Agroecology for the City—Spatialising ES-Based Design in Peri-Urban Contexts
:1. Introduction
2. Method
2.1. Description of ESMAX
2.2. New Zealand Case Study
2.3. Spatial Agroecology Methodology
- (1)
- ES demand—qualitative research identifies the individual ES most demanded from the research area. In this research, ES demand is established as the range of regulating ESs considered most valuable to the existing urban community that neighbours the development site. ES demand could be determined by other means—for example, using climate modelling to establish future demands that will be placed on the site.
- (2)
- Spatial agroecology—creation in GIS of AFS configurations across the research site, arranging 4 ha and 1 ha AFS parcels in various arrangements. This refers to both the spatial configuration within each AFS parcel and how the parcels are located in relation to each other across the 190 ha development site.
- (3)
- ESMAX—The ESMAX model is used to quantify and visualise the performance of configurations generated in Step 2 for supplying the specific ES identified in Step 1.
- (4)
- Solution Space—Analysis of ESMAX results to determine configurations with the multifunctional capability to address local ES demand.
2.4. ES Demand
2.5. Spatial Agroecology Configuration
2.6. ESMAX
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- Habitat suitability—ESMAX is initialised to model the habitat suitability for two indicator species of Indigenous ecosystem resilience in New Zealand rural landscapes [53]. The piwakawaka (fantail, Rhipidura fugilinosa) and korimako (bellbird, Anthornis melanura) are found throughout the country. The piwakawaka is insectivorous, while the korimako is nectivorous [54,55]. Dissimilarities in nesting habitat size requirements and feeding ranges result in distinct ES fields around woody vegetation clumps for each species. Piwakawaka favour habitats along the forest edge, whereas korimako prefer to nest in undisturbed forest environments [53]. The piwakawaka has demonstrated effective adaptation to landscape fragmentation [56,57]. It is renowned for its unique sallying behaviour while feeding, often in close proximity to humans [58]. Conversely, korimako favour undisturbed forest areas for nesting but will sometimes travel considerable distances (exceeding 500 m) to forage on their preferred flowering plants [59].
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- Flood mitigation—Woody vegetation components provide protection against flooding by obstructing overland water flow and promoting soil infiltration [60,61]. The ES field in this case correlates to root biomass spatial distribution, with root biomass (including both coarse and fine roots) concentrated towards the trunk of an individual tree and the lateral extent of roots extending some distance beyond the crown diameter [62,63]. All tree clumps, irrespective of size, have an associated root architecture extending beyond the above-ground extent of tree clump and this constitutes the range of the ES field included in these flood mitigation calculations. The physical range of the ES field from the clump for flood mitigation is the estimated extent of root structure from the outermost trees in each clump—set at seven metres from the perimeter of the SPU for the purposes of this example, based on a constant five-metre height of individual trees. Due to the particular species of tree modelled for this ES (Alder, Alnus viridis), it is surmised that where root zones of adjacent plants overlap, a high degree of root interweaving results [64]. The capacity to obstruct sub-surface water flows and enhance soil infiltration will be therefore additive in areas of overlap.
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- Cooling effect—The cooling effect of tree clumps in a rural context has not been as widely studied as the established temperature regulating phenomenon provided by green ‘cooling islands’ in urban contexts [65]. Yet the three variables by which vegetation regulates urban temperatures also apply to tree clumps in rural environments: by shading solar radiation, through the process of evapotranspiration and by altering air movement and heat exchange [66,67]. Research indicates urban cooling is related to the size of the green spaces [67]. Woody vegetation clump size is therefore used by ESMAX as a parameter for cooling intensity, with a range derived from literature on micrometeorological phenomena characteristic of forest edge contexts [68,69]. Equating clump diameter with the cooling effect range is supported by urban cooling research which observed the cooling influence range of urban parks extended approximately the same width of each park away from each respective cooling source park [70,71]. The distance decay of cooling intensity away from the clump is represented by a negative exponential curve, which is verified by empirical and simulated evidence from urban cooling island research [72,73]. For the purposes of this research, only the largest woody vegetation components (0.2 ha, or 50 m diameter) generate any cooling effect on their own. Smaller woody vegetation patches in cooling calculations are only recognised by ESMAX as sources of cooling when they are located within the diameter of the second smallest patch size (11.2 m) from an adjacent patch, and the smallest 5 sq. m patches are excluded from cooling effect calculations [38].
2.7. Solution Space
3. Results
3.1. Individual Regulating ESs
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- Habitat suitability (korimako): Spatial arrangement is moderately important. Configuration 2a provides the most suitable korimako habitat for this peri-urban site, which comprises dispersed 1 ha SPUs containing L-sized (0.1 ha) clumps. The results indicate the configuration of clumps has a bearing on the korimako habitat, but less so than piwakawaka.
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- Habitat suitability (piwakawaka): Spatial arrangement is important. The most favourable piwakawaka habitat is provided by the two configurations featuring 1 ha SPUs with shelterbelts (configurations 2b and 2c). There is a 45% drop between these two configurations and the next best habitats. The lowest performing are the configurations that feature the greatest distances (or most space devoid of woody vegetation) between tree clumps of all the configuration options.
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- Flood mitigation: Configuration exerts a minor influence on ES performance. The best flood mitigation is provided by configuration 2b, which features 1 ha SPUs with shelterbelts, dispersed evenly across the case study site. The shelterbelts include areas of double-row XS clumps, the most closely spaced clumps in any of the SPU options.
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- Cooling effect: Size matters. ESMAX results indicate that the best cooling effect is provided by four configurations, two of which include the 4 ha SPUs containing XL-sized (0.2 ha) woody vegetation clumps, and the other two featuring 4 ha SPUs containing two L-sized (0.1 ha) clumps. These arrangements have the SPUs both aggregated and dispersed evenly across the site. The results suggest the size of individual SPUs is of primary importance to cooling effect delivery, rather than how these SPUs are arranged.
3.2. Multifunctional Performance
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- Highest total ES supply—The solution space analysis of the ESMAX results is used to compare the combined provision of the four regulating ESs by the case study site configurations. The results indicate the highest total supply of the four regulating ESs is provided by configuration 2b (Figure 7i), comprising dispersed 1 ha shelterbelt SPUs.
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- Most even distribution of ESs—The analysis suggests the most even distribution of performance across all four ESs is provided by configuration 4c (Figure 7ii). This is a dispersed arrangement of 4 ha SPUs featuring one L-size 1 ha tree clump set in a silvopastoral arrangement of M-, S- and XS clumps. The next best configuration is 1c, which is an aggregated arrangement of 1 ha silvopasture parcels featuring only S and XS clumps. Note however that although providing a relatively even distribution of ES supply, this configuration provides the second to lowest supply of ESs overall. The third best in terms of even distribution of ESs provided is 4b, a dispersed arrangement of 4ha parcels featuring shelterbelts, which is also the third highest overall supplier of combined ESs. The most uneven or biased supplier of ESs is configuration 3a, the highest-performing provider of cooling effect, and also the lowest provider of all four ESs combined. This configuration features the most clumped arrangement of trees across the site, effectively eight clumps of trees with clear interstitial expanses of pasture and housing.
4. Discussion
4.1. ESMAX’s Value in an Urban Context
4.2. Agroecology for the City
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5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Morris, R.; Davis, S.; Grelet, G.-A.; Gregorini, P. Agroecology for the City—Spatialising ES-Based Design in Peri-Urban Contexts. Land 2024, 13, 1589.
Morris R, Davis S, Grelet G-A, Gregorini P. Agroecology for the City—Spatialising ES-Based Design in Peri-Urban Contexts. Land. 2024; 13(10):1589.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMorris, Richard, Shannon Davis, Gwen-Aëlle Grelet, and Pablo Gregorini. 2024. "Agroecology for the City—Spatialising ES-Based Design in Peri-Urban Contexts" Land 13, no. 10: 1589.
APA StyleMorris, R., Davis, S., Grelet, G.-A., & Gregorini, P. (2024). Agroecology for the City—Spatialising ES-Based Design in Peri-Urban Contexts. Land, 13(10), 1589.