Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds
:1. Introduction
1.1. Artificial Ponds (Including SUDS)
1.2. Natural (Natural Origin) Ponds
1.3. Multiple Benefits Approach
1.4. Current Research
- What is the public perception of the potential benefits and disadvantages of living near a pond?
- How much value is placed on supporting habitat at their local pond (their Willingness to Pay for benefits), and are these values capable of offsetting costs?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Postal Survey Format
2.2. Postal Survey Pilot
2.3. Survey Administration
2.4. Development of an Online Survey
2.5. Post-Processing
2.6. Analytical Techniques
3. Results
3.1. Perceptions of Ponds and Characteristics Influencing Choice of Home
3.2. Safety Concerns
3.3. Biodiversity and Observations of Fauna and Flora at Their Local Pond
3.4. Value for Supporting Habitat
3.5. Offsetting Replacement Costs
4. Discussion
4.1. Public Perception
4.2. Valuation Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Pond | Inspection | Litter/Debris | Grass | Barrier Vegetation | Aquatic Vegetation | Desilting | OPEX |
Juniper | £7203 | £219 | £0 | £3284 | £14,871 | £27,421 | £52,998 |
Granton | £7203 | £10,948 | £21,320 | £164,221 | £743,556 | £672,464 | £1,619,712 |
Eliburn | £7203 | £1528 | £2976 | £22,912 | £103,773 | £94,749 | £233,140 |
Oxgangs | £7203 | £7389 | £14,389 | £110,835 | £501,839 | £459,938 | £1,101,592 |
Inverleith | £7203 | £39,736 | £77,381 | £596,039 | £2,698,337 | £2,391,526 | £5,810,221 |
Blackford | £7203 | £12,316 | £23,985 | £184,748 | £836,501 | £901,280 | £1,966,033 |
Goreglen | £7203 | £456 | £888 | £6843 | £282,551 | £267,133 | £565,074 |
Royal Botanics | £7203 | £4160 | £8102 | £62,404 | £30,982 | £45,944 | £158,794 |
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Case Study | Setting of Pond | Use of Pond | Surface Area (m2) | Date Established | Ownership | Population within 500 m Radius | SIMD Decile Score |
Granton Pond, Edinburgh | In a park. Near a supermarket and college. | Drainage (SUDS) pond. Provides amenity and biodiversity. | 12,000 | 2005 | Private—Capita Symonds/National Grid | 2315 | 3 |
Juniper Green Pond, Edinburgh | Residential area. Near the Water of Leith footpath. | Drainage (SUDS) pond, focal point from flats. | 240 | 2005 | Private—James Gibb | 1459 | 10 |
Oxgangs, Edinburgh | Residential area. | Drainage (SUDS) pond and amenity | 8099 | 2007–2010 | Private—Dunedin Canmore | 3796 | 2 |
Eliburn, Livingston | Residential area. Near light industrial units | Drainage pond (SUDS)—not accessible to public | 1675 | 2007–2011 | Private—Gladmans | 364 | 9 |
Blackford, Edinburgh | Local Nature Reserve | Biodiversity and amenity | 13,500 | 1800–1900 | Public—Edinburgh Local authority | 847 | 9 |
Goreglen, Mid Lothian | Woodland setting. Near main road. | No use currently. Flood plain | 500 | 1794–1861 | Public—Midlothian Ranger Service | 39 | 4 |
Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh | Former estate. Near residential area. | Amenity and education. Outflow pipe to Water of Leith. Feeding wildfowl. | 4560 | 1880 | Private | 2312 | 10 |
Inverleith Pond, Edinburgh | Park setting. Near residential area. | Model boat activities, recreation, and feeding wild fowl | 43,554 | 1870 | Public—Edinburgh Local authority | 804 | 10 |
Pond Name | Supports Plants (£) | Supports Mammals (£) | Supports Fish (£) | Creates Habitat for Birds (£) | Supports Invertebrates (£) | Total (£) |
Granton (n = 19) | 0.53 | 0.53 | 0.53 | 0.58 | 0.42 | 2.58 |
Juniper Green (n = 22) | 1.09 | 1.09 | 1.32 | 1.09 | 1.09 | 5.68 |
Oxgangs (n = 23) | 2.87 | 2.78 | 2.96 | 2.96 | 2.91 | 14.48 |
Eliburn (n = 2) | 5.50 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 5.50 | 7.50 | 24.50 |
Blackford (n = 78) | 2.40 | 2.47 | 2.53 | 3.03 | 2.09 | 12.51 |
Goreglen (n = 22) | 1.73 | 1.86 | 1.91 | 2.00 | 1.73 | 9.23 |
Royal Botanic (n = 21) | 3.71 | 2.76 | 2.71 | 3.48 | 2.33 | 15.00 |
Inverleith (n = 45) | 2.40 | 2.33 | 2.42 | 2.64 | 2.47 | 12.27 |
Totals (£): | 20.23 | 16.82 | 17.38 | 21.28 | 20.54 | 96.25 |
Pond Name | Number of Households | Total Population | Monthly Value (£) | Annual Value (£) |
Granton | 1016 | 2315 | £5973 | £71,672 |
Juniper Green | 606 | 1459 | £8290 | £99,475 |
Oxgangs | 1840 | 3796 | £54,966 | £659,593 |
Eliburn | 108 | 364 | £8918 | £107,016 |
Blackford | 847 | 1988 | £24,870 | £298,439 |
Goreglen | 14 | 39 | £360 | £4320 |
Royal Botanic | 1161 | 2312 | £34,680 | £416,160 |
Inverleith | 399 | 804 | £9865 | £118,380 |
Total | 5991 | 13,077 | £148,921 | £1,775,055 |
Pond Name | NPV Benefits | NPV OPEX Costs | CAPEX Costs | Balance |
Granton | £1,720,765 | £1,619,712 | £990,000 | −£888,946 |
Juniper Green | £2,388,284 | £52,988 | £13,200 | £2,322,086 |
Oxgangs | £15,836,096 | £1,101,592 | £668,167 | £14,066,337 |
Eliburn | £2,569,335 | £233,140 | £115,156 | £2,221,039 |
Blackford | £7,165,189 | £1,966,033 | £1,336,500 | £3,862,656 |
Goreglen | £103,718 | £92,315 | £41,250 | −£29,847 |
Royal Botanic Gardens | £9,991,540 | £631,553 | £376,200 | £8,983,787 |
Inverleith | £2,842,172 | £5,810,221 | £3,593,205 | −£6,561,254 |
Total | £42,617,101 | £11,507,564 | £7,133,678 | £23,975,859 |
Per Population | £3258.94 | £879.99 | £545.51 | £1833.44 |
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Jarvie, J.; Arthur, S.; Beevers, L. Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds. Water 2017, 9, 128.
Jarvie J, Arthur S, Beevers L. Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds. Water. 2017; 9(2):128.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJarvie, Joy, Scott Arthur, and Lindsay Beevers. 2017. "Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds" Water 9, no. 2: 128.
APA StyleJarvie, J., Arthur, S., & Beevers, L. (2017). Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds. Water, 9(2), 128.