3.2 Porewater Dynamics of (Non-Peat) Alluvial Sediments
In contrast to expectations of the owner of portion 7, who reportedly considered selling his peat to the adjacent peat miners, no peat was detected at this site. Probing the sediment thickness along a transect from the left-hand side edge of the wetland to the GMB stream and later installing two transects of monitoring boreholes, mostly alluvial sediments were encountered consisting of partly reduced organic rich sludge of various thickness, underlain by sand and clay layers below (
Figure 13).
Figure 13.
Simplified cross section depicting the near-surface geological underground along the borehole transect at portion 7 (upper part) including a generalized soil profile (middle part) and the depth of each borehole (lower part).
Figure 13.
Simplified cross section depicting the near-surface geological underground along the borehole transect at portion 7 (upper part) including a generalized soil profile (middle part) and the depth of each borehole (lower part).
In order to capture the dynamics of the lateral inflow of the plume, a T-shaped transect design was chosen with a four-borehole transect running perpendicular to the stream and a three borehole transect running parallel (
Figure 14).
Figure 14.
The location and horizontal and vertical structure of the borehole transect at portion 7.
Figure 14.
The location and horizontal and vertical structure of the borehole transect at portion 7.
In addition to equipping selected boreholes with water level loggers (Swiss brand STS, non-vented) recording water levels at 10 min-intervals, water quality parameters (Electrical conductivity [EC], pH. T) from all boreholes (at different depths) were also measured manually at a weekly/fortnightly intervals including the manual capture of water levels, existence of salt crusts, vegetation growth and corresponding meteorological data that were subsequently archived in an EXCEL-spreadsheet.
Attempts to identify possible pollution and flow patterns through the combined interpretation of 3-dimensional spatial data (horizontal and vertical gradients have been determined) changing over time (two observation years) resulted in such a large degree of complexity that meaningful results were difficult to obtain (
Figure 15).
Figure 15.
Spatial and temporal variation of the water level and electrical conductivity of near surface alluvial groundwater as measured at weekly intervals in boreholes of the transect at portion 7 during July 2007 and June 2008.
Figure 15.
Spatial and temporal variation of the water level and electrical conductivity of near surface alluvial groundwater as measured at weekly intervals in boreholes of the transect at portion 7 during July 2007 and June 2008.
To overcome this problem, a method was developed to synoptically visualize the spatial and temporal changes of all monitored parameters by combining a high resolution GIS-based digital elevation model (3D) for the transect area superimposed with a GIS-generated extrapolation of the measured point data. Generating this for each measurement resulted in a time-series of GIS-images, which were then important into a PowerPoint file. Displaying them in rapid succession, their chronological order makes them appear as a dynamic sequence of parameter changes. This, in turn, makes it easier to visually observe spatial patterns and temporal correlations between parameter changes [
11] (
Figure 16).
Figure 16.
An example of a PowerPoint slide depicting the temporal change of water level and EC of alluvial groundwater at the borehole transect at portion 7 for a certain date of measurement. Parameters of possible relevance such as rainfall, air temperature, vegetation growth and salt crust coverage are also displayed. This slide represents 1 in a series of approximately 40 slides that cover all measurements taken over the 11 month observation period. Displaying all slides in rapid succession allows the viewer to perceive discrete results in an almost uninterrupted time-lapse camera like fashion. Superimposed onto DEM associated spatial changes such as growing or shrinking of inundated areas are displayed in a (quasi) 3D-manner.
Figure 16.
An example of a PowerPoint slide depicting the temporal change of water level and EC of alluvial groundwater at the borehole transect at portion 7 for a certain date of measurement. Parameters of possible relevance such as rainfall, air temperature, vegetation growth and salt crust coverage are also displayed. This slide represents 1 in a series of approximately 40 slides that cover all measurements taken over the 11 month observation period. Displaying all slides in rapid succession allows the viewer to perceive discrete results in an almost uninterrupted time-lapse camera like fashion. Superimposed onto DEM associated spatial changes such as growing or shrinking of inundated areas are displayed in a (quasi) 3D-manner.
While no clear source of the plume could be identified, it appears that an upstream open pit where clay covering underlying dolomite was extracted for brick making may act as a basin collecting and channeling surface runoff towards the wetland. Moving underground along a shallow depression line, possibly indicates a subterranean karst channel. The runoff is subsequently contaminated either by fill material in the pit itself (ashes and other waste material from brick burning) or by geological features such as an outcrop of atypically weathered dolomite found in the area, or (hospital) waste dumped into the pit or a source located between the pit and the receiving wetland (or a combination of some or all factors).
The movement of the plume shows strong temporal changes with some dependence on rainfall and possibly vegetation patterns, which needs further analyses (
Figure 17).
Figure 17.
GIS-generated contours of Electrical Conductivity (EC) in shallow alluvial groundwater and water level elevation at the borehole transect at portion 7 and associated interpretations of possible flow patterns indicating plume movement and influx of (cleaner) stream water.
Figure 17.
GIS-generated contours of Electrical Conductivity (EC) in shallow alluvial groundwater and water level elevation at the borehole transect at portion 7 and associated interpretations of possible flow patterns indicating plume movement and influx of (cleaner) stream water.
3.3. Porewater Dynamics in Undisturbed in in situ Peat
- (a)
Peat thickness and monitoring design
The location of the station at portion 9 is shown in
Figure 18.
Figure 18.
Location and structure of the borehole transect in peat installed at portion 9 (underlying satellite image retrieved from Google map, September 2008).
Figure 18.
Location and structure of the borehole transect in peat installed at portion 9 (underlying satellite image retrieved from Google map, September 2008).
The area at portion 9 that is affected by polluted groundwater, is also covered by undisturbed
in situ peat deposits ranging in thickness from approximately 1 m to over 5 m [
13]. In order to investigate how far porewater in peat may be interacting with the nearby GMB stream, three boreholes were installed along a transect perpendicular to the course of the stream channel. At distances varying from 10 m from the left hand bank of the stream to 60 m and 80 m, up to 5 m-deep peat core were drilled and slashed plastic borehole casing (8 cm in diameter) installed. The cross section displaying the borehole transect in peat installed at portion 9 is shown in
Figure 19.
Peat from these boreholes was also used to determine the age of the deposits employing the radiocarbon method (analyses performed at the University of Kiel, Germany).
Much of the water flowing into the peatland is drained via the GMB stream running through the wetland. It is, therefore, important in assessing a potential filter function of the peat to establish how far water flowing in the stream could be routed through the peat as a prerequisite for any filter effect to take place.
Figure 19.
Cross section of the peat borehole transect at portion 9 indicating the position of different data logging sensors within the different boreholes.
Figure 19.
Cross section of the peat borehole transect at portion 9 indicating the position of different data logging sensors within the different boreholes.
- (b)
Hydraulic gradients and water quality depth profiles
The water table in the three boreholes measured shortly after installation-related fluctuations had stabilized, indicated a relatively flat hydraulic gradient towards the stream, suggesting (at least for the right hand bank area) that exfiltrating groundwater flows into the stream.
On-site measurement of vertical EC and Eh-profiles in all three boreholes suggest that the pore water quality of the peat differs along the transect. In all boreholes (BH), the EC was found to generally increase with depth by 100–400 µS/cm, reaching the maximum level of approximately 1,100 µS/cm in about 1 m depth at the borehole furthest away from the stream (BH ri 80 m) and at
ca. 2 m closest to the river (BH ri 10 m). The EC in BH ri 60 m reaches this maximum at around 1.2 m (
Figure 20).
The EC maximum at the three boreholes of approximately 1,050 µs/cm appears to occur at different depths below surface. It is the shallowest in the borehole furthest away from the stream (ri 80 m: at 1 m below surface) and occurs at a similar depth (1.2 m below surface) at adjacent borehole ri. 60 m (which is 20 m closer to the stream). In the latter borehole, the EC stays almost constant on the high level to a depth of 2.4 m below surface before dropping abruptly. This peculiar EC profile could perhaps indicate that polluted water is confined to a certain, 1.2 m-thick, sediment layer. In the near-stream borehole (ri 10 m) the EC maximum only starts at a depth of 2.1 m. Projecting the depth where the EC maximum occurs in the near-stream borehole to the two far-stream ones indicates a consistent dip towards the stream. This may reflect the dip of possible sediment/peat layer underground that perhaps facilitates the flow of polluted water across the wetland into the stream.
Figure 20.
Vertical gradients of the EC and redox potential (Eh) in peat porewater as measured in boreholes of the transect at portion 9.
Figure 20.
Vertical gradients of the EC and redox potential (Eh) in peat porewater as measured in boreholes of the transect at portion 9.
The fact that the EC minimum in the far- and near-stream boreholes (around 650 µS/cm) is below the EC of the adjacent stream (~740 µS/cm) suggests that there is little if any stream water infiltrating into the peat during normal flow conditions. This is also confirmed by the reducing conditions in the near-stream borehole, suggesting the absence of well oxidized stream water. In contrast, groundwater in both far-stream boreholes displays oxidizing conditions, which could be indicative of stream water from the nearby Mooi River as a possible source (
Figure 20).
- (c)
Event-related porewater dynamics: Flushing event (9 September 2007)
An artificial increase of water levels in the stream caused by additional water from the eye that had to be routed into the wetland due to maintenance work in the irrigation canal, provided a good opportunity to assess how far rising stream water levels may allow the surface water to infiltrate into the adjacent peat deposit. In contrast to rain events that are normally responsible for rising stream levels, at this event no accompanying infiltration of rainwater could possibly impact on the observed pore water levels leaving the stream as the only factor to explain possible pore water level changes.
Figure 21 shows how the temporary increase of surface water inflow into the wetland (displaying a typical rectangular shape caused by the immediate response of the water level to the opening and closing of the sluice gate at the dam wall) is reflected by a delayed and smoothed water level rise at the outflow of the wetland, reaching peak flow more than two days later.
Figure 21.
Changes in water level and EC of the GMB stream at the outflow of the wetland in response to the discharge of additional water into the wetland (flushing event) and the first spring rains (September 2007).
Figure 21.
Changes in water level and EC of the GMB stream at the outflow of the wetland in response to the discharge of additional water into the wetland (flushing event) and the first spring rains (September 2007).
With a distance between the in- and outflow of 3,247 m (±2% inaccuracy) and a time lag between the first discernable water level rise at both points of 5 hours and 50 minutes (±10 min resolution uncertainty and possible time deviations between the dataloggers of maximum 5 min.), the average flow velocity following the release of the water is approximately 0.15 m/s (±0.01 m/s). However, the different shapes of the hydrographs indicate that some of the released water did not flow straight down to the outflow (as it would, for example, in a concrete canal) but went elsewhere. While the flow peak at the sluice was reached immediately (straight vertical hydrograph) and maintained for the whole period of 2 days and 7 hours (straight horizontal graph), at the outflow the peak only occurs more than 2 days (58 h:40 min) later, lasting only a short period time (
Figure 21). It is, therefore, likely that a certain volume of the water flushed into the wetland (a total of approximately 80 ML/d consisting of 20 ML/d of base-inflow and 60 ML/d diverted from the irrigation canal) initially filled the available pore space in the vadose zone of alluvial sediments (unsaturated zone, similar to what is known as ‘bank storage’ [
15]) and possibly also inundated somewhat higher lying areas in the in the micro-relief of the adjacent floodplain.
The latter assumption may be supported by the accompanying rise in EC that almost mirrors the water level increase at the outflow. Since certain areas in the wetland have been covered by salt crusts that formed during the preceding (dry) winter months, their dissolution upon contact with water flooding parts of the crust covered areas may explain the rising EC (
Figure 21).
With increasing contact to sediments likely to occur during this phase, some of the floodwater may be filtered (depending on the mode of the water–sediment contact e.g., intra-sediment porous flow
vs. saturated overland flow). Following the initial flooding, the occurrence of the flow peak at the outflow station indicates a turning point when stream water levels start to fall again and receding water from flooded areas returns to the stream. With a falling limb of the hydrograph of almost three days (68 h:48 min) this phase is somewhat longer than the filling-up phase (
i.e., rising limb of the hydrograph), which lasted just over two days (53 h:20 min). Assuming that this time difference (here termed ‘excess time’: 15 h:28 min) is caused by water that was stored in the vadose zone of sediments and therefore released more slowly than water flowing back on surface from flooded areas, it could be used to semi-quantify the storage capacity of the peat and wetland sediments (the so-called ‘sponge effect’). Assuming similar volumes for water level changes at both gauging points (a very rough first approximation as both stations do not have reliable rating tables), the volume of water released during the excess time (=sponge effect) accounts for approximately 10% of the total water volume released over the flushing period (
Figure 22).
Figure 22.
Comparison of water level changes in the Gerhard Minnebron stream at the inflow and the outflow of the wetland as observed during a flushing event and first spring rains.
Figure 22.
Comparison of water level changes in the Gerhard Minnebron stream at the inflow and the outflow of the wetland as observed during a flushing event and first spring rains.
Analyzing corresponding water level changes in the borehole transect at portion 9 indicated that all boreholes responded to the rise in stream level with an increase (
Figure 23).
Figure 23.
Peat porewater level changes at the transect at portion 9 in response rising water levels in the adjacent stream during a flushing event (note the different scales of the double Y-axes slightly exaggerating borehole fluctuations compared to stream level changes).
Figure 23.
Peat porewater level changes at the transect at portion 9 in response rising water levels in the adjacent stream during a flushing event (note the different scales of the double Y-axes slightly exaggerating borehole fluctuations compared to stream level changes).
The most pronounced increase corresponding to the peak flow in the adjacent stream was observed in the near-stream borehole (
i.e., BH ri 10 m) displaying an increase of 133 mm compared to 158 mm and 170 mm stream level rise at the inflow and outflow stations, respectively. Since the outflow is some 340 m below the borehole transect of portion 9, the stream level rise at the transect may differ depending on the stream channel geometry at the site. However, comparing the different stream channel geometries of the inflow (gauging weir C2H011) and the outflow, the possible difference is likely to be marginal. Thus, the response of near-stream peat porewater (formed by alluvial groundwater) is only slightly weaker than the original stream level change. With growing distance from the stream the magnitude of the corresponding rise in groundwater levels in the peat decreases to 23 mm at BH ri 80 m (80 m from the stream bank;
Figure 24).
Figure 24.
Relationship between the increase water levels in boreholes and their distance from adjacent stream indicating that the rise in groundwater level associated with rising stream levels is highest near the stream and decreases non-linearly with increasing bank distance.
Figure 24.
Relationship between the increase water levels in boreholes and their distance from adjacent stream indicating that the rise in groundwater level associated with rising stream levels is highest near the stream and decreases non-linearly with increasing bank distance.
A similar pattern was observed when the time-lag between the initial water rise in the stream and the associated increase of groundwater levels in the peat was compared. As was to be expected, the time lag is shortest in the near-stream borehole and increases towards the edge of the wetland. Using the distance to the stream and the time lag between the stream level rise and subsequent groundwater response in the boreholes, the (lateral) hydraulic conductivity of the peat under water-saturated conditions can be calculated. The assumption was made that the observed rise in water level in the boreholes was caused by stream water physically moving from the stream channel into the respective boreholes in the peat deposit and not transmitted indirectly via hydraulic pressure or piston effects. (Note: Since stream level changes are measured some 340 m downstream from the borehole transect the stream level rise at portion 9 occurred somewhat earlier than recorded at the outflow. Based on the average flow speed of 0.15 m/s, the peak flow passed portion 9 approximately 38 min earlier than the outflow
i.e., at 19:15 on the 11 September 2007,
Figure 24).
Related to the peak flow in the stream, the lateral hydraulic conductivity of the adjacent peat deposit under water-saturated conditions deposit appears to be relatively high, when compared to values determined in column experiments for the (saturated) vertical hydraulic conductivity (5.6 × 10
−6 m/s) decreasing from a maximum of around 3 × 10
−3 m/s in the near stream peat to about a tenth of this value 80 m away from the stream (0.3 × 10
−3 m/s) (
Figure 25).
Figure 25.
The lateral hydraulic conductivity of peat in relation to the distance from the stream (calculated based on lags of water level responses in the boreholes at portion 9 to peak flow in the adjacent stream during a flushing event).
Figure 25.
The lateral hydraulic conductivity of peat in relation to the distance from the stream (calculated based on lags of water level responses in the boreholes at portion 9 to peak flow in the adjacent stream during a flushing event).
Calculating the water permeability (kf-value) for the peat between the three boreholes by using the respective differences in time and distance, largely confirms the values calculated for peat between each borehole and the stream (
Figure 23). However, for the peat located between the boreholes ri 60 m and ri 80 m, a significantly lower kf-value resulted (7.8 × 10
−5 m/s). Compared to the overall permeability for the peat between BH ri 80 m and the stream of 2.4 × 10
−4 m/s, this is 30-times lower. In this context, it may be important to note that borehole BH ri 80 m is just over 1 m deep compared to the well over 4 m depth of the other two. Should, for some reason, much of the lateral water movement from the stream into the peat occur in layers deeper than 1 m, that part of the water in borehole ri 80 m would have to move up vertically for the observed water level to increase. Since the vertical hydraulic conductivity of peat, as determined in column experiments, has been found to be considerably lower than the lateral one, this could be the reason for the significant delay in water level response between borehole ri 60 m and ri 80 m.
- (d)
Event-related porewater dynamics: first spring rain (26 September 2007)
The flushing of the wetland with water diverted from the irrigation canal (‘flushing event’) was followed two weeks later by the first spring rains (26–28 September 2007), with 65 mm over about three days (
Figure 21). Compared with the flushing event, the associated increase in flow at the inflow station is almost negligible while at the outflow the rise in water level is nearly as high as during the flush event with a very similar overall shape of the hydrograph (
Figure 21). This differential allows an estimate to be made of the runoff in the wetland catchment area in a first order approximation assuming that the rain caused similar peak flow and overall volumes to the flushing event, when over two days 60 ML/d were released into the wetland (totaling 120 ML for the whole event). Using GIS, the surface catchment area of the wetland was determined to be 4.0 km
2, of which the majority is located upstream of the eye and draining into the upper-most part of the wetland just below the inflow gauging weir (
Figure 26).
Figure 26.
Surface catchment area of the Gerhard Minnebron wetland (GIS: [
Figure 26.
Surface catchment area of the Gerhard Minnebron wetland (GIS: [
Assuming that the rain-related stream flow increase to a maximum of 60 ML/d (totaling an estimated 120 ML for the whole rain event) was derived from runoff from the 4 km
2-large surface catchment (
i.e., no other sources such as floodwater inflow via the shallow depression connecting the upper wetland to the upper Mooi River and Du Toit Spruit or subterranean inflow of groundwater), the 65 mm of rain resulted in a runoff of approximately 30 mm. Representing almost half of the received rainfall, the runoff coefficient for the wetland catchment (0.46) is comparatively high. This may be explained by the relative large percentage of the (comparatively small) catchment area being covered by open water and saturated or near–saturated peat and alluvial sediments allowing for rain to contribute almost without delay to the runoff. With little evapotranspiration losses during the actual rain event (the air is nearly saturated with water vapor indicated by a relative humidity of >90%) most of the remaining 54% of the rainwater most probably infiltrated into the relatively thin vadose zone of peat and alluvial sediments, thus recharging the shallow alluvial groundwater. This is supported by the swift and pronounced increase of borehole water levels at portion 9 following the onset of rain (
Figure 27).
Figure 27.
Water level changes in boreholes at portion 7 as well as at the in- and outflow of the GMB stream in response to rainfall (September 2007).
Figure 27.
Water level changes in boreholes at portion 7 as well as at the in- and outflow of the GMB stream in response to rainfall (September 2007).
In contrast to the flushing event, the groundwater response to the rain shows no horizontal gradient in magnitude
i.e., no weakening away from the stream. With increases of 170 mm at BH ri 10 m, 138 mm at BH ri 60 m and 207 mm at BH ri 80 m, the highest increase does, in fact, occur in the borehole furthest away from the stream. Since the rain coincides with the diurnal water level increase in the afternoon, it is difficult to determine exactly when the rain-triggered water level rise starts. After the first count of rain was measured at 16:03 (
i.e., the rain must have started before this time) all boreholes show an increase above diurnal oscillation levels within 30–60 min (
Figure 27). This suggests that the infiltrating rainwater reaches the groundwater surface in less than an hour after the rain started. While the groundwater level in both far-stream boreholes remains relatively high after the rains, showing only a slow linear decrease, the near-stream groundwater level drops quicker, possibly indicating easier drainage into the adjacent stream which displays a similar hydrograph.
In contrast to the flushing event where rising stream levels are mirrored by a parallel increasing EC in the stream water, the latter drops significantly in response to the rain event, showing an inverse relation to the stream flow (
Figure 21). This inverse relation between water level and EC in the stream water is probably related to the dilution caused by relatively large volumes of clean rainwater entering the system.
However, the response of the EC in the near stream groundwater (BH ri 10 m) displays the opposite behavior,
i.e., showing a strong increase soon after the groundwater level starts to rise in response to the rain (
Figure 28).
Figure 28.
Changes in water level and EC in near-stream groundwater in response to the first spring rains (September 2007).
Figure 28.
Changes in water level and EC in near-stream groundwater in response to the first spring rains (September 2007).
Compared to the rain-triggered EC-drop observed in the stream (from 790 to 750 µS/cm: 40 µS/cm), the EC-increase in the near-stream groundwater is more than an order of magnitude higher, almost doubling from just over 700 µS/cm to close to 1,500 µS/cm (770 µS/cm). The latter value indicates a significant level of salt pollution. The EC level reaches the peak about one day after the water level, gradually approaching the pre-event level along with falling groundwater levels. This decline is only shortly interrupted by a small, renewed increase triggered by another rainfall event four days after the EC peak (
Figure 28). A possible explanation for the different reactions of stream water and groundwater to the first spring rain rainfall may be the dissolution of salt crusts covering parts of the sediment surface by rainwater before percolating through the vadose zone of the peat towards the groundwater table. This would result in a simultaneous increase of groundwater level and EC as the former is caused by polluted, percolating rainwater.
Figure 28 indicates, however, that the WL-changes precede the EC increase by several hours rendering the dissolution of surface crusts by infiltrating rainwater unlikely to be the cause of the EC-increase. Since the EC rises after the groundwater increases, it is more likely that salt deposited in the vadose peat zone is slowly dissolved as it comes in contact with the rising groundwater. The falling groundwater levels in this zone allow deeper groundwater to dilute the increased salt load of the upper groundwater layer. This would also explain the renewed EC-increase that accompanies the second water level rise triggered by the following rain event.
The steadily increasing EC in the adjacent stream could point to much of the polluted alluvial groundwater slowly exfiltrating into the stream following the re-established hydraulic gradient after the stream level subsided again (
Figure 28).
- (f)
Diurnal water level fluctuations
In addition to the pronounced responses to the flushing and the rain events, the water level in all boreholes also displays diurnal fluctuations ranging from a maximum of 20 mm/d near the stream channel to 19 mm/d in borehole (BH) ri 60 m and only 9 mm/d in BH ri 80 m. Reaching the daily maximum early in the morning at around 6:00–7:00 hours, during the day the WL drops to a minimum reached at around 14:30–16:30. During the night the WL rises again to the early morning maximum (
Figure 23). While this may suggest evapotranspiration losses from the shallow groundwater table (which may at times even be above the surface [
16]), as an underlying cause one first needs to exclude possible technical effects first. Schrader (2010) found that insufficient temperature compensation in pressure-based WL-sensors results in the recording of daily ‘pseudo-fluctuations’ of the WL (following the temperature cycle) while, in fact, the water level remains constant [
16]. While this was determined in non-vented pressure sensors (which also react to atmospheric pressure changes) it may also affect vented sensors used in the boreholes. However, comparing the simultaneously recorded water temperature with the water level does not indicate any synchronic changes (
Figure 29).
Figure 29.
Comparison between diurnal fluctuations of the groundwater level (BH ri 60 m) and the groundwater temperature, indicating that the recorded diurnal level oscillations are not induced by possible temperature fluctuations.
Figure 29.
Comparison between diurnal fluctuations of the groundwater level (BH ri 60 m) and the groundwater temperature, indicating that the recorded diurnal level oscillations are not induced by possible temperature fluctuations.
It is, therefore, assumed that the porewater level in the peat indeed fluctuates daily by 10–20 mm. Especially at BH ri 10 m, where overall reducing conditions below the water table prevail (
Figure 20), this means that an approximately 2 cm-thick peat layer is subjected to regular redox changes alternating between oxidizing conditions for several hours during the day and reducing conditions during night time. This, in turn, may have relevance for the immobilization and remobilization especially of redox-sensitive heavy metals such as U. Should the reaction (kinetics) of oxidizing U be fast enough, this may result in diurnal pulses of U being released from the peat into the porewater whenever reducing conditions change to oxidizing conditions during the course of the day. With rather slow physical water movement through the peat, this would, however, not necessarily result in U peaks entering the adjacent stream allowing for subsequent immobilization of U from the porewater after reducing conditions returned.
Apart from increased evaporation during day time, these fluctuations could possibly also be caused by (temperature-induced) volumetric changes of the peat (in German known as ‘Mooratmung’—mire breathing) [
18]. The latter possibility, however, still needs to be investigated.