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The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers

Department of Landscape Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Land 2025, 14(2), 215;
Submission received: 18 November 2024 / Revised: 18 January 2025 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 21 January 2025


The study aimed to explore the perception of foresters in relation to forest recreational management in the Czech Republic. Using qualitative research methods, specifically semi-structured in-depth interviews, the study gathered data to uncover the positive and negative factors influencing the work of foresters as recreational managers. Fifteen respondents from across the country, all involved in the development and management of forest recreation, participated in the study. Content analysis and grounded theory were applied to analyze the interviews with the aid of ATLAS.ti software (Student Semester License). The findings highlight foresters’ perception from two perspectives: as forest users and as professionals. The professional perspective also revealed challenges, benefits, and obstacles in managing recreational activities. A key theme that emerged was the relationship and communication with the public. The study found that foresters’ views on recreation management are complex, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. While they value contributing to the public good, they face issues such as environmental pollution, conflicts with visitors, rule enforcement, and a lack of recognition for their efforts. These challenges shape their professional outlook. The insights gained could guide future research and inform strategies to enhance forest recreation management.

1. Introduction

Recreation in forests is becoming increasingly important as more people seek a connection with nature. The growing popularity of outdoor activities in forested areas presents both significant opportunities and challenges for forest managers. They are now required to find a delicate balance between meeting visitors’ recreational needs while preserving the ecological and economic functions of forests. In recent years, the focus has shifted to the crucial role forest managers play in facilitating outdoor recreation. Their responsibilities have expanded beyond traditional forestry practices, now encompassing the management of recreational use to ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems for future generations.
Foresters occupy a unique dual role as both users and stewards of forest resources. On one hand, they acknowledge the positive impacts of forest recreation on human health and well-being, which aligns with the global trend of promoting the health benefits associated with spending time in natural environments [1,2,3,4]. On the other hand, they face challenges related to the increasing numbers of visitors, such as environmental degradation, disturbance to wildlife, and the need for effective enforcement of regulations within forest areas [5]. This surge in visitors was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, as restrictions on indoor gatherings led to a greater influx of people seeking solace in nature—not just in the Czech Republic, but across many other regions [6,7,8]. Although studies focusing on post-pandemic forest visitation remain limited, preliminary research from Switzerland suggests that while visitor numbers have declined since the peak of the pandemic, they have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels [9].
Amid this growing interest in forest recreation, the concept of multifunctional forestry and the provision of diverse ecosystem services have gained prominence. Multifunctional forestry is a holistic approach that not only focuses on timber production but also includes non-productive functions of forests, such as providing spaces for recreation, carbon sequestration, and protective roles like soil stabilization and water regulation [10,11,12]. These non-productive ecosystem services are increasingly recognized for their value; however, there is currently no standardized method to comprehensively calculate their economic worth. This lack of clear valuation metrics can affect foresters’ perspectives on integrating recreational management into their forest management practices. Nevertheless, research consistently shows that these non-productive functions are just as crucial as timber production in ensuring the overall sustainability and health of forest ecosystems [13,14].
Despite the strategic emphasis in forestry policies on supporting recreational management and promoting multifunctional forestry, there remains a notable gap in institutional support for foresters tasked with implementing these strategies [15,16]. Currently, foresters often lack sufficient resources and guidance on how to effectively manage forests for recreational use. This gap highlights the need for practical tools and support systems to aid forest managers in balancing the diverse demands placed on forest ecosystems.
One potential approach to addressing this gap is the use of forest pedagogy as a tool for public engagement. Forest pedagogy can serve as an effective communication strategy for the public to gain valuable knowledge, which can shape their perceptions and attitudes toward the recreational use of forests. By promoting a deeper understanding of forest ecosystems, this educational approach has the potential to align public expectations with sustainable forest management practices. In the Czech Republic, forest pedagogy has been gaining traction, with numerous practical applications. For example, the Forest Management Institute regularly organizes educational activities for school children, and initiatives such as forest-themed excursions and workshops are increasingly popular. These efforts have proven effective in fostering a positive relationship between the public and forest managers, contributing to a better understanding of sustainable forestry practices [17,18,19].
This article explores the self-concept of foresters on the role of forests in recreation, highlighting the factors that influence their approach to recreational management. It delves into the complexities of managing forests in a way that balances conservation with public access. By understanding these perspectives, we can better inform forest management strategies that align with both conservation goals and the growing demand for outdoor recreation. Effective management strategies will not only enhance the recreational experience for visitors, but also ensure the protection and sustainability of forest ecosystems.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

The study was conducted within the Czech Republic, focusing on peri-urban forests and forests experiencing higher levels of recreational use. These areas were predominantly owned by municipalities or the national forestry organization, Lesy České republiky (Forests of the Czech Republic), with one site under different ownership. Requests for participation were sent to contacts familiar with on-the-ground management and possessing influence over recreational management strategies. A purposive sampling approach was used, prioritizing respondents with relevant experience, knowledge, and practical background [20].
No refusals were received from the contacted participants. All respondents were of working age, as they were employees of their respective organizations. The study aimed to categorize the types of forests managed by these respondents, with categories defined by the Forest Act of the Czech Republic, which establishes three categories: protective forests, special-purpose forests, and production forests [21].
Peri-urban and recreation-enhanced forests fall under the special-purpose category, although some forests managed by respondents also fell into the economic (production) category due to high tourist traffic. Forest adaptation to recreational functions may vary according to forest category. For reference, production forests constitute 74% of forests in the Czech Republic, special-purpose forests 24%, and protective forests 2% [22]. The accompanying Table in Appendix A illustrates the distribution of respondents by employer and by the forest categories they manage.
Explanation of abbreviations in the table: RP—Respondent. LČR—Lesy České republiky (Forests of the Czech Republic).

2.2. Data Collection and Analysis

A combination of grounded theory and thematic analysis was used for this research [23,24,25]. Based on these methods, the research question was developed, and a semi-structured interview format was chosen due to its open-ended nature, allowing the researcher to probe for additional details and ask relevant follow-up questions as they arise, thereby encouraging respondents to elaborate freely [26].
Organizations were approached between March and June 2023, and with slight overlap, interviews were conducted from May to September 2023. A total of 15 interviews were completed, each lasting between 15 min to an hour. All interviews were recorded with participants’ consent and assurance of anonymity. Transcriptions were completed verbatim and anonymized, with Atlas.ti software (Student Semester License) used for both transcription and subsequent analysis [27].
According to various authors, recommendations regarding the number of respondents in qualitative research are quite variable. For example, according to Guest et al. [28], 6–12 interviews are sufficient for a single qualitative study, while Bertaux [29] suggests that 15 respondents are the minimum required. Based on these recommendations, I chose the sample size considering my research design and based on the sample size used in similar studies [30,31,32,33,34].
To best capture data from the respondents’ perspectives, thematic analysis was employed. The entire text was coded, not only for segments relevant to the research question. Additional codes were analyzed for potential relevance to the respondents’ perceptions and experiences. Codes were then organized into categories and subcategories, with the process repeated several times to refine the analysis [35]. Mind maps were created to clarify categories and sub-categories, making the data more manageable [36]. One of the mind maps was particularly helpful in organizing my thoughts by highlighting the positive and negative aspects of forest recreation from the self-concept of foresters in their professional roles.

3. Results

3.1. Dual Role of Foresters in the Context of Recreational Management

Foresters play a complex dual role in the context of forest management, especially when it comes to the non-productive functions of forests, such as recreation and tourism. On one hand, they act as employees responsible for the management, protection, and maintenance of forest ecosystems, which also includes ensuring visitor safety, caring for tourist trails, and maintaining infrastructure. On the other hand, they are also users of the forest—many of them use the forest for recreational purposes themselves, thus having direct experience with its non-productive functions.

3.1.1. Forester as an Employee Managing Recreational Use of the Forest

The interviews revealed that foresters often feel the tension between their traditional role as managers focused on the economic functions of forests and the newer demands related to recreational use. While their main job duties include timber harvesting, forest maintenance, and protection, they are increasingly expected to also serve as managers of recreational infrastructure.
Respondent 6: “Our job is to ensure that the forest is healthy and sustainable, but at the same time, we have to deal with tourists who don’t realize that we are conducting logging operations here”.
Respondent 3: “We are increasingly expected to manage recreational areas, but there isn’t enough support for that”.
This conflict between the economic and recreational functions of the forest often leads to complications, especially regarding logging restrictions, safety measures, and managing public access to the forest. As employees, however, foresters face challenges brought about by the increasing number of visitors. The primary factor influencing their approach to recreational management is the requirements set by forest owners and the classification of the type of forest they manage. In forests designated for special purposes (e.g., recreation), there is an emphasis on ensuring recreational functions, while in production forests, recreation is rather secondary.
Respondent 6: “If we manage forests that are designated for recreation, we have to adjust our plans more often, which usually means compromises between logging and visitor access”.
The analysis showed that most foresters manage a combination of forests designated for both production and recreation. Only one respondent indicated that they are entirely focused on production forests, which means that most foresters have to balance different priorities within their work.

3.1.2. Forester as a User of Non-Productive Forest Functions

On the other hand, foresters often use the forest for recreation themselves, which gives them a unique insight into the importance of the forest’s non-productive functions. Thanks to their experiences, these professionals not only have a deeper understanding of the needs of visitors but also realize how important these functions are for public health and quality of life.
Respondent 10: “As a forester, I spend a lot of time in the forest even outside of work. I see how beneficial it is when people come to relax, but at the same time, it’s necessary for them to respect that the forest is not just a playground”.
Respondent 2: “I personally enjoy using the forest for walks, so I understand why it attracts people, but we need to find a balance between economic use and recreational activities”.

3.1.3. Conflict Between Roles

The interviews revealed that this dual perspective often leads to conflicting feelings. Foresters appreciate the opportunity to use the forest for recreational purposes, but at the same time, they perceive the negative impacts of increased visitation on their daily work and on the forest ecosystem itself. This ambivalence affects their self-concept regarding developing recreational management strategies that could better meet the needs of visitors without compromising the economic and ecological functions of the forest.
Respondent 8: “It’s a double-edged sword. I’m glad that people love the forests, but the more people come, the more problems we have to deal with”.
Respondent 5: “On one hand, I want people to come to the forest and enjoy it, but on the other hand, it disrupts our work and brings additional complications”.

3.2. Negative Impacts of Visitation on Forest Management

Foresters observe increased pressure on forests due to the growing number of visitors, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, when people started to frequently use forests as a refuge from restrictions in urban areas. This influx has led to a decline in the quality of the forest environment and increased the burden on foresters who have to deal with various issues.

3.2.1. Pollution and Litter

The main issue repeatedly mentioned by respondents is environmental pollution. Thirteen out of fifteen respondents stated that litter is the biggest demotivating factor. Often, it involves plastic bottles, food wrappers, cigarette butts, and even used hygiene items left behind by visitors.
Respondent 5: “It’s exhausting when we constantly have to clean up after visitors instead of focusing on our main job”.
Respondent 9: “We even found construction waste dumped in the forest, which is completely unacceptable. How can we manage forestry when we have to deal with such problems?”

3.2.2. Non-Compliance with Rules and Safety

Another frequent issue is non-compliance with rules. Ten respondents mentioned that visitors often ignore warnings and restrictions on entry into logging areas or other risk zones. Foresters emphasize that the lack of authority prevents them from effectively enforcing rules, which leads to potentially dangerous situations.
Respondent 2: “When people ignore tapes and warnings, they endanger not only themselves but also us. And we have no means to enforce it”.
Respondent 12: “We’ve tried explaining to people why entry into certain zones is prohibited, but they often ignore it”.

3.2.3. Conflicts with Visitors and Limited Authority

Foresters feel responsible for ensuring the safety of visitors, but insufficient authority prevents them from enforcing compliance with rules. Conflicts arise particularly during logging operations when tourists enter dangerous zones despite clearly marked closures.
Respondent 10: “When we are felling trees, it often happens that people want to walk directly through the logging zone, even though it’s clearly closed. And there’s nothing we can do about it”.
Respondent 6: “I’ve had several conflicts with tourists who insisted on entering areas closed off for safety reasons”.
Foresters agree that problematic behavior is generally limited to a small portion of visitors who do not respect rules, litter, or ignore safety restrictions. However, most visitors are willing to listen and behave responsibly if they are properly informed and made aware of the rules.
Respondent 4: “Most people we meet behave politely and respond when we point out the rules. The problem is those who simply refuse to listen”.
Respondent 9: “It’s true that problematic visitors are mostly the exception. Most people try to follow the rules if we explain why they are important”.
Foresters often report that they can reach an understanding with most visitors through direct communication. If visitors are informed about the reasons for certain restrictions, such as protecting wildlife or ensuring safety during logging, they are usually willing to comply. This demonstrates that educational activities and forest pedagogy can play a crucial role in preventing conflicts.
Respondent 6: “Many people don’t even know why we have closed certain parts of the forest. Once we explain it, most of them respect it”.

3.2.4. Disturbance of Wildlife and Hunting Activities

Foresters also point out the negative impacts of increased visitation on wildlife. Ten respondents mentioned that tourists, through their noisy behavior and allowing dogs to roam freely, disturb wildlife, which affects not only natural ecosystems but also hunting activities. Many foresters complained that unruly visitor behavior complicates planned hunts and can lead to the loss of natural animal populations.
Respondent 8: “The more people walk through the forest, the more they disturb the wildlife, which complicates our hunting plans”.
Respondent 4: “We often find abandoned young animals that were scared off by visitors”.

3.3. Positive Impacts of Recreational Use of Forests

Despite the challenges associated with increasing forest visitation, foresters in their interviews also highlighted several positive aspects that the recreational use of forests brings to them personally and to society as a whole. These professionals appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the public good and raise awareness about forest management and conservation.

3.3.1. Improving Physical and Mental Health of Visitors

Foresters are well aware that forest environments have proven positive effects on people’s physical and mental health. Forests offer space for relaxation, regeneration, and escape from everyday stress. For this reason, many foresters support the expansion of recreational infrastructure that allows visitors to use forests as a place for sports, walks, and relaxation.
Respondent 4: “We see that forests have a huge impact on people’s health. When I go to the forest with my family, I realize how important it is to have these places accessible to the public”.
Respondent 7: “It’s great to see people using the forest for running, walking, or just relaxing. I know it has a positive effect on their health”.

3.3.2. Strengthening the Public’s Relationship with Nature and Forestry

Another significant benefit mentioned by respondents is the opportunity to educate the public and build their awareness of the importance of forestry and nature conservation. Foresters view the recreational use of forests as an opportunity to improve relationships with the public, which can lead to greater understanding and support of their work.
Forest pedagogy was mentioned as one of the effective tools for bringing forestry and its values closer to the public. Foresters often organize educational events and excursions for both children and adults, which helps raise awareness about the importance of sustainable forest management.
Respondent 9: “Forest pedagogy is a great way to show people what forest care really entails. When children see us planting trees, they start to appreciate nature much more”.
Respondent 2: “When we can directly explain to people what our tasks are, it improves the relationship between us and the public”.

3.3.3. Supporting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Even though foresters primarily focus on the economic function of the forest, they acknowledge that recreational use can indirectly contribute to biodiversity conservation. Increased public interest in nature can lead to a greater willingness to support conservation projects and sustainable forest management.
Many foresters noted that thanks to positive public feedback, it is easier for them to gain support for initiatives aimed at protecting endangered species and restoring damaged habitats.
Respondent 6: “When people see how important forest protection is, they are more willing to support projects for biodiversity conservation”.
Respondent 5: “Visitors often appreciate it when we show them which species of trees and animals we are protecting here”.
Overview of the Key Findings can be found in the Table 1.

4. Discussion

The study results showed that foresters hold a complex stance towards recreational management in forests, reflecting their dual role as forest managers and forest users. This finding aligns with previous research highlighting the growing importance of multifunctional forestry, which integrates the economic, ecological, and social functions of forests [37]. Foresters, as key players in recreational management, are aware of the significance of forest recreation, particularly for public health and well-being. This finding supports the research of Frumkin et al. [1], which emphasizes that contact with nature has a positive effect on mental health and physical well-being. Despite challenging conditions, foresters strive to expand the recreational functions of forests, which aligns with the concept of ecosystem services [38], including benefits such as recreation and health.
One of the main problems mentioned by foresters was environmental pollution and conflicts with visitors. Research shows that with the growing number of people using forests for recreation, forest ecosystems are increasingly disturbed, which is confirmed by the study of Hanse and Goerling [39], who identified the negative impacts of tourism on natural areas.
Foresters emphasize that problematic behavior among visitors is generally the exception, which corresponds with findings by Buckley [40], who stated that most visitors to nature reserves follow the rules if they are properly informed about them. This highlights the importance of educational activities and public awareness campaigns that can help reduce conflicts and increase awareness of forest conservation [41].
Respondents indicated in interviews that without sufficient financial support, they cannot fully develop the recreational functions of forests. This conclusion is also supported by findings from Bengston and Xu [42], who stress that sustainable forest management requires stable funding for the maintenance of recreational infrastructure. Improving legislation and strengthening foresters’ authority could contribute to better enforcement of rules and protection of forest resources, which aligns with the recommendations of Howley et al. [43] on the need for clearer legal frameworks for forest protection.
Foresters report that if they have sufficient financial and institutional support, they are willing to continue expanding the recreational functions of forests, which could have a positive impact on public health and simultaneously increase the social value of forestry [44].
This discussion shows that effective recreational management in forests requires support from state institutions, both in the form of funding and legislation. Foresters, as managers of forests, have the best knowledge of local conditions and can effectively manage recreational activities if they have the necessary tools and resources.
The findings of this study can serve as a basis for future research focused on optimizing forest management and integrating recreational functions, which is essential for sustainable forestry in light of growing social and ecological demands.
This study has potential limitations. One of the primary limitations of this research is the sample size. It is essential to acknowledge that if the sample is too small, identifying significant patterns in the data may become challenging. This study included 15 respondents, which is consistent with some methodological recommendations [28,45,46,47]. However, a small number of participants can still limit the generalizability of the findings.
Another limitation is the lack of prior research on this specific topic, which can impact the understanding and context of the subject matter. Additionally, the study’s focus on a single geographic area (Czech Republic) may influence the results, making them less applicable to other regions with different forest policies or cultural norms.
The use of a qualitative research approach provides in-depth insights, but it can also introduce subjectivity due to the interpretation of responses [26,35].

5. Final Remarks

This dual perspective influences their self-concept regarding their role in recreational management and their perception of current challenges.
Based on the analysis of the interviews, it can be concluded that foresters see themselves as key players in the field of recreational management and are aware of their responsibility for managing forests both from an economic and recreational standpoint. Although they hold a dual role—as forest managers and as users—there is a prevailing belief among them that the competence in recreational management should remain in their hands. Foresters emphasize that their self-concept is rooted in their knowledge of the local environment, which they consider crucial for the effective management of forest areas and for addressing challenges related to increasing visitation.
The results of the analysis show that foresters are interested in continuing to develop the recreational use of forests, but they also face various challenges, such as a lack of funding and limited authority to enforce regulations. Based on the findings from the interviews, the following recommendations can be suggested:
  • Increase funding for the maintenance of trails, informational signs, and other infrastructure. Foresters agree that if they have sufficient financial resources, they can also handle the recreational functions of the forest. However, if budgets are limited, the priority will remain on the economic use of the forest, which may lead to the neglect of recreational services. Maintaining balanced funding is therefore crucial to ensure both functions. Respondent 5: “As long as we have the money, we can maintain the tourist trails. But when the budget tightens, we have to focus on the economic part”.
  • Improve legislation in the field of forest protection and strengthen the authority of foresters. Foresters repeatedly emphasized that they would need more authority to enforce rules in order to effectively protect forest ecosystems and ensure visitor safety.
  • Support long-term educational campaigns focused on public awareness. Foresters believe that increasing public awareness about rules of conduct in the forest and nature conservation could help reduce conflicts and improve relationships between visitors and foresters.
These recommendations reflect the needs and experiences of foresters as presented in the interviews. It is essential that these recommendations are taken into account when developing policies and strategies for sustainable forest management, which consider not only economic interests, but also the needs of recreational users and the protection of the forest environment.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.A. and J.F.; methodology, S.A. and J.F.; software, K.S.; validation, J.F.; formal analysis, S.A., J.F. and K.S.; investigation, S.A.; resources, S.A. and J.F.; data curation, K.S.; writing—original draft preparation, S.A.; writing—review and editing, J.F. and K.S.; supervision, J.F.; project administration, S.A.; funding acquisition, S.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Specific University Research Fund of Mendel University in Brno, grant number IGA-FFWT-23-IP-046.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A. Information and Identification of Respondents

Research Participant NumberPosition/ProfessionEmployerForest TypeTourist Load of the Site from the Respondent’s Point of View
RP1ForesterLČRMainly economic, partly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP2ForesterLČRMainly economic, partly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP3Head of department/foresterUrban ForestsBoth forest typesHigh pressure
RP4ForesterOtherBoth forest typesHigh pressure
RP5Head of department/foresterUrban ForestsMainly economicLow pressure
RP6ForesterUrban ForestsMainly special-purpose, partly economicHigh pressure
RP7ForesterUrban ForestsMainly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP8ForesterUrban ForestsMainly economic, partly special-purposeMedium pressure
RP9Head of department/foresterUrban ForestsMainly special-purpose, partly economicHigh pressure
RP10ForesterLČRMainly economic, partly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP11ForesterUrban ForestsMainly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP12ForesterUrban ForestsMainly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP13ForesterLČRMainly economicLow pressure
RP14ForesterLČRMainly economic, partly special-purposeHigh pressure
RP15Recreation officerUrban ForestsSpecial-purposeHigh pressure


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Table 1. Overview of Key Findings.
Table 1. Overview of Key Findings.
TopicKey Findings
Dual role of forestersForesters act both as managers of forest ecosystems and as recreational users themselves, leading to a unique perspective on balancing economic and recreational functions.
Impacts of visitationIncreased forest visitation creates challenges like litter, non-compliance with safety rules, and conflicts between visitors and foresters.
Positive effects of recreationRecreational use supports public health and strengthens relationships between foresters and visitors through educational activities.
Challenges to recreational managementLack of funding and limited authority to enforce rules hinder the ability of foresters to manage recreational areas effectively.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Autratova, S.; Fialova, J.; Sedlackova, K. The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land 2025, 14, 215.

AMA Style

Autratova S, Fialova J, Sedlackova K. The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land. 2025; 14(2):215.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Autratova, Sabina, Jitka Fialova, and Katerina Sedlackova. 2025. "The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers" Land 14, no. 2: 215.

APA Style

Autratova, S., Fialova, J., & Sedlackova, K. (2025). The Perception and Self-Concept of Suburban Foresters in Their Role as Forest Recreation Managers. Land, 14(2), 215.

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