Assessment of Remote Sensing and Re-Analysis Estimates of Regional Precipitation over Mato Grosso, Brazil
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Precipitation Observations
2.3. Precipitation Estimates
2.4. Performance Indicators
3. Results
3.1. Assessment of Temporal Accuracy
3.2. Spatial Variability
3.2.1. GLDAS
3.2.2. MERRA
3.2.3. TRMM
3.2.4. GPM
3.2.5. GPCP
4. Discussion
4.1. Assessment of Temporal Accuracy
4.2. Spatial Variability
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Station | Elevation | Data Availability (Year) | Precipitation Estimates | ||||||||
(m) | 2000 | | 2013 | 2015 | 2018 | GLDAS | MERRA | TRMM | GPCP | GPM | |
GBC | 415 | | |||||||||
CCR | 118 | ||||||||||
SJRC | 350 | ||||||||||
RDP | 284 | ||||||||||
MTP | 285 | ||||||||||
DMT | 286 | ||||||||||
CBA | 145 | ||||||||||
PRR | 140 | ||||||||||
PXR | 450 | ||||||||||
NVX | 316 | ||||||||||
CNR | 430 |
Products | Version | Spatial Resolution | Temporal Resolution |
GLDAS | GLDAS_NOAH025 v2.1 | 0.25° (25 km) | Daily/Monthly/Annual |
MERRA | M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 | 0.5° × 0.625° (50 × 65 km) | Daily/Monthly/Annual |
TRMM | TRMM_3B42 v7 | 0.25° (25 km) | Daily/Monthly/Annual |
GPM | GPM_3IMERGDF v06 | 0.1° (10 km) | Daily/Monthly/Annual |
GPCP | GPCPMON v3.0 | 0.5° (50 km) | Monthly/Annual |
Contingency Table | Measured | ||
Rainfall | No Rainfall | ||
Estimated | Rainfall | a | b |
No Rainfall | c | d |
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Junior, A.L.P.; Biudes, M.S.; Machado, N.G.; Vourlitis, G.L.; Geli, H.M.E.; Santos, L.O.F.d.; Querino, C.A.S.; Ivo, I.O.; Neto, N.L. Assessment of Remote Sensing and Re-Analysis Estimates of Regional Precipitation over Mato Grosso, Brazil. Water 2021, 13, 333.
Junior ALP, Biudes MS, Machado NG, Vourlitis GL, Geli HME, Santos LOFd, Querino CAS, Ivo IO, Neto NL. Assessment of Remote Sensing and Re-Analysis Estimates of Regional Precipitation over Mato Grosso, Brazil. Water. 2021; 13(3):333.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJunior, Altemar L. Pedreira, Marcelo S. Biudes, Nadja G. Machado, George L. Vourlitis, Hatim M. E. Geli, Luiz Octávio F. dos Santos, Carlos A. S. Querino, Israel O. Ivo, and Névio Lotufo Neto. 2021. "Assessment of Remote Sensing and Re-Analysis Estimates of Regional Precipitation over Mato Grosso, Brazil" Water 13, no. 3: 333.
APA StyleJunior, A. L. P., Biudes, M. S., Machado, N. G., Vourlitis, G. L., Geli, H. M. E., Santos, L. O. F. d., Querino, C. A. S., Ivo, I. O., & Neto, N. L. (2021). Assessment of Remote Sensing and Re-Analysis Estimates of Regional Precipitation over Mato Grosso, Brazil. Water, 13(3), 333.