Rural Districts and Business Agglomerations in Low-Density Business Environments. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)
:1. Introduction
2. From Theory to Practice, from the Industrial District to the Rural District
3. Methodological Limitations for Regional Analysis of Rural Agglomerations
4. Methodological Adaptation to Regions with Low Manufacturing Density
5. Result for the Extremadura Case
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Agglomeration (Sector and County) | LPS and ID 1 | IBG 2 |
Agri-food in Don Benito | Yes | No |
Agri-food in Jaraíz de la Vera | Yes | No |
Agri-food in Montijo | Yes | No |
Agri-food in Valle del Jerte | Yes | No |
Meat in Fregenal de la Siera | Yes | No |
Meat in Higuera la Real | Yes | No |
Cork in San Vicente de Alcántara 3 | Yes | No |
Packaging in Mérida | No | Yes |
Energy in Badajoz | No | Yes |
Metal in Badajoz and Jerez de los Caballeros 4 | Yes | Yes |
Health in Cáceres | No | Yes |
ICT in Cáceres | No | Yes |
Tourism in Cáceres | No | Yes |
Various in Navalmoral de la Mata | Yes | No |
Methodology 1 | Strong Points for Its Application to LAG | Weaknesses for Its Application to LAG |
Courlet and Pecqueur 2 [21,78] | It uses the municipality. It only detects the industrial branch but is easily integrated into a value chain analysis | It uses variables for specialization and a minimum requirement of establishments, leaves variable outputs out of analysis Comparative based on the national total. |
Sforzi-ISTAT 3 [75,76] | Institutional recognition. Academic recognition. Wide use and notoriety. | LWS as territorial unit. Only focused in industrial sector. Its prevalence index rules out polyspecialized districts. It rules out protodistricts. Based only in employment. |
Sforzi-ISTAT for big business systems 4 [79,80] | Same as in the previous case. | Same as in the previous case. The predominant type of company in rural areas is the SME. |
Laine [81] 5 [77,82] | Identifies LWS and ID. Greater flexibility than previous methodologies. Even starting from a criterion such as LWS, its noninclusion allows localized realities to maintain the characteristics of an LPS. | It omits the economic importance of the dominant activity of the LPS. It does not include an international competence criterion of the LPS. Quite restrictive methodology, excluding other forms of agglomeration such as protodistricts. |
Hernández, Fontrodona, and Pezzi [83] | Greater flexibility than previous methodologies. It includes identification criteria based on internationalization and economic importance. It does not consider the LWS as a territorial unit. It detects all types of business agglomerations. | It does not take employment into account, giving too much importance to the variable number of companies. It does not clearly define a scale of the types of companies or specialities. It lacks criteria that distinguish between large companies and SMEs. |
Integrative methodology Puig, Plá, and Linares [84] | Identifies LWS and ID. Greater flexibility than previous methodologies. | Uses variable occupation leaving out variables from other interesting studies. |
Italian experimental methodology 6 | It uses quality variables normally associated with regions (protected designations of origin or protected geographical indications) | It is based on variables relative to the land factor. Almost exclusively linked to agriculture and livestock. Low weight of variables such as employment in industry. |
Classification | CNAE 2009 |
Agri-food industry | 01. Agriculture, livestock, hunting, and related services (Except 0116. Plant cultivation for textile fibers and 0128. Cultivation of spices, aromatic, medicinal and pharmaceutical plants) 03. Fishing and aquaculture 10. Food industry 11. Manufacture of beverages 12. Tobacco industry 462. Wholesale trade of agricultural raw materials and live animals (4624. Wholesale trade of leather and skins) 463. Wholesale trade of food products, beverages and tobacco |
Forestry and forest products | 02. Silviculture and forest exploitation 16. Wood and cork industry, except furniture; basketry and plaiting |
Chemical, plastic, and petrochemical industries | 05. Extraction of anthracite, coal, and lignite 06. Extraction of crude oil and natural gas 091. Support activities for the extraction of oil and natural gas 19. Coke ovens and oil refining 20. Chemical industry 22. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 4671. Wholesale trade of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, and similar products 4675. Wholesale trade of chemical products |
Metallurgical industry | 07. Extraction of metallic minerals 24. Metallurgy; manufacture of iron, steel, and ferroalloy products 25. Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment 4672. Wholesale trade of metals and metal ores 4677. Wholesale trade of scrap metal and waste products |
Nonmetallic mineral product industries | 08. Other extractive industries 099. Support activities for other extractive industries 23. Manufacture of nonmetallic mineral products |
Textile and clothing | 0116. Plant cultivation for textile fibers 13. Textile industry 14. Manufacture of clothing 4641. Wholesale trade of textiles 4642. Wholesale trade of clothing and footwear |
Leather and footwear | 15. Leather and footwear industry 4624. Wholesale trade of leather and skins |
Paper, publishing, and graphic arts | 17. Paper industry 18. Graphic arts and reproduction of screen-printed media |
Pharmaceutical manufacturing | 0128. Cultivation of spices, aromatic, medicinal, and pharmaceutical plants 21. Manufacture of pharmaceutical products 4645. Wholesale trade of perfumery and cosmetic products 4646. Wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products |
Manufacture of computer and communications products | 26. Manufacture of computer, electronic, and optical products 27. Manufacture of electrical material and equipment 465. Wholesale trade of equipment for information and communication technologies |
Machinery manufacturing | 28. Manufacture of machinery and equipment. Not included elsewhere 33. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 466. Wholesale trade of other machinery, equipment, and supplies |
Automotive industry | 29. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers 30. Manufacture of other transport material |
Products for domestic use | 31. Manufacture of furniture 4643. Wholesale trade of household appliances 4644. Wholesale trade of porcelain, glassware, and cleaning articles 4647. Wholesale trade of furniture, rugs, and lighting appliances 4648. Wholesale trade of clocks and jewelery 4649. Wholesale trade of other articles for domestic use |
Other types of industries | 32. Other manufacturing industries |
Supplies and waste management | 35. Supply of electrical energy, gas, steam, and air conditioning 36. Collection, purification, and distribution of water 37. Collection and treatment of wastewater 38. Collection, treatment, and disposal of waste; valorization 39. Decontamination activities and other waste management services |
Indicator | Description | Period |
Number of employees | Extremadura companies included in SABI | Average data: 2012–2014 Lifecycle: 1993–2018 |
Number of companies | Businesses and establishments (SABI) | Average data: 2012–2014 Lifecycle: 1993–2018 |
Income | Operating income from SABI-listed Extremadura companies | Average data: 2012–2014 Lifecycle: 1993–2018 |
Internationalization | International company SABI indicator | Indicator without temporary referece |
Social Capital | Formal relations between companies (participated, shareholder, etc.) reflected in SABI | Indicator without temporary referece |
Specialization—Location | Companies | Companies Specialization Index | Employment | Employment Specialization Index | Income Generated (EUR) | Sector Weight (%)1 | Extremadura Weight (%)2 |
Campiña Sur—Meat | 139 | 1.80 | 454 | 1.64 | 125,466,662.82 | 3.90 | 0.92 |
Campo Arañuelo—Agri-food | 136 | 1.24 | 1124 | 1.60 | 198,770,797.48 | 4.92 | 1.45 |
Campo Arañuelo—Metallurgical | 20 | 1.21 | 293 | 2.18 | 59,028,949.83 | 4.57 | 0.43 |
Jerte—Agri-food | 34 | 1.39 | 333 | 2.52 | 80,197,505.10 | 1.98 | 0.59 |
La Serena—Meat | 146 | 1.33 | 473 | 1.07 | 145,678,973.43 | 3.60 | 1.06 |
La Serena—Granite | 76 | 6.16 | 413 | 7.31 | 34,735,251.07 | 11.63 | 0.25 |
La Siberia—Meat | 80 | 1.59 | 266 | 1.34 | 74,187,954.75 | 1.84 | 0.54 |
La Vera—Agri-food | 111 | 1.40 | 434 | 1.59 | 98,016,876.79 | 2.43 | 0.72 |
Lácara—Agri-food | 202 | 1.49 | 1174 | 1.64 | 153,603,726.12 | 3.80 | 1.12 |
Miajadas-Trujillo—Agri-food | 109 | 1.18 | 657 | 1.49 | 157,331,112.82 | 3.89 | 1.15 |
Sierra Grande-Tierra de Barros—Agri-Food | 305 | 1.16 | 1461 | 1.21 | 373,502,535.69 | 9.24 | 2.73 |
Sierra San Pedro-Los Baldíos—Cork | 68 | 15.55 | 466 | 20.73 | 113,633,209.54 | 58.80 | 0.83 |
Sierra Suroeste—Meat | 154 | 1.65 | 718 | 1.00 | 149,821,763.41 | 3.71 | 1.09 |
Sierra Suroeste—Jewelry | 10 | 1.18 | 326 | 16.76 | 80,706,681.30 | 68.67 | 0.51 |
Sierra Suroeste—Metallurgical | 28 | 2.01 | 892 | 6.48 | 948,623,622.58 | 73.41 | 6.93 |
Tentudía—Meat | 119 | 2.01 | 354 | 1.86 | 55,735,863.99 | 1.38 | 0.41 |
Tierra de Barros—Metallurgical | 80 | 2.01 | 421 | 1.83 | 86,487,143.35 | 6.69 | 0.63 |
Vegas Altas—Agricultural Machinery | 50 | 1.48 | 203 | 1.63 | 25,288,543.43 | 15.04 | 0.18 |
Vegas Altas—Agri-food | 357 | 1.32 | 3193 | 1.69 | 746,653,970.96 | 18.47 | 5.46 |
Vegas Altas—Chemical produtcs | 36 | 1.46 | 228 | 1.82 | 107,941,686.10 | 32.32 | 0.79 |
Zafra-Río Bodión—Agri-food | 80 | 1.24 | 266 | 1.49 | 74,187,954.75 | 8.14 | 2.40 |
Zafra-Río Bodión—Metallurgical | 31 | 1.35 | 363 | 2.12 | 47,373,551.59 | 3.67 | 0.35 |
Total | 2371 | 14,512 | 3,936,974,336.90 |
Agri-food and meat districts | ||
Growing | Maturity | Decline |
Vegas Altas—Agri-food Zafra-Río Bodión—Agri-food | Campo Arañuelo—Agri-food | Lácara—Agri-food Miajadas-Trujillo—Agri-food |
Agri-food and meat quality district | ||
Growing | Maturity | Decline |
La Vera—Agri-food Tentudía—Meat Sierra Grande-Tierra de Barros—Agri-Food Jerte—Agri-food | Sierra Suroeste—Meat Campiña Sur—Meat La Serena—Meat | La Siberia—Meat |
Other districts | ||
Growing | Maturity | Decline |
Campo Arañuelo—Metallurgical Vegas Altas—Agricultural Machinery Vegas Altas—Chemical products | Sierra Suroeste—Jewelry | Sierra San Pedro-Los Baldíos—Cork Zafra-Río Bodión—Metallurgical La Serena—Granite Sierra Suroeste—Metallurgical Tierra de Barros—Metallurgical |
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Rangel-Preciado, J.F.; Parejo-Moruno, F.M.; Cruz-Hidalgo, E.; Castellano-Álvarez, F.J. Rural Districts and Business Agglomerations in Low-Density Business Environments. The Case of Extremadura (Spain). Land 2021, 10, 280.
Rangel-Preciado JF, Parejo-Moruno FM, Cruz-Hidalgo E, Castellano-Álvarez FJ. Rural Districts and Business Agglomerations in Low-Density Business Environments. The Case of Extremadura (Spain). Land. 2021; 10(3):280.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRangel-Preciado, J. Francisco, Francisco M. Parejo-Moruno, Esteban Cruz-Hidalgo, and Francisco J. Castellano-Álvarez. 2021. "Rural Districts and Business Agglomerations in Low-Density Business Environments. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)" Land 10, no. 3: 280.
APA StyleRangel-Preciado, J. F., Parejo-Moruno, F. M., Cruz-Hidalgo, E., & Castellano-Álvarez, F. J. (2021). Rural Districts and Business Agglomerations in Low-Density Business Environments. The Case of Extremadura (Spain). Land, 10(3), 280.