1. Introduction
The concept of landscape is complex and manifold, having been appropriated by numerous disciplines, from the arts and humanities to the natural sciences [
3]. For the purpose of this study, landscape is “an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors” [
4]. The landscape is inherently complex, heterogenous, and dynamic [
6] and it requires a strong simplification into smaller spatial units to be comprehensively analysed [
7]. The landscape is characterised not only by the physical attributes of the land but also the human experience of it, i.e., by its composition, pattern, and relationship between its components, as well as the perception of all these factors [
Urbanisation is one of the main generators of change in landscape patterns and composition, as it generally implies the spread and/or densification of built-up and impervious surfaces and the loss and fragmentation of vegetation, natural habitats, and agricultural land [
10]. This, in turn, negatively affects the biodiversity levels [
13], environmental conditions [
19] and quality of life in urban areas [
22]. Particularly in urban environments, vegetation can be considered one of the most important contributors to environmental conditions, impacting the regulation of temperature, mitigation of flooding episodes, carbon sequestration and storage, adsorption of pollutants, provision of habitats for biodiversity, and supply of green spaces for recreation [
Cities and metropolitan areas are becoming more and more important in the context of the evolution of the human global population. In the mid-20th century, urban areas were populated by only around 30% of the global population (0.75 billion people); nowadays, around 55% of all humans live in urban settlements (4.22 billion people), as reported by the United Nations [
25]. In 2050, it is estimated that around 68% of the world’s people will be urban dwellers (6.68 billion)—in fact, it is expected that all of the future growth in world population will be located in urban areas [
In the face of the rise in urban population, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations highlight the need to pursue sustainability in urban centres, through the creation or transformation of cities so that they are greener, less polluted, and more resilient to climate change, ecological invasions, and emergent diseases, in order to increase the health and quality of life of their citizens and minimise the effects of natural disasters [
28]. To achieve sustainable cities, the discipline of Landscape Ecology can play a central role in the multidirectional transfer of knowledge between ecological research and urban planning [
29]. However, when compared to their natural counterparts, urban ecosystems generally present a very complex, heterogeneous, and dynamic landscape, driven by a multitude of interacting social, economic, and environmental factors, which translates into additional challenges for spatial planning and management [
30]. Furthermore, there is often a mismatch of temporal and spatial scales, where the time and land units for planning and management decisions do not coincide with the ecological processes [
30]. These factors can introduce barriers to the “knowledge to action” process, where both ecological research and policies at a broad scale (international or national level) are difficult to translate to the local level [
32]. The “local level” can be defined as the physical areas that are directly intervened by urban planners, designers, managers, and users [
29]. In urban contexts, the ecological dynamics of the landscape are largely affected by local scale decisions such as the planning and design of individual sites, infrastructures, and community masterplans [
33]. At the local level, historical data about the environmental conditions of each site can also present important ecological opportunities and constraints; for example, historic ecological data often serve as an inspiration for urban design and landscape architecture projects, regarding ecosystem performance and aesthetic expression [
Most ecological research is focused on the advancement of academic knowledge, intended to inform policies at a broad scale, but with limited value for landscape planning at the city or neighbourhood level. Accordingly, most spatial planning and management programs fail to integrate ecological data [
34]. Thus, it is imperative that scientists, planners, designers, communities, and other local stakeholders work collaboratively, creating and transferring knowledge in a format that is clear and useful for every thematic field, in an effort to advance the field of sustainable landscape planning [
In highly heterogeneous and dynamic regions, such as urban areas, ecological research must adapt a fine spatial scale and seek detailed temporal information that can be complemented with diverse social, economic, cultural, and political data, which are crucial to inform landscape planning and design, adjusted to the local context of each city [
33]. In this sense, the study of land cover facilitates the quantitative analysis of the spatial patterns of vegetation and acts as a proxy for habitat distribution [
20]. Land cover can be defined as the physical material that covers the surface of the landscape, usually related to vegetation types or artificial structures [
38]. The concept of land cover is easily applicable everywhere as it transcends local conditions [
39], but on the other hand, it is relevant at a local scale as it can be directly transformed through most urban interventions, not necessarily requiring a change in land use type. In contrast, land use classification, often used in urban ecological studies, is difficult to associate with biodiversity, habitat, and environmental conditions, as the relationship with vegetation cover remains unclear.
These challenges seem to be particularly relevant in compact cities [
43]. As these undergo processes of densification, adequate policies regarding sustainable urban planning, advocating for habitat and biodiversity conservation while offering a suitable quality of life for residents, become imperative as there is (literally) no room for error. In this urban context, there is a pressing need for a concerted effort between multiple disciplines and professionals to generate useful knowledge, closer to the scale of intervention, in order to come up with innovative and tailor-made actions fitted to the local context.
With this in mind and using a compact city from the temperate region as a case study (Porto, Portugal), we analysed the change in urban land cover for an approximate period of 70 years. Our general intention was to produce “actionable knowledge” [
35] with a fine spatial scale and vast temporal span. Thus, our research objectives were to (1) assess the land cover of Porto for three representative dates encompassing the main landscape changes, from the mid-20th century to recent days; (2) analyse the evolution of landscape pattern and composition with spatial metrics; and (3) identify the main trends, at a small scale, that could inform local plans and support direct actions taken by local governance and management systems for a more sustainable city.
4. Discussion
The city of Porto epitomises many of the urbanisation trends in vegetation cover observed in many European cities, having experienced a notorious sprawl and densification of its urban fabric in the past few decades [
55]. In the first half of the 20th century, its territory encompassed a small city centre, as well as a few ramifications to even smaller urbanised clusters in the periphery, and was still being dominated by vegetation cover, especially herbaceous vegetation in agricultural fields. The second half of the 20th century saw an acceleration of urbanisation, and at the beginning of the 21st century, the urban fabric occupied most of the territory contained by the boundaries of Porto. The former rural areas that surrounded the historical urban centres were progressively conquered by new urbanisation processes, which caused the increased dominance of buildings and sealed surfaces (ABE cover), as well as the reduction in diversity of land cover types. Most of the herbaceous patches (HER cover) have disappeared or have been extremely fragmented and isolated from similar patches; this is mainly due to the reclamation of land for new urbanisation, but also related to the abandonment of agricultural practices. Nowadays, most of the remaining vegetation cover persists in patches of trees (TRS cover), which reveals some concern with the preservation of tree cover; in fact, while some new tree cover originated from the ecological succession in abandoned or unmanaged lots, most of the larger tree-covered patches that existed in the mid-20th century were integrated in new public parks.
These results are in line with previous studies performed for the Porto region, although for different contexts, time frames, and scales of approach. For example, in their analysis of the evolution of green spaces in Porto in the 20th century, Madureira et al. [
56] demonstrated a severe decrease in agricultural areas, accompanied by a general increase in green space destruction and fragmentation. Similarly, Bagan and Yamagata [
57] revealed an association between the urban growth of Porto and the reduction in several types of vegetation cover, within a shorter, more recent period, from 1984 to 2009. Several other cities, in Europe and worldwide, also present an urbanisation scenario similar to that experienced by Porto in the past few decades: an increase in built-up and impervious areas and a decline in vegetation and green space cover (e.g., [
60]); however, it should be noted that most of these studies consider only short-term changes, rarely encompassing more than 20 or 30 years of urban land cover evolution. With a similar time frame to our study, Lennert et al. [
61] explored the past dynamics of the Budapest metropolitan region from 1959 to 2012 and obtained similar results: the growth in artificial surfaces caused the decline in vegetated areas, such as natural or agricultural land; nevertheless, the large-scale approach can make it difficult to translate to local actions in each of the individual municipalities. It is worth mentioning that a lot of cities, especially large European and North American cities, have been able to counteract this tendency of vegetation cover loss since the late 20th century [
62]. While some of these trends can be explained by the rise in temperatures favouring vegetation growth, many of these cities have in fact strengthened their green infrastructure and promoted the application of nature-based solutions [
63]. This could also be the case of Porto if the outcomes of this study are properly integrated in urban planning.
The fine scale of analysis allows for a detailed look at specific portions of the city, which can be particularly relevant to understand the context and implications of future interventions in urban areas, which may be of significant interest for urban planners and decision makers. For example, the city centre (
Figure 7a) has been dominated by ABE for a long time, with a fairly constant area, and TRS cover also seems to be quite persistent. This may be suggestive of some habitat and green space conservation efforts, as most of the TRS patches that were already present in 1947 belonged to public parks, gardens, or green squares that were maintained to the present day; some private green spaces inside blocks of buildings have also been preserved. Thus, it is essential that, in this densely built area, all pervious land is protected from future construction and new opportunities for the increment of vegetation cover are seized and planned carefully to maintain appropriate levels of vegetation diversity.
On the other hand, the northern part of Porto (
Figure 7b) reveals an obvious scenario of rapid urban expansion where agricultural fields, dominated by HER cover, were progressively displaced by urbanisation, seemingly without much planning or conservation concerns. In this section of the city, the loss and fragmentation of vegetated areas become quite noticeable, especially due to large continuous patches of HER cover, and also TRS cover to a lesser extent, being encroached by the development of new buildings, roads, and other infrastructures (ABE). It is recommended that future interventions in this or other areas with a similar profile take actions to preserve, enlarge, and connect the remnant patches of vegetation, in order to enhance the ecological performance of the urban ecosystem.
The western extreme of the city (
Figure 7c) also shows a significant decrease in the proportion of HER cover due to the decline in agricultural activities. The scenario of increase in fragmentation and shape irregularity of TRS cover is particularly visible in this portion of the city, as large patches of tree-covered private gardens and backyards, present in 1947, were gradually replaced by a denser matrix of buildings; most of the TRS patches in 2019 are tree-lined streets and narrow fragments of private gardens. In this area of the city, there are still some relatively large patches dominated by herbaceous vegetation that represent some of the few cultivated areas in the whole city that persist today. Considering the future urban developments expected for this area, we recommend that this portion of land retains the highest degree of perviousness as possible, protecting one of the few areas of the city with less disturbed soil. In this regard, we highlight two major options: (1) the preservation of agricultural spaces, for example, in the form of community gardens or allotments, and (2) the establishment of herbaceous habitats, based mainly on native plant species. These practices could contribute to the conservation of soil and water quality, while also promoting the biodiversity of grassland and farmland habitats, which is declining at the European level [
The eastern portion of Porto (
Figure 7d) was also dominated by HER cover in 1947, mainly in the form of crops and pastures. Although some new urban developments occurred, namely the construction of a few residential neighbourhoods and large roads, this portion remains one of the least urbanised of the city. However, the area of HER cover has also decreased substantially, especially due to the abandonment of agricultural fields, which caused an increment in mostly spontaneous TRS cover. This can pose an additional challenge due to the proliferation of invasive species that may follow the abandonment of these fields. Nevertheless, the extent of vacant land present in this portion of the city can generate opportunities for the creation of new accessible green spaces that provide numerous benefits for the urban population, especially considering the lack of public green spaces amongst this intricate urban fabric with an accentuated rural character.
Due to their higher degree of complexity and heterogeneity, the smaller scale of approach seems to be particularly relevant in urban areas, where there is a strong competition for space among different interest groups and where decisions at a small scale can have significant ecological or social effects. For instance, decisions such as the preservation of even a small patch of vegetation can dictate the survival of a population of a certain species or can contribute to the experience of nature for the nearest residents, improving their health, well-being, and quality of life at a scale that even transcends that particular site.
To complement these results, further data could be generated encompassing, for example, a more detailed classification of vegetation types, a finer temporal scale (considering shorter time intervals), and the study of land cover trajectories. Additionally, depending on the aim of research, but particularly relevant for spatial planning, it may be worth analysing the relationship between land cover patterns and evolution with biodiversity, quality of life, health and well-being, and other factors.
As such, this research can be easily reproduced in a variety of urban areas, as the methods are quite simple and do not require prior specialised training for the visual interpretation of the landscape. However, due to the detailed scale of analysis, the method can become quite time-consuming when considering larger study areas; this could be overcome with the creation of automatic algorithms for the classification of land cover, which was outside of the scope of this research.
5. Conclusions
The city of Porto experienced evident processes of urban sprawl and densification in the last century, mimicking other cities worldwide. Thus, the findings and recommendations of this research can also be applied to a variety of cities with a similar context, particularly other European cities that are compact and undergoing phases of infill development. To counteract the loss of vegetation, especially grassland and farmland habitats, we propose that these cities invest in the conservation, restauration, or creation of herbaceous patches, in the form of meadows, allotments, urban farming, and other amenities, that could be encouraged in public and private areas. Arboreal vegetation is also important, but its conservation is a more common practice (that should be maintained). Cities that aim to be sustainable should consider several aspects regarding green spaces: maximise, to the greatest possible extent, the amount of vegetation cover in the city; enhance the diversity of green spaces and in green spaces (e.g., include different types of green spaces, with different uses and different compositions); optimise the relation of vegetation patches with each other and with the surrounding built environment; and consider the temporal variation or continuity of vegetation.
The small-scale approach of this research brings the results closer to the scale of intervention, i.e., it allows a focus, with great detail, on particular sites, contributing to decision making in future interventions in the urban landscape (e.g., preservation of the existing vegetation, selection of the best habitats to implement, etc.). This way, the scale of approach and the emphasis on vegetation facilitate the translation of scientific research into concrete practical measures, and not just general recommendations on a broad geographic scale that are difficult to implement at the local decision scale.
This study showed that it is possible to obtain urban land cover data at a fine spatial scale, while also considering the history of the vegetation on each location. This research was outlined with urban ecology and urban planning in mind, but it can also be useful to other fields of scientific research and professional practices, such as architecture, landscape architecture, geography, social studies, etc., that take interest in improving the urban environment and the health and quality of life for urban residents.