A Technical Note on the Application of a Water Budget Model at Regional Scale: A Water Manager’s Approach towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General Modelling Definitions
- IN represents the inflow of water (i.e., precipitation) into the control hydrological unit in a given ∆t;
- OUT represents the outflow (i.e., evapotranspiration, runoff, infiltration) from the control hydrological unit in a given ∆t;
- ΔS represents the change in storage within the hydrological control unit in a given ∆t (positive if the outflow is less than the inflow, and negative otherwise).
- Producing different water resource management scenarios in order to assess (ex ante) their potential impact on water use, demand, and availability;
- Learning (ex-post) from the effects of mitigation actions implemented in the past to counteract possible drought and water-scarcity events.
2.2. Framework of the Proposed Water Budget Model
- is the initial losses [mm], i.e., the fraction of precipitation intercepted by the vegetation, filling in the surface cavities, etc.; the surface runoff occurs only when the daily precipitation is greater than the intercepted fraction. is usually assumed to be 0.2;
- is the retention coefficient [mm]. is the function of several parameters representing the soil type and its saturation, land use, and slope.
- 6 months, representing the precipitation between March and August (i.e., the cumulative precipitation of the spring–summer seasons);
- 9 months, representing the precipitation between December and August (i.e., the cumulative precipitation of the winter–spring–summer seasons);
- 12 months, corresponding to the cumulative precipitation during the entire hydrological year (September–August), therefore also finally including the autumn season’s precipitation.
2.3. Study Area
- (a)
- High springs, located at a water table level between 329 m and 326 m asl at the base of the hilly relief where the village of Agosta is settled;
- (b)
- Low springs, with a water table level between 324 m and 321 m asl, near the Marano Equo village;
- (c)
- Fiumetto plain springs, located between 322 and 321 m asl, within the Arsoli valley.
3. Application of the Methodology to the Case Study Acqua Marcia Springs
- Modest negative asymmetry in the distribution of the frequency values can be appreciated, and the mean value tends to be slightly lower than the 50th percentile;
- An appreciable range (slightly less than ±0.5) around the normalized mean value affected the frequency distribution. This implies that the infiltration rates representative of extremely dry (or wet) hydrological years can differ by up to approximately 50% from the long-term average condition;
- IN(A) values included in the lower tail of the frequency distribution are representative of the most-severe drought events of the last 30 years, which occurred in the second decade of the 2000s;
- IN(A) values included in the upper tail of the frequency distribution mainly occurred during the first decade of the 2000s;
- IN(A) values calculated for the last 20 years show a wide dispersion, including both the upper and the lower values of the whole sample.
- 2014, IN(A) > 75th percentile;
- 2017 and 2020, IN(A) < 25th percentile;
- 2021, 50th percentile < IN(A) < 75th percentile.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
- It is essential to implement studies with a long-term duration and a wide spatial perspective. In fact, in order to perform appropriate monitoring of water resources and in particular to intercept potential drought events in advance, it is necessary, on one hand, according to the traditional methodological approach, to determine the frequency, duration, and spatial domain over which the phenomena extend [44]; on the other hand, it must be considered that the climate processes tend to propagate through the hydrological cycle [22,24], gradually influencing the different components (i.e., precipitation, soil moisture, infiltration, groundwater recharge, and spring flows). In this regard, several authors ([23,45] among others) argue that the propagation of the drought signal reaches the groundwater components often slowly or not at all, but when this occurs, drought produces severe and long-lasting consequences.
- It is desirable that water managers, practitioners, and public authorities refer to the same robust and well-grounded methodologies, because relying on the same methodology allows readily monitoring and reliably quantifying the water resources’ status in an area.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Passaretti, S.; Mineo, C.; Varriale, A.; Cosentino, C. A Technical Note on the Application of a Water Budget Model at Regional Scale: A Water Manager’s Approach towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water 2022, 14, 712. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14050712
Passaretti S, Mineo C, Varriale A, Cosentino C. A Technical Note on the Application of a Water Budget Model at Regional Scale: A Water Manager’s Approach towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water. 2022; 14(5):712. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14050712
Chicago/Turabian StylePassaretti, Stefania, Claudio Mineo, Anna Varriale, and Claudio Cosentino. 2022. "A Technical Note on the Application of a Water Budget Model at Regional Scale: A Water Manager’s Approach towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management" Water 14, no. 5: 712. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14050712
APA StylePassaretti, S., Mineo, C., Varriale, A., & Cosentino, C. (2022). A Technical Note on the Application of a Water Budget Model at Regional Scale: A Water Manager’s Approach towards a Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water, 14(5), 712. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14050712