspiration recorded in the driest years in both catchments may pose an overwhelming problem to the maintenance of ecological flows in stream and rivers and for the recharge of aquifers. This concurs with other paired catchment studies on afforestation, where observed reductions in total streamflow values ranged from 41% to 69%, depending on tree ages (8 to 21 years old) and reductions in the low flows reached 100% [
77]. During the dry season, limited water availability is an important factor across the Mediterranean region [
8]. This may be increasingly concerning in the future given the potential impacts of climate change. Forested areas are particularly in danger during drought periods. A way forest ecosystems adapt to new conditions set by climate change in the Mediterranean, is through an increase frequency and severity of wildfires, that provide a catastrophic reset to new climatic conditions [
79], leading to several solutions to mitigate ecosystem degradation [
80]. Climate change can also endanger the viability of forest plantations as stated by [
79] for eucalyptus plantations and [
81] for native eucalyptus forests, limiting the capacity to tolerate, evolve and disperse. This vulnerability is a function of exposure and sensitivity, and may reduce the adaptive capacity sharply [
Reference [
82] identify soil moisture as the determinant factor influencing runoff response to vegetation change during droughts. Drought may lead to a reduction on tree growth and even their death in extreme cases [
79] and to a reduction of runoff at water-limited forests [
74], as is the case for
Pinus pinaster Aiton and
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in central Portugal.
To overcome a problem that may arise from potential climate change that may hamper tree growth and the availability of water resources, land use planning has to restrict commercial forest plantations with very high evapotranspiration rates to the areas with foreseen sufficient rainfall amounts to allow for tree growth and enough runoff and aquifer recovery [
83]. Another solution is the thinning of forest stands or increasing the spacing between trees, since this has been proven to reduce evapotranspiration [
79] and therefore the pressure over water resources.
This is particularly important for the Portuguese Centro Region in the transition of Atlantic to Mediterranean type of climates, as it is particularly vulnerable to climate change [
Reference [
80] points out several strategies and solutions to reduce the vulnerability to forest fire, many of them applicable to reduce the vulnerability to drought and to a foreseeable climate change.
5. Conclusions
This study investigated the hydrological response of two paired catchments dominated by Pinus Pinaster Aiton (PIN) and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (EUC), located in North–Central Portugal. Over the six hydrological years investigated, both catchments showed large rainfall inter-annual variation, with a prevalence of wet years. Rainfall was more frequent during the winter season (41%), followed by autumn (30%) and spring (24%), and was very low during the summer (5%). Annual rainfall showed, in general, a positive correlation with the number of rainfall events per year; nevertheless, increases of annual rainfall were more closely related to increases of rainfall falling during the largest events (>60 mm) than to increasing number of events. Although rainfall events >60 mm represented only 14% of all the events, they supplied 43% of the annual rainfall.
Annual streamflow also showed large discrepancies between years, with an increase by a factor of 6 between the minimum and the maximum streamflow amount for EUC (217 mm in 2011/2012 and 1291 mm in 2015/2016) and by a factor 6.8 for PIN (208 mm in 2011/2012 to 1430 mm in 2015/2016).
A strong positive linear correlation was found between the annual rainfall and the annual streamflow amounts, with a stronger correlation in EUC than PIN. In terms of streamflow, base flow represented 60% of the annual flows in PIN and 52% in EUC. Streamflow displayed a seasonal behavior in both catchments, with about half of the streamflow flowing during the winter rainiest period (56% for PIN and 55% for EUC) and representing average runoff coefficients of 64% in PIN and 68% in EUC). The streamflow during the spring represents 26% and 28% of the flows recorded in PIN and EUC, respectively, with average runoff coefficients of 50% for PIN and 57% for EUC. In autumn, although rainfall totalize 30% of the annual values, the seasonal streamflow only represents 16% of the annual flows, associated with runoff coefficients of 25% for PIN and 22% for EUC. Only 2–3% of the streamflow flows during the summer in both catchments.
Annual evapotranspiration amount was relatively constant over the study period, and was not significantly correlated with the annual rainfall. The average annual evapotranspiration of PIN (907 mm) was higher than for EUC (739 mm), highlighting the importance of forest type and showing that mature pine plantations lead to higher water consumption than eucalypt stands. Over the year, however, seasonal evapotranspiration rates range from 37% to 78% in PIN and from 34% to 73% in EUC between the wettest and the driest years, which raises concerns regarding the impact of climate changes on water availability during the driest season in the mountain areas of the Mediterranean region.
Forest cover also affects soil moisture content, with PIN exhibiting slightly higher SM content than PIN, and more noticeable daily and monthly variations than EUC. Stronger positive correlations between soil moisture content and runoff coefficients were recorded in PIN. An even stronger correlation was observed between monthly SM and Q rate (%) indicating that SM had a higher influence on runoff coefficient than streamflow amount.
Understanding the water balance and seasonal differences in runoff processes between pine and eucalypt stands, typically found in the transition from Atlantic to Mediterranean climatic regions, are of the utmost importance to improve forest management in the mountain areas and thus improve water security, particularly under the increasing scarcity scenarios favored by climate change.