Importance of STEM and STEAM Education for Improvement of the Land in the RURAL Environment: Examples in Latin America
:1. Introduction
2. Objectives and Methods
3. Education for the Improvement of the Land in the Rural Environment
4. Rural Situation in Latin America
Rural Situation in Colombia, Peru, and Chile
5. State of the Art of Rural Education in Latin America
Rural Education in Colombia, Peru, and Chile
6. Results
6.1. STEM and STEAM Education in Latin America for the Improvement of the Rural Environment
6.2. STEM and STEAM Experiences in Rural Environments in Colombia, Peru, and Chile
6.3. Situation in Spain: Education for the Improvement of the Land in the Rural Environment and STEM and STEAM Education (Experiences in Rural Environments)
7. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gavari-Starkie, E.; Espinosa-Gutiérrez, P.-T.; Lucini-Baquero, C.; Pastrana-Huguet, J. Importance of STEM and STEAM Education for Improvement of the Land in the RURAL Environment: Examples in Latin America. Land 2024, 13, 274.
Gavari-Starkie E, Espinosa-Gutiérrez P-T, Lucini-Baquero C, Pastrana-Huguet J. Importance of STEM and STEAM Education for Improvement of the Land in the RURAL Environment: Examples in Latin America. Land. 2024; 13(3):274.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGavari-Starkie, Elisa, Patricia-Teresa Espinosa-Gutiérrez, Cristina Lucini-Baquero, and Josep Pastrana-Huguet. 2024. "Importance of STEM and STEAM Education for Improvement of the Land in the RURAL Environment: Examples in Latin America" Land 13, no. 3: 274.
APA StyleGavari-Starkie, E., Espinosa-Gutiérrez, P.-T., Lucini-Baquero, C., & Pastrana-Huguet, J. (2024). Importance of STEM and STEAM Education for Improvement of the Land in the RURAL Environment: Examples in Latin America. Land, 13(3), 274.