Decentralized Wastewater Management in India: Stakeholder Views on Best Available Technologies and Resource Recovery
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data
- (A)
- General questions: these questions included inquiries about the background of the stakeholders (#4–9) and their views toward the concept of the BAT (#10–13).
- (B)
- Questions related to technology selection (#14–43): the perception of stakeholders regarding the importance of criteria used for technology selection, the importance of options for resource recovery and the views about standards were inquired about.
- (C)
- Questions related to financing (#44–46): as financing in the wastewater sector has been identified as a key barrier in India (the authors have pointed out this repeatedly), the views of stakeholders toward financing capital and operational costs for wastewater treatment technologies were inquired.
- (D)
- Questions related to existing drivers for recycling (#47–56) and policy aspects that may be future drivers (#70–87): the views of stakeholders toward existing and potential driving forces to enhance the implementation of resource recovery for wastewater management across India were asked for.
- (E)
- Questions related to barriers to recycling (#57–69): these questions focused on the task in question regarding identifying and elaborating key barriers for resource recovery.
2.2. Using the Around Function
- (1)
- For responses using a Likert scale with four degrees, the imprecise number x was coded as “+1” (the stakeholder would rather agree) if the statement x < 3 was true, as “−1” (would rather disagree) if x > 2 was true, and as indeterminate (code “0”) otherwise. As we used the largest and smallest thresholds possible, this removed the arbitrariness in the selection of thresholds.
- (2)
- For responses that ranked the alternatives from the most to the least preferred (rank 1 = best), we were interested in whether the stakeholder would have ranked the alternative high or low. For each stakeholder, we aggregated the rankings of its representatives to give an imprecise number x. We coded the response as “+1” (would rather select high) if x < 3 (five or six alternatives) or x < 4 (nine alternatives). We coded the response as “−1” (would rather select low) if x > 3 (five alternatives), x > 4 (six alternatives) or x > 6 (nine alternatives). Otherwise, the answer was recorded as indeterminate (code “0”).
- (3)
- For yes/no questions (coded as 1 or 0), we aggregated them to give an imprecise number x and recorded “+1” or “−1” (would rather select yes or no, respectively) if x > 0 or x < 1 was true, respectively. For questions offering multiple non-exclusive alternatives, we recorded in this way if the stakeholder would have rather selected an alternative or not.
2.3. Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Outcomes of the Questionnaires
3.1.1. Overview
- (1)
- (2)
- Next, we considered significant absolute majorities (strongly yes or no), where the lower confidence intervals for approval/high rank or disapproval/low rank, respectively, were 50% or higher. There were two questions with “strongly no” (#5 and #9) and 16 responses were “strongly yes”.
- (3)
- We then identified the significant relative majorities, where 50% or more of the stakeholders agreed about “yes” or “no” and the confidence intervals for the percentages of “yes” and “no” were not overlapping. We denoted these outcomes as simply “yes” (24 questions) or “no” (one question: #6).
- (4)
- For nine questions with a 50% majority for “yes” or “no”, there were overlapping confidence intervals with “no” or “yes”, respectively. We highlighted these questions for potential conflicts as “CF/Yes” (seven questions) or “CF/No” (two questions: #8 and #43). Not all CF questions may generate conflicts. To find out which ones were problematic, we conducted a further stakeholder analysis to assess the conflict potential between the majority and a potentially large minority.
- (5)
- If there was no 50% majority but the confidence intervals for “yes” and “no” were not overlapping, we denoted the significantly more frequent outcome by “Rather Yes” or “Rather No”. There were four “rather yes” responses.
- (6)
- For the remaining questions, we reported “perhaps yes” or “perhaps no” if the outcome was net positive or net negative, respectively (i.e., the average of the sequence was positive or negative). There were nine questions with net-negative outcomes and 16 responses were net positive.
- (7)
- There remained one indeterminate (net zero) response (question #35).
3.1.2. Technology Assessment
3.1.3. Drivers and Policies for Recycling
3.1.4. Barriers for Recycling
3.2. Stakeholder Analysis
4. Conclusions
- With respect to technology assessment and selection, stakeholders shared the views that the BAT was important for the WWT sector, but that allowing for some flexibility in the definition of the BAT would be suitable. However, for the question regarding whether the existing WWT technology of India was already the BAT, our stakeholder analysis indicated a conflict potential, with group 2 advocating the response “yes”. Thus, some stakeholders may not yet be aware of the full consequences of requiring the BAT for WWT technology.
- The criteria groups environmental impact, costs, ease of use and health were considered as important and highly ranked for technology assessment, but acceptance by users and recycling were not. Nevertheless, amongst recycling options, the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation and toilet flushing was considered important and highly ranked, but not any of the other recycling options (sludge, biogas), where there was conflict potential regarding whether the reuse of biogas ought to be ranked high, as was promoted by group 1. Thus, overall, the stakeholder consensus on WWT technologies was rather conservative, with a focus on the functioning of WWT, while it appears that acceptance by users and recycling were just nice to have for the stakeholders. This attitude may become a barrier to the implementation of technology that supports resource recovery because, in the perception of the stakeholders, the additional costs of such technology (see below) seem to outweigh the achievable benefits.
- Concerning drivers for and barriers to recycling, as well as policy measures to support recycling, stakeholder organizations shared the view that the possible failure to fulfill standards and the high costs of innovative technology would be barriers to the uptake of innovative WWT technologies for recycling. On the other hand, the Union government, the state governments and the ULBs would drive recycling (important and highly ranked). Stakeholders also agreed on several policy measures to promote recycling (important and of high rank), namely, making recycling mandatory, charging fines to ULBs that do not comply, providing subsidies by the state and Union governments, and increasing awareness. Other policy measures (capacity building, international technical assistance, loans from international donors, and financing recycling through user fees and taxes) appeared to be of less interest. Again, these were rather conservative views that basically expected the government to take action to drive recycling: if the government pays for resource recovery, then added costs seem to become acceptable.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
# | Abbreviated Question | All | G1 | G2 | G3 | # | Abbreviated Question | All | G1 | G2 | G3 |
4 | Concerned with the selection of WWT | SY | UY | IN | IN | 31 | Rank recycle for irrigation | Y | SY | IN | IN |
5 | No interest in WWT technologies | SN | IN | UN | SN | 32 | Rank recycle for toilet | Y | IN | IN | SY |
6 | Interest in approval of WWT | N | IN | IN | IN | 33 | Rank recycle sludge | RY | SY | IN | IN |
7 | Interest in selection | CF/Y | IN | IN | IN | 34 | Rank recycle biogas | CF/Y | SY | IN | IN |
8 | Interest in research | CF/N | IN | IN | SY | 35 | Rank other | IN | IN | IN | IN |
9 | Other interest about WWT | SN | UN | SN | SN | 36 | Interest in standards | Y | IN | IN | UY |
10 | BAT is known | Y | SY | IN | IN | 37 | Add pollutants to standards | PY | IN | IN | IN |
11 | BAT is rather important | SY | SY | SY | UY | 38 | Keep standards as they are | PN | IN | IN | IN |
12 | Flexible BAT is suitable | UY | UY | UY | UY | 39 | Remove pollutants from standards | PN | IN | IN | IN |
13 | Existing WWT is BAT | CF/Y | IN | SY | IN | 40 | Relax thresholds of standards | PN | IN | IN | IN |
14 | Environmental impacts matter for WWT | UY | UY | UY | UY | 41 | Keep thresholds | PN | IN | IN | SY |
15 | Costs matter for WWT | SY | UY | SY | IN | 42 | Sharpen thresholds | PN | IN | IN | SN |
16 | Acceptance by users matters for WWT | SY | IN | UY | SY | 43 | Enforcement of standards is rather strict | CF/N | IN | IN | IN |
17 | Ease of use matters for WWT | SY | SY | SY | UY | 44 | Users should pay most capital costs | PN | IN | IN | IN |
18 | Health matters for WWT | SY | IN | UY | UY | 45 | Users should pay most O&M costs | PY | IN | IN | IN |
19 | Recycling matters | Y | IN | IN | UY | 46 | Substantial revenues from recycling | PY | IN | IN | IN |
20 | Rank pollution | SY | SY | SY | IN | 47 | Union government should drive recycling | Y | IN | IN | IN |
21 | Rank costs | Y | IN | IN | IN | 48 | State government should drive recycling | Y | IN | SY | IN |
22 | Rank acceptance by users | RY | IN | IN | IN | 49 | ULBs should drive recycling | Y | IN | IN | IN |
23 | Rank ease of use | Y | IN | IN | SY | 50 | Private sector should drive recycling | PN | IN | IN | IN |
24 | Rank health | Y | SY | IN | SY | 51 | Other drivers | PN | IN | IN | IN |
25 | Rank recycling | PN | IN | IN | IN | 52 | Rank Union government as a driver | Y | IN | IN | SY |
26 | Recycling for irrigation is important | Y | SY | IN | IN | 53 | Rank state government as a driver | Y | SY | SY | IN |
27 | Recycling for toilet flushing is important | SY | SY | IN | SY | 54 | Rank ULBs as driver | Y | IN | IN | IN |
28 | Recycling of sludge is important | Y | UY | IN | IN | 55 | Rank private sector as a driver | PY | IN | IN | IN |
29 | Use of biogas is important | Y | IN | IN | IN | 56 | Rank “other drivers” | PY | IN | IN | IN |
30 | Other is important | PY | IN | IN | IN | 57 | Violation of standard is a barrier | Y | IN | IN | IN |
# | Abbreviated Question | All | G1 | G2 | G3 | # | Abbreviated Question | All | G1 | G2 | G3 |
58 | Futile over-fulfillment of standards is a barrier | PY | IN | IN | IN | 73 | State government should support recycling | SY | SY | SY | SY |
59 | Nitrogen is irrelevant if water is used for irrigation | PY | IN | IN | IN | 74 | International donors should provide loans | Y | SY | IN | IN |
60 | Capital costs are a barrier | Y | IN | SY | IN | 75 | International technical assistance for recycling | SY | UY | IN | SY |
61 | O&M costs are a barrier | CF/Y | IN | IN | IN | 76 | User fees and taxes for recycling | PY | IN | IN | IN |
62 | Lack of capacity hinders implementation | PY | IN | IN | IN | 77 | Increase awareness for recycling | SY | UY | SY | SY |
63 | Lack of qualified personnel is a barrier | CF/Y | IN | IN | IN | 78 | More capacity building for recycling | SY | UY | UY | SY |
64 | Lacking demand for unknown technology | PY | IN | IN | IN | 79 | Rank mandatory recycling | SY | SY | SY | IN |
65 | Procurement impedes implementation | PY | IN | IN | IN | 80 | Rank penalty for ULBs | Y | SY | IN | SY |
66 | Lack of approval or certification is a barrier | CF/Y | IN | IN | IN | 81 | Rank Union subsidies | Y | SY | IN | SY |
67 | Water reuse not accepted by the public | CF/Y | IN | IN | IN | 82 | Rank state subsidies | Y | IN | IN | IN |
68 | Lacking incentive for water reuse | PY | IN | IN | IN | 83 | Rank donors | RY | SY | IN | IN |
69 | Other barriers | PY | IN | IN | IN | 84 | Rank assistance | RY | SY | IN | IN |
70 | Make recycling mandatory | SY | IN | UY | SY | 85 | Rank fees and taxes | PY | IN | IN | IN |
71 | Penalize ULBs for insufficient recycling | SY | UY | SY | SY | 86 | Rank increasing awareness | Y | SY | IN | IN |
72 | Union government should support recycling | SY | UY | SY | IN | 87 | Rank capacity building | PY | IN | IN | IN |
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Brunner, N.; Das, S.; Singh, A.; Starkl, M. Decentralized Wastewater Management in India: Stakeholder Views on Best Available Technologies and Resource Recovery. Water 2023, 15, 3719.
Brunner N, Das S, Singh A, Starkl M. Decentralized Wastewater Management in India: Stakeholder Views on Best Available Technologies and Resource Recovery. Water. 2023; 15(21):3719.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBrunner, Norbert, Sukanya Das, Anju Singh, and Markus Starkl. 2023. "Decentralized Wastewater Management in India: Stakeholder Views on Best Available Technologies and Resource Recovery" Water 15, no. 21: 3719.
APA StyleBrunner, N., Das, S., Singh, A., & Starkl, M. (2023). Decentralized Wastewater Management in India: Stakeholder Views on Best Available Technologies and Resource Recovery. Water, 15(21), 3719.