Ecological Embeddedness in the Maya Built Environment: Inspiration for Contemporary Cities
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Maya Background
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Settlement Patterns in Maya
Settlement | Size (Hectare) | Buildings | Road Width (m) | ||||||
Developed | Green and Open Areas | Total | Floor Area | Spacing | Total Units | Density (Units/Total Area) | Major Road | Minor Road | |
Tikal city center (Figure 2b) | 240 ha (32%) | 510 ha (68%) | 750 ha | 360 m2 | 60–100 m | 200 | 0.27 units/ha | 60 m | 20–30 m |
Chunchucmil center (Figure 3a) | 62 ha (42%) | 83 ha (58%) | 145 ha | 300 m2 | 40–60 m | 187 | 1.38 units/ha | 60–70 m | 30–40 m |
3.2. Building Configuration and Construction
- Coba: Coba was a large urban center during the Classic Mayan era, spread over 30 miles2 with a population of approximately 50,000 [58]. Green human labor that comprised thinking and sensitive persons was adopted for all tasks that garnered patience and work ethics. Given this, it is believed that the great 120-foot-tall pyramid of Coba was built without using wheels, pulleys, and draft animals. Residential buildings were mainly pole and thatch construction; stone was used with care. Terraces marked the residential landscape as the soil was thin and could not retain moisture and nutrients. Fish farming ponds diversified the food supply [80].
- Cuello: Cuello was a Late Pre-Classic settlement famous for its architectural characteristics. For instance, discussing an excavated site in the city, Hammond and Gerhardt [81] found that it consisted of a group of buildings intentionally planned around a patio. Multiple activities are believed to have taken place there, ranging from sleeping, cooking, and storage to burials. This indicates that the site provided self-sufficiency in many respects without having the need to acquire more land to obtain life essentials. The buildings were simple and reparable as local recyclable materials, such as cobble stones, clay, and lime plaster were used for building and repair work. The importance of the patio is signified by the buildings that are oriented towards it, meaningfully marrying the built with the open.
- Caobal: Architecture and construction appear to have had a social and political effect on the population of Caobal, such as building a spirit of community and maintaining connections with past generations and their experiences. The amount of domestic refuse found at different sites hints at the collaborative aspect of construction that, among many other factors, encouraged social sustainability. It appears that involvement in the construction process was as important as the output. The built environment also displays ecological knowledge and environmental stewardship. This is evident from practices such as adoption of reusing, recycling, and selecting earthen and local materials and keeping technology simple. Given the above, the built environment in Caobal became a container of social and environmental memory for future generations to follow [34].
- Chan Noohol: Located in the upland of the Mopan and Macal Rivers, this settlement comprises seven farmsteads that are 50–70 m apart. Every farmstead has a dedicated area for cultivation created on a non-orthogonal terrace. Both the terrace and the delimiting low-height retaining wall follow the existing topography that points towards site familiarity and the respect that the residents had towards what was already present. Existing bedrock was used as the foundation for structures, reducing foundation work and material required. This also helped to raise the level of the structures naturally. Local materials were used, such as chert cobbles and unshaped stones. New landscape features were created where the previous inhabitants had indicated they ought to be placed. This ensured cultural continuity and adherence to the site’s demands [82].
- Copan: Abrams [76] shares interesting information about the construction of a religious site and its structures in Copan. The construction work appears to be a single event requiring less labor and time because it was completed via the communal efforts of both men and women. The capability of the residents made them efficient if not highly skilled laborers. The author estimated that the construction was most probably completed with a special workforce of 40 persons employed on a yearly or half-yearly cycle, and about 370 non-specialized workers for about 60 days.
- Chunchucmil: Located in north-western Yucatan, Chunchucmil had a population of about 35,000 spread over 20–25 km2 during the Classic Period. Dense house-lots delimited by albarradas (shared boundary walls) and chichbes (winding causeways) were distinguishing features here (Figure 5). The average house-lot size was approximately 4200 m2 containing open spaces of approximately 3595 m2. Although the city’s location does not support intensive agriculture, the open house-lots still contained areas for climatically and geologically suitable cultivation that needed little tending. The trees in the house-lots imitated regional forests and provided economic benefits. Apart from residences, open spaces within house-lots were also used for other activities, including handicrafts, animal keeping, apiaries, processing, corn storage, rituals, burial, washing, toilets, and dumping organic waste (Figure 6b). The low height of the albarradas suggests strong social networks and sustainability. Existing materials and past platforms were used for the foundations, whereas the superstructures were made from perishable materials [68,83].
- El Palmar: The abundant presence of the Golden Section in nature and its recognition and application by the Maya points towards their connection with nature and all its constituent ecosystems. One of the examples of this fact is given by Doyle [86] who, after studying selected buildings in El Palmar, makes the case of the use of the Golden Section by the Maya in urban and architectural works. The author contends that, even though historical continuity and cardinal alignments were factors in determining the spread of the group under discussion, the usage of 48.5 m by 78.5 m Golden Section squares is also evident while sizing the building plans. The Golden Section is also applied to work out platforms for other buildings and open spaces; for instance, the size of the Triadic Group in El Palmar is 100 m by 160 m which, again, is a Golden Section square. Interestingly, the Golden Section was also used to determine lot sizes for Milpa farming.
- Joya de Ceren: Living in sustainable houses constructed with wattle-daub walls and thatch roof, the residents of this village also exhibited remarkable knowledge of the climate, soil, and plant biology. Intensively cultivated gardens surrounding the houses contained a variety of plants and trees, which provided food as well as shade and demarcation for the house-lots. The agricultural yield from the house gardens as well as the infield maize crop not only ensured self-sufficiency, but also provided enough surpluses to be exchanged for valuable goods [64].
3.3. Urban Agriculture and Home Gardening
- Looking for forest clearance mainly caused by cyclones and preparing the land for cultivation.
- Introducing crops that are rotational, diverse, and receive enough organic fertilizer as well as soil nutrients. This gives rise to a landscape which is a mix of varied crops, wild plants, and carefully selected trees.
- Leaving the land fallow for several years after a fixed cycle of cultivation to regain its original vegetation and nutrients. This is conducted by replanting seeds from the mature neighboring trees and crops.
- Guijarral: Home gardens that are close to the residences formed one component of the settlement pattern in Guijarral. This kind of garden is complemented by distant infields and outfields where major crops were cultivated. This purposefully embedded the population spatially, environmentally, economically, and spiritually in the built environment [87].
- Papaloapan River: This urban settlement was dispersed over large area. Engagement in intensive and extensive home gardens and contiguous infields made this settlement look like a ‘Garden City’. Extensive distant outfields were cultivated rotationally and added resilience and risk mitigation [60].
- Sayil: The population in Sayil practiced intensive home gardening within city’s bounds, making it another precedent of a ‘Garden City’. Agricultural input was provided through green human labor that was essentially collaborative. Organic refuse, mulch, and human and animal waste were used as fertilizer that did not damage the soil. The presence of small garden lots indicates autonomy at the lower social levels.
3.4. Water Conservation
- Tikal: The central district in Tikal was placed on the summit of hills where watersheds were artificially modified to manage runoff. Six catchment reservoirs are located on this summit on an area of 6 to 9 ha that eventually led the runoff to the low-lying bajo and aguada reservoirs. The summit reservoirs could store approximately 900,000 m3 of water, which was adequate for daily needs as well as replenishing the bajos (Figure 9). These reservoirs had raised causeways on their edges to dam water and direct it towards naturally occurring swamps [48] (p. 6). Floodgates were provided under the causeways to release water into the bajo-margin reservoirs for irrigation and drinking purposes. Pozas are another form of small-sized ponds within house-lots that were filled by the central water reservoirs [90].
- Yanxohcah: Located in the Central Uplands of the Yucatan Peninsula, this city is another example of skillful water conservation by the Maya. Here, many land depressions of around 20 m3 have been identified through LiDar analysis [102] (p. 293). Since the soil was porous, the local reservoirs were lined with lime plaster to prevent water seeping into the ground. Water was received in these reservoirs through runoff flow under gravity and used for religious and agricultural purposes [100].
- Cayo: Apart from storing water for domestic purposes, the dam in Cayo also appears to have been used for breeding freshwater invertebrates that were a source of protein. This fact is confirmed by the presence of snail shells. The dam was strategically placed between converging hills and has a capacity of around 300 m3. The retaining wall for the dam is well anchored to the bottom by being thick at the lower end while tapering to a slimmer section towards the top side [103] (p. 151). This indicates the developed understanding of the Maya about the way water exerts pressure on the enclosing surfaces of a dam.
- Copan: It was ecologically challenging for people to live in Copan due to the high rate of rainfall. Given this, water collection and dispersal were equally important to avoid flooding and soil erosion. To address this challenge, exceptional familiarity with the climate and hydrology played a key role. Water conservation undertaken at Copan further considered local hydrology, population density, site planning and architecture. Effective water dispersal was thus achieved through the design and implementation of causeways, splashboards, roof drains, paved patios, stucco channels, substructure, and subterranean conduits [36].
4. Discussion: Lessons toward Mitigating Current Urban Sustainability Challenges
4.1. Settlement Patterns
4.2. Urban Agriculture
4.3. Water Conservation
4.4. Summary of Lessons for Addressing Contemporary Urban Sustainability Challenges
5. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Terms | No. of Papers Identified | No. of Papers Downloaded |
“Maya built environment” | 170 | 32 |
“Sustainable architecture in Maya” | 7 | 5 |
“Maya water management” | 324 | 27 |
“Maya ecology” | 66 | 24 |
“Maya home gardens” | 66 | 13 |
“Maya + forest” | 73 | 8 |
“ancient Maya settlement patterns” | 245 | 52 |
Maya urban form | 7 | 2 |
“Agriculture + Maya” | 89 | 17 |
“Maya home gardens” | 11 | 6 |
“Ancient Maya roads” | 15 | 7 |
# | Six Principles of Ecological Embeddedness [24] | Examples of Ecological Embeddedness of the Mayan-Built Environment |
1 | Interconnecting and rotating all entities in an environment |
2 | Environmental feedback and sustainable resource harvesting and reuse |
3 | Knowledge accumulation and transfer |
4 | Respectful and collaborative approaches to human activities |
5 | Associating oneself as a part of their ancestral land |
6 | Acknowledging spirituality in nature |
Urban Sustainability Challenges | Solutions from the Ecological Embeddedness of the Mayan-Built Environment |
High rate of GHG emissions and air pollution [3,5] | There is no mass scale production and consumption. This situation lowers emissions and maintains a normal climate [21]. |
Extensive transportation infrastructure adversely affects the natural landscape [16] | Both production and consumption are localized, and land-use is mixed, significantly reducing mobility and other infrastructure needs [64,105] |
Mass production and unsustainable consumption lifestyle [27] | Role played by ‘intense market’ is limited. There is a communal and symbiotic way of life [41,43]. Conservation is a religious duty [48]. |
High levels of air, land, and water pollution [4,30] | Settlement density is appropriate and coupled with downscaled production, the environment is clean [35,58,61]. All waste is recyclable and biodegradable [106]. |
Alienation from one’s land and food insecurity [107] | People are embedded in their locale. Food security is a high priority achieved through urban agriculture and gardening [44,50]. |
Cities overly dependent on unsustainable energy and technologies [2,14,108] | Green human labor defines the work style. Society respects the ecological allowances and ensured a fair outcome [109]. Buildings utilize natural lighting and ventilation [66]. |
Urban areas depend on imports that are susceptible to disruptions and have enormous carbon footprints [4] | Production areas lie within the built environment, imports are limited to mainly non-essential items, and risks are spread out [40,93,110]. This makes availability of life essentials predictable without any significant carbon footprint. |
Urban flooding [31,32] | Maya settlements act as sponge cities. Blue-green infrastructure absorbs run-off and significantly reduces flooding [36,40,77,89,102]. |
Urban heat islands and sprawl [15,25,26,111] | Towns are medium to low density, mixed uses. Landscaping, water reservoirs, and urban agriculture are widespread, which capture carbon and absorb heat [12,105,112]. |
Inequality and unemployment [13,29] | There is fair guarantee of production [113]. Due to intensive labor requirement, individuals are not without work [107]. |
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Akbar, N.; Abubakar, I.R.; Shah, A.A.; Al-Madani, W. Ecological Embeddedness in the Maya Built Environment: Inspiration for Contemporary Cities. Land 2021, 10, 1360.
Akbar N, Abubakar IR, Shah AA, Al-Madani W. Ecological Embeddedness in the Maya Built Environment: Inspiration for Contemporary Cities. Land. 2021; 10(12):1360.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAkbar, Naji, Ismaila Rimi Abubakar, Ayesha Agha Shah, and Wafa Al-Madani. 2021. "Ecological Embeddedness in the Maya Built Environment: Inspiration for Contemporary Cities" Land 10, no. 12: 1360.
APA StyleAkbar, N., Abubakar, I. R., Shah, A. A., & Al-Madani, W. (2021). Ecological Embeddedness in the Maya Built Environment: Inspiration for Contemporary Cities. Land, 10(12), 1360.