Mapping of Forest Species Using Sentinel-2A Images in the Alentejo and Algarve Regions, Portugal
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Processing and Dataset
2.3. Spectral Data
Types | Descriptions | Equations | |
Vegetation Indices * (VIs) | GNDVI [79] | Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | |
SAVI [80] | Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index | ||
NDII [81] | Normalized Difference Infrared Index | ||
EVI [82] | Enhanced Vegetation Index | ||
NDRE 1 [83] | Normalized Difference Red Edge Index 1 | ||
NDRE 2 [83] | Normalized Difference Red Edge Index 2 | ||
CI [84] | Red-edge Chlorophyll Index | ||
Textures ** | Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) [20] | MEA | |
VAR | |||
NUTIII Regions | AA | AC | AL | BA | AG |
PC1 | 77.69% | 96.87% | 75.64% | 81.60% | 95.77% |
PC1 + PC2 | 93.16% | 98.81% | 92.99% | 93.15% | 98.24% |
PC1 + PC2 + PC3 | 97.18% | 99.78% | 97.42% | 97.10% | 99.45% |
2.4. Supervised Classification
2.4.1. K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest Classifiers
2.4.2. Accuracy Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Classification Accuracy
3.2. Forest Classes Level Accuracy Assessment and Classified Maps
4. Discussion
4.1. Contribution of Independent Variables to Gains in Accuracy
4.2. The Forest Occupancy Classification Challenges with Images from Sentinel-2
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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NUTS III Regions | AC | AL | BA | AA | AG | |||||
Classifiers | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF |
OA (%) | 88.69 | 92.16 | 83.03 | 87.49 | 80.99 | 86.88 | 80.25 | 85.24 | 75.43 | 81.86 |
K | 0.87 | 0.91 | 0.80 | 0.86 | 0.78 | 0.85 | 0.77 | 0.83 | 0.72 | 0.79 |
NUTIII Regions | AC | AL | BA | AA | AG | ||||||
Forest Classes | Accuracy | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF | KNN | RF |
Eucalyptus spp. | PA(%) | 81.59 | 87.85 | 70.69 | 77.61 | 74.38 | 83.47 | 77.38 | 79.14 | 77.43 | 85.40 |
UA (%) | 80.03 | 88.17 | 68.91 | 77.90 | 73.05 | 84.25 | 77.66 | 80.30 | 69.27 | 78.72 | |
Pinus pinea | PA(%) | 82.91 | 89.06 | 67.44 | 76.13 | 80.00 | 85.33 | 66.59 | 81.10 | 64.96 | 72.45 |
UA (%) | 83.97 | 89.75 | 77.62 | 79.90 | 73.75 | 80.80 | 71.98 | 75.90 | 65.09 | 77.05 | |
Pinus pinaster | PA(%) | - | - | 74.48 | 77.80 | - | - | 75.25 | 81.15 | 54.09 | 67.24 |
UA (%) | - | - | 68.95 | 76.27 | - | - | 79.34 | 82.75 | 65.81 | 72.72 | |
Quercusrotundifolia | PA(%) | 82.45 | 85.79 | - | - | 64.09 | 73.61 | 82.06 | 84.55 | 71.63 | 78.58 |
UA (%) | 75.53 | 80.94 | - | - | 64.87 | 75.42 | 68.71 | 79.69 | 63.06 | 71.67 | |
Quercus suber | PA(%) | 84.10 | 86.77 | 78.31 | 84.52 | 69.40 | 78.22 | 63.19 | 74.45 | 61.28 | 72.04 |
UA (%) | 86.99 | 90.00 | 70.46 | 79.51 | 76.27 | 82.22 | 74.13 | 78.55 | 57.00 | 65.47 |
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Isbaex, C.; Coelho, A.M.; Gonçalves, A.C.; Sousa, A.M.O. Mapping of Forest Species Using Sentinel-2A Images in the Alentejo and Algarve Regions, Portugal. Land 2024, 13, 2184.
Isbaex C, Coelho AM, Gonçalves AC, Sousa AMO. Mapping of Forest Species Using Sentinel-2A Images in the Alentejo and Algarve Regions, Portugal. Land. 2024; 13(12):2184.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIsbaex, Crismeire, Ana Margarida Coelho, Ana Cristina Gonçalves, and Adélia M. O. Sousa. 2024. "Mapping of Forest Species Using Sentinel-2A Images in the Alentejo and Algarve Regions, Portugal" Land 13, no. 12: 2184.
APA StyleIsbaex, C., Coelho, A. M., Gonçalves, A. C., & Sousa, A. M. O. (2024). Mapping of Forest Species Using Sentinel-2A Images in the Alentejo and Algarve Regions, Portugal. Land, 13(12), 2184.