The Effect of Spatial Input Data Quality on the Performance of the SWAT Model
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of the Study Area
2.2. Input Data
2.3. Model Setup
- First, each of the four models is calibrated and validated individually to understand and assess their capability to predict streamflow in the catchment by itself.
- Secondly, we collate the calibrated parameter ranges from each individual model into an encompassing range for each originally selected parameter. With this parameter configuration, we run a sensitivity analysis for each model.
- Finally, we reduce the list of parameters from the previous step to only the sensitive parameters and their ranges, run a final uncertainty analysis again, and extract the results.
2.4. Calibration and Validation
2.5. Sensitivity Analysis
2.6. Joint Parameter-Based Evaluation of Differences in Model Performance
3. Results
3.1. General Model Performance
3.2. Joint Parameter Level Performance Assessment
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ETAK | Estonian Topographic Database |
HRU | Hydrologic Response Unit |
HWSD | Harmonized World Soil Database |
NSE | Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency |
SWAT | Soil and Water Assessment Tool |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
Appendix A
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ETAK Reclassied | CORINE Reclassified | ||||
SWAT Types | SWAT Code | % | SWAT Types | SWAT Code | % |
Generic-Agriculture | AGRL | 38.0 | Generic-Agriculture | AGRL | 49.8 |
Mixed Forest | FRST | 45.8 | Mixed Forest | FRST | 37.3 |
Deciduous Forest | FRSD | 0.4 | |||
Coniferous Forest | FRSE | 4.9 | |||
Pasture/Hay | PAST | 8.7 | Pasture/Hay | PAST | 4.9 |
Range Shrubland | RNGB | 0.9 | Range Shrubland | RNGB | 6.1 |
Grasslands/ Herbaceous | RNGE | 0.01 | Grasslands/ Herbaceous | RNGE | 0.7 |
Urban Transportation | UTRN | 0.5 | Urban Medium Density | URML | 0.4 |
Urban Industrial | UIDU | 0.3 | |||
Residential / Public building | UTBN | 0.3 | |||
Private yard | URLD | 2.2 | |||
Wetland | WETL | 0.01 | |||
Herbaceous Wetlands | WETN | 0.1 | |||
Woody Wetlands | WETF | 2.2 | |||
Water | WATR | 0.9 | Water | WATR | 0.4 |
Model Abbreviation | Data Combination | No. of Subbasins | No. of HRUs (10% Threshold) | No. of HRUs (Unconstrained) |
CLHS | CORINE land cover and HWSD global soil | 37 | 293 | 616 |
ELHS | ETAK land use and HWSD global soil | 37 | 300 | 936 |
CLES | CORINE land cover and EstSoil-EH | 37 | 573 | 2999 |
ELES | ETAK Estonian land use and EstSoil-EH | 37 | 575 | 4448 |
Parameter | Description (Unit) | Initial Range |
CN2 | SCS runoff curve number (-) | −20% to 20% |
GWQMN | Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur (mm H2O) | 500 to 4500 |
RCHRG_DP | Deep aquifer percolation function (-) | 0 to 1 |
GW_REVAP | Groundwater revap coefficient (-) | 0.02 to 0.2 |
GW_DELAY | Groundwater delay (day) | 30 to 450 |
SOL_BD | Moist soil bulk density (g/cm3) | −20% to 20% |
SOL_K | Soil hydraulic conductivity in the main channel (mm/h) | −20% to 20% |
SOL_AWC | Soil available water storage capacity (mm H2O/mm soil) | −20% to 20% |
ALPHA_BF | Baseflow alpha factor (day) | 0 to 1 |
ESCO | Soil evaporation compensation factor (-) | 0 to 1 |
ALPHA_BNK | Baseflow alpha factor for bank storage (day) | 0 to 1 |
CANMX | Maximum canopy storage (mm H2O) | 50 to 100 |
CH_N2 | Manning coefficient for main channel (-) | 0 to 0.3 |
CH_K2 | Effective hydraulic conductivity in the main channel (mm/h) | 5 to 250 |
Indices | CLHS | ELHS | CLES | ELES | ||||
cal | val | cal | val | cal | val | cal | val | |
NSE | 0.78 | 0.51 | 0.79 | 0.59 | 0.69 | 0.34 | 0.71 | 0.41 |
P-factor | 0.72 | 0.8 | 0.83 | 0.27 | 0.72 | 0.76 | 0.86 | 0.36 |
R-factor | 0.87 | 1.75 | 0.99 | 0.1 | 0.88 | 1.45 | 1.02 | 0.41 |
PBIAS | −3.0 | 0.4 | 5.7 | 4.7 | −0.4 | 4.2 | 3.9 | 3.6 |
Parameter | CLHS | ELHS | CLES | ELES | |
CN2 | 83.57 | 82.63 | 66.42 | 64.37 | |
GWQMN | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | |
SOL_BD | 1.58 | 1.58 | 1.05 | 1.03 | |
CANMX | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
SAND | 41.51 | 41.52 | 55.6 | 54.16 | |
SILT | 27.57 | 27.57 | 17.42 | 17.45 | |
CLAY | 30.92 | 30.92 | 26.97 | 28.4 | |
ROCK | 5.82 | 5.83 | 2.99 | 2.4 | |
SOL_CBN | 1.2 | 1.27 | 9.75 | 10.34 | |
Hydrologic Soil Group, | A | 0 | 0 | 141.21 | 130.88 |
Area in km2 | B | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(of total 241.53 km2) | C | 0 | 0 | 99.85 | 109.01 |
D | 241.53 | 241.53 | 0.46 | 1.63 |
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Kmoch, A.; Moges, D.M.; Sepehrar, M.; Narasimhan, B.; Uuemaa, E. The Effect of Spatial Input Data Quality on the Performance of the SWAT Model. Water 2022, 14, 1988.
Kmoch A, Moges DM, Sepehrar M, Narasimhan B, Uuemaa E. The Effect of Spatial Input Data Quality on the Performance of the SWAT Model. Water. 2022; 14(13):1988.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKmoch, Alexander, Desalew Meseret Moges, Mahdiyeh Sepehrar, Balaji Narasimhan, and Evelyn Uuemaa. 2022. "The Effect of Spatial Input Data Quality on the Performance of the SWAT Model" Water 14, no. 13: 1988.
APA StyleKmoch, A., Moges, D. M., Sepehrar, M., Narasimhan, B., & Uuemaa, E. (2022). The Effect of Spatial Input Data Quality on the Performance of the SWAT Model. Water, 14(13), 1988.