1. Introduction
Communities rely on surface water bodies to provide drinking water, recreation, and socioeconomic benefits. Unfortunately, surface water quality is easily impacted by surface runoff, aging infrastructure, and discharges. Fecal contamination is of particular concern as it indicates the potential for pathogens in the surface water body. Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are one known source of anthropogenic fecal contamination during rainfall events in urbanized regions. CSO locations may be monitored or unmonitored, and there is uncertainty regarding their contribution to local water quality on a per-location, per-event basis. Understanding sources and the extent of fecal contamination are the first steps in protecting a water body.
The direct testing of pathogens in surface water is less common and is an area of evolving research due to challenges with low concentrations and the difficult technical requirements of testing [
1]. Therefore, fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) continue to be used to indicate the potential presence of pathogens from fecal contamination due to the ease of detection and low-cost culture-based methods.
E. coli and
Enterococci are the most used FIB and are the focus of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Recreational Water Quality Criteria (RWQC) [
2]. These criteria are based on studies of the co-occurrence of FIB and recreational illnesses. The RWQC identify a geometric mean and statistical threshold value for 30-day periods, as well as a single sample beach action value (BAV). The BAV, or other location specific recreational thresholds, are commonly used when evaluating the occurrence of FIB in water-quality studies [
CSOs represent one potential source of FIB within a waterbody, but FIB are not specific to humans and occur in the gut of warm-blooded animals. Therefore, sources of FIB are often connected to the land use patterns within a watershed [
7]. For example, urban watersheds that support higher population densities have attributed elevated FIB to illegal connections and cross-contamination between storm and sewer systems [
8], point sources such as CSOs and wastewater treatment plants [
12], non-point urban source runoff [
13] such as FIB loading from pets and wildlife, lack of sanitation and solid waste management [
4], and the resuspension of FIB containing sediment within the stormwater system and river [
15]. Some overlap of sources exists in rural watersheds such as the occurrence of wildlife [
7], but other sources include manure application [
16], livestock, and septic system failures [
E. coli has also been shown to naturalize and grow in temperate soils [
18], complicating its use as an indicator. FIB concentrations in urban watersheds and developed regions are often greater than those in rural or natural watersheds [
15]; comparisons of urban point sources and rural non-point sources in the Scheldt drainage network showed a 2-3 order of magnitude greater FIB in wastewater treatment plant effluent than runoff from forested, cultivated, and pastured areas [
9]. Many of these sources experience releases during rainfall events; therefore, correlations between FIB and rainfall are common [
4], with potential increases in FIB of two orders of magnitude or greater in wet weather [
19]. Once in the environment, FIB undergo additional physical and biological processes and stressors that can influence concentrations within water bodies [
20] such as transport and dilution; sedimentation; resuspension [
22]; and growth and die-off [
23] due to temperature, sunlight [
13], predation, and starvation [
Recent FIB field-studies suggest methods for statistical analysis using multiple linear regression [
24], the Wilcoxon–Mann test [
9], and Spearman rank analysis [
25]. Similar research has been conducted in a small region of the Zenna River in Belgium [
10] and a stretch of the lower Lahn River, Germany [
25]. A study on waterborne pathogens in the South Nation River utilized Chi-square and Fishers exact tests to analyze the seasonality in marker detection [
26]. Recently, a study based in the Elm Park stream in Dublin used hierarchical clustering as a means of analysis of FIB along several points in the stream [
27]. T-tests have also been used to analyze the differences in
E. coli and microbial source tracking marker concentrations in terms of sampling sites [
28]. This study uses similar methods of data analysis as those above with a focus on variations and trends under the consideration of hydrologic connections and stormwater/wastewater infrastructure.
The objective of this work was to evaluate variations of water quality, especially FIB occurrence, in two cities with differences in land use, as well as stormwater and wastewater infrastructure systems along the Mohawk River in Upstate New York (NY), USA. Sampling locations were chosen upstream and downstream of the cities, at a critical tributary, and at locations that flow past known CSOs. Samples were collected over three years in dry and wet weather with FIB concentrations quantified and compared to BAVs. Correlations between water quality parameters, site locations, and rainfall were explored via statistical analysis, Spearman’s rank correlation, and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
4. Discussion
The 2021–2026 Mohawk River Basin Action Agenda from the NYSDEC [
37] includes a goal to improve and increase recreation in the Mohawk River Watershed. Therefore, understanding and reducing FIB in the Mohawk River is of regional importance. The Utica–Rome region of the river demonstrated a wide range of bacterial counts, many of which result in geometric means greater than recreational thresholds. This finding indicates recreation at several of these sites, particularly in the Utica region, is not recommended. However, sites along the Mohawk River headwater in Rome showed the greatest promise for recreation due to low GMs; more frequent compliance with BAV; and, on average, small changes in FIB concentration from prior rainfall.
The FIB in Rome demonstrated low FIB concentrations, weak to moderate correlations to rainfall, small changes in the geometric means for wet and dry conditions, and minimal to no change in concentrations through the 12 km stretch of the river. This behavior may be attributed to land use patterns in the region and the contribution of flow from the upstream reservoir. Of the HUC-12 subwatersheds in this region, this subwatershed has some of the highest percentages of agriculture, pasture, and crop land, as well as manure mass application rates (
Table 1). Therefore, rural sources of FIB, such as livestock, wildlife, and manure application, are likely within this subwatershed. It also has a lower population density than the other subwatersheds, suggesting that a smaller impact from urban runoff is reasonable. The majority of the forest and agricultural land is in the upstream portion of the watershed; therefore, the FIB concentrations at TW1 would be most likely to resemble rural watersheds. It is useful to consider FIB concentration trends for this system in the context of similar studies from other regions. Comparing the present study to one in California, the geometric means for dry days in this study (18–88 cfu/100 mL) fell between those of natural creeks (10–20 MPN /100 mL) and a developed creek (10
3 MPN/100 mL [
5], and within the range of wet and dry geometric means reported from Sault Ste. Marie, Sarnia, and Windsor Ontario Canada [
3]. For all sampling days, both wet and dry, the geometric means for
E. coli and
Enterococci in Rome are between 79–88 cfu/100 mL and 32–48 cfu/100 mL and are most similar to the St. Mary’s River in Sault Ste. Marie with dry and wet geometric means between 4-162
E. coli units/100 mL [
3]. The lack of variability of FIB under rainfall conditions is likely due to the mixing of the well-controlled outflow from the delta lake reservoir with rural FIB sources in the upper portions of the subwatershed [
38]. Overall, the concentration of FIB in the Rome region of the Mohawk varies from day to day, but the system appears to benefit from dilution and a lack of any significant urban sources of FIB.
The Mud Creek-Sauquoit Creek subwatershed shares some land use similarities to the subwatershed in Rome. It has similar pasture and cropland percentages, with the lowest population density of the subwatersheds in the Utica region. However, the magnitude of FIB in this region is significantly greater than what is seen in Rome, resulting in geometric means of 598 cfu/100 mL and 214 cfu/100 mL for
E. coli and
Enterococci. Some of this can be attributed to the small flow of the creek, which had an average flow of 2.6 m
3/s during the sampled period, and the inability to absorb FIB sources, particularly urban stormwater runoff, which has been shown to contain FIB on the order of 10
4 units/100 mL [
8]. The higher percentage of developed and impervious land in this subwatershed would be expected to produce a greater proportion of urban runoff. In addition, just under 24% of the stream has 15% or more impervious cover within 30 meters. This combination of land use, coupled with the visible change between dry and wet conditions at SQ2 and moderate correlations with rainfall, suggests urban runoff is a likely source of FIB in this region. Sauquoit Creek responds quickly to rainfall that has the potential to resuspend sediment containing FIB, a potential source of FIB surface water systems [
39]. The likely role of sediment in the FIB concentrations in the creek is also supported by a history of high turbidity and sediment impairment; 77% of the stream length in this subwatershed is impaired due to a combination of elevated nutrients, sediment and turbidity, and temperature [
The two remaining HUC-12 subwatersheds contain the five sampling locations covering the Mohawk as it enters and flows through Utica. These sample sites and subwatersheds differ from the two discussed previously in two significant ways. First, they are hydrologically connected to the subwatersheds that were just discussed; therefore, conditions from those subwatersheds impact the water that flows into these sites. In addition, the sampling points are not situated at the outlets. Therefore, the sample locations do not necessarily experience the full land use defined by the HUC-12 subwatershed. However, both of these subwatersheds have a higher population density than seen in Rome and the Sauquoit subwatershed, including regions of dense population close to the Mohawk River. Coupled with moderate to strong correlations with rainfall, urban runoff is a likely source of FIB in this region under wet conditions. Geometric means for the sites in Utica ranged from 227–393 cfu/100 mL for
E. coli and 74–145 cfu/100 mL for
Enterococci, similar to those reported for Windsor Ontario [
3]. In addition, the range of FIB concentrations between 10
2 and 10
4 cfu/100 mL fits well with other studies of urban river systems such as those seen in the Humber River in Toronto Canada [
8] and the Elm Park stream in Dublin Ireland [
27]. The statistical difference between water entering and exiting the Utica region supports the view of substantial contributions of FIB unique to this stretch of the Mohawk. Although urban runoff and flow from Sauquoit Creek certainly influence FIB concentrations, the city’s 34 permitted CSOs are also likely to play a role in the elevated FIB concentrations. Although only one active CSO event was captured during the sampling campaign, 139 CSO events occurred between 2017 and 2019. The second order of magnitude increase of FIB from dry weather conditions downstream of the open CSO is consistent with other studies showing multi-log increases in FIB downstream of active CSOs [
27]. Overall, CSOs have the potential to cause significant short-term changes in FIB concentrations. Longer-term impacts are less clear but given FIB have been shown to survive within the sediment of river systems and the potential for resuspension under high flow events [
40], the loading of FIB into river sediment from frequent CSO events could result in long-term impacts on water quality [
15]. Therefore, continued efforts to reduce the occurrence of CSOs in this region are recommended.
5. Conclusions
To document the water quality and potential fecal contamination in two cities in upstate New York, water samples were collected and analyzed over a period of three years. Each sample represents conditions at one location at one point in time, resulting in 38 samples at each site. Parameters of interest included in-situ measures of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, grab samples for laboratory analysis of nitrates, total organic carbon, E. coli, and Enterococci. These parameters were explored using general statistical analysis, Spearman’s rank correlation, and Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
The main results can be broken down into the following:
The site-specific results indicate widespread fecal contamination in the Utica portion of the Mohawk River and Sauquoit Creek, with moderate to strong positive monotonic correlations between the E. coli an Enterococci values.
Enterococci and E. coli concentrations were statistically different between the two cities and tributary, but frequent overlapping distributions were seen within the same city. The FIB concentrations of the Mohawk River entering the city of Utica were found to be statistically different than the elevated concentrations leaving the region.
Sauquoit Creek and the Mohawk River in Utica demonstrated moderate to strong correlations between FIB and rainfall, suggesting surface runoff sources of FIB are significant in this region. The geometric means and FIB values fall within those expected for urbanized watersheds.
FIB sources in Rome are most likely associated with agriculture and wildlife. Water quality changes due to wet weather were minimal and are hypothesized to be buffered by influent water from the Delta Lake reservoir. FIB concentrations remained low as water traveled through the urbanized region of the city, suggesting urban sources of FIB were not significant enough to substantially change the water quality during the sampling period.
FIB concentrations downstream of an active CSO were above the detection limit of >24,200 cfu/100 mL, demonstrating the short-term impact of the CSO on water quality. Downstream sites indicate a moderate correlation between FIB and flow, suggesting the 139 CSO events that occurred between 2017 and 2019 could have acted as future sources of FIB through the loading of the sediment during the CSO and then resuspension in high flow events.
While the evidence and conceptualization of the infrastructure for each city suggest that land use, urban runoff, and combined versus separate sewer systems likely play a role in FIB concentrations, it is important to note that FIB are not source-specific. There is also a question of the significance of resuspension of sediment in this region. Therefore, although the data clearly show elevated FIB, an unanswered question remains regarding the actual source of the FIB (human, bovine, canine, etc.) and whether the sediment is significantly contributing to the observed FIB concentrations [
36]. Expanding on this work, a parallel effort began in 2019 to explore the use of PCR-based fecal source tracking for the region, which has the potential to begin to clarify fecal sources and strengthen the conceptualization and understanding of water quality concerns within the region.