Land Application-Based Olive Mill Wastewater ?anagement
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
Parameters | Applied OMW |
pH | 6.22 (0.28) |
EC | 7.15 (0.25) |
COD | 21,862 (2,92) |
NH4+-N | 17.61 (2.48) |
TKN | 167.8 (29.16) |
Org-N | 150.2 (22.16) |
NO3− | 2.11 (0.04) |
In-P | 21.5 (3.65) |
TP | 63.87 (16.89) |
Total phenols | 1,386 (151.67) |
3. Results
3.1. Storage of Olive Mill Wastewater
3.2. Applied Hydraulic and Nutrient Loads
Year | Hydraulic Load (mm) | Nitrogen (kg/ha) | Phosphorus (kg/ha) |
2003 | 318.18 | 531.36 | 176.59 |
2004 | 1767.97 | 2952.50 | 981.22 |
3.3. Soil Solution Samples
3.4. Soil Samples
3.5. Biomass Production and Nutrient Recovery
Parameter | Year | Trunk | Shoots | Leaves | Total | Removal (%) |
Biomass yield (kg/ha) | 2003 | 1,676 (201) | 993 (138) | 2,500 (358) | 5,170 (694) | - |
2004 | 10,389 (1,078) | 5,389 (475) | 6,993 (930) | 22,771 (2,316) | - | |
N (kg/ha) | 2003 | 19.64 (2.7) | 13.77 (2.5) | 101.20 (12.7) | 134.61 (17.8) | 25.33 |
2004 | 51.89 (7.3) | 29.53 (5.1) | 134.74 (27.6) | 216.16 (38.2) | 7.32 | |
P (kg/ha) | 2003 | 1.51 (0.2) | 0.92 (0.2) | 6.02 (0.6) | 8.45 (0.9) | 4.79 |
2004 | 6.81 (1.4) | 4.80 (0.9) | 10.64 (2.4) | 22.26 (4.5) | 2.27 | |
NUE-N (kg/kg) | 2003 | 85.80 (3.9) | 73.28 (3.3) | 24.58 (0.9) | 38.38 (1.1) | - |
2004 | 185.07 (7.8) | 194.83 (30.7) | 51.39 (4.1) | 102.97 (5.6) | - | |
NUE-P (kg/kg) | 2003 | 1,109.03 (12.2) | 1,131.37 (139.1) | 411.43 (26.1) | 608.00 (17.8) | - |
2004 | 1,980.96 (409.7) | 1,168.09 (119.6) | 680.89 (48.4) | 1,132.40 (119.7) | - | |
WUE (g/kg) | 2003 | - | - | - | 1.62 | - |
2004 | - | - | - | 1.29 | - |
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Land application has a great potential for organic matter and phenol assimilation and they can be effectively used for OMW detoxification;
- OMW can efficiently contribute to the long-term increase in soil organic matter and nutrients (particularly P) which is of great importance for the Mediterranean olive-oil producing countries where soils have relatively low organic matter content and prone to progressive degradation;
- Enhancement of soil fertility resulting from OMW application can sustain eucalyptus trees and provide remarkable biomass yield. This yield, however, may be negatively affected by low inorganic N availability in the soil and/or possible toxicity phenomena in the early growth stages of vegetation;
- The organic matter and phenols concentrations in the soil appear to be affected by their initial contents in the applied OMW. This suggests the application of appropriate strategies before the OMW application in the field to reduce organic matter and phenols loadings;
- Further work is needed to elucidate: (i) the potential effects on physical properties of soil; and (ii) the potential effect of OMW and vegetation on microbial community and activity involved in critical processes in the soil, particularly those included in C and N cycling and phenol degradation.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kapellakis, I.; Tzanakakis, V.A.; Angelakis, A.N. Land Application-Based Olive Mill Wastewater ?anagement. Water 2015, 7, 362-376.
Kapellakis I, Tzanakakis VA, Angelakis AN. Land Application-Based Olive Mill Wastewater ?anagement. Water. 2015; 7(2):362-376.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKapellakis, Iosif, Vasileios A. Tzanakakis, and Andreas N. Angelakis. 2015. "Land Application-Based Olive Mill Wastewater ?anagement" Water 7, no. 2: 362-376.
APA StyleKapellakis, I., Tzanakakis, V. A., & Angelakis, A. N. (2015). Land Application-Based Olive Mill Wastewater ?anagement. Water, 7(2), 362-376.