The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Dual Role of Foresters in the Context of Recreational Management
3.1.1. Forester as an Employee Managing Recreational Use of the Forest
3.1.2. Forester as a User of Non-Productive Forest Functions
3.1.3. Conflict Between Roles
3.2. Negative Impacts of Visitation on Forest Management
3.2.1. Pollution and Litter
3.2.2. Non-Compliance with Rules and Safety
3.2.3. Conflicts with Visitors and Limited Authority
3.2.4. Disturbance of Wildlife and Hunting Activities
3.3. Positive Impacts of Recreational Use of Forests
3.3.1. Improving Physical and Mental Health of Visitors
3.3.2. Strengthening the Public’s Relationship with Nature and Forestry
3.3.3. Supporting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
4. Discussion
5. Final Remarks
- Increase funding for the maintenance of trails, informational signs, and other infrastructure. Foresters agree that if they have sufficient financial resources, they can also handle the recreational functions of the forest. However, if budgets are limited, the priority will remain on the economic use of the forest, which may lead to the neglect of recreational services. Maintaining balanced funding is therefore crucial to ensure both functions. Respondent 5: “As long as we have the money, we can maintain the tourist trails. But when the budget tightens, we have to focus on the economic part”.
- Improve legislation in the field of forest protection and strengthen the authority of foresters. Foresters repeatedly emphasized that they would need more authority to enforce rules in order to effectively protect forest ecosystems and ensure visitor safety.
- Support long-term educational campaigns focused on public awareness. Foresters believe that increasing public awareness about rules of conduct in the forest and nature conservation could help reduce conflicts and improve relationships between visitors and foresters.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Information and Identification of Respondents
Research Participant Number | Position/Profession | Employer | Forest Type | Tourist Load of the Site from the Respondent’s Point of View |
RP1 | Forester | LČR | Mainly economic, partly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP2 | Forester | LČR | Mainly economic, partly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP3 | Head of department/forester | Urban Forests | Both forest types | High pressure |
RP4 | Forester | Other | Both forest types | High pressure |
RP5 | Head of department/forester | Urban Forests | Mainly economic | Low pressure |
RP6 | Forester | Urban Forests | Mainly special-purpose, partly economic | High pressure |
RP7 | Forester | Urban Forests | Mainly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP8 | Forester | Urban Forests | Mainly economic, partly special-purpose | Medium pressure |
RP9 | Head of department/forester | Urban Forests | Mainly special-purpose, partly economic | High pressure |
RP10 | Forester | LČR | Mainly economic, partly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP11 | Forester | Urban Forests | Mainly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP12 | Forester | Urban Forests | Mainly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP13 | Forester | LČR | Mainly economic | Low pressure |
RP14 | Forester | LČR | Mainly economic, partly special-purpose | High pressure |
RP15 | Recreation officer | Urban Forests | Special-purpose | High pressure |
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Topic | Key Findings |
Dual role of foresters | Foresters act both as managers of forest ecosystems and as recreational users themselves, leading to a unique perspective on balancing economic and recreational functions. |
Impacts of visitation | Increased forest visitation creates challenges like litter, non-compliance with safety rules, and conflicts between visitors and foresters. |
Positive effects of recreation | Recreational use supports public health and strengthens relationships between foresters and visitors through educational activities. |
Challenges to recreational management | Lack of funding and limited authority to enforce rules hinder the ability of foresters to manage recreational areas effectively. |
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Autratova, S.; Fialova, J.; Sedlackova, K. The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land 2025, 14, 215.
Autratova S, Fialova J, Sedlackova K. The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land. 2025; 14(2):215.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAutratova, Sabina, Jitka Fialova, and Katerina Sedlackova. 2025. "The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers" Land 14, no. 2: 215.
APA StyleAutratova, S., Fialova, J., & Sedlackova, K. (2025). The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land, 14(2), 215.