Development and Deployment of a Virtual Water Gauge System Utilizing the ResNet-50 Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time River Water Level Monitoring: A Case Study of the Keelung River in Taiwan
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Grid Selection Model
2.1.1. Collection of River Imagery and Weather Data
2.1.2. Determination of the Recognition Area
2.1.3. Image Gridification
2.1.4. Dynamic Image Binarization
2.1.5. Selection of Grids for Virtual Water Gauge
- Grid ClusteringEach identical grid from the collected river images undergoes a binarization process, with all historical data of the same grid categorized into three groups: “no water”, “partial water”, and “full water”, as displayed in Figure 12.To facilitate this process, we employ a semi-supervised auto-labeling technique using ResNet50, and we start with a small set of manually labeled images under the categories of “no water”, “partial water”, and “full water”. Using this labeled set, we train an initial model. This trained model is then used to predict labels for the unlabeled images.Images where the model’s predictions are highly confident are identified and added to the labeled set with their predicted labels, known as pseudo-labeling. We then retrain the model on this newly augmented labeled set.This iterative process performs pseudo-labeling and retraining the model until a specified stopping condition is met, such as no significant improvement in the model performance. This semi-supervised auto-labeling approach allows the model to progressively learn from a more extensive dataset, improving its performance, even if the initial labeled dataset is small.
- Grid PreprocessingBefore extracting features with the ResNet50 model, ensuring that the grid size meets the model’s input requirements, i.e., 224 × 224, is imperative. If the grid size does not meet the ResNet50 model’s input requirements, the original grid is expanded to 224 × 224 using bilinear interpolation [38,39,40,41]. This preserves the details and features of the original grid, ensuring visual consistency and preventing shape or pixel distortion, thereby enabling the extraction of accurate feature vectors.
- Grid Feature ExtractionThis step primarily involves extracting features of each grid’s “no water”, “partial water”, and “full water” states using ResNet50. Preprocessed grid historical images are input into the ResNet50 model. Assuming the number of images is n, the input shape is (n, 224, 224). After convolution calculations, the feature vector is extracted from the layer before the fully connected layer, with a shape of (n, 7, 7, 2048), which is then transformed into a one-dimensional array for the subsequent similarity calculations. Figure 13 illustrates that we ultimately obtained the feature vectors for the three categories.
- Virtual Water Gauge Grid SelectionThis step aims to select the most suitable grid from each row to serve as a virtual water gauge. Here is the process:
- Feature Vector Similarity Calculation for Each GridFor each grid, compute its feature vectors under three different water level states: “no water” (denoted as N), “partial water” (denoted as P), and “full water” (denoted as F). These feature vectors, which encapsulate the image characteristics of each grid under different water level states, are obtained through the previously mentioned Grid Feature Extraction model.
- Cosine Similarity CalculationsThe cosine similarity formula calculates the similarity between feature vectors of different water level states [42,43,44,45], denoted as SA×B. This formula is given byFor this analysis, we substitute (A, B) in the formula with (N, P), (N, F), and (P, F) to calculate the cosine similarities for these combinations.A value closer to 1 for a cosine similarity indicates a higher similarity between the feature vectors of two water level states. Therefore, if a grid’s feature vectors under different water levels have a high cosine similarity, it implies that the grid’s feature vectors are ineffective in distinguishing between water level states, making it less suitable as a virtual water level gauge.
- Similarity Average CalculationsFor each grid, we calculate the average of the cosine similarities SN×P, SN×F, and SP×F to get Similarity[r][k], which represents the similarity of the kth grid in the rth row:Figure 14 provides a box plot illustrating the similarity values for each row of grids. These values were derived from images captured at the Chengmei Bridge on the Keelung River, collected from 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023.
- Select the grid with minimum similarityFinally, we select the grid with the smallest average similarity for each row to serve as the virtual water level gauge. Grid[i]virtual water gauge represents the index of the grid with the smallest similarity in the ith row, and argmin_k [46] is a function that delivers the index k of the minimum value in the sequence Similarity[i]:Grid [i]virtual water gauge = argmin_k(Similarity[i][k])
2.2. Grid State Recognition Model
2.3. Water Level Calculation Model
- PreprocessingThe binary “partial water” state is converted by dividing the image values by 255. Pixels with water are converted to 0 and those without water to 1, producing a 56 × 56 matrix.
- Horizontal Water Ripple FilteringWe employ two convolution operations to filter out horizontal water ripples [47,48,49]. The first convolution operation uses a 1 × 7 filter matrix with all values set to 1 and a stride of 7. Each row undergoes separate convolution operations, resulting in a 56 × 8 matrix (see Figure 17).To calculate the vertical height of the water level in the grid, the 56 × 8 matrix obtained from the first convolution operation undergoes a second convolution operation to produce a 56 × 1 matrix. This operation uses a 3 × 8 filter matrix with all values set to 1 and a stride of 1, with convolution performed from bottom to top. To prevent the original grid height from being affected by the convolution operation, a padding operation [50,51] is performed on the 56 × 8 matrix before the second convolution. The padding matrix is 2 × 8 with all values set to 1, as illustrated in Figure 18.
- Vertical Water Ripple FilteringFor a more precise determination of the water level height, we further process the matrix obtained from the lateral ripple filtering for vertical ripple filtering. A single convolution operation is used to eliminate vertical water ripples gradually. Before this operation, the 56 × 1 matrix undergoes padding, with a 2 × 1 padding matrix where all values are 0. Then, a convolution operation is performed using a 3 × 1 filter matrix with all values set to 1 and a stride of 1. This operation yields a 56 × 1 matrix of water probabilities for each row (see Figure 19).
- Grid Water Level Height CalculationLastly we transform the matrix of water probabilities into a matrix of 1s and 0s by setting a threshold value θ. Values below θ are converted to 0 and those above θ to 1, resulting in the grid water level height matrix H. The grid water level height ΔH is then calculated using Equation (5); in this case, θ is 0.7, and the GridPixel is 56.
3. Results
3.1. Model Accuracy
- Image ClusteringLeveraging the weather data from the Central Weather Bureau, the river images under investigation were categorized into three distinct classes: sunny, cloudy, and rainy.
- Initial Water Level DeterminationThe water level for the first frame in the test video was manually annotated to establish an initial reference point.
- Evaluation of the Virtual Water Gauge AccuracyThis process acknowledges that the river water level exhibits sudden surges or drops when an anomaly is observed in the virtual water gauge level, as demonstrated in Figure 20. A rapid decline promptly follows an increase, which we classify as a spike, signifying an error in the water level assessment. Figure 20a,b illustrate the outcomes of the Water Level Calculation Model under rainy and heavy rain conditions, respectively. The results of the Water Level Calculation Model under clear weather conditions are presented in Figure A1. If the current water level diverges from the previous one by more than θ, it is marked as a spike, indicating a potential error in the water level assessment. In this study, θ was assigned to correspond to GridPixel. The formula utilized to compute accuracy is provided by Equation (7):
3.2. Virtual Water Gauge System
- Main Functions: The CCTV monitoring function can capture images with a resolution of 1920 1080. It also detects the image grid water level and calculates the water level height utilizing a virtual water gauge.
- Specifications: The system has sensors for the temperature, humidity, light intensity, and rain detection. It also incorporates a waterproof infrared camera, an Internet of Things communication module, Arduino Mega2560, Raspberry Pi 4B, solar panels, a solar power manager, a rechargeable lithium battery, a waterproof box, and support rods.
- Power Supply: The system can accommodate a maximum power supply of 5 V, 3 A and utilizes a 20 W monocrystalline silicon solar panel and a 10 Ah lithium battery.
- Cost: USD 750.
3.3. Grid-Based Methods and Infrastructure Integration
- Speed and Efficiency: As indicated in the tests, the system can process images swiftly, even on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi. This facilitates near-real-time monitoring, essential when immediate responses to fluctuating water levels are needed, such as during floods or heavy rainfall.
- Accessibility and Cost-Effectiveness: Using a Raspberry Pi makes the system highly accessible and cost-effective. A Raspberry Pi is affordable and widely available, allowing system deployment in multiple locations without substantial financial expenditure.
- Automation and Accuracy: The system automates the process of water level monitoring, eliminating the need for time-consuming and error-prone manual measurements. Incorporating image recognition and the virtual water gauge also enhances the precision of water level readings.
- Flexibility: The system can be adapted to monitor various rivers or bodies of water by simply changing the image source, making it a flexible solution tailored to diverse monitoring needs.
- Environmentally Friendly: The ability of the system to operate on a low-powered device like a Raspberry Pi means it can be powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, marking it as an environmentally friendly solution.
4. Discussion
- Clarifying Model AccuracyThe initial data accuracy for rainy days was 50.1%, mainly due to threshold prediction errors within the dynamic binarization prediction model. This resulted from the reduced sample size during heavy rainfall periods, which diluted the binarization threshold characteristics during the modeling process.While the adjusted accuracy increased to 83.6%, we could further augment the model accuracy by applying techniques such as Resampling [52], Cost-Sensitive Learning [53], or other methods to manage unbalanced datasets and enhance the model’s ability to predict binarization thresholds.Alternatively, installing a photometric sensor at the monitoring site to set the binarization threshold directly based on lumen values could minimize errors in the judgment of the virtual water gauge water levels due to the binarization threshold.
- The Relationship between Weather and Virtual Water Gauge AccuracyWe categorized the images into sunny, cloudy, and rainy conditions to analyze the influence of different weather scenarios on the model.
- During sunny days, spikes were primarily attributed to misinterpretations caused by sun reflections on the grid, fallen leaves or other debris, and large waves created by strong winds on the water’s surface.
- On cloudy days, the reflection and shadow on the water surface, influenced by cloud variations, could cause the intensity of the sunlight on the river surface to change rapidly as the cloud layer moves. This may induce fluctuations in the light intensity during the image processing stage, potentially leading to inaccuracies in water level detection. Consequently, future measures may require algorithm adjustments or the utilization of data from other sensors to mitigate the impact of these light fluctuations on water level measurements.
- On rainy days, especially during intense rainfall, the selected grid was filled with rainwater, leading to misjudgments of a full water level, or the rain hitting the water surface caused large waves, leading to misjudgments of a waterless state.
- Merits of the Grid-Based ApproachThe grid-based method used in this study offers two key benefits:
- Efficiency in Image Processing: With the image size of 1920 × 1080 pixels and the grid size of 56 × 56 pixels, this approach substantially reduces the computational complexity and workload by up to 98.6%. This efficiency enables real-time river water level monitoring, enhancing the system’s overall performance.
- Precision in Height Calculations: Unlike traditional water gauges that use meter units, the grid height calculations allow for a more detailed height scale, capturing exact height data, such as 1.23 m. This granularity provides comprehensive height information, enhancing the accuracy and precision of water level measurements and predictions.
- Limitations and Future DirectionsCompared to physical water gauges, a fundamental limitation of this research is the necessity to gather river image data under various climatic conditions for training before deployment unless preexisting historical river image data are available.We plan to introduce an automated process in future research to overcome this limitation. This approach will involve establishing a computerized data collection and processing workflow to save time and ensure data consistency.In instances where rivers are equipped with actual water gauges, the scale of the virtual water gauge can be defined based on the water gauge in the image. However, another challenge arises for rivers without real water gauges. In these cases, a temporary ruler must be established on-site during the initial setup. This ruler is then screen-captured, and the scale of the virtual water gauge is defined through it.In response to these challenges, our lab is harnessing Augmented Reality (AR) technology to measure object heights using CCTV or mobile camera devices such as mobile phones. This approach aims to alleviate the need for physically establishing a ruler on-site.Furthermore, we plan to apply geometric and trigonometric functions to correct height deviations caused by camera angles. These advancements can significantly enhance the accuracy and applicability of virtual water gauges. By implementing these strategies, we aim to address the current limitations and expand the application of virtual water gauges, enabling swift deployment in most rivers.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Model Type | Specification | Computing Time |
PC | CPU: i5-8300H GPU: GTX: GTX-1650 RAM: 20 GB | 0.1259 s |
Raspberry Pi 4 B | CPU: ARM Cortex A72 RAM: 8 GB | 0.5418 s |
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Chen, J.-F.; Liao, Y.-T.; Wang, P.-C. Development and Deployment of a Virtual Water Gauge System Utilizing the ResNet-50 Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time River Water Level Monitoring: A Case Study of the Keelung River in Taiwan. Water 2024, 16, 158.
Chen J-F, Liao Y-T, Wang P-C. Development and Deployment of a Virtual Water Gauge System Utilizing the ResNet-50 Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time River Water Level Monitoring: A Case Study of the Keelung River in Taiwan. Water. 2024; 16(1):158.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Jui-Fa, Yu-Ting Liao, and Po-Chun Wang. 2024. "Development and Deployment of a Virtual Water Gauge System Utilizing the ResNet-50 Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time River Water Level Monitoring: A Case Study of the Keelung River in Taiwan" Water 16, no. 1: 158.
APA StyleChen, J.-F., Liao, Y.-T., & Wang, P.-C. (2024). Development and Deployment of a Virtual Water Gauge System Utilizing the ResNet-50 Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time River Water Level Monitoring: A Case Study of the Keelung River in Taiwan. Water, 16(1), 158.