Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot
:1. Introduction
- the uncontrolled and unsustainable harvesting for personal use and also trade. This underlies the need for conservation and local cultivation of valued plants and sustainability training for harvesters and certification of commercial material [84],
- the land use changes and habitat fragmentation, and
- A.
- Species-specific responses to drivers of global change
- 1.
- How will climate and land-use change affect the MAP taxa in Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park?
- 2.
- Will climate change or land-use change pose a more significant threat to MAP taxa, and will the effects be species-specific?
- 3.
- How will the spatial distribution of MAP taxa within the Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park evolve in response to these changes?
- B.
- Biodiversity hotspots over time
- 4.
- Which areas within the Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park serve as taxonomically and phylogenetically geographically weighted hotspots?
- 5.
- How will these areas shift in altitude and size over time?
- 6.
- Which areas within the Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park will experience high taxonomic and phylogenetic temporal turnover?
- C.
- Conservation strategies
- 7.
- What is the vulnerability of the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant taxa in Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Species Occurrence Data
2.2. Environmental Data
- three different periods, i.e., the 2020s (2011–2040), 2050s (2041–2070) and 2080s (2071–2100) [119],
- three global circulation models (GCMs) (i.e., other (CCSM4, HadGEM2, and an ensemble of 15 global circulation models), and
2.3. Species Distribution Models
2.4. Biodiversity Hotspots Detection
2.5. Temporal Beta Diversity
2.6. Sensitivity, Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate and Land-Use Change
3. Results
3.1. Species Distribution Models
- The LULC category ‘Needle-leaf evergreen temperate trees’ for the LULCC model
- The precipitation of the wettest month for the CC model and
- Aspect for the CC-LULCC model
3.2. Habitat Suitability Range Change
3.3. Biodiversity Hotspots
3.4. Temporal Beta Diversity
3.5. Sensitivity, Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate and Land-Use Change
4. Discussion
4.1. Species-Specific Responses to Drivers of Global Change
4.2. Biodiversity Hotspots
4.3. Conservation Strategies
4.4. Policy Implications
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kougioumoutzis, K.; Tsakiri, M.; Kokkoris, I.P.; Trigas, P.; Iatrou, G.; Lamari, F.N.; Tzanoudakis, D.; Koumoutsou, E.; Dimopoulos, P.; Strid, A.; et al. Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot. Land 2024, 13, 133.
Kougioumoutzis K, Tsakiri M, Kokkoris IP, Trigas P, Iatrou G, Lamari FN, Tzanoudakis D, Koumoutsou E, Dimopoulos P, Strid A, et al. Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot. Land. 2024; 13(2):133.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKougioumoutzis, Konstantinos, Maria Tsakiri, Ioannis P. Kokkoris, Panayiotis Trigas, Gregoris Iatrou, Fotini N. Lamari, Dimitris Tzanoudakis, Eleni Koumoutsou, Panayotis Dimopoulos, Arne Strid, and et al. 2024. "Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot" Land 13, no. 2: 133.
APA StyleKougioumoutzis, K., Tsakiri, M., Kokkoris, I. P., Trigas, P., Iatrou, G., Lamari, F. N., Tzanoudakis, D., Koumoutsou, E., Dimopoulos, P., Strid, A., & Panitsa, M. (2024). Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot. Land, 13(2), 133.