1. Introduction
Fitting ideals are used in different areas of mathematics to investigate the structure of modules. They appear as invariants which are useful as the annihilator ideal of a module. Fitting ideal or Fitting invariant was introduced by H. Fitting in 1936 [
1]. Lipman proves that when
is a quasilocal ring, the first nonzero Fitting ideal is an regular principle ideal if and only if
is a complete intersection and
) is free [
2]. Kunz sets apart a section of his book of Fitting ideals of universal differential modules [
3], Olgun and Erdoğan study universal differential modules and their Fitting ideals [
8]; Olgun also gives examples about Fitting ideals of universal differential modules. Ohm generalizes Lipman’s results in a global case [
9]. Hadjirezai, Hedayat, and Karimzadeh assert that when a finitely generated module in which the first nonzero Fitting ideal is maximal or regular, they characterize this module [
10]. They also study the first nonzero Fitting ideal of the module over unique factorization domain rings [
11]. Simis and Ulrich examine the circumstances in which the equation
holds [
12]. In [
13], it has been shown
is a free
-module if and only if the Fitting ideal
is grade unmixed.
Fitting ideals are used in mathematical physics at the same time. They provide a transition between commutative algebra and physics. M. Einsiedler and T. Ward show how the dynamical properties of the system may be deduced from the Fitting ideals. They prove the entropy and expansiveness related with only the first Fitting ideal. This gives an easy computation instead of computing syzygy modules. Also, they show how the dynamical properties and periodic point behavior may be deduced from the determinant of the matrix of relations [
In this paper, we will show that if the first nonzero Fitting ideals of and are invertible ideals, the first nonzero Fitting ideal of is an invertible ideal. Then using this result, when the first nonzero Fitting ideals and are invertible ideals, we can conclude that the projective dimension of is less than or equal to one.
2. Background Material
Throughout this paper we will suppose that is a commutative algebra over an algebraically closed field with characteristic zero. In this section, we will give some results about the Fitting ideal of universal modules. When is a -algebra, denotes the universal module of -th order derivations of over , and denotes the canonical -th order -derivative from to of The pair ) has the universal mapping property with respect to the -th order -differentials of
is -module generated by the set . If is finitely generated -algebra, then will be finitely generated.
be a finitely generated
-module and
be a system of generators of
The exact sequence of
maps the
-th canonical basis element
is said the presentation of
defined by
be a system of generators of
is called a relation matrix of
with respect to
When the matrix is given, let denote the ideal of generated by all rowed subdeterminants of , and let for .
Lemma 1. Letandbe two relation matrices ofThen for every,(i.e., the Fitting ideals ofis independent of the special choice of a relation matrix of)
[3]. Lemma 2. is independent of the choice of the generating systemof[3]. Definition 1. Letbe a relation matrix ofand we setforThenis called the-th Fitting ideal ofBy construction we have:and Proposition 1. Suppose thatis a-module. Fitting ideals ofhave the following properties [3].
- (i)
Letbe a finitely generated-module. Then theare finitely generated ideals of
- (ii)
Letbe an epimorphism of-modules. Then.
- (iii)
Letbe-algebra. Then we have
- (iv)
Ifis a multiplicatively closed subset, then Fitting ideal of,
- (v)
Ifis an ideal ofthen the Fitting ideal of quotient module, wherepoints out the image ofin.
Proof. (i) and (ii) are trivial. As for (iii) think the exact sequence:
derived from exact sequence of
It is obvious that the images of in define a relation matrix of the -module with respect to , , …, . To prove , we can use the isomorphism and then we obtain . Similarly, for , we can use the isomorphism and ☐
Theorem 1. Letbe an affine-algebra andbe a regular ring. Thenis a projective-module [15]. Theorem 2. Letbe an affine-algebra andbe a regular ring if and only ifis a projective-module [16]. Definition 2. Letbe the polynomial algebra and letbe an ideal ofandis the-th order universal module of derivatives of
whereis a free module which is generated by the setandis a submodule ofgenerated by the setTherefore we have the following exact sequence of-modules:
In this sequenceis a relation matrix of the universal moduleGiven such a matrix,denotes the ideal ofgenerated by all rankrowed subdeterminants of.
is called-th Fitting ideal of.
We can write the following increasing chain by using properties of Fitting ideals:
and Proposition 2. Letbe an affine domain with dimension s. Ifhas rankthen the first nonzero Fitting ideal ofis[3]. Proof. Let be a field of fraction of From Proposition 1, we have Since is a free -module with rank we obtain for Hence, for Similarly, since for . ☐
Proposition 3. Letbe an affine local domain with dimension.
is a free-module with rank r if and only if the first nonzero Fitting ideal is[3]. Proof. Let
be a free
-module with rank
r. Then,
is an exact sequence of
-modules. The relation matrix of
is zero matrix since
Therefore for and for
Conversely, if for and for then the relation matrix of is a zero matrix. Hence is a free -module which has rank ☐
Corollary 1. Letbe an affine-algebra with dimensionis a projective-module with rankif and only if the first nonzero Fitting ideal is[3]. Theorem 3. Letbe an affine-algebra. Then the following are equivalent [6]: - (i)
is a regular local ring.
- (ii)
is a free-module.
- (iii)
The first nonzero Fitting ideal is.
Proof. It follows from Proposition 3 and Theorem 2. ☐
Corollary 2. Letbe an affine-algebra. Then the following are equivalent [6]: - (i)
is a regular ring.
- (ii)
is a projective-module.
- (iii)
The first nonzero Fitting ideal is.
Theorem 4. Letbe an affine local-algebra and T(be torsion module of[2]. Then the following statements are equivalent: - (i)
The first nonzero Fitting ideal is the principal ideal generated by a nonzero divisor of
- (ii)
and there exists an exact sequence
with free-modules of finite rank.
3. Results
Definition 3. Letbe an integral domain,be the ideal ofandbe the quotient field ofIfforthenis called a fractional ideal ofLetdenoteIf, thenis called an invertible ideal.
Definition 4. is said to be a finite projective dimension if there is a projective resolution of the form .
The minimum of the lengthsof such resolutions is called the projective dimension of. It is denoted by
Theorem 5. Letbe an integral domain anda be finitely generated ideal of. Thenis an invertible ideal if and only ifis a principal ideal for all maximal ideals of[17]. Theorem 6. Letbe an affine domain. Then the following statements are equivalent [6]:
- (i)
The first nonzero Fitting ideal is an invertible ideal.
- (ii)
is a projective-module of rankand
Proof. Since is an affine domain, we have for each An ideal in a Noetherian ring is an invertible ideal if and only if it is locally generated by a nonzero divisor. It follows from Theorem 4. ☐
Corollary 3. Letbe an affine domain andbe the universal module of rank r. Ifis an invertible ideal then[6]. Corollary 4. Letbe an affine domain. Ifis not an invertible ideal for allthenis not a regular ring [6]. Example 1. LetThenThereforeandHenceis a projective-module of rank 1 andis a regular ring.
Example 2. Letbe the coordinate ring of the. Thenwhere. It can be found the Fitting ideals ofand
whereis a free-module onandis a submodule ofgenerated byCertainly,is a free submodule onThen.
Therefore, we havea free resolution of. In this sequence the homomorphismis a matrix,which is a relation matrix of. The Fitting ideals of) are= 0 =.
Sinceand, is not a projective module andis not a regular ring by the Corollary 2 and Theorem 1.
As the same argumentwhereis a free-module on:
is generated bywhich is a submodule of Sincewe haveSois a free-module. ThenTherefore, we have,a free resolution of. Hereis the natural surjection andis given by the following matrix: This is a relation matrix ofThe Fitting ideals ofare= 0 =.
We can sayis not a projective module from Corollary 1. Hence,is not a regular ring by the Theorem 1.
Example 3. Letwhere, and. We can find the Fitting ideals of.
whereis a free-module onandis a submodule ofgenerated by, This is a relation matrix of. The Fitting ideals ofare= 0 =.
Sinceandis not a projective module, sois not a regular ring by the Corollary 2. Furthermore, we know thatin [
then from Corollary 3. is not an invertible ideal. Example 4. Let= k[x, y]/() and= k[z, t] /() be affine-algebras. Suppose thatLetbe free-module generated by the setand letbe the submodule ofgenerated by the set.
we have the following exact sequence,. Thenis a free module. Therefore the above sequence is a free resolution ofHence.
The Fitting ideal ofare, Since, thenis not projective. Sois not a regular ring. Hence,.
Letbe the freemodule generated by the set: And letbe submodule ofgenerated by: Since,
we have the following exact sequence: Sincethe generating set ofis not a basis: The Fitting ideals of are:
We know thatSince rank ofisandthenis not a projective module (i.e.,), sois not a regular ring by the Corollary 2. Hence,must be and 2.
Theorem 7. Ifandare-algebras such thatandare finitely generated [3], then, Proof. We know that from [
Using properties of the Fitting ideal of direct product of modules, then we obtain the following equality:
Now, we can give our important result as follows.
Theorem 8. Letandbe polynomial algebras,andbe affine-algebras. If, andare invertible ideals, then is an invertible ideal.
Proof. Since
, respectively, we obtain
(Proposition 2). Therefore, we have:
Now we localize these ideals at maximal ideal:
We know that and are principal ideals (Theorem 5). Therefore, we obtain that is a principal ideal. Thus is an invertible ideal. ☐
Theorem 8 can be expressed as follows:
Theorem 9. Suppose thatandbe as Theorem 8. If the first nonzero Fitting ideals ofandare invertible ideals, then the first nonzero Fitting ideal ofis an invertible ideal.
We can obtain the following result by using above the theorem.
Corollary 5. If the first nonzero Fitting ideals ofandare invertible ideals, then
Proof. Suppose that and are invertible ideals for some integers and , then is an invertible ideal from Theorem 9. Therefore is zero or one from Corollary 3. ☐