Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Climate Data
2.2.1. Historical Data
2.2.2. Future Climate Projections
2.3. Hydrological Data
2.4. Hydrological Modeling
2.4.1. The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS)
2.4.2. Model Setup
2.4.3. Model Calibration
3. Results
3.1. Climate Analysis
3.1.1. Historical Climate
3.1.2. Future Climate Projections
3.2. Hydrological Analysis
3.2.1. Historical Period
3.2.2. Future Scenarios
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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GCM | RCM | |
1 | CNRM-CM5 | CCLM4-8-17 |
2 | “ | RCA4 |
3 | “ | RACMO22E |
5 | “ | RCA4 |
6 | “ | CCLM4-8-17 |
7 | “ | HIRHAM5 |
8 | IPSL-CM5A-MR | WRF381P |
9 | “ | RCA4 |
10 | “ | WRF331F |
11 | MPI-ESM-LR | CCLM4-8-17 |
12 | “ | RCA4 |
13 | NorESM1-M | HIRHAM5 |
Parameter | Units | Initial Estimate Criteria | Module |
Maximum canopy storage | mm | Land cover [50,52] | Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) |
Maximum surface storage | mm | Land cover [50,52] | |
Maximum infiltration rate * | mm/h | Soil type [53] | |
Impervious surface area | % | Land cover | |
Total soil storage * | mm | Soil type [54,55] | |
Soil tension storage * | mm | Soil type [54,55] | |
Soil percolation * | mm/h | Soil type (hydraulic conductivity) [49,55] | |
Groundwater1 * and 2 * storage | mm | Flow–recession curves [49] | |
Groundwater 1 * and 2 percolation | mm/h | Soil type (hydraulic conductivity) [49,55] | |
Groundwater 1 * and 2 * coefficient | h | Flow–recession curves [49] | |
Groundwater 1 and 2 fraction | - | Not needed using SMA | Baseflow—linear reservoir |
Groundwater 1 and 2 storage coefficient | h | 12 h, the minimum for daily-scale simulations [46] | |
Time of concentration | h | Kirpich formulation [56] | Clark unit hydrograph |
Storage coefficient | h | Time of concentration and land cover [57] | |
Length | m | DEM | Kinematic wave |
Slope | m/m | DEM | |
Manning’s coefficient | s/m1/3 | River bed material [58] | |
Width | m | DEM |
Metrics | Calibration Period | Validation Period |
Volume Bias | −0.21% | 5.68% |
Nash–Sutcliffe | 0.733 | 0.607 |
RMSE | 17.31 | 11.04 |
Precipitation | Temperature | |||
Mean (mm) | Trend (mm/decade) | Mean (°C) | Trend (°C/decade) | |
Jan | 157.1 | −1.5 | 1.48 | +0.39 |
Feb | 91.7 | −11.2 | 1.91 | +0.29 |
Mar | 130.4 | −28.7 | 4.63 | +0.67 |
Apr | 161.1 | +9.6 | 7.02 | +0.64 * |
May | 135.8 | +3.1 | 11.48 | +1.07 * |
Jun | 98.9 | −6.2 | 15.54 | +0.76 * |
Jul | 69.7 | +8.2 | 17.98 | +0.29 |
Aug | 92.8 | −9.7 | 17.85 | +0.85 * |
Sep | 165.6 | +10.2 | 13.92 | +0.41 |
Oct | 285.9 | −9.3 | 10.30 | +0.61 * |
Nov | 225.0 | +44.6 | 5.48 | +0.60 * |
Dec | 196.0 | −7.8 | 2.62 | +0.23 |
Year | 1810.1 | +73.4 | 9.18 | +0.63 * |
RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | ||||||
CP | ST | MT | LT | ST | MT | LT | |
Jan | 161.9 | +7.6% | +15.3% | +23.6% | +2.1% | +24.0% | +16.2% |
Feb | 94.9 | +0.3% | +18.9% | +40.3% | +11.6% | +20.2% | +14.0% |
Mar | 134.9 | +3.2% | +5.1% | +19.4% | +3.3% | +13.4% | +16.5% |
Apr | 165.5 | −0.5% | −11.3% | +1.9% | −8.8% | −2.8% | −12.6% |
May | 141.9 | −3.8% | −8.1% | −5.4% | +2.7% | −0.6% | −16.7% |
Jun | 104.1 | +0.9% | −7.6% | +13.4% | −4.0% | +3.3% | −13.1% |
Jul | 74.5 | −5.9% | +0.4% | −6.1% | +2.0% | −5.2% | −27.7% |
Aug | 97.2 | −14.5% | −17.5% | −19.2% | −13.7% | −14.4% | +15.8% |
Sep | 175.5 | +3.5% | −15.1% | −2.7% | −4.9% | −14.3% | −19.3% |
Oct | 290.4 | −4.4% | +0.3% | −4.8% | −14.4% | +0.5% | −17.4% |
Nov | 229.5 | −8.6% | +5.3% | +14.3% | +5.9% | +8.8% | +9.5% |
Dec | 200.3 | +6.9% | +5.6% | +10.4% | −1.5% | +2.9% | +12.9% |
Year | 1872.3 | +3.1% | +2.0% | +8.4% | +1.7% | +4.9% | −3.0% |
RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | ||||||
CP | ST | MT | LT | ST | MT | LT | |
Jan | 1.48 | +0.66 | +1.41 | +1.78 | +0.73 | +1.65 | +3.17 |
Feb | 1.91 | +0.69 | +1.13 | +1.70 | +0.99 | +1.84 | +3.31 |
Mar | 4.63 | +0.90 | +1.17 | +1.44 | +0.73 | +1.99 | +2.70 |
Apr | 7.02 | +0.69 | +1.04 | +1.50 | +0.81 | +1.49 | +2.94 |
May | 11.48 | +0.85 | +1.62 | +2.11 | +1.04 | +1.86 | +3.63 |
Jun | 15.54 | +1.03 | +2.08 | +2.00 | +1.19 | +1.99 | +4.07 |
Jul | 17.98 | +0.96 | +1.78 | +1.92 | +1.13 | +2.03 | +4.10 |
Aug | 17.85 | +0.88 | +2.07 | +2.22 | +1.11 | +2.22 | +4.17 |
Sep | 13.92 | +1.03 | +1.60 | +2.07 | +1.18 | +2.17 | +3.91 |
Oct | 10.30 | +0.80 | +1.25 | +1.65 | +0.80 | +1.89 | +2.82 |
Nov | 5.48 | +0.52 | +1.13 | +1.74 | +0.72 | +2.00 | +3.25 |
Dec | 2.62 | +0.85 | +0.93 | +1.45 | +0.54 | +1.74 | +2.92 |
Year | 9.18 | +0.80 | +1.43 | +1.79 | +0.96 | +1.83 | +3.32 |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
1.52 | 1.02 | 0.97 | 1.16 | 0.74 | 0.35 | 0.14 | 0.05 | 0.43 | 1.63 | 1.87 | 1.61 | 0.96 |
RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | ||||||
CP | ST | MT | LT | ST | MT | LT | |
Jan | 1.50 | +1.9% | +12.4% | +12.8% | −1.0% | +11.7% | +4.6% |
Feb | 1.04 | +0.8% | +17.6% | +28.2% | +3.5% | +11.7% | +14.2% |
Mar | 1.07 | +4.6% | +3.9% | +23.4% | +4.0% | +5.4% | +11.6% |
Apr | 1.15 | −13.9% | −13.6% | +1.3% | −15.7% | −3.7% | −23.0% |
May | 0.81 | −8.2% | −19.8% | −7.8% | −3.1% | −11.5% | −32.6% |
Jun | 0.39 | +0.7% | −28.0% | −0.3% | +5.2% | +2.8% | −44.1% |
Jul | 0.17 | +3.0% | −10.2% | −20.5% | −7.8% | −21.2% | −66.4% |
Aug | 0.09 | +9.1% | +1.4% | −31.3% | +6.2% | −25.4% | −21.1% |
Sep | 0.51 | −13.4% | −42.7% | −26.1% | −24.7% | −36.7% | −40.1% |
Oct | 1.56 | −4.4% | −2.7% | −5.7% | −28.4% | −10.2% | −32.0% |
Nov | 1.87 | −6.1% | +3.1% | +1.7% | +1.2% | +1.6% | −4.5% |
Dec | 1.78 | −1.6% | −0.8% | +4.7% | −5.7% | −0.5% | −0.9% |
Year | 1.00 | +3.0% | −0.6% | +7.4% | −2.4% | +3.0% | −6.0% |
RCP4.5 | RCP8.5 | ||||||
CP | ST | MT | LT | ST | MT | LT | |
Qwet | 1.01 | 0.96 | 0.96 | 0.98 | 0.95 | 0.97 | 0.83 |
Qmid | 0.37 | 0.34 | 0.32 | 0.33 | 0.32 | 0.33 | 0.26 |
Qdry | 0.10 | 0.09 | 0.07 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.06 |
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Savino, M.; Todaro, V.; Maranzoni, A.; D’Oria, M. Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs. Water 2023, 15, 4243.
Savino M, Todaro V, Maranzoni A, D’Oria M. Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs. Water. 2023; 15(24):4243.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSavino, Matteo, Valeria Todaro, Andrea Maranzoni, and Marco D’Oria. 2023. "Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs" Water 15, no. 24: 4243.
APA StyleSavino, M., Todaro, V., Maranzoni, A., & D’Oria, M. (2023). Combining Hydrological Modeling and Regional Climate Projections to Assess the Climate Change Impact on the Water Resources of Dam Reservoirs. Water, 15(24), 4243.