2.1. Wastewater Reclamation Criteria
Considering the reuse criteria for domestic reclaimed effluent for irrigation in Israel [
19], several major routes can be identified: (i) water has to be disinfected [
20]; (ii) the daily average turbidity should not exceed 2 NTUs’: 5 NTUs’ should not be exceeded at any time during operation, and (iii) total coliform content should be below 2.2 per 100 mL and a maximum total content in any sample should not exceed 23 per 100 mL. In addition, if disinfection is achieved by means other than a chlorine-based process, then 4 logs reduction in F-specific bacteriophage MS2 must be achieved [
21] (Bacteriophage MS2 is a pathogen simulant used instead of pathogenic viruses and is essentially an icosahedral positive-sense single stranded RNA virus that infects the
Escherichia coli bacterium). The above criteria refer primarily to health and sanitary aspects. Additional criteria refer to BOD
5 and TSS content (5 days Biological Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids, respectively), in secondary effluent, up to 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L, respectively, and residual chlorine (for disinfection) in the applied effluent (at least 1 mg/L at end points of the irrigation system).
These standards can be met with traditional treatment and disinfection methods. However, domestic wastewater contains significant amounts of chloride ions. Typical chloride concentration in the supplied domestic tap water in Israel ranges from 250 to 600 mg/L and it is almost double that figure in raw domestic wastewater [
22]. Currently, Israel annually reclaims close to 70% of treated domestic wastewater out of the approximate fresh water supply of 600 × 10
6 m
3 per year. Accordingly, the estimated annual salt content in wastewater is around 100,000 ton/year out of 360,000 ton/year which are added to agricultural areas by irrigation [
23]. This high chloride ion content generates a major threat to achieving economic agriculture yields and maintaining sustainable production. It is well known that common filtration methods do not remove dissolved chloride ions.
Experts reviewed the existing information and developed practical guidelines for evaluating water quality for irrigation [
24] (
Table 1). Several different quality parameters are used to classify the suitability of water for irrigation and recommended ranges in reference to the minerals content (
Table 2) [
25]. High boron content is frequently associated with plant toxicity, and levels should not exceed those given in
Table 3 [
26]. Commonly, water with an Electrical Conductivity (EC) of less 0.5 dS/m can be applied as irrigation of most crops. With an EC of up to 1.0 dS/m, water can be applied for irrigation of medium tolerant crops. Water with higher EC values needs extra treatment, including optional desalination.
Table 1.
Guidelines for interpretation of mineral content in effluent applied for irrigation [
Table 1.
Guidelines for interpretation of mineral content in effluent applied for irrigation [24].
Potential | Type | Units | Degree of restrictions for use |
Irrigation problem | None | Slight to moderate | Severe |
Salinity | EC | dS/m | <0.7 | 0.7–3.0 | 3.0< |
TDS | mg/L | <450 | 450–2,000 | 2,000< |
Sodium | Surface irrigation | SAR | <0.3 | 3–9 | 9< |
Sprinkler irrigation | mmol/L | <3 | 3< | |
Chloride | Surface irrigation | mmol/L | <4 | 4–10 | 10< |
Sprinkler irrigation | mmol/L | <3 | 3< | |
Boron | | mg/L | <0.7 * | 0.7–3.0 | 3.0< |
Nitrogen | | mg/L | <5 | 5–30 | 30< |
Bicarbonate | | mmol/L | <1.5 | 1.5–8.5 | 8.5< |
pH | | | | 6.5–8.4 | |
Table 2.
Permissible limits for classes of irrigation water [
Table 2.
Permissible limits for classes of irrigation water [24,25].
Class | Electric conductivity μmhos | Total dissolved solids, ppm | Sodium % | Chloride mg/L | Sulfate meq/L |
Class 1, Excellent | 250 | 175 | 20 | 4 | 4 |
Class 2, Good | 250–750 | 175–525 | 20–40 | 4–7 | 4–7 |
Class 3, Permissible | 750–2,000 | 525–1,400 | 40–60 | 7–12 | 7–12 |
Class 4, Doubtful | 2,000–3,000 | 1,400–2,100 | 60–80 | 12–20 | 12–20 |
Class 5, Unsuitable | 3,000 | 2,100 | 80 | 20 | 20 |
Table 3.
Approximate limits of boron in irrigation water/effluent [
Table 3.
Approximate limits of boron in irrigation water/effluent [24,26].
Class | Permissible limits for boron (in ppm) for crop groups |
Sensitive(*) | Semi-tolerant(**) | Tolerant(***) |
Class 1, Excellent | <0.33 | <0.67 | <2.00 |
Class 2, Good | 0.33–0.67 | 0.67–1.0 | 2.0–4.0 |
Class 3, Permissible | 0.67–1.00 | 1.0–1.25 | 4.0–6.0 |
Class 4, Doubtful | 1.00–1.25 | 1.25–2.0 | 6.0< |
It is believed that soon, wastewater treatment levels will be also dictated by the requirements of local recipients and not only by some general regulations [
27]. The methods for evaluating the overall design and operation of wastewater treatment systems are therefore important for both economic and environmental considerations [
Testing pilot reclamation plants are based on the Integrated Membrane System (IMS) approach, and combine UF and RO membranes. The advantages of IMSs’ include: (i) brine is recovered in a concentrated liquid form, allowing recycling; (ii) generally, no expendable chemicals are needed; (iii) MF/UF filtrate quality is very good and the colloidal fouling load on the RO is reduced as given by the low Silt Density Index (SDI) and turbidity, and (iv) modular design allows less floor area, can be easily modified, is of high reliability and can be easily expanded. The IMS has several limitations: (i) potential of membrane fouling due to particulate settling or precipitation of dissolved solids, (ii) the flux of the MF/UF treatment units depends on organic concentration levels, and (iii) there are relatively high initial capital costs.
2.2. Management Modeling
Management models provide an effective means of rapidly testing and evaluating different scenarios for a given set of conditions [
29]. Well-defined models allow examination of many hypothetical situations, yielding perceptive insights. Although models frequently deviate from real life situations, they provide preferences towards optimal system selection and potential directions of preferable processes [
30]. These directions can be consequently interpreted by decision-makers in project evaluation and implementation [
The important tasks involved in managing water quality are to perform a cost-effective analysis, create an economic and environmental balance and turn sustainable water use into practice [
32]. The integrative approach is based on trying to encompass all relevant aspects of the membrane units under consideration. The various considerations of UF and RO plants can be viewed at the following levels: (i) the local level of specific processes-considering economic, chemical, physical, microbial and membrane performance aspects [
33], and (ii) at the regional level, having the complete picture of the water sources, supply and demand features and membrane characteristics [
30]. At this level, UF and RO membrane performance is only one link in a multi-component system. Extra aspects to be considered also include feed water quality, environmental considerations for the disposal (or reuse) of concentrates, regulating issues and related risks [
Intangible benefits and disadvantages of MF, UF and RO pilot membrane plants are those features that are difficult to quantify by monetary cost evaluation. However, they are relevant to the potential user decision. Although they are difficult (or impossible) to quantify, the intangible benefits and/or disadvantages of a technology can outweigh the results of the tangible cost evaluation, thus affecting the go/no-go decision of potential end users. For example, potential users may find it beneficial to implement membrane technology (considering increased plant safety, reduced future liability, promotion of positive public awareness, etc.), even if it is more costly than the baseline technology.
In general, investment costs for a new treatment plant can be assessed as a function of a similar process for known capacity characteristics and given infrastructure CapacityP1 (e.g., volume, area, required energy and flow rates) and given cost (CostP1, $/m3) and a scale-up factor nP:
CostP2 = KP × CostP1 × (CapacityP2/CapacityP1)nP (1)
where K
P is a typical coefficient, CostP
2 ($/m
3) is the infrastructure cost for the new planet with CapacityP
2. The exponent n
P is a parameter representing the economy of scale associated with the infrastructure cost components. The process capacity is typically chosen to be a relevant and easy measurable plant characteristic. Depending on the process unit, the range of n is between 0.25 and 1.0 [
34]. The CostE
2 expressing for non-membrane equipment and facilities can be expressed similarly as power law expressions, correlating the equipment cost to the membrane surface area requirement, and implementing a generic form [
CostE2 = KE ×CostE1 × (AmmE2/AmmE1)nE (2)
where K
E is a typical coefficient, CostE
2 and CostE
1 are the new and given costs respectively, for equipment depending on the surface area of the new and given membrane surface areas AmmE
2 and AmmE
1 respectively, and a scaling-up factor n
E. correlation analysis, including data from various sources allows obtaining values for the different parameters [
36]. The cost analysis is based on data from February 2010. However, there are negligible differences between current (February 2012) and February 2010 currency exchange rates vs. the New Israeli Shekel (NIS). During February 2010 the US Dollar/NIS exchange rate was 1/(3.77); the EURO/NIS exchange rate was 1/4.89. In February 2012 the exchange rates were US Dollar/NIS 1/(3.75) and EURO/NIS 1/(4.92), respectively.
Membrane pretreatment and treatment costs consist of capital investments, assessment of operational and maintenance expenses (O&M: labor, energy, chemicals), wastewater quality monitoring and control. The O&M costs are added to an annualized capital investment term to obtain a total annualized cost of current reclamation technology:
Total Annual Cost = (Total Annual Capital Costs) + (Total Annual O&M Expenses) (3)
However, when using mainly published data, investment costs are difficult to calculate accurately. Cost functions are commonly developed at a given time point for a specific organization, region or country, related to a specific wastewater system and estimated risks. Moreover, it is difficult to compare various scenarios mined from different sources, as the description of the components taken into account is often fuzzy. Finally, an indication of the accuracy obtained using published data is rarely provided. Consequently, cost analysis in the early phase of a project (without the performance of a pilot plant) requires the development of a specific cost function, which assumes that accurate and reliable estimations can be obtained.
Several deviations in performing a cost-effective analysis are common: (i) lack of reliable design data; (ii) construction periods are not harmonized; (iii) limited design alternatives; (iv) poorly designed pre-treatment; (v) limited data referring to the particular site; (vi) limited similar design projects based on extensive company experience, and (vii) very limited use of independent consultants for early performance analysis.
2.3 The UF Objective Function and Constraints
Current components of the UF objective function include selection of the pretreatment method and membrane type, pretreatment costs and UF operation expenses, which are necessary to attain a definite permeate quality, transportation of the brine, its disposal, permeate storage costs, general operation and maintenance expenses, design and contingency expenses. The primary operating component in the objective function to be considered in selection of the membrane type is UF permeate flux and the level of chemical cleaning, back-washing and maintenance. The objective (cost) function is given by the following expression:
where the following are assumed:
(a) Selection of the pretreatment method and membrane type takes into account the designed plant capacity, permeate salinity and experimental results obtained from pilot scale plants. Commonly, selection of the treatment method, and successively the membrane type, is associated with defining of a set of Boolean variables namely, receiving 0 or 1 value only.
(b) The feasibility analysis is based on capital and O&M costs with a plant capacity of 20,000 m3/d, 95% recovery, and a flux of 27 Liter/(m2·hr).
(c) Effluent water cost depends on a series of factors and the expenses for a specific site are given by a constant.
(d) There is no charge for UF retentate treatment—it is released back into the main effluent source and subsequently reused for another successive UF effluent feed cycle.
(e) There is no premium credited for the UF permeate quality.
The constraints define a feasible domain in the decision space. The constraints refer to the capacity of the system (both storage and flow rates), regime of applied reagents, minimum brine flow and maximum membrane feed flow. Every constraint which can be formulated as a function with the optimization variables can be incorporated into the management model (for example, the content of TSS in the UF permeate). The predominant constraints refer to UF permeate quality, restrictions placed on the pretreatment control, membrane performance, brine removal, environmental features, health restraining criteria, water demand and supply, and the plant layout. Additional constraints refer to energy requirements and losses, costs, budgetary limitation, labor availability and demand, land availability and potential demand for the permeate. Sets of constraints referring to pollution and health control depend on a series of factors. These factors include, among others, the chance of membrane failures and precautions normally taken. The constraints obtained are therefore of the general form:
Fr (various UF membrane blocking control factors, flow rates and energy losses) < Pr (5)
where Fr (….) is a general mathematical function expressing approval level of membrane performance integrity, and Pr expresses the statistical probability of related phenomena subject to operational conditions. The mixture of different mathematical terms, including probabilities, might turn the problem into a complex one for solution.
2.4. The RO Objective Function and Constraints
The RO component is an integrative part of the hybrid membrane systems which is utilized for polishing of the secondary effluent for unrestricted use. Similar to the UF component, modeling the RO part is based on defining an objective function (normally an expression referring to treated water costs) to be optimized, subject to a series of technological, environmental, chemical, microbial, physical and operational constraints. The components of the RO objective function include feed effluent cost (permeate of the UF stage), RO membrane type, RO operating costs necessary to attain a definite permeate quality, brine disposal design and contingency expenses. The primary benefit component in the objective function to be considered in selection of the RO membrane type is feed pressure, flux and permeate low salinity for dilution options with UF permeate and effluent. The RO objective (cost) function is given by the following general expression [Equation (6)]:
![Water 04 00219 i002]()
Selection of the RO pretreatment method and membrane type takes into account the designed plant capacity, permeate quality and experimental results from pilot plants, and is associated with defining of a set of Boolean variables, receiving 0.1 values only. The RO feasibility analysis is based on capital investments and operations & maintenance expenses with a plant capacity of 6700 m3/d, five different recoveries and seven different RO membranes. RO performance is based on field experience and criteria provided by related software (ImsDesign). Feed water cost is a function of UF pretreatment and chloride concentration and the expenses for a specific site are given by a constant. A premium is credited for the permeate quality: for every 100 mg/L TDS below the concentration of 400 mg/L, a return of 0.25 US cents per m3 is paid. Brine disposal is based on disposal into the ocean.
2.5. Formulation of the Optimization Model
Estimating costs for water treatment facility projects require experience, engineering judgment and, to some extent, educated guesses based on familiarity with the project. Reliable construction, operations and maintenance cost data referring to a specific water and wastewater treatment project are essential for planning, design, and construction. All the costs excluding land, legal and fiscal considerations and peak power requirement are required. These parameters are based on data obtained during testing of the pilot plant at Kibbutz Chafets-Chaim (Israel). A general expression for this component (Ct
m) for the m (m = 1, …, M) treatment method is given by [
Ctm= Ccm(q)α + Com(q)β + Bm
where Ctm represents membrane pretreatment and treatment costs in US $ per year; Ccm is cost coefficient for the capital investment in US $ per year; Com is cost coefficient for operation and maintenance expenses in US $ per year; α and β are exponents referring to the specific treatment method, Bm is a constant referring to the m treatment method in US $ per year; and q is the mean daily feed flow, m3/day.
There are several estimations for the α exponent value for pumps: α = 0.71 for MSF (Multi-Stage Flash) desalination pumps [
37] and α = 0.79 for RO pumps [
38]. Non-membrane components have been scaled for total capital cost: (for MF, UF and NF plant) α = 0.74 [
39], α = 0.60 and α = 0.85 (for brackish RO) [
40]. The following correlations for different equipment items with UF technology were found: α = 0.42 for pipes and valves, α = 0.66 for instruments and control, α = 0.53 for tanks and frames, α = 0.57 for miscellaneous [
35], and α = 0.3 for feed and circulation facility [
Expressions for the O&M expenses (including the computations for β) are also given in the literature [
41]. The relationships found apply to average performance of a plant and are often subject to high uncertainty unless very similar configurations are considered. In order to take into account pilot plant performance for assessing operating costs, deductive models may be inserted, based on engineering calculations [
43]. The assessment of variable operating costs on the basis of simulation variables and parameters requires a number of hypotheses (e.g., head losses, flux decline). The expenses for the energy Cg
m (US $ per year) for operating the various components can be assessed by [
Cgm = Ce·E·Ty·(q)δ
where Ce is a unit cost for energy in US $ per KWhr; E is the specific energy required per capita—a perceptive value is 0.0026 KWhr/capita per year; Ty is annual operation duration (hours) and a reasonable value is 8000 hours/year and δ is an energy cost exponent. The expenses for energy also include pumping requirements. The general expression for this component is given by:
Cue = 0.276 Ce·Qh·H·Ty/η
where Q
h is the pump flow, m
3/h; H is the pressure head required at the pump inlet, m; T
y is operating duration (hours) per year; η is the pump efficiency, expressed as a percentage. All annual expenses (C
an) for any capital investments (feed, pretreatment, UF, RO, post treatment and brine removal) are assessed by using the Capital Recovery Factor (CRF) and actual investment (C
ac) [
Can = {i/[1 − (1 + i)−n]}·Cac
where i is the interest rate (fractional value) and n is the life span, in years.
Can = CRF·Cac (11)
Annual expenses for membrane investment (C
anm) are assessed by using the actual investment (C
acm) and the following expression [
Canm = {i/[(1 + i)n − 1]}·Cacm (12)
All maintenance expenses Cpo (US $ per year) can be assessed on the basis of the capital investment:
Cpo = φp·Cpt (13)
where φ
p is a fraction (commonly 0.05 < φ
p < 0.30) representing the percentage of the capital annual cost C
pt (US $ per year) which is considered for operation and maintenance expenses. The life span of the system components are: 10 years for water pretreatment and control segment; 15 years for pumps, electrical equipment and service roads; 25 years for the reservoir; 30 years for pipes and 40 years for buildings. Operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses are assessed as percentages of the capital investment (e.g., 0.5% of the investment for reservoirs and buildings, 1% of the investment for pipes and roads; 4% of the investment for accessories, electrical engines and pumps; 5% of the investment for water treatment equipment). The interest rate is 3.5%. The feed effluent cost is 15 US cent/m
3 [
22], and the energy cost is 0.062 US $/kWhr.
The return for permeate depends on the purpose of application and related economical aspects. Irrigation is the main course of effluent reuse—a premium is credited for the permeate quality. Main constituents for UF performance control to be examined include BOD5, COD, TSS and pathogenic indicators. The main constituents for RO performance include salt content and pH.
Finally, when comparing different alternatives, special attention should be focused on the chosen time and space scales, as they may influence the options of new technology implementation and cost function [
40]. It is advantageous to consider an overall plant evaluation over the life span of the plant.