1. Introduction
Poor performances have often been recorded in project management due to its risky nature. The constant environmental changes and other external constraints have made risk management a serious issue in the construction industry [
2]. Project monitoring must be given adequate attention, (in terms of the close monitoring and detection of deviations and of taking appropriate measures to address any deviations) in order to make profit. Meanwhile, the initial stage of most construction activities focusses on budget planning, effectively neglecting the impact of changes in the engineering cost and the updating of information during construction [
3], and this has prevented an effective detection of the problems associated with project cost control. Owing to the dynamic nature of project conditions upon the commencement of a project, there is a need for a regular revision of the project budget for an effective project execution.
One of the managerial and monitoring tools used by project managers is the Earned Value Management (EVM) [
5]. The EVM can facilitate the management of the 3 critical elements of project management (scope, time, and cost) [
6]. Most project managers depend on EVM to estimate the project completion time (EAC) and to make a quick evaluation of the costs of completing scheduled project activities [
7]. The estimated EAC can help managers to determine the differences between the actual and planned projects costs to resolve any underlying problems. A brief description of the EAC process during the life of a project is displayed in
Figure 1.
The practical computation of the EAC demands that managers must first collect data relating to project cost management before using formulas to execute the calculations [
8]. The major disadvantage of using formulas for EAC calculation is the numerous available methods for EAC calculations. There are about eight EAC calculation methods in the literature [
9]; hence, it is the duty of the managers to judiciously decide the best calculation method that will suit their demands. Project costs are influenced by several factors, and each project has its own unique characteristics. Therefore, there is a need to select the best formula that will suit each case. Various regression-based approaches have been developed as an alternative to the index-based approach as advantageous methodologies for performing cost estimation activities [
12]. The determination of the estimation at completion using soft computing models where the regression problem is introduced and solved and the dependent attribute variables (typically the actual project cost) against an independent variable (a predictor, typically time) configured using nonlinear modeling solution where the respective relationship between the predictor and the response are established.
Due to the uncertain and context-dependent nature of construction projects, it is usually expensive to develop deterministic models for EAC prediction. In this case, an approximate inference which is cost effective and fast may be the viable alternative [
13]. Inference models are used to formulate new facts from historical data, and its processes adaptively changes when the historical data are altered. The human brain is naturally endowed with the capacity of inferring new facts from information previously acquired. Therefore, models which can simulate the inference ability of the human brain can be developed using artificial intelligence (AI). The concept of the AI implies that computer systems can handle complex or ill-structured problems using specialized techniques like Artificial Neural Network (ANN), fuzzy logic, or Support Vector Machine (SVM). Since AI-aided computer systems can operate as humans, it may be viable to deploy AI inference models as a tool for handling EAC problems. While trying to construct AI models to handle EAC problems, EAC forecasting has itself been found to be characterized by several uncertainties, and one of these uncertainties is the huge variable data that characterize construction costs. Besides, there are other factors that influence project cost, such as site productivity, weather, and socioeconomic constraints. The individual prediction of these factors is either tedious or near impractical. Therefore, forecasting models must be able to cope with these influencing factors to achieve a desirable EAC prediction.
Cost overrun is a common problem frequently encountered during the construction phase of a project. Hence, there is a need for a proactive monitoring of project costs to identify foreseeable problems. EAC assists project managers in the identification of potential problems and helps them to plan for the appropriate measures to address them.
The earned value management (EVM) is the predominant method applied by the project managers for the construction industry to trail the project status and to measure the performance of the project [
14]. The actual mechanism of this method is to configure the actual relationship between the planned resource and the targeted project goals. Even though the EVM method is widely implemented for project control, EVM is associated with several limitations. Numerous studies have been established to enhance the main concept of EVM.
An examination of the likeliness of organizing the data envelope analysis (DEA) approach is conducted for the evaluation of the project performances in a multi-project situation [
15]. The investigated modeling approach is performed based on EVM and the multidimensional control system. An attempt on the refinement and improvement of the performance of the conventional EVM through the introduction of statistical control chart techniques has been made by Reference [
16]. The authors established a control chart for the monitoring of the project performance through a timely detection system. Another study was performed to improve the ability of project managers to give an informative project decisions [
17]. Plaza and Turetken (2009) suggested the influence of learning on the performance of a project team through an enhanced version of EVM [
18]. Pajares and López-Paredes (2011) integrated risk management techniques with the EVM method to develop two new strategies to identify the project overruns [
19]. Despite all these attempts to improve the EVM, there are still drawbacks that require more efforts in order to come up with a better solution. Based on the latest review research on the project cost and earned value management conducted by [
20], the authors identified 455 articles on this subject and examined 187 papers in their study. The scholars classified the methodologies applied on the project cost monitoring into (i) observational analysis, (ii) extended EVM analysis, (iii) statistical analysis, (iv) artificial intelligence (AI), and (v) computerized analysis. AI models were recognized as the prevailing reliable implemented control system, yet investigations on the application of these models on project performance control are still in the early stages.
For a better visualization and analysis for the state-of-the-art AI models on cost project management,
Table 1 tabulates all the conducted studies over the past decade, with a research remark for each. AI models are presented as a reliable alternative modeling strategy to overcome the problems associated with the indexed procedures to compute the EAC. AI models are distinguished by their capability of solving complex problems by imitating the analytical capability of the human brain. Over the past thirty years, there has been a massive successful utilization of AI models in several areas of science and engineering.
Although there have been several investigations since 2008 on cost project estimation using AI models, the topic is still associated with various limitations and requires more efforts from scholars to figure out new solutions with more robust/concrete modeling strategies. Based on the presented researches in
Table 1, a few studies have been explored for EAC prediction. Also, these studies reported several limitations of the AI model, such as the black-box nature, the requirement of a significant amount of data, overfitting, models’ interaction, and time consumption [
21]. Among several AI models, the artificial neural network, support vector machine, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system have been majorly used.
A new version of ANN called extreme learning machine (ELM) model was proposed by Reference [
22]. Over the past three years, the ELM model has been improved and applied to multiple engineering applications and with more applicability for solving complex problems characterized by non-linear and stochasticity behaviors [
24]. The massive and solid implementation of the ELM model encouraged the main authors of this current research to develop this model for EAC simulation with the aim of achieving a robust expert system for construction project management sustainability.
Based on the identified limitations of the existing AI models, it is highly encouraging to explore more reliable, robust, and trustful methodologies to solve the project cost overruns during project execution. Historical data were collected from several construction projects and used to inspect the predictability of the proposed model. The projects’ information was used to set up the trend of a project cost flow and the relationship between the project EAC and monthly costs we mapped based on historical knowledge and experience. The research objectives are summarized in threefold:
A new intelligence model called extreme learning machine was introduced to the model EAC.
The predictability of the ELM model in computing EAC was validated against the traditional artificial neural network.
The predictive ELM model was improved by input attribute optimization approaches called global harmony search and brute force for the identification of the factors that significantly affect project cost.
Overall, the research explored a new modeling strategy based on the coupled intelligence model which can assist project managers in making decisions.
3. Results and Discussions
This section presents the applicability of the hybrid predictive models (i.e., ELM, ANN, GHS-ELM, GHS-ANN, BF-ELM, and BF-ANN) for simulating the estimation at completion of construction projects. As a concluding stage of the prediction process, the data cost of the selected projects was determined by computing the differences between the planned and actual costs for each month. The applied intelligence models were used to compute the mathematical relationship between nine attributes (the abstracted input combinations) and the targeted variable (EAC). The applied hybrid models were used in this computation process to overcome the challenges of the classical indexed formulations. Worth to mention, the hybrid intelligence models have been proven to simulate the human intelligence in finding solutions to complex real-life problems.
From the table, the ELM was observed to achieve a better prediction performance compared to the ANN model. Quantitatively, the ELM achieved RMSE-MAE and NSE-R values of 0.149–0.076 and 0.578–0.816, while the ANN model achieved RMSE-MAE and NSE-R values of 0.208–0.103 and 0.176–0.503. The ELM model presented a notable improvement in the performance compared to the classical data-intelligence ANN model. This has satisfied the first aim of this research where the new model was introduced to the construction engineering field as a reliable solution for calculating EAC.
The input selection approach was mainly incorporated into the predictive model to explore the predominant combination of inputs that correlate to the EAC magnitude. This is mainly important in the recognition of the main influencing factors which can bring about differences in the EAC results as the project progresses. The ELM and ANN model were hybridized with a modern input variable selection approach called global harmony search to search for the suitable input combination. In this article, the BF algorithm input selection was used as a benchmark to the performance of the GHS algorithm.
Table 4 and
Table 5 respectively presents the input combinations and the outcome of the prediction task using the hybrid GHS-ELM model.
A review of the results in
Table 5 showed that Model 2 achieved an excellent EAC prediction using a combination of CV, SV, and SPI variables as the inputs for the prediction process. The model achieved the least RMSE-MAE values of 0.080–0.046 and the best-fit-goodness NSE-R values of 0.876–0.96.
The hybridized BF-ELM model showed a different prediction performance (
Table 6 and
Table 7) in terms of the 7 input variables (CV, SV, CPI, SPI, Subcontractor billed index, Change order index, and CCI). At its optimal performance, it presented a minimum
RMSE value of approximately 0.043 and
R approximately 0.98 using only the CV and SV parameters.
The performance of the BF-ELM model was better than that of GHS-ELM model, but it should be noted that the BF-ELM model required more execution time to abstract the internal relationship between the predictors and the predicted. The results of the input combinations variables and the prediction performances of the GHS-ANN are displayed in
Table 8 and
Table 9, respectively.
The optimum input combination of the GHS-ANN model was performed using the 3rd combination by including the CV, CPI, SPI, and CCI variables. On the other hand, BF-ANN allocates its best predictability using the 2nd input combination by incorporating the CV, SV, and CPI variables. For more convenience, a comparative analysis was performed between the GHS-ELM and GHS-ANN models and the BF-ELM and BF-ANN models. The comparison of the GHS-ELM and GHS-ANN models showed that the GHS-ELM model was superior in terms of significant improvements based on the quantitative measurables. There was a reduction in the RMSE-MAE values by 25.8–23.1%, while the NSE-R values were enhanced by 8–6.2%. This demonstrated the suitability of the GHS-ELM model in establishing the relationship between the project elements and the EAC phenomena.
Another way of evaluation usually used to visualize the predictive models’ capability is scatter plot. The scatter plot or the variation from the best fit line is a graphical way of representing the relationship between actual and predicted values.
Figure 3,
Figure 4 and
Figure 5 showed the deviation from the ideal 45° line for the ELM and ANN, for the GHS-ELM and GHS-ANN, and for the BF-ELM and BF-ANN models, respectively.
This is evidence of a perfect agreement between the performance of the hybrid intelligent model over the classical one. A graphical representation of the three metrics (standard deviation, correlation, and root mean square error) was presented in
Figure 6 (this figure is referred to as the Taylor Diagram).
With this diagram, it is easier to determine the optimal combination of model inputs based on the distance from the observed EAC benchmarking data. As shown in
Figure 6, ELM was more accurate compared to ANN in terms of the level of correlation and the standard deviation whereas the hybrid GHS-ELM model showed that Model 2 achieved a closer prediction value to the actual EAC. On the other hand, the GHS-ANN model achieved the best input variables with Model 3. The modeling in general does not show a consistence in the input variability due to the nature of the studied problem. In conclusion, the main contribution of this study is that it highlighted the effectiveness of the hybrid GHS-ELM model which is comprised of the input selection optimizer and ELM as the predictive model. The proposed GHS-ELM is a robust framework which can contribute to the monitoring of engineering project costs by assisting the project managers in monitoring the completion cost of an ongoing project.