1. Introduction
Automorphisms of groups, algebras, Lie algebras, and codes are of fundamental importance in many areas of mathematics and other disciplines; see, for more details [
3]. In [
4], Farmakis and Moskowitz explain the importance of the fixed point theorems and their applications in many areas of mathematics including, but not limited to, analysis, algebraic groups, number theory, complex analysis, and group theory. For example (cf. ([
4], Theorem 5.4.1)), if
is an automorphism of a finite dimensional real or complex Lie algebra
having 0 as a fixed point, then the algebra
is nilpotent. Needless to say, nilpotent algebras appear naturally when one studies the structure of Lie algebras. On the other hand, the set of fixed points of an automorphism may contain useful information. For instance, in [
5], Gersten proved a famous conjecture proposed by Scott that states that, if
is an automorphism of a finitely generated free group, then the set of fixed points of
is finitely generated. In addition, in areas such as image watermarking and live video streaming, toral automorphisms are used; see, for example, [
We now describe the main results of this paper. Let
G be a finite group and let
d be a divisor of the order of
G. Then we define
as the number of automorphisms of
G fixing
d elements of
G. In [
6], the authors discuss the fixed points of automorphisms of some finite abelian groups. They study cyclic groups and elementary abelian groups. One of their main results is the derivation of formulas for
, where
d is a divisor of the order of
G. In ([
6], p. 66), the following conjecture is stated.
Conjecture 1. Let , where p is a prime number. Then In this paper, we prove the above conjecture, see Theorem 2. In contrast to [
7], where the explicit form of the automorphism group of
is found, here we will make use of Theorem 1. This theorem, together with Lemmas 1–3, will allow us to find the explicit matrix form of the automorphism group of
in a more concise way.
Section 4, we find the exact number of fixed-point-free automorphisms of the group
, where
a and
b are positive integers with
. Finally, in
Section 5, we compute
, where
is the dihedral group of order
q is an odd prime, and
Throughout this paper, we denote the cardinality of a set X by .
2. Preliminaries
Definition 1. Let G be a group. The set of all automorphisms of G under function composition forms a group, called the automorphism group of G, and it is denoted by .
Definition 2. For a group G, the fixed point group of an automorphism f is defined aswhere is a map from to the collection of all subgroups of G. The map is known as the fixed point map. Definition 3. For each divisor d of , we denote the set of d-fixers asand . Definition 4. Let G be a group. For a non-empty subset X of G, we denote the set of automorphisms of G fixing at least all elements of X, as . That is Definition 5. Let G be a group and H a subgroup of G. We denote the set of all automorphisms fixing all elements of H by . That is, Remark 1. Let G be a finite group. By Lagrange’s theorem, can be written as the disjoint union of the sets where d runs over all divisors of . Thus, if is the collection of all subgroups of order d, then Definition 6. Let n be a positive integer. Then the Euler’s totient function is defined aswhere denotes the greatest common divisor of m and n. Definition 7. Let be an integer and let denote the group of integers modulo n. The group of units of , which is denoted by , consists of all those congruence classes which are relatively prime to n; thus, .
Definition 8. Let G be a group and let be an automorphism of G. It is said that ϕ is a fixed-point-free automorphism if ϕ fixes only the identity element of G.
Definition 9. Let G be a group and let be its automorphism group. The holomorph of G is defined as the following semi-direct product , where the product ∗ is given by .
Definition 10. For a positive integer n, the dihedral group is defined as the set of all rotations and reflections of a regular polygon with n sides.
3. Proof of Conjecture 1
In what follows, if S is a subset of a group G, then denotes the subgroup generated by S.
According to [
8], Theorems 3.3 and 4.2, the group
subgroups of order
, namely
We first find the number of automorphisms of which fix at least elements. The strategy we will follow is to find the number of automorphisms that fix, at least, the above subgroups of order and then subtract the identity map.
The next theorem will play a crucial role in the proof of Conjecture 1. This theorem is proved in [
9], Theorem 3.2; however, for the reader’s convenience, we include the statement.
Theorem 1. Let H and K be finite abelian groups, where H and K have no common direct factor. Thenwhere denotes the center of the group G. We will also make use of the following lemmas.
Lemma 1. There exists an isomorphism of abelian groups .
Proof. This is a standard fact; see, for example, ([
10], p. 118). ☐
Lemma 2. The finite indecomposable abelian groups are exactly the p-cyclic groups.
Proof. This follows at once from the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups. ☐
Lemma 3. The group is isomorphic to the group of units of .
Proof. It suffices to consider the evaluation map given by . ☐
Using Lemmas 1–3 and Theorem 1, one obtains that the group
may be realized as the following set of
Remark 2. It follows from the above characterization that .
We now find the number of automorphisms of fixing elements.
Proposition 1. We have .
Proof. (a) We first deal with . Let be an automorphism of such that . In this case, and , so it suffices to choose a and c. There are choices for a and p choices for c. Hence, we obtain automorphisms.
(b) Now we treat the case
, where
. Let
be such that
. Then we get the following pair of congruences:
Here, we get automorphisms and since there are possible choices for k, then we obtain automorphisms.
(c) Finally, we deal with
. We first find the form of those automorphisms that fix at least
, followed by those that fix at least
and take the intersection of these sets of matrices. Suppose first that
is an automorphism such that
. This gives the following pair of congruences:
. Thus,
has the form
, where
. Now suppose that
is such that
. In this case, we get the following pair of congruences:
b is free and
. In this case,
has the following form
, where
. Now define
. Consequently, we obtain
automorphisms. Using (a–c), we obtain
Lemma 4. Let α be a positive integer and let p be a prime number. Then .
Proof. For simplicity, let us define , and . Then . ☐
Lemma 5. Let G be a finite abelian group and let . Then ϕ is a fixed-point-free automorphism if and only if is an automorphism.
Proof. By definition, is a fixed-point-free automorphism if for all ; equivalently, is a fixed-point-free automorphism if and only if the map has zero kernel. Therefore, is a fixed-point-free automorphism if and only if is an injective endomorphism of G. Now the statement follows since G is finite. ☐
Proposition 2. The number of fixed-point-free automorphisms of is equal to ; that is, .
Proof. Let
be an automorphism of
. By Lemma 5,
is a fixed-point-free automorphism if and only if
is an automorphism of
G. Note that
and this will be an element of
if and only if
. Therefore, we need to count the number of elements
a in
such that
, and the number of
such that
. Applying Lemma 4, we obtain
choices for
a and
choices for
d. Since there are
p choices for
b and
p choices for
c, we obtain
fixed-point-free-automorphisms of
, as claimed. ☐
Proposition 3. We have that .
Proof. Using Remark 2 and Propositions 1 and 2, we have
Since the identity map is the unique automorphism fixing the entire group, then . Combining Propositions 1–3 we obtain the following
Theorem 2. For the group , where p is any prime: This proves Conjecture 1.
Remark 3. In the case , we can also argue that using the following argument based on the characterization of . By ([11], Lemma 11.1) we have that , the dihedral group of the square. Now, realize as the unitriangular matrix group of degree three over (a.k.a. the Heisenberg group modulo 2). It is easy to check that every matrix in this group has characteristic polynomial equal to , so 1 is always an eigenvalue. Therefore, no fixed-point-free automorphism of exists. 5. Values for the Dihedral Group
The description of
is obtained by using its generators: a rotation
a of order
n and a reflection
b of order 2. Using rotations and reflections, we can write a presentation of
Recall that
. More precisely,
is defined by
for all
Remark 5. The above implies that .
Example 1. For , the dihedral group is the group of symmetries of the square.and its automorphism group is In Table 1, the images of elements of under all automorphisms are given. We now prove the main result of this section.
Theorem 3. For , where p is an odd prime, we have Proof. (a) We first deal with the case . Since the identity map is the unique automorphism that fixes the whole group , it follows that .
(b) Now let us treat the case
. Since the unique subgroup of
of order
p is given by
, then
. Let us show that
For this, let
be any integer. Then
It follows that .
Now suppose that
, then
fixes H. Hence,
Then it easily follows that and . Hence, is of the form , where . We conclude that .
(c) We now compute
. Let
, then we claim that there exists a unique i such that
Indeed, take . Therefore, each fixes for such a unique i. That is, fixes exactly two elements: 1 and . There are such , where and .
(d) Finally, we compute the number of fixed-point-free automorphisms of
. Using Remark 5, together with (a), (b), and (c), we obtain
as claimed. ☐
Example 2. Then ; , , and . Thus, Remark 6. Theorem 3 does not hold if p is not prime. For example, consider . One can see that ; , , and . Hence, , and .
Finally, we end the paper with the following
Question. Let p be a prime number and be distinct positive integers. Is there an exact formula for ?
6. Conclusions
Using a matrix representation of the automorphism group of , where p is a prime, we calculated the exact number of automorphisms fixing d elements of G, where d is a divisor of the order of G. Additionally, we found the exact number of fixed-point-free automorphisms of the group , where a and b are positive integers with . We also gave a formula for the number of automorphisms fixing exactly d elements, where d is divisor of the order of dihedral group . Furthermore, we provided an example to show that the theta values obtained for are not true when p is not prime. Finally, we posed an open question regarding the theta values of the group where are distinct positive integers.