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Irrigation and Agricultural Opportunities: Evaluating Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Suitability and Productivity in Lebanon

Rhend Sleiman
Jocelyne Adjizian Gerard
Salim Fahed
Mladen Todorovic
Mohamed Houssemeddine Sellami
Rossella Albrizio
5,* and
Marie Therese Abi Saab
Climate and Water Unit, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Fanar 90-1965, Lebanon
Department of Geography, CREEMO (Centre de Recherche en Environnement-Espace Méditerrannée Orientale), Saint Joseph University, Beirut 17-5208, Lebanon
CIHEAM—Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Via Ceglie 9, 70010 Valenzano, Italy
Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples, 80055 Portici, Italy
National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (CNR–I.S.A.FO.M.), P.le Enrico Fermi 1–Loc. Granatello, 80055 Portici, Italy
Department of Agriculture, The School of Engineering, The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh P.O. Box 446, Lebanon
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Water 2024, 16(13), 1865;
Submission received: 31 May 2024 / Revised: 22 June 2024 / Accepted: 24 June 2024 / Published: 28 June 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Improved Irrigation Management Practices in Crop Production)


Within the prevalent challenges posed by climate change and decreasing resources, this research underscores the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural practices combined with efficient water resource management. Employing comprehensive climate and soil suitability analyses, this research analyzed the capacity of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to adapt to Lebanon’s heterogeneous environmental landscapes across two distinct growing seasons (autumn and spring). Both climate and edaphic suitability mapping were conducted to study hemp’s suitability. AquaCrop v.7.1 was used to simulate seed yield, biomass production, irrigation needs and yield water productivity in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon for the two considered seasons. The findings revealed that approximately 30% and 19% of Lebanon’s land exhibit suitability for hemp cultivation during the spring and autumn seasons, respectively. According to AquaCrop model simulations, under the prevailing climatic conditions, the predicted seed yield will range from 3.7 to 5.6 t ha−1 under rainfed conditions and will reach 11.1 t ha−1 for irrigated cultivation. Moreover, employing efficient irrigation techniques during the spring season showed a significant improvement in both yield and biomass of hemp. The enhancement was evident, with notable increases of 112.22% in yield and 96.43% in biomass compared to rainfed conditions. This research highlights the importance of identifying suitable regions within Lebanon capable of supporting hemp cultivation in a sustainable manner. Such research not only promises economic development but also aligns with broader global sustainability objectives.

1. Introduction

In the face of escalating challenges posed by climate change and the increasing scarcity of natural resources, there has been a growing emphasis on the adoption of bioeconomically sustainable practices in agriculture. This shift is particularly crucial when considering the effective use of water resources, a vital component of agricultural ecosystems. Researchers such as Chartzoulakis et al. [1] and Patle et al. [2] have underlined the crucial role of sustainable water management in agriculture. They advise enhancing water-use efficiency through the implementation of advanced irrigation technologies and adaptive measures. O’Neill and Dobrowolski [3] and Sapkota [4] have further emphasized the urgency of improved water management strategies in response to a changing climate. These authors highlighted the importance of trans-disciplinary approaches and explored the potential of unconventional water sources, such as reclaimed or recycled water, in mitigating water scarcity in agriculture.
In this context, hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is considered a promising crop for sustainable agriculture owing to its remarkable versatility and wide-ranging bioeconomic applications. The environmental consequences of hemp cultivation have drawn increased attention, with assessed impacts related to land cover change, water use, pesticide utilization, energy consumption, and air pollution [5,6]. Despite the recognition of these issues, the quasi-legal status of cannabis has posed a substantial obstacle to comprehensive research in this domain [7]. This legal ambiguity has resulted in a paucity of reliable data and a fragmented understanding of the environmental footprint of hemp cultivation.
Among the challenges posed by its ambiguous legal status, there is a pressing need to identify regions providing sustainable hemp production. Such a pursuit holds the potential to not only alleviate expenses for cultivators but also elevate the overall quality of hemp products and foster positive impacts on local economies [5]. This requires a thorough assessment of the environmental implications associated with hemp cultivation, a task complicated by the scarcity of data [6].
Lebanon prohibited the cultivation, sale, and consumption of hemp and hemp-related items for any reason until 22 April 2020 [8]. After decades of debate and controversy, the Lebanese parliament decided in April 2020 to legalize the cultivation, manufacturing, and sale of hemp for medical reasons [9]. In Lebanon, cultivation of hemp could constitute an opportunity for sustainable development while creating potential economic development. It could actively stimulate the Lebanese economy [10]. In this country, there are very few studies on hemp cultivation. For example, Sleiman et al. [11] and Al Khoury et al. [12] have studied the agronomic characteristics and the antioxidant effect of Lebanese hemp; however, there are still no studies on the potential suitability of this crop to grow and provide yields under the different agro-homogeneous zones of the country.
Within the ambit of this overarching framework, the primary objective of this study was to assess the suitability of various agro-homogeneous zones in Lebanon for hemp cultivation, taking into account two distinct growing seasons (autumn and spring). This investigation considered crucial factors such as crop yield, biomass production, irrigation needs, and water productivity. This study provided insights that can help with strategic decisions about hemp cultivation, promoting sustainable practices and optimizing its environmental impact. This research represents a significant step toward fostering a more informed and conscientious approach to hemp cultivation, aligning it with the broader global agenda of achieving sustainable agriculture and mitigating the challenges posed by a changing climate and dwindling natural resources.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

All regions of Lebanon were considered in this study. The areas of no interest, such as urban areas, forest cover, water bodies, etc. were all masked.
Lebanon is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters. There are 360,000 hectares of arable agricultural lands in Lebanon. This comprises 35% of the country’s surface area [13]. The greatest concentration of agricultural lands is located in the Bekaa Valley (42% of the total cultivated area), followed by Northern Lebanon (26%), Southern Lebanon (22%), and Mount Lebanon (9%). These lands grow a wide variety of crops. Thirty-one percent of total agricultural production are fruit trees, 23% are olives, 20% are cereals, 17% are vegetables, and the remaining nine percent are industrial crops, like tobacco, grape vineyards, and others [13]. In this country, the agricultural zones are organized according to the Agriculture Homogeneous Zoning (AHZ) method [14], as represented in Figure 1. The description of the different AHZs are provided in Table S1.

2.2. Assessment of the Suitability of the Agro-Homogeneous Zones of Lebanon for Hemp Growing

Both climate and edaphic suitability mapping were conducted to study hemp suitability by considering an index from 0 to 100 describing the degree of adaptability of a crop in each environment. This scale was then converted to standard land suitability classes (highly suitable, suitable, etc.) as provided in [15] and based on the agro-ecological zoning approach [16]. Agro-ecological requirements for individual crops were extracted from FAO EcoCrop [17] (Table S2) as provided in [18]. A Geographic Information System was used to process all of the needed mapping.

2.2.1. Climate Suitability

Monthly climate layers of temperature and rain at 1 km spatial resolution were downloaded from the WorldClim dataset [19]. The datasets correspond to weather averages (1970–2000) in geospatial formats allowing the performance of the suitability analysis at a national level. The downloaded layers were used to produce climate suitability maps for two possible calendar year seasons: autumn (November to April) and spring (April to October).
The temperature and rain suitability indices were calculated using the following formulas, as reported in [15]. Particularly, the monthly temperature suitability index (Tmi) was first calculated as follows:
T m i = 0   T a i < T A m i n   T a i T A m i n T O m i n T A m i n × 100   T A m i n < T a i < T O m i n   100   T O m i n < T a i < T O m a x   1 T a i T O m a x T A m a x T O m a x × 100   T O m a x < T a i < T A m a x   0   T a i > T A m a x  
where Tai is the average monthly temperature for the location i, TAmin and TAmax are the marginal or absolute temperature averages for a species to survive, and TOmin and TOmax are the optimal minimum and maximum temperature averages for the species to grow and produce yield based on the FAO EcoCrop database.
Then, for each considered season, the seasonal temperature suitability for a crop was the minimum of all monthly indices that fall within the season s:
T S s i = m i n T m 1 i , T m 2 i , , T m n i
where TSsi is the total temperature suitability for season s at location i.
Finally, the rain suitability index was calculated by aggregating the monthly rain for each season using the following two formulas [15]:
R s i = s u m R m 1 i , R m 2 i , , R m n i
R S s i = 0   R s i < R A m i n   R s i R A m i n R O m i n R A m i n × 100   R A m i n < R s i < R O m i n   100   R O m i n < R s i < R O m a x   1 R s i R O m a x R A m a x R O m a x × 100   R O m a x < R s i < R A m a x   0   R s i > R A m a x  
where Rsi is the sum of rainfall (Rmi) for season s at location i and RAmin, ROmin, ROmax, and RAmax are the rainfall requirements for marginal and optimal conditions in millimetres/season based on data provided by the FAO EcoCrop database.
The climate suitability map obtained for each season corresponds to the average of the temperature and rain suitability indices layers.

2.2.2. Edaphic Suitability

Soil data were acquired from the SoilGrids global dataset, which provides gridded data based on a database of 150,000 soil profiles and physically based covariates including geomorphological data and global datasets of satellite images at 250 m spatial resolution [20]. Data on soil texture and pH were considered. Soil texture was defined using qualitative variables that are “light”, “medium”, and “heavy” as provided in the FAO EcoCrop database. This information was used to prespecify the soil texture in the form of % sand and % clay using known soil texture classifications [21]. The equation for deriving the texture index was as provided [15]:
T X T S i = 100   C o t = h e a v y   A N D   S N D i < 65   100   C o t = m e d i u m   A N D   S N D i < 52   O R   C L Y i < 27   100   C o t = l i g h t   A N D   C L Y i < 15   25   e l s e
where Cot is the optimal soil texture required for a given crop. Soil texture was considered as a function of the SNDi and CLYi variables, which are the relative presence of sand and clay particles, respectively.
A pH suitability index was calculated by defining optimal and suboptimal conditions for plant growth [15]:
p H S i = 0   p H i < p H A m i n   p H i p H A m i n p H O m i n p H A m i n × 100   p H A m i n < p H i < p H O m i n   100   p H O m i n < p H i < p H O m a x   1 p H i p H O m a x p H A m a x p H O m a x × 100   p H O m a x < p H i s < p H A m a x   0   p H i s > p H A m a x  
The final edaphic suitability map was produced as the average of the soil texture and pH layers.
Finally, two hemp suitability maps were created by considering the average of the climate and edaphic suitability maps: one for autumn and another one for spring. Then, a Land Cover Land Use map for Lebanon for year 2020, extracted from the FAO-WAPOR portal [22], was used to mask the areas of no interest, such as urban areas, forest cover, and water bodies.

2.3. Simulations with AquaCrop

AquaCrop v.7.1 was used to simulate the hemp seed yield, biomass production, irrigation needs, and yield water productivity in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon for the two considered seasons. AquaCrop is a crop water productivity model developed by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) that is able to simulate the response to water of herbaceous crops [23,24]. The model requires input data on the climate, crop, and soil conditions. In this study, the crop parameters used for hemp were the same as those calibrated and validated by other authors [18,25,26,27,28,29,30,31]. The crop parameters are provided in Table 1. Daily weather data from the ESA Copernicus AgERA5 database [32] were obtained for 10 years (2010–2019). It consisted of daily rainfall, temperature, and solar radiation data collected at 0.1 degree resolution and downloaded for each agro-homogeneous zone. Yield maps were generated using a Geographic Information System (GIS) by the ordinary kriging interpolation method based on the agro-homogeneous zones locations.

3. Results

The overall suitability maps for hemp cultivation are presented in this part. In addition to the seasonal rain and reference evapotranspiration (ETo), seed yield, biomass, normalized water productivity, and irrigation needs for the autumn and spring seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon are shown using Aquacrop simulations.

3.1. Hemp Suitability Maps

The layers representing rainfall, temperature, and soil suitability are provided in Figures S1–S4 in the Supplementary Materials. During the autumn season, the climate predominantly favors hemp cultivation in terms of total seasonal rainfall, even if not in terms of temperature (except for some coastal areas and southern regions of the country as shown in Figure S2). Conversely, in the spring season, while total seasonal rainfall presents a limiting factor, temperature conditions are favorable across many parts of the country. Therefore, the viability of planting hemp in the spring depends largely on effective irrigation practices. The soil suitability for hemp cultivation ranges from suitable to highly suitable in numerous regions, primarily due to the prevalence of medium to friable soils in Lebanon, which are suitable for hemp growth.
The overall suitability maps for the cultivation of hemp in the autumn and spring seasons in Lebanon are presented in Figure 2.
Table 2 and Table 3 provide the percentage distribution of areas within the agro-homogeneous zones (AHZ) classified into different suitability classes for the autumn and spring seasons, respectively. According to this evaluation, approximately 30% of Lebanon’s territory holds potential for hemp cultivation. In autumn, 1% of the total land is deemed highly suitable (suitability index > 80%), 5% is suitable (suitability index 60–80%), 13% is moderately suitable (40–60%), while the remaining 11% is considered permanently unsuitable for hemp cultivation. In spring, 1% of the total land is highly suitable, 18% is suitable, and 11% is moderately suitable. In certain regions such as the coastal plains of Lebanon, it may be possible to cultivate hemp across multiple seasons.

3.2. AquaCrop Simulations Results

The climate characteristics of the agro-homogeneous zones during the two hemp growing seasons (autumn and spring) are shown in Figure 3 and Table 4, respectively. The total rain for the autumn season fluctuated between a minimum of 82.2 mm and a maximum of 1312.3 mm, while the cumulative reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was between 153.7 and 249.3 mm. For the spring season, the total rain was between 7.3 and 118.4 mm, while the ETo ranged between 535.6 and 710.3 mm.
In the autumn season under rainfed hemp cultivation, the average biomass, seed yield, and normalized water productivity (WP) were 3.7 ± 4.0 t ha−1, 0.3 ± 0.6 t ha−1 and 0.1 ± 0.3 kg m−2, respectively (Table 4). In the spring season, the average biomass, yield, and WP under rainfed conditions were 5.6 ± 0.5 t ha−1, 0.9 ± 0.1 t ha−1 and 0.4 ± 0.1 kg m−2, respectively, while under irrigated conditions, the values were 11.0 ± 0.7 t ha−1, 2.0 ± 0.1 t ha−1 and 0.4 ± 0.0 kg m−2, respectively (Table 4). When hemp is grown under irrigated conditions in spring, it requires between 331.8 and 544 mm of seasonal net irrigation amounts (Table 4).
Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 show, respectively, the Aquacrop simulated hemp seed yield, biomass, normalized water productivity and net irrigation amounts for the autumn and spring seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones. Autumn is characterized by a lower seed yield than the rainfed and irrigated conditions of the spring season. Some AHZs, particularly those located in Mount Lebanon, such as the coastal zone of central Mount Lebanon and in South Lebanon, such as the Plain of Saida, Plain of Sour, and Plateau of Sour are characterized by a higher seed yield than other AHZs > 1.5 t ha−1 (Figure 4).
Autumn is characterized by a lower biomass than the rainfed and irrigated conditions of the spring season. Some AHZs, particularly those located in Mount Lebanon, such as the coastal zone of central Mount Lebanon and Iklim Elkharroub; in Akkar, the Plain of Akkar and Minieh; and in South Lebanon, such as the Plain of Saida, Plateau of Saida, Plain of Sour, and Plateau of Sour, are characterized by higher biomasses than the other AHZs > 8 t ha−1 (Figure 5).
Autumn is characterized by lower normalized water productivity than the rainfed and irrigated conditions of the spring season. Some AHZs, particularly those located in Mount Lebanon, such as the coastal zone of central Mount Lebanon; and in South Lebanon, such as the Plain of Saida, Plain of Sour, and Plateau of Sour, are characterized by higher normalized water productivity than the other AHZs > 0.8 kg m−2 (Figure 6).
Higher net irrigation amounts are recorded in some AHZs, particularly those located in Baalbek El Hermel and Bekaa (Figure 7). In general, the results showed that the autumn season is characterized by a lower biomass, yield and WP than the rainfed and irrigated conditions of the spring season. Potential yield maps showing the pattern of spatial distribution are given in Figure 8.

4. Discussion

Hemp cultivation is feasible in nearly all regions of Lebanon when planted in spring. Areas exhibiting moderate suitability for spring planting are primarily concentrated in the Bekaa Valley (Figure 2), where rainfall levels fall below 600 mm. However, these areas could also become highly suitable for hemp cultivation with the implementation of appropriate irrigation practices. Additionally, only the coastal areas and some southern regions of Lebanon are suitable for hemp cultivation during the autumn season.
Autumn cultivation is characterized by a lower biomass, seed yield and WP than the rainfed and irrigated conditions of spring. However, it should be highlighted that some AHZs (mentioned above) are able to provide hemp productivity that is even higher than that of an irrigated spring season. In addition, those AHZs can provide two cultivation periods per year (Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8).
In Lebanon, the need to evaluate the suitability and productivity of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is becoming increasingly crucial due to the growing challenges posed by climate change and the limited availability of natural resources, particularly water.
Climate change is intensifying pressures on agriculture, and concerns about deforestation and other environmental and socioeconomic challenges associated with traditional crops are intensifying. In this context, suitability maps and other assessment tools are invaluable resources for farmers and policymakers, enabling informed decisions about hemp cultivation while considering its ecological and economic benefits. Recent research findings [11] indicate that Lebanon has favorable conditions for hemp cultivation, making it a promising agricultural option. However, challenges persist, particularly regarding land availability. Approximately 70% of the nation’s land is unsuitable for hemp cultivation, with densely urbanized zones contributing significantly to this limitation.
According Wimalasiri et al. [18], the adaptability of hemp to various soil types and climates, coupled with its moderate tolerance to salinity, positions it as a viable crop across diverse regions, including marginal areas with saline and alkali soils. Furthermore, the observed average hemp seed yields in Lebanon, ranging from 3.7 to 5.6 t ha−1 under rainfed conditions and 11.07 t ha−1 under irrigation, exceed those documented by FAO-STAT [33] for various countries spanning the period between 2000 and 2022, which ranged from 0.1 t (Romania) to 3.0 t ha−1 (Australia). In rainfed Mediterranean environments, Gorchs et al. [34] reported relatively high hemp seed yields (0.60–1.43 t ha−1) compared to European regions. The deep root system of hemp facilitates sufficient water uptake, allowing it to meet its water requirements even during prolonged dry spells without over-exploiting water resources, rendering it well-adapted to a drier, warmer, and more erratic climate [35].
This study demonstrated that the adoption of irrigation methods significantly enhanced both the yield and biomass of hemp, resulting in an increase of 112.22 and 96.43%, respectively, compared to rainfed conditions. In the Mediterranean context, hemp emerged as a more suitable option for the pulp paper industry compared to flax, demonstrating an average stem dry matter yield of 9.12 kg ha−1 [36]. Salentijn et al. [37] highlighted the significant influence of hemp biomass yield and quality, which are shaped by both the genetic makeup of hemp cultivars and environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod. According to Lisson et al. [38], the optimal photoperiod for hemp cultivation is 14 h, yet the actual photoperiod experienced in Lebanon varies depending on the season. During spring (April–May), Lebanon typically witnesses a photoperiod ranging from approximately 14 to 15 h of daylight, while shorter daylight hours are observed during winter (around November–December), with a photoperiod ranging from approximately 9 to 10 h of daylight.
Comparatively, Wise et al. [39] indicated that hemp requires 38% less crop water, with a 60% lower water footprint, 84% reduced crop irrigation requirement, and 91% lower irrigated water footprint than cotton, making it a water-efficient and sustainable choice for fiber production. Additionally, the existing literature suggests that hemp displays high responsiveness to fertilization and other agronomic practices [40,41,42]. Deng et al. [43] specifically emphasized the significant impact of planting density and fertilization on hemp fiber yield, particularly nitrogen application. Therefore, the integration of strategies such as fertilizer application and optimization of plant densities holds potential for enhancing hemp yields in Lebanon. However, further research is needed to comprehensively explore and validate these approaches.
The rising global demand for hemp products is rapidly transforming it into a pivotal component of the agricultural economy in many regions. Lebanon stands poised to seize upon this opportunity. Nevertheless, beyond the regulatory, legal, and cultural hurdles associated with hemp cultivation, it is imperative to identify the most suitable regions for its cultivation, assess its potential yields, and evaluate how its production could yield economic benefits for both producers and the broader national economy. Conducting these preliminary analyses is crucial groundwork before initiating field studies, establishing supply chains, and implementing regulatory frameworks.

5. Conclusions

To facilitate decision-making regarding hemp cultivation in Lebanon, a comprehensive suitability assessment has been devised and effectively implemented at the national scale. With the potential legalization of hemp cultivation looming in Lebanon, there exists a propitious opportunity to capitalize on its favorable climate and promising yield potential. On average, approximately 30% and 19% of the country’s land exhibits suitability for hemp cultivation during the April and November seasons, respectively. The projected seed yield under prevailing climatic conditions not only aligns with but also exceeds the global average, indicating Lebanon’s potential to emerge as a formidable player in the international hemp market. Thus, by integrating suitability assessments with crop modeling, it can be deduced that hemp holds significant promise as an industrial crop in Lebanon. Nevertheless, conducting meticulous field experiments will be imperative to identify suitable hemp varieties, while substantial investment in research and development will be pivotal for optimizing cultivation practices.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Rain suitability classes for hemp grown in November (left) and April (right); Figure S2: Temperature suitability classes for hemp grown in November (left) and April (right); Figure S3: Climate suitability classes for hemp grown in November (left) and April (right); Figure S4: Soil suitability classes for hemp grown in November (left) and April (right); Table S1: The different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon [14]; Table S2: General agro-ecological species requirements for hemp as provided by FAO-EcoCrop and taken from Wimalasiri et al. [18].

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.T.A.S., R.A. and M.T.; methodology, M.T.A.S., R.S., M.H.S. and R.A.; software, M.T.A.S., M.H.S., S.F. and R.S.; writing—original draft preparation, M.T.A.S. and R.S.; writing—review and editing, M.T.A.S., M.H.S., R.S. and R.A.; supervision, R.A., M.T. and J.A.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. The Agricultural Homogeneous Zones of Lebanon.
Figure 1. The Agricultural Homogeneous Zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 2. Overall suitability map for Cannabis sativa L. grown in autumn (on the left) and spring seasons (on the right) in Lebanon.
Figure 2. Overall suitability map for Cannabis sativa L. grown in autumn (on the left) and spring seasons (on the right) in Lebanon.
Water 16 01865 g002
Figure 3. Seasonal rain and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for autumn and spring in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
Figure 3. Seasonal rain and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for autumn and spring in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 4. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. seed yield for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
Figure 4. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. seed yield for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 5. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. biomass for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
Figure 5. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. biomass for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 6. AquaCrop-simulated normalized Cannabis sativa L. water productivity (WP) for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
Figure 6. AquaCrop-simulated normalized Cannabis sativa L. water productivity (WP) for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 7. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. net irrigation amounts for spring season in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
Figure 7. AquaCrop-simulated Cannabis sativa L. net irrigation amounts for spring season in the different agro-homogeneous zones of Lebanon.
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Figure 8. Maps of seed yield (above) and normalized water productivity (below) for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons.
Figure 8. Maps of seed yield (above) and normalized water productivity (below) for autumn (rainfed) and spring (rainfed and irrigated) seasons.
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Table 1. AquaCrop input parameters for Cannabis sativa L.
Table 1. AquaCrop input parameters for Cannabis sativa L.
TbaseBase temperature (°C)1.5 1
Tupper Cut-off temperature (°C)40.0 1
CCxMaximum canopy cover (%)90 1
Zr minMinimum rooting depth (m)0.3
Canopy growth coefficient (CGC)Increase in canopy cover (fraction soil cover per day)0.1115
Canopy decline coefficient (CDC)Decrease in canopy cover (fraction soil cover per day)0.09615
Calendar days: from sowing to flowering89
Calendar days: from sowing to emergence10
Calendar days: from sowing to maximum rooting depth60
Calendar days: from sowing to start of senescence105
Calendar days: from sowing to maturity150
Length of the flowering stage (days)12
Build-up of harvest index (HI) starting at sowing90
Length of HI build-up15
Normalized water productivity (g m−2)15
HI (%) 18
Positive effect of HI as result of limited growth in vegetative periodModerate
Positive effect of HI as result of water stress affecting leaf expansionModerate
Water stress during flowering (p-upper)0.9
Negative effect on HI as a result of water stress inducing stomatal closureStrong
Aeration stress Sensitive
Plant population (plants ha−1)140,000
Note: 1 Amaducci et al. [32].
Table 2. The percentage distribution of areas with a potential for Cannabis sativa L. cultivation in the agro-homogeneous zones (AHZ) in relation to the different suitability classes for autumn.
Table 2. The percentage distribution of areas with a potential for Cannabis sativa L. cultivation in the agro-homogeneous zones (AHZ) in relation to the different suitability classes for autumn.
Autumn Season % Areas with Suitability Class
Agro-Homogeneous Zones (AHZ)Total Area (ha)Areas of No Interest (%)Highly UnsuitableUnsuitableModerately SuitableSuitableHighly Suitable
North Lebanon30Olive zone in Tripoli16,81883002134
31Fruit trees zone of Danniyeh29,19185001130
32Olive zone in Batroun-Koura32,8608100398
33 Mountainous zone of North Lebanon35,5889100810
10Coastal zone of Jbeil19,5778300494
Mount Lebanon11Mountainous zone of Northern Mount Lebanon65,4049000900
12Coastal zone of Northern Mount Lebanon16,9079500241
13Coastal zone of Central Mount Lebanon24,08580006111
14Mountainous Central Mount Lebanon26,44771012320
15Iqlim El Kharroub15,20781004130
16Mountainous zone of Chouf27,94269002730
South Lebanon60Plain of Saida15,84272002240
61Plateau of Saida11,32364001400
63Plain of Sour18,03777002210
64Plateau of Sour21,783620014220
71Iqlim El Teffah575558003140
73Bent Jbeil23,66343005120
Bekaa50Mountainous zone of Zahle15,22276061400
51Plain of Zahle15,105380234100
52Eastern watershed of Litani18,198690201200
53Western watershed of Litani16,885560103400
55Plain of Litani16,41636085900
Baalbek El Hermel40Western watershed of Orontes60,27887001120
41Northern plain of Orontes36,43735063600
42Southern plain of Orontes12,11760040000
43Deir El Ahmar18,633760141000
44Eastern watershed of Orontes37,82173026000
46Chaat and Younine29,83163037000
Aakkar20Plain of Aakkar and Minieh13,82183001116
21Plateau of Aakkar23,25669004250
22Fruit trees zone in Aakkar21,60871002540
23Qobayyat zone18,52464032840
All Lebanon1,004,082700111351
Table 3. The percentage distribution of areas with a potential for Cannabis sativa L. cultivation in the agro-homogeneous zone (AHZ) in relation to the different suitability classes for spring.
Table 3. The percentage distribution of areas with a potential for Cannabis sativa L. cultivation in the agro-homogeneous zone (AHZ) in relation to the different suitability classes for spring.
Spring Season % Areas with Suitability Class
Agro-Homogeneous Zones (AHZ)Total Area (ha)AHZ_Areas of No Interest (%)Highly UnsuitableUnsuitableModerately SuitableSuitableHighly Suitable
North Lebanon30Olive zone in Tripoli16,81883002141
31Fruit trees zone of Danniyeh29,19185001103
32Olive zone in Batroun-Koura32,86081001162
33Mountainous zone of North Lebanon35,5889100153
10Coastal zone of Jbeil19,57783002510
Mount Lebanon11Mountainous zone of Northern Mount Lebanon65,4049000145
12Coastal zone of Northern Mount Lebanon16,9079500221
13Coastal zone of Central Mount Lebanon24,08580003161
14Mountainous of Central Mount Lebanon26,44771001270
15Iqlim El Kharroub15,20781005140
16Mountainous zone of Chouf27,94269001300
South Lebanon60Plain of Saida15,842720015130
61Plateau of Saida11,32364003330
63Plain of Sour18,037770013110
64Plateau of Sour21,78362006310
71Iqlim El Teffah575558001401
73Bent Jbeil23,66343001560
Bekaa50Mountainous zone of Zahle15,22276004200
51Plain of Zahle15,105380012500
52Eastern watershed of Litani18,198690019120
53Western watershed of Litani16,88556002430
55Plain of Litani16,41636006570
Baalbek El Hermel40Western watershed of Orontes60,27887001030
41Northern plain of Orontes36,437350053120
42Southern plain of Orontes12,11760003730
43Deir El Ahmar18,63376007170
44Eastern watershed of Orontes37,82173002700
46Chaat and Younine29,83163003240
Aakkar20Plain of Aakkar and Minieh13,82183001160
21Plateau of Aakkar23,25669000310
22Fruit trees zone in Aakkar21,60871004250
23Qobayyat zone18,52464003330
All Lebanon1,004,082700011181
Table 4. Seed yield, biomass, normalized water productivity, and irrigation needs of Cannabis sativa L., and seasonal rain and ETo for the autumn and spring seasons in Lebanon.
Table 4. Seed yield, biomass, normalized water productivity, and irrigation needs of Cannabis sativa L., and seasonal rain and ETo for the autumn and spring seasons in Lebanon.
Rainfed_Autumn SeasonRainfed_Spring SeasonIrrigated_Spring Season
Seed yield (t ha−1)Minimum0.00.51.7
Standard deviation0.60.10.1
Biomass (t ha−1)Minimum0.15.09.4
Standard deviation4.00.50.7
WP (kg m−2)Minimum0.00.20.3
Standard deviation0.30.10.0
Seasonal net irrigation amounts (mm)Minimum0.00.0331.8
Standard deviation0.00.068.7
Seasonal rain (mm)Minimum82.27.3
Standard deviation325.430.5
Seasonal Eto (mm)Minimum153.7535.6
Standard deviation24.647.9
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Share and Cite

MDPI and ACS Style

Sleiman, R.; Gerard, J.A.; Fahed, S.; Todorovic, M.; Sellami, M.H.; Albrizio, R.; Abi Saab, M.T. Irrigation and Agricultural Opportunities: Evaluating Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Suitability and Productivity in Lebanon. Water 2024, 16, 1865.

AMA Style

Sleiman R, Gerard JA, Fahed S, Todorovic M, Sellami MH, Albrizio R, Abi Saab MT. Irrigation and Agricultural Opportunities: Evaluating Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Suitability and Productivity in Lebanon. Water. 2024; 16(13):1865.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sleiman, Rhend, Jocelyne Adjizian Gerard, Salim Fahed, Mladen Todorovic, Mohamed Houssemeddine Sellami, Rossella Albrizio, and Marie Therese Abi Saab. 2024. "Irrigation and Agricultural Opportunities: Evaluating Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Suitability and Productivity in Lebanon" Water 16, no. 13: 1865.

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