Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Components to Alpine Wetland Degradation in Arid Central Asia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site
2.2. Soil Samples
2.3. Laboratory Analysis
2.4. Statistical Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Distribution Characteristics of SOC in Different Degradation Areas
3.2. Distribution of OC Fractions Under Different Degradation Areas
3.3. Relationship of SOC with Four SOC Fractions
3.4. SOC Stability and CMI Under Different Degradation Areas
4. Discussion
4.1. Changing Trend and Driving Factors of SOC Under Wetland Degradation
4.2. Decoupling of SOC Composition and Stability
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Area | Plant Coverage (%) | Plant Height (cm) | Aboveground Biomass (g m−2) | Plant Species Richness | Grazing Intensity (Head hm−2) | Buluk Density (g cm−3) | Soil Moisture (%) |
ND | 85.00 | 48.60 | 107.33 ± 23.92 | 12 | 0.65 | 0.40 | 124.20 |
SD | 70.00 | 8.20 | 55.73 ± 3.23 | 8 | 2.09 | 0.56 | 80.57 |
HD | 15.00 | 5.50 | 10.20 ± 0.83 | 1 | 4.15 | 1.41 | 17.25 |
Soil Depth | Non-Degradation (ND) | Slight Degradation (SD) | Heavy Degradation (HD) |
(cm) | (g kg−1) | ||
Fraction 1 (F1: Very labile organic carbon fraction) | |||
0–10 | 21.89(±1.46) Adβ | 17.28(±0.79) Bcβ | 4.44(±0.40) Caβ |
10–20 | 27.40(±1.01) Acβ | 22.52(±0.54) Bbβ | 3.04(±0.56) Cbβ |
20–30 | 31.38(±0.67) Aaβ | 24.72(±1.17) Baβ | 2.94(±0.48) Cbβ |
30–50 | 28.79(±1.28) Abβ | 6.05(±0.99) Bdβ | 2.01(±0.65) Ccβγ |
50–70 | 27.02(±0.67) Acβ | 4.66(±0.75) Beα | 1.11(±0.18) Cdγ |
70–100 | 26.76(±0.80) Acβ | 4.08(±0.70) Beα | 0.82(±0.36) Cdγ |
Fraction 2 (F2: Labile organic carbon fraction) | |||
0–10 | 13.84(±1.81) Aaγ | 4.83(±0.74) Bbδ | 2.28(±1.07) Caγ |
10–20 | 12.86(±1.57) Aaγ | 6.43(±1.22) Baγ | 1.65(±0.73) Cabγ |
20–30 | 5.32(±0.71) Acdγ | 5.96(±1.38) Aaγ | 1.01(±0.23) Bbcγ |
30–50 | 6.16(±1.49) Acδ | 2.86(±0.83) Bcγ | 1.06(±0.65) Cbcγ |
50–70 | 4.80(±0.64) Acdγ | 1.92(±0.38) Bcβ | 1.03(±0.49) Cbcγ |
70–100 | 4.02(±0.89) Adγ | 1.86(±0.49) Bcγ | 0.68(±0.33) Ccγ |
Fraction 3 (F3: Less labile organic carbon) | |||
0–10 | 4.04(±1.13) Bcδ | 7.58(±1.43) Aaγ | 3.77(±0.79) Baβ |
10–20 | 5.28(±1.54) Abδ | 3.59(±1.22) Bbδ | 1.36(±0.77) Ccγ |
20–30 | 6.07(±0.33) Abγ | 3.08(±1.28) Bbcδ | 1.64(±0.60) Cbcγ |
30–50 | 9.04(±0.67) Aaγ | 2.84(±0.82) Bbcγ | 2.80(±1.29) Babβ |
50–70 | 4.15(±0.69) Acγ | 1.85(±0.68) Bcβ | 2.77(±0.95) Babβ |
70–100 | 4.09(±0.71) Acγ | 1.95(±0.80) Bcγ | 2.42(±1.00) Bbcβ |
Fraction 4 (F4: Recalcitrant organic carbon) | |||
0–10 | 52.54(±2.42) Abcα | 51.45(±1.67) Aaα | 10.16(±1.44) Bcα |
10–20 | 53.41(±3.59) Abα | 43.46(±1.06) Bbα | 12.28(±0.88) Cabα |
20–30 | 65.66(±2.43) Aaα | 50.68(±2.37) Baα | 12.88(±1.13) Caα |
30–50 | 53.79(±2.27) Abα | 10.37(±1.51) Bcα | 11.14(±1.69) Bbcα |
50–70 | 50.02(±2.03) Abcα | 4.81(±0.97) Cdα | 10.33(±1.90) Bcα |
70–100 | 40.02(±1.50) Adα | 3.06(±0.63) Ceβ | 6.89(±1.03) Bdα |
SOC | Fraction 1 | Fraction 2 | Fraction 3 | |
Fraction 1 | 0.959 ** | - | - | - |
Fraction 2 | 0.642 ** | 0.518 ** | - | - |
Fraction 3 | 0.609 ** | 0.529 * | 0.223 | - |
Fraction 4 | 0.992 ** | 0.938 ** | 0.596 ** | 0.592 ** |
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Share and Cite
Abulaizi, M.; Chen, M.; Tian, Y.; Hu, Y.; Han, D.; Hu, Y.; Zhou, J.; Yang, Z.; Jia, H. Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Components to Alpine Wetland Degradation in Arid Central Asia. Land 2025, 14, 387.
Abulaizi M, Chen M, Tian Y, Hu Y, Han D, Hu Y, Zhou J, Yang Z, Jia H. Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Components to Alpine Wetland Degradation in Arid Central Asia. Land. 2025; 14(2):387.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbulaizi, Maidinuer, Mo Chen, Yuxin Tian, Yunpeng Hu, Dongliang Han, Yang Hu, Jianqin Zhou, Zailei Yang, and Hongtao Jia. 2025. "Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Components to Alpine Wetland Degradation in Arid Central Asia" Land 14, no. 2: 387.
APA StyleAbulaizi, M., Chen, M., Tian, Y., Hu, Y., Han, D., Hu, Y., Zhou, J., Yang, Z., & Jia, H. (2025). Response of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Components to Alpine Wetland Degradation in Arid Central Asia. Land, 14(2), 387.