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Assessing the Impact of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric NO2 Using Satellite Data

Humberto Alves Barbosa
1,* and
Catarina de Oliveira Buriti
Department of Engineering and Natural Resource Management, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande 58429-900, PB, Brazil
National Semi-Arid Institute (INSA), Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, Campina Grande 58434-700, PB, Brazil
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Land 2025, 14(3), 482;
Submission received: 21 December 2024 / Revised: 31 January 2025 / Accepted: 19 February 2025 / Published: 26 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Land Use Effects on Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions)


In the Amazon region, the impact of fire on the region’s biogeochemical processes remains poorly understood. In this study, we examined the relationship of seasonal fire on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the study region during the last two decades of the 21st century by integrating calibrated and validated satellite-derived products of estimations of burned biomass area, land cover, vegetation greenness, rainfall, carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) through geospatial techniques. Results revealed a strong impact of fire activity on GHG emissions, with abrupt changes in CO and NO2 emission factors between early- and middle-dry-season fires (July–September). We found a strong positive correlation (r2 = 0.71) between NO2 and burned biomass when a small percentage of burned biomass (around ≤ 0.5%) is released during a fire. However, in the event of a large percentage of burned biomass (>0.8%), the correlation coefficient between NO2 and burned biomass was weak (r2 = 0.41). New models need to be developed that incorporate the substantial existing knowledge on the seasonal dynamics of fire-derived GHG emissions. This information should be utilized to make effective decisions about how to manage fire in the Amazon ecosystems and to drive further data collection campaigns and modelling initiatives.

1. Introduction

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fire play a vital role in the current climate change scenario [1,2]. Despite substantial data on fire’s contribution to GHG emissions, its impact is significant yet uncertain because of the complex links with their spatial and temporal inhomogeneous distribution [1]. Nonetheless, data and models are still being used to estimate the GHG emission reduction potential of fire activity for other parts of the world with different fire dynamics [3,4].
It is fascinating to consider how fire dynamics can affect the distribution of GHG emissions. The concentration of these tiny particles can be influenced by the total amount of biomass burned as well as the type of fire and the associated emission factor (EF), i.e., the amount of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) released [5,6]. Due to atmospheric dynamics, these tiny particles can be transported to distant locations from their source regions. One of the characteristics of fire-related GHG emissions is that a small proportion of carbon released during a fire is CH4 and other GHGs, which have a global warming potential (GWP) 27 times larger than carbon dioxide (CO2) [1,7]. The proportion of CO2:CH4 emitted depends on the type of fire and fuel moisture content: smoldering combustion has limited access to oxygen and produces higher CH4 emissions, while flaming combustion in dry, well-aerated fuels produces lower CH4 emissions [4]. The net GHG emissions of fire therefore depend on both the total amount of biomass burned as well as the type of fire and the associated emission factors, i.e., the amount of CH4 and N2O released. Fires also burn dead wood that, in the absence of fire (and termites), would decompose slowly, over decades to centuries, and this is another mechanism by which fires can alter atmospheric carbon levels [4,8,9].
Fires affect GHG emissions can be divided into direct, indirect, and semi-direct effects [7,8]: (1) reducing CH4 emissions through only burning aerated fuels; (2) reducing the total biomass burned (and therefore the total CH4 emissions); (3) increasing above-ground carbon pools (by burning less frequently or by having cooler fires); (4) increasing below-ground carbon pools; (5) changing the rates at which dead wood is recycled back into the atmosphere (increasing the “dead wood” pools), which is achieved by having cooler and less frequent fires; and (6) clouds’ physical properties decreasing the size of cloud condensation nuclei. The entire biosphere directly depends on rainfall for its survival, through changes in rainfall patterns can have broader and long-term impacts. Several studies have reported that the increase in fire-related GHG emissions has had a significant impact on climate change [8,9].
Fluxes and terrestrial carbon pools are in continuous state of turnover [10]. Most of the atmospheric carbon captured in vegetation is released again through a variety of processes: heterotrophic respiration, autotrophic respiration, herbivore consumption, decomposition, and fire [10]. Fire is, therefore, just one of several mechanisms by which carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen, and other GHG precursors are cycled [11]. Unless fire results in a long-term change in terrestrial carbon stocks, the CO2 release through fire is climate neutral [12]. Burned biomass regrows again within a few years and does not represent a net flux to the atmosphere—except where fires are dominated by frequent intense fires [13,14,15,16,17]. Manipulation of fire regimes can, therefore, only affect atmospheric GHG concentrations through altering the stocks of carbon stored in biomass and soil organic carbon stocks, or by altering fluxes of other climatically important gases, such as N20 and methane CH4 [3,15,18].
Similar challenges apply elsewhere: e.g., in the Amazon region, the impact of fire on the region’s biogeochemical processes remains poorly understood [13]. The Amazon’s plants are broadly characterized by upland forests (i.e., non-flooded forests) and seasonally flooded forests, covering about 83% of Amazon basin [13,14]. Large-scale, fire-related climate change is particularly felt in the Amazon basin, where agricultural and grazing occupations have made the Amazon forest the most severely threatened biome in the midwestern part of South America [15,19,20]. Large adult tree mortality and turnover rates are also reduced when fires are cooler [21,22,23]. Therefore, cooler fires in Amazon forests, when climate conditions and fuel moisture are less conducive to fire spread (i.e., earlier in the burning season), might result in higher above-ground carbon stocks across most forest ecosystems [13]. Trees in fire-prone Amazon forests require underground resources to convert rapidly following disturbance [14]. A recent study has revealed that droughts have become longer and more intense and tend to continue across rainy seasons, but their causes are not fully understood [24].
A further study has shown that the North Australian savanna program provides empirical data on the impact of fire regimes on each flux and stock [3]. It demonstrated that a switch from a predominantly late-dry-season fire regime to an early-dry-season regime would significantly reduce GHG emissions (CH4, N2O) in fire-prone northern Australia savanna systems. The authors noted that emission factors in cured fuels are broadly equivalent to early-dry-season and late-dry-season conditions but, as the early-dry-season fires are typically less intense and patchy, less biomass is combusted per unit area burned. They also postulated that above-ground woody biomass stocks would increase, as would dead wood. These estimates have been the basis for the generation of carbon revenues from fire-prone North Australian savannas through Australia’s voluntary and regulated carbon markets since the mid-2000s. There was a consensus among the Australian ecological community that switching to an early-dry-season burning regime would be desirable. Importantly, woody encroachment—or the thickening of woody species to the extent that ecological functions become impaired—is not as significant a concern in Australian savannas compared with savannas on other continents [3].
We examine the relationship between fire and its impact on GHG emissions over the Amazon region based on available satellite data. However, no studies have investigated the impact of seasonal fires on GHG emissions over the Amazon region. The goal here is to show that the season of burn might affect the degree to which fire suppresses rainfall: if fires occur in the dry season, then there is no convection anyway, so fires would not prevent convection. If fires occur in the late dry season, or with the first rains, then their impact on convection and cloud formation would be more important. However, it is a complex goal that has not been well discussed in the literature yet, although the processes driving fire–climate dynamics are well understood [25,26,27,28,29,30,31], and more satellite data are becoming available to form a coherent understanding of what is known about the impact of seasonal fire on GHG emissions in Amazonian landscapes.
The research gap presented in this study is the impact of seasonal fire on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the Amazon region. To achieve this, calibrated and validated satellite-derived products of estimations of burned biomass area, land cover, vegetation greenness, rainfall, carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were used along with other products such as topographic relief and climate type, for the period 2001–2020. Based on the research gap, a specific objective was identified, which was to examine the impact of seasonal fire on GHG emissions over the Amazonian ecosystems. In the next section we present a complete overview of the study region, data sets, and methodology applied. In Section 3, we integrate both the spatial and temporal variability among burned biomass, land cover, vegetation greenness, rainfall, CO, and NO2 estimates using geospatial techniques. In Section 4, we discuss the impact of seasonal fire on GHG emissions. Finally, conclusions drawn from the current study are presented.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Amazon Rainfall Variability

The Amazon’s climate is intricate due to the influence of various processes [24]. Rainfall over the region is controlled by several processes ranging from isolated convection cells to mesoscale convergent systems that operate at different spatial and temporal scales and interact with both global and regional circulatory patterns [32]. In addition to the isolated convection cells and mesoscale convergent systems, another process that plays a significant role in modulating rainfall over the Amazon region is the Intertropical Convergence Zone. (ITCZ) [33]. The ITCZ is a zone where the moist trade winds converge with warm winds, resulting in an area of increased convection and cloudiness, which affects the amount of rainfall received in the region [34,35]. The north–south movement, position, and strength of the ITCZ have a significant influence on the processes that generate rainfall over the study region [36].
The ITCZ’s movement, position, and strength determine the amount of moisture and heat that is transported to the Amazon region, which in turn modulates the rainfall processes over the region [37]. The long rains in the Amazon region, which occur during March–April–May, are associated with the southward movement of the ITCZ and typically last for several weeks with heavy rainfall. On the other hand, the short rains in October and November are linked with the northward migration of the ITCZ, which occurs more rapidly [38]. Studies have shown that interannual variations in Amazon rainfall are linked with SST variability in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans [39]. Several studies have reported that the relationship between Amazon rainfall and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is mainly due to an indirect force by ENSO on the Atlantic Ocean [37,39]. The coupling between the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans during an ENSO cycle allows anomalies from the Pacific to regulate Atlantic Ocean variability through changes to the atmospheric Walker circulation. Amazon countries have experienced severe droughts and floods [38]. Currently, the study region is vulnerable to the effects of climate variability and change. IPCC [10] has reported that climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme events globally.

2.2. Data and Methodology

The satellite data sets used in this study were taken from the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED), the Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS), the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM), the Fire Resource Management System (FIRMS), the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), the Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT), and Global Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) [40,41,42,43,44,45]. The area considered for this study is the entire Amazonian region.

2.2.1. Satellite-Derived Products

The biomass burned area used to represent fire activity was from version 5 of the GFED. The climate type was obtained from the Köppen-Geiger climate categories classified by Beck et al. [40], the monthly rainfall was derived from the CHIRPS [25], the topography relief was acquired from the SRTM, fires were selected from the FIRMS [41], and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used to evaluate land cover change patterns from the MODIS sensor [44]. However, record lengths of some data sets vary relative to the period 2001–2020, such as burned biomass area (2001–2016), CO (2001–2019), and NO2 (2005–2020) products. Biogeochemical datasets were selected from two different databases: estimated NO2 from the OMI located on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura satellite, and CO from the MOPITT.
Calibrated and validated satellite-derived datasets are available to study fire dynamics and several methods and codes have been developed to use satellite imagery, e.g., [24,30]. While all these datasets have their advantages and their constraints, they are very well matched for our purpose because of the adequate regional and seasonal scales. Several important points must be considered to fully appreciate the spatial-temporal results obtained in this study: (1) the validation of burned biomass area and climate products were carried out using high-resolution Landsat scenes and the available local ground-based climate datasets, respectively; (2) non-stationary data; (3) the data represent non-linear processes. There is no adequate study available on how variations in fire activity during the drying season impact GHG emissions in the Amazon ecosystems. The details of each product are provided in Table 1.

2.2.2. Analysis of Satellite-Derived Products

To understand the impact of fire activity and other factors (biomass combusted per unit area burning, vegetation greenness) on fire-derived GHG emissions (CO, NO2) across the entire Amazonian region, geospatial techniques were applied to both temporal and spatial data in this study. The main aim of using these methods was to define the seasonal variability of data. The ArcGIS 10.4 software was used to geocode each product, before resampling into a spatial resolution of 10 × 10 from 2001 to 2020 by averaging all pixel values located within each grid cell. Using the ArcGIS 10.4 program, the mean for each month was determined by the map algebra tool [46]. An advanced geostatistical technique called Kriging uses a distributed network of gridded points at varying heights to estimate the area under investigation. To choose the optimal assessment method for determining the output region, the Kriging approach was used to interactively examine the spatial behavior of the data analyzed [47,48,49]. The annual and seasonal mean cycles from the satellite-based products (Table 1) were considered. The Pearson correlation method was employed to examine the impacts of land surface factors on fire-related GHG emission factors at p ≤ 0.01. First, we employed the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) made available by the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory to evaluate the probable seasonal impact of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variations on extreme fire weather (fire anomalies) over the study region, for the period 2001–2020.
Finally, we used CHIRPS data to calculate the seasonal cycle over the study region, dividing a water year into four time periods—rainy season (December to June), early dry season (July), middle dry season (August–September), and late dry season (October–November)—for the period 2001–2020. There was notable annual and seasonal variance in the whole region, particularly during dry seasons (July–November).

3. Results

Burned biomass’ seasonal distribution and the quantification of it have been presented in the four seasons over the Amazon region from 2001 to 2020 as shown in Figure 1. Large amounts of burned biomass are observed in the South, South-East, and East parts of the Amazon region. The total amount of annual burned areas affected from 2015 to 2020 was distributed in an area of 447,337 km2, which represents 24.58% of the study region. The highest amount of burned biomass was identified in 2005 (~110 km2). In addition, Figure 1 shows the seasonal variations of spatially averaged annual fires over the study region. In all seasons, large amounts of burned biomass were concentrated in the South-East parts of the study region. Seasonally, burned biomass areas were high during the dry season (July–November) over the study region. It was observed that minimum fire activity occurred in May and increased till August–September, remained high during the Amazon’s fire peaks (August–September), and started decreasing soon after August–September. This figure shows significant differences both annually and seasonally. However, we found that the MEI and fire anomalies (i.e., extreme fire weather) did not have a decent relationship (r2 = 0.13) over the study region for the period 2001–2020. This might be because the two parameters were derived using entirely different methods, concealing significant seasonal variance.
Evidence shows that the amount and seasonality of rainfall impact the fire season over the entire Amazon region, as shown in Figure 2. More importantly, there are direct consequences of dry season fires, which vary regionally and annually (Figure 1). Consequently, burning after the first rains results in low-severity burn, which distinguishes these fires from middle-dry season fires that occur before the first rains. As climate, rainfall, vegetation characteristics, and topography vary spatially (Figure 2), early-dry-season and middle-dry-season distinctions are inadequately climatologically meaningful. This is especially important since Figure 2 and Figure 3 indicate that early-dry- or middle-dry season fires can have biophysically meaningful characteristics when data from burning biomass, composition and greenness, GHG emissions, as well as prevailing weather conditions are included. These determinants are fire-drivers and can be used appropriately to attain distinct fire sizes and intensities in most fire seasons.
Given the variation in fire events (Figure 1), the climate in Amazon forest, savannas and grassland such as the Cerrado (Figure 2b), and NDVI/land cover changes (Figure 3a), it is likely that concomitant variations in the biomass burned/emissions factor would result from switching from a single early-dry-season (e.g., prescribed fires) to late-dry season burning. Based on Figure 3b, changes in fire-CO and fire-NO2 emissions are closely linked to burned biomass areas. This clearly shows that the GHG emissions of fire therefore depend on both the total amount of burned biomass areas as well as the intensity of fire and the amount of fire-CO and fire-NO2 emissions released. Additionally, we did not consider the effects of human activities (such as grazing, irrigation) or natural disturbances (such as pests and diseases) on NDVI. Since the Amazon NDVI is the overall status of vegetation including cropland, forest, grassland, and other cover, the correlation of NDVI and burned biomass area (r2 = 0.12) may not completely explain the variations in NDVI but could reflect the overall vegetation growth status. For instance, the MODIS land cover product has been validated to have the best accuracy of 74%, e.g., [23], while the GFED4.1s data has been found to have a 68% margin of error, e.g., [50].
The monthly variations of Amazon-averaged NDVI, burned biomass area, fire-CO, and fire-NO2 emissions are illustrated in Figure 3b, which represents a record length (2001–2020) with clear seasonal variability. This figure is based on seasonal averages for the 19-year interval, which should not affect the long-term impacts and results achieved. Nevertheless, there is no significant month-to-month variability in NDVI. On average, the seasonal variation of burned biomass and fire-derived GHG emission factors is consistent, but there is an abrupt increase in fire-related CO-NO2 emissions between the early dry and middle dry seasons, and these atmospheric constituents, to some extent, follow a similar pattern, as shown in Figure 3b. The highest seasonal range amplitude between fire-CO and fire-NO2 emissions is observed in November and the lowest in September. The relation between the fire-CO-NO2 emissions and the burned biomass over the entire Amazon landscape resulted in a coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.30). Relatively low correlation coefficient values (up to ~0.2) between fire-derived GHG emissions and other land surface parameters were found in this study under dry-season burning (July–November). The figure reveals that the fire-CO-NO2 emissions increase gradually mostly in the early dry season, but they decrease rapidly in the middle dry season. The rapid decrease in fire-CO-NO2 emissions may be attributed to a reduction in burned biomass, which controls the chemical and dynamic processes of the photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. Similar findings have been reported in earlier studies in African savannas, e.g., [51]. Even though fire could be one of the reasons for the distribution of GHG emissions, there are also other factors which contribute to the impact of fire on GHG emissions, and these are factors like land use and land cover change, elevation, climate type, and prevailing weather conditions (Figure 2 and Figure 3), just to mention a few [52].
For a detailed investigation of the relationship between dry-season biomass burned areas and dry-season fire-related NO2 emissions, a cubic fitting curve of biomass burned percentage and a scatter plot have been plotted and are shown in Figure 4. The cubic fitting curve shows NO2 emissions which increase with an increase in biomass burned percentage. There is an abrupt increase in the two parameters at and after the turning point (biomass burned percent = 0.5%), as shown in Figure 4. Data points are not widely scattered, whether for small or large burned biomass percentages (i.e., complex burned biomass areas and NO2 emissions relationship). When there is a low percentage (i.e., ≤0.5% burned biomass), there seems to be an increase in the amount of NO2. The correlations between NO2 and burned biomass percentage were examined under two conditions: low burned biomass percentage (≤0.5%) and high burned biomass percentage (>0.8), respectively. The correlation between burned biomass and NO2 was positive (r2 = 0.71) under low burned biomass percentage. For the high burned biomass percentage, the correlation was 0.41. This is in agreement with results found by Sands et al. [53] over the southern part of the Amazon region. The only difference is that, in this study, the linear correlation coefficients under the two conditions are all positive but with different strengths, while Sands et al. [53] reported a low log–log correlation under low burned biomass percentage and high correlation under high burned biomass percentage.

4. Discussion

Statistical analyses-based satellite data that incorporate available information on the climate, biogeochemical, and biophysical factors are used to investigate what is known about the impact of seasonal fire on GHG emissions and its influence on seasonal variations in fire activity. The motivation of this study is to evaluate how fire dynamics evolve in the Amazon region and characterize to which extent this variability can be attributed to either climatic variability or human-induced impacts.
The impact of fire is, therefore, highly variable in the heterogenous Amazon landscape (Figure 1 and Figure 2), and its seasonal cycle is strongly influenced by meteorological/environmental conditions and human activity (Figure 3 and Figure 4). The seasonal variations in fire activity are distinctly different during different seasons, predominantly due to varying meteorological factors. The monthly variation of fire activity increases from July and reaches a maximum in August–September, and thereafter starts decreasing from October and attains a minimum value in May and June.
There is strong seasonal variation during the period 2001 to 2020, which becomes more distinct in early-dry-season and middle-dry-season fires. However, the outcomes of correlation analysis between the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) and extreme fire events were not significant. The lack of evidence that ENSO directly impacts fire activity in Amazonian landscapes does not appear to affect the influences of ENSO on seasonal variability of rainfall during the period 2001–2020 [37]. The seasonal variations in fire-CO and fire-NO2 emissions have non-linear responses and peak in the middle dry season, which is consistent with a previous study, e.g., [25]. Biomass burning (area) showed a positive correlation (r2 = 0.30) with CO-NO2 emission factors under dry-season burning. However, the impacts are different under other land surface parameters, and we found a weak correlation coefficient of ~0.1.
Furthermore, higher values for the annual burned areas were witnessed in the South, South-East, and East parts of the Amazon ecosystems (Figure 3a), which might be due to the land use and land cover change. These areas involve parts of the southern Amazon (i.e., savannas and grasslands), which are much more prone to water stress and rely on a reliable water source during both the wet and dry seasons [13]. Four land cover classes were classified to provide a representative image of the Amazon, and demonstrated an accuracy of 88.8% (Figure 2b). The average percentage change in vegetation showed the lowest value with a 50% decrease, which forms the majority of the “arc of deforestation” (Figure 3a). Because the ecological system is already under stress due to deforestation and fires, the effects of climate change are an extra burden for a developing region like the Amazon [14,24].
The total amount of biomass burned is identified as an indicator for the seasonal variations in GHG concentrations in the atmosphere (fire-CO and fire-NO2 emissions) (Figure 3b). This indicates that the reduced GHG emissions of early-dry-season fires relative to middle-dry-season fires are not only controlled by reducing the total biomass burned, but also by the land cover and fire types. The reasons for this are the complex dynamics of plant moisture and associated fire-NO2 emissions [14]. It is worth mentioning that the higher emission factors related to the burning of tropical forests also contribute towards higher fire-NO2 emissions compared with savannas and woodlands burned [49,54]. Akagi et al. [55] found that tropical forest burning NO2 emissions were much lower than in savannas and woodlands burned, adding uncertainties to fire-based models. New models need to be developed that incorporate the substantial existing knowledge on fuel moisture dynamics, shrub phenology, tree phenology, grass biomass, litterfall, and herbivore impacts.
The NO2 response to burned biomass is different. When burned biomass percentages are small, there is strong positive correlation between NO2 and burned biomass. With a large percentage of burned biomass, the correlation coefficient between the two parameters is relatively lower. This positive correlation between NO2 and biomass burned is attributed to the type of fire and fuel moisture content. These results are consistent with those reported by [3,56,57,58]. Because plants reabsorb nitrogen when they cure, there are likely to be significant reductions in N emissions for drier fuels [35]. However, the “patch-mosaic” burning proposed by Parr et al. [26], and practiced in many rural areas in Africa, is thought to prevent larger, later, more intense fires, and this is one of the reasons patch-mosaic burning—or early-dry-season fires, or “fire abatement”, as the global literature has started to call it—has been proposed in many places. Indeed, this can often be a beneficial fire regime in inhabited landscapes, and in conservation areas it can also be desirable depending on the management needs. Many indigenous fire users take advantage of these changes by progressively burning off dry vegetation to create what Parr termed a “patch-mosaic” (i.e., fire abatement as envisaged for climate mitigation).
Research on the response of fire-related GHG emissions to various land surface factors in the Amazonian landscape and climate change remains an important research topic to fill gaps in knowledge.

5. Conclusions

We have revealed that fire season exerted a strong impact on GHG emissions over the Amazon region during the last two decades of the 21st century, with abrupt changes in CO and NO2 emission factors between early- and middle-dry-season fires (July–September). The results showed that GHG emission factor responses to seasonal fires were different under different burned biomass areas. We found a strong positive correlation (r2 = 0.71) between NO2 and burned biomass under a small percentage of burned biomass (around ≤ 0.5%) released during a fire. However, in the event of a large burned biomass percentage (>0.8%), the correlation coefficient between NO2 and burned biomass was weak (r2 = 0.41). Lastly, we argue that this information should be utilized to make effective decisions about how to manage fire across the Amazon’s diverse landscapes and to drive further modelling initiatives.

Author Contributions

Experiment design, H.A.B.; experimentation, C.d.O.B.; data analysis, H.A.B. and C.d.O.B.; writing, H.A.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study received partial funding from Capes through Notice no.28/2022—PDPG Social Vulnerability & Human Rights [Grant Number 88881.705050/2022-01].

Data Availability Statement

The repository with the datasets used in this study is available at the following link:


The authors thank the anonymous reviewers and editor for their valuable feedback and recommendations. Satellite datasets were processed by Laboratory for Analyzing and Processing Satellite Images (LAPIS,

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. The Amazon basin. (a) the spatial distribution of annual burned biomass areas from 2001 to 2020 in four distinct seasons. The colors of each plot indicate: rainy season (December to June), early dry season (July), middle dry season (August–September), or late dry season (October–November). (b) The monthly distribution of total number of fire events identified in the years 2015 to 2020.
Figure 1. The Amazon basin. (a) the spatial distribution of annual burned biomass areas from 2001 to 2020 in four distinct seasons. The colors of each plot indicate: rainy season (December to June), early dry season (July), middle dry season (August–September), or late dry season (October–November). (b) The monthly distribution of total number of fire events identified in the years 2015 to 2020.
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Figure 2. Schematic representation of the hydrographic network superimposed over the Amazon basin. (a) Average annual rainfall from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS), for the baseline (2001–2020). (b) The land cover map. (c) Topographic relief based on 250 m Digital Elevation Model—Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (DEM-SRTM) images. (d) Köppen-Geiger climate classification map.
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the hydrographic network superimposed over the Amazon basin. (a) Average annual rainfall from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS), for the baseline (2001–2020). (b) The land cover map. (c) Topographic relief based on 250 m Digital Elevation Model—Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (DEM-SRTM) images. (d) Köppen-Geiger climate classification map.
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Figure 3. (a) The annual forest cover change (% of grid cell area) between 2001 and 2020 calculated using the percentage change method applied to the MODIS land cover data. (b) Variability of monthly normalized values of NDVI (the green curve), CO (the orange curve), NO2 (the yellow curve), and burned biomass (the red curve) parameters for the available periods between 2001 and 2020 over the study region. The three parameters (CO, NO2, and burned biomass) have been normalized to be between 0 and 1, using the min–max normalization method. Fire-derived CO and NO2 emission parameters are usually quantified using an emissions factor, a ratio indicating the proportion of each chemical species that is emitted per unit of biomass burning.
Figure 3. (a) The annual forest cover change (% of grid cell area) between 2001 and 2020 calculated using the percentage change method applied to the MODIS land cover data. (b) Variability of monthly normalized values of NDVI (the green curve), CO (the orange curve), NO2 (the yellow curve), and burned biomass (the red curve) parameters for the available periods between 2001 and 2020 over the study region. The three parameters (CO, NO2, and burned biomass) have been normalized to be between 0 and 1, using the min–max normalization method. Fire-derived CO and NO2 emission parameters are usually quantified using an emissions factor, a ratio indicating the proportion of each chemical species that is emitted per unit of biomass burning.
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Figure 4. Scatter plot and cubic fitting between dry-season fire-related NO2 columns and dry-season burned biomass percentage. The cubic fitting defines the turning point between low (≤0.5) and high (>0.5) percentages of burned biomass. The figure shows the monthly variations of spatially averaged annual values for 2005 to 2016.
Figure 4. Scatter plot and cubic fitting between dry-season fire-related NO2 columns and dry-season burned biomass percentage. The cubic fitting defines the turning point between low (≤0.5) and high (>0.5) percentages of burned biomass. The figure shows the monthly variations of spatially averaged annual values for 2005 to 2016.
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Table 1. Details of the selected satellite-based products employed in this study.
Table 1. Details of the selected satellite-based products employed in this study.
Data Source
Burned biomass area2001 to 2016MonthlyGFED4.1s
Land cover2001 to 2020AnnualMODIS, Terra, and Aqua
NDVI2001 to 2020Monthly0.01°MODIS, Terra, and Aqua
Rainfall2001 to 2020Monthly0.05°CHIRPS
CO2001 to 2019MonthlyMOPITT, Terra
NO22005 to 2020MonthlyOMI, EOS Aura
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MDPI and ACS Style

Barbosa, H.A.; Buriti, C.d.O. Assessing the Impact of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric NO2 Using Satellite Data. Land 2025, 14, 482.

AMA Style

Barbosa HA, Buriti CdO. Assessing the Impact of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric NO2 Using Satellite Data. Land. 2025; 14(3):482.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Barbosa, Humberto Alves, and Catarina de Oliveira Buriti. 2025. "Assessing the Impact of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric NO2 Using Satellite Data" Land 14, no. 3: 482.

APA Style

Barbosa, H. A., & Buriti, C. d. O. (2025). Assessing the Impact of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric NO2 Using Satellite Data. Land, 14(3), 482.

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