1. Introduction
Modeling the hydrological response of watersheds located in permafrost zones requires considering the freezing and thawing processes of the ground. These seasonal processes only affect the soil layer above the permafrost ceiling, called the active layer. Determining the active layer’s depth becomes one of the essential steps in hydrological modeling because it makes it possible to define the available reservoir volume for water infiltration and, therefore, the volume of runoff that follows. The active layer’s depth is calculated by solving the heat transfer problem in the soil with a phase change; this problem is called the Stefan problem. The phase change introduces nonlinearity into the boundary conditions of the equation and, as such, makes it difficult to find a complete exact solution. The well-known solutions to this problem are the Neumann solution [
1] and the Stefan solution [
2]. Given that the Stefan solution needs little site-specific data, it has been widely used for determining the thaw/freezing depth, as compared to the Neumann or Kudryavtsev models [
3]. Note that some modifications have been made in the Stefan equation to account for variable thermal properties or multi-layered systems [
8]. If different versions of Stefan solution have been integrated with relative ease in hydrological modeling, sophisticated numerical models bring complexities in their implementation. This might be justified by the fact that numerical models involve more physical processes, which require a large amount of data and are, therefore, computationally expensive [
9]. It is worth recalling that exact solutions exist only in a handful of cases where the geometries and boundary conditions are particularly simple. Thus, despite the challenges, numerical methods are interesting alternatives for dealing with the moving boundary and multi-layered soil system. Reference [
10] classifies the numerical methods of solving the Stefan problem into two large families, namely the front tracking and the fixed-grid methods. The first is an explicit method that allows obtaining both the precise location of the front and the temperature profile of the soil. Although tracking methods lead to accurate sheets of energy conservation, in the case of multidimensional problems these methods pose a challenge from an algorithmic implementation perspective, as programming is time consuming from a computational point of view. The implicit methods are the alternative to the explicit methods, and their major advantage is that they allow the adoption of a fixed-grid solution for the coupled momentum and energy equations, without resorting to any variable transformations [
11]. One of the most popular fixed-domain methods for solving the Stefan problem is the enthalpy formulation. The method sets a unique equation for the two phases; front conditions are ineluctably reached, and, between the two phases, solid and liquid, a mushy zone is created. Numerical instabilities that may arise from the sharp discontinuities are prevented by the existence of the mushy zone. As a consequence, the thickness, and the quality of the discretization of this mushy zone are critical to the model’s performance [
Even though the fixed-grid method has been widely applied in the design of energy storage devices and systems through the use of phase-change materials, it has not, so far, received as much attention for dealing with the thawing and freezing of permafrost.
The present paper develops an iterative-implicit numerical method for simulating the freeze–thaw cycle of homogeneous and heterogeneous soils. The enthalpy-porosity model is used for the phase change process representation [
13]. In our calculations an artificial mushy zone is maintained with the same thickness by keeping the regularization parameter proportional to the temperature gradient. In doing so, we make the scheme more stable and accelerate the convergence. The governing equation and boundary conditions have been discretized using the finite difference scheme FTCS (Forward Time Centered Space). Alongside the finite element method, the finite difference technique has been extensively used in previous studies [
19]. The validation of the proposed model is accomplished by comparing the numerical results with the exact solution proposed by Neumann. In addition, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed model in determining the depth of the seasonal thaw, the model is tested on a multi-layer soil in a continuous permafrost region. Then, the results are compared with data recorded in situ for an entire year. The paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes the problem formulation, which includes the numerical approximation and validation,
Section 3 presents the results and discussions, and
Section 4 provides the conclusions drawn based on the results.
2. Materials and Methods
As stated in the previous section, the freezing and thawing processes that occur seasonally in the active layer (permafrost) can be modeled by the heat transfer (conduction) equation with phase change. It is assumed that the soil is initially frozen. Then, suddenly, the temperature increases above the freezing point and initiates the melting. By neglecting the other modes of heat transfer, i.e., convection and radiation, it can be assumed that heat in porous media with phase change is essentially transferred with conduction. Therefore, it can be treated by a pair of Fourier equations for the solid and liquid phases. However, the numerical schemes established from these equations, and the boundary conditions, require that the displacement of the liquid/solid front be tracked accurately, thus, making the implementation of such techniques difficult. Reformulating the problem by expressing the governing equation in terms of the enthalpy allows overcoming this difficulty.
The governing equations following References [
21] are presented in terms of the enthalpy as:
represents the Lagrangian derivative (material derivative), ∇ is the nabla operator, and
, and
denote the total enthalpy, thermal conductivity, and temperature for every single phase
, respectively. Furthermore,
denotes possible body cooling or heating source term. For simplification purposes, the source term is not included in the current analysis. The total enthalpy
is a function of the temperature and, following Reference [
22], it can be expressed in one equation that regroups all phases as a sum of sensible heat (
) and latent heat (
) as:
is a reference temperature generally taken as a melting temperature for isothermal phase change, i.e., pure material (
) or the average value of solidus and liquidus temperatures for non-isothermal phase change, i.e., alloys material (
is the volumetric heat capacity, i.e.,
, in which
is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure and
is the phase density. Furthermore,
represents the volumetric local liquid fraction. Note that, for an isothermal phase change,
can be considered as the discontinuous Heaviside step function, i.e.,
, in which
is the melting temperature. When the phase change process is non-isothermal,
can be considered as a function of temperature that varies smoothly within the melting temperature region, which is the mushy region located between solidus
and liquidus
The numerical simulation of phase change problems using discontinuous Heaviside step function as local liquid fraction for naive discretization can lead to prediction of a non-physical feature, such as step-like movement and spurious temperature plateau [
23]. In order to deal with this non-physical feature, the smooth approach of the fraction function can be used for both isothermal and non-isothermal phase change problems [
25]. The smoothing parameter (
) is defined to regularize the discontinuous fraction function (Heaviside step function) within a region of 2
in the case of the isothermal phase change (pure material and eutectic materials). Therefore, the regularized volumetric fraction is now expressed as a function of temperature, as presented in Equation (3).
Other functions, such as exponential [
21] or hyperbolic-tangent functions [
22], can also be used for the regularization of total enthalpy formulation instead of the volumetric fraction presented in Equation (3). For the non-isothermal phase change, the regularization region becomes the mushy one when the solidus and liquidus temperatures are expressed as
, respectively, in which
is the average of
, i.e.,
. Since water/ice are considered as pure materials that change their phases isothermally (the phase change occurs at a constant temperature (
), the regularization parameter (
) is preferred to choose as the temperature variable in order to keep the artificial mushy zone (regularization zone) with a relatively same thickness. Otherwise, constant
can make the artificial mushy zone thickness not stable in the space and time coordinates. Therefore, it is assumed that
, in which
is the modulus of the temperature gradient, and
is the half of desired regularization thickness (artificial mushy zone thickness). Note that δ is set to 2 ΔX, in which ΔX is the mesh size. If the volumetric capacity (
) is assumed constant in each phase, then:
depends on the temperature, using the chain rule, we get:
is an equivalent volumetric heat capacity. The enthalpy presented in Equation (1) can be written as a single equation for all phases as:
Following reference [
26], the bulk thermal conductivity is approximated by using the volumetric average of the solid matrix, water, and ice as:
In fact, the fully saturated conditions are assumed, whereby
, in which
is the saturation of liquid water, and
represents the ice saturation while ε represents the porosity. When there is no ice in the system, Equation (9) can be simplified as Equation (10).
The apparent heat capacity can be expressed as in Equation (11):
2.1. Numerical Approximation
An explicit discretized form of Equation (8) can be obtained using a finite-difference scheme for the second derivative in space and the first derivative in time. The former is discretized by a central finite difference scheme and the latter is discretized by a forward finite difference scheme. Thus, the Forward Time Central Space (FTCS) scheme yields:
As the soil thermal properties are temperature dependent, the stability criteria were determined with the numerical simulation by considering the required convergence and stability criteria for the pure conduction case [
27]. Given the explicit method’s limitations, that are related to the time step size imposed by stability conditions, in the present work, Equation (8) and the moving boundary condition were solved numerically by using finite difference method, as previously described, but in an implicit fashion. The main equation takes the form:
Which can be generalized as:
The 2-D approach developed here is relevant because the thermal–physical properties of the soil are not homogeneous in a natural environment. The need for 2-D or 3-D models is justified when dealing with lowland discontinuous permafrost [
31] or high mountain topography (alpine permafrost) [
33]. In fact, sporadic permafrost environments often contain substantial portions of unfrozen ground with active groundwater flow paths. Modeling heat transfer in such environment requires more than one dimension.
Another interesting example is provided by [
34], who used a 2-D model to investigate the thawing around an oil well entrenched in permafrost.
However, for seasonal freeze/thaw analysis, it should be noted that, quite often, models are built on the assumption that heat transfer is only restrained on the vertical dimension. Further details on the formulation of Equation (14) are provided in
Appendix A. Meanwhile, the system of equations defined by Equation (14) is nonlinear and implicit since the coefficients depend on the unknown temperature at the next time step. Therefore, Equation (14) is solved iteratively by applying the fixed-point iteration method at each node and, as such, the temperatures, soil properties, interface location, and velocity are calculated with residuals below a tolerance of 0.001. It is worth mentioning that this scheme is unconditionally stable.
The implementation of the solution in MATLAB is provided through the algorithm presented in
Figure 1:
2.2. Validation and Application
To validate the model proposed in the present study, a classical one-dimensional freezing problem, first described by Stefan [
2], was solved. This problem has also been considered in several works exemplified by References [
35]. Initially, a material that can exist in liquid and solid phases occupies a semi-infinite region (
≥ 0). It is assumed that the material is in a liquid state at a constant temperature
, 0) =
, where
is the phase change temperature.
At the temperature of the surface is suddenly dropped to a constant value, i.e., . The drop in temperature causes ice to form adjacent to the surface and, as time goes by, the freezing front propagates within the material and separates the liquid and solid phases.
The analytical solution of this freezing problem, also known as the Stefan problem, is given by [
25] and reads as:
Note that this example is applied to a specific continuous permafrost region in Russia. The numerical results are presented in the next section.
4. Discussion
Figure 6 shows the results of the various simulations carried out for each of the analyzed landscapes. The curves comparing the results of the proposed method are provided for the values of
ϕ = 0.3 and 0.7. These results facilitate analyzing the impact of the composition of the mushy zone on the heat transfer. Thus, the depth of thaw can be determined accurately. It can be noticed that the highest thawing depth of ALT was obtained with the lowest value of
ϕ = 0.3.
In general, the beginning of the thaw period was the same for all sites analyzed and simulated using the proposed method. However, filed data of the thaw did not systematically start on the same date, due to obvious reasons of geographical location and edaphic conditions.
The numerical results of thaw depths were similar to those of the observations with an error in absolute value varying between 0.7 and 7.7%, as listed in
Table 6. The largest relative error was the one obtained for the mountainous site dominated by the tundra, while the smallest error, in absolute value, was the one calculated for the site located on the rocky talus (Site #11) and the site dominated by a larch forest (Site #17). The relative errors obtained for each of the sites compared well with the values published by [
36] The latter simulated the thaw depth over several years (from 1954 to 1968) and for several sites in the KWBS. They obtained an error of +10% for site #2 (from 1954 to 1966) and respective errors of −2.7% and +0.7% for sites #11 (from 1956 to 1966) and #15 (from 1960 to 1968).
In fact, in the model presented by Lebedeva, Reference [
36], snow cover was treated as the upper layer in the calculation scheme with air temperature being used as the driving force of the simulations. The model accounted for the moisture or ice content and snow cover when snow heat transfer and conductivity were estimated. Their approach requires the use of several input data, which were not always available. In order to compensate for the required input data, conceptual parameters were introduced in the algorithm, some of them calibrated and others predefined. Applying this model in another basin which lacked data was obviously challenging as far as parameter calibration was concerned. In contrast, the model presented here did not account for the snow cover and its related thermal physical properties, and used the ground surface temperature as the driving force for simulations. For simplification purposes, the model assumed constant water content which allowed maintaining a constant and uniform heat conductivity in the soil. The model dealt with the volumetric composition of the mushy zone during the phase change which played, in the end, an important role when it came to the intensity of the thaw and freeze processes. Overall, the main input of our model corresponded to the thermal–physical properties of the soil’s profile used in Reference [
36]. No calibration was necessary which makes the model attractive for basins or sites without extensive data. The relative errors obtained for each of the sites compared well with the values published by [
26] The latter simulated the thaw depth over several years (from 1954 to 1968) and for several sites. They obtained an error of +10% for site #2 and respective errors of −2.7% and +0.7% for sites #11 and #15.
In terms of the intensity of the thaw/freeze advancement, the obtained results were satisfactory insofar as they demonstrated the impact of soil layer composition on the conduction heat transfer. Indeed, comparing Sites #11 and #17 with different numbers and nature of soil constituents showed that the thaw took place deeper and faster on Site #11, which was homogeneously made up of rocks with higher thermal conductivity. For the same amount of energy, the simulated thaw depth of Site #17 was 8% lower than that of Site #11. It should be noted that the results presented in References [
38] showed the same pattern.
The results of the period when the maximum thaw depth occurred during the season, calculated by the proposed model under the above-described scenarios (see
Table 5), and the field data were compared. Both numerical results and field data showed that the maximum thaw depth was reached relatively around the same date and independently of the site. It implied that the present method adapted well to the impact of seasonal temperature variation on the dynamics of heat transfer with phase change in the active layer.
Moreover, the curves resulting from the proposed method show that once the maximum depth was reached, a plateau was established for some days before freezing started from the permafrost ceiling. This trend contrasted somewhat with what was displayed by the measured data. The start of the frost period from the ground surface coincided for both simulated and observed data. However, the length of time that elapsed between the moment when the frost was initiated and the moment when the complete profile was frozen was different. Frost began to settle on the profile as soon as the temperature remained below the freezing point for at least three consecutive days, which was translated in an accumulation of the cold index. For example, the observed complete freezing of the profile was reached after 28 days for Site #11, 62 days for Site #2, and 51 and 60 days for Site #15 and Site #17, respectively. On the other hand, the duration of this period for the simulated data was approximately 60 days for all sites. Except for Site #11, the calculated freezing duration seemed, overall, to approach the observed values.
The discrepancies observed between the field data and numerical results could be explained by the fact that the numerical solution presented here considered a certain number of assumptions. For example, the soil’s physical–thermal properties were assumed to remain constant, whilst on the field, these properties varied in space and time and depended on the meteorological conditions, the soil nature, and the hydrogeological conditions as well.
The analysis of these results based only on the thaw depth allowed indications that the proposed method performed well on all sites with a relatively low-level error. This performance led to the possibility of incorporating the proposed method into hydrological modeling of cold regions, like the algorithm proposed in Reference [
8], in which the error, compared with the measured data, was below 10%.
It is worth mentioning, as indicated earlier, that the model presented did not include the snow cover which could be very important and could reach up to 100 cm in the KWBS. This was a desired simplification but revealed a weakness of the model because it could not be used in the winter period, in an environment of discontinuous permafrost, where hydrological activity might still be present. In this regard, this model opens up a development perspective that would lead to the integration of phenomena related to the presence of snow cover and infiltration.
As developed, the proposed method is well suited for calculating seasonal thaw–freeze penetration in permafrost and can be incorporated into physically-based hydrological models for surface flow analysis and further for studies related to the hydrological response of a watershed to different global warming scenarios. The presented approach stands as an alternative to the empirical formula, or the Stefan equation applied to determining the frost penetration below highways and airfield runways.
5. Conclusions
Heat transfer in permafrost multi-layer soil was modeled, especially in the active layer, using an implicit finite difference scheme. The validation of the proposed algorithm was accomplished through comparison with both Stefan’s solution and an explicit method. It was found that the proposed method matched the exact solution for the ratio of the water–ice in the mushy zone (ϕ), equaling 0.5 regardless of the grid resolution. However, the results of the explicit method matched the exact solution for different ϕ values and different resolutions. It was shown that the proposed method was faster than the explicit method, and it required a maximum of eight (8) iterations at each time step before it converged.
The performance of the proposed method was also tested on the Kolyma Water Balance Station (KWBS) in the upper Kolyma River basin, located in a continuous permafrost region in Russia. Freeze thaw depths were measured using Cryopedometer placed in the ground at four different sites. The comparison of the numerical results and measured data of the maximum thaw depth showed that the proposed method reflected the physical–thermal characteristics of all layers that constituted the analyzed profiles. The numerical results resembled observation data with a relative error in absolute value, varying between 0.7 and 7.7%. The largest error was for the site located on a mountainous terrain dominated by tundra, while the lowest error was for the site characterized by a rocky talus. In addition, the proposed method simulated a complete soil profile freezing period that lasted about 60 days for all sites.
Although the present model does not include parameters related to the snow cover, and, therefore, cannot be applied for modeling during the winter period, the results obtained were satisfactory in terms of the ability of the proposed method to reproduce the exact solution, and also in terms of the speed of calculation and the precision of the simulated thaw depths.
Given that the objective of this work was to develop a model that could be integrated into a surface flow model, these results are promising. Therefore, the present method is proposed to simulate the seasonal thaw in cold regions in general, and, further, to help analyze the impact of global warming.